I Really Am Not The Lord of Demon

Chapter 67: Spiritual words


In the southern suburbs of Jiangcheng City, the Federal Army Experimental Base is thirty floors underground.

Layers of lead sheets surrounded a small room, making it airtight.

On the lead plate, there are talisman formations drawn one by one.

In the center of each talisman array is a crystal as big as an egg.

These crystals were taken out from those extremely vicious monsters.

It is the trophy of the Black Guard.

It is also the best source of energy for the talisman array.

Such large crystals can only be formed in the bodies of demons above the rank of major.

Following Situ He's order, the staff present began to withdraw.

Soon, all the people in the lead room were evacuated.

Then, the heavy lead door began to close automatically.

So, follow the pre-set procedures.

The cameras in the lead room began to charge and entered working status.

"Ling Yi is ready!" A notification from the command center came through the headset.

On the screen of the general control center, a corner of the lead-frame house appeared on it.

"Ling Er is ready!"

The camera from another angle shows working fine.

"Ling San is ready!" All the data in the lead plate room began to appear on the big screen.

Including air humidity, ingredients, psychic reaction data, life signal tracking, audio recording...

So everyone stood up.

Looking at the big screen nervously and uneasily.

On the screen, a talisman wrapped in a brocade bag was quietly placed in a glass cover with a bulletproof design.

A vague spiritual light flows from the talisman paper.

That was the talisman blessed by the Governor of the Black Guard himself.

"Let's start!" Zhang Hui said softly to Situ He.

"Start!" Situ He picked up the communicator and ordered.

Click click click.

A sound appeared on the screen.

The ground parted and a cage rose from the ground.

There was a huge white python in the cage.

It is at least ten meters long and may weigh more than half a ton.

It is unimaginable that nature in subtropical areas can breed such huge pythons.

The most eye-catching thing about this python is not its size, but the small horn crest growing out of its head.

Red horn crown.

This means that it has broken away from the biological category of snakes.

Became another kind of creature - a snake.

A snake turns into a snake after five hundred years, a dragon turns into a dragon after five hundred years, and a dragon turns into a dragon after a thousand years.

Therefore, it already has intelligence.

So as soon as he appeared, he frantically hit the cage with his horned crown.

Bang bang bang!

It opened its huge mouth, revealing the sharp fangs hidden in its mouth.

hold head high! hold head high! hold head high!

It roared, demonstrating like a human being.

If it were in ancient times, it might have been worshiped and sacrificed by people because of its huge size and intelligence that was no less than human.

Enjoy blood food and offerings.

Then it gets a stable space to grow, and finally sets off a huge flood, flooding the cities along the way, taking away millions of lives, and turns into a dragon in the sky.

Unfortunately, it was born at the wrong time!

Snakes and dragons are the top five on the Federal Empire's Category A prevention and control list.

He is a demon who is captured when discovered and killed when he resists.

Since the revival of spiritual energy, the black-clothed guards have captured and killed at least more than 300 dragons and thousands of snakes in the rivers and lakes of the empire.

The attitude of the federal empire is very clear—want to flood my city and eat my people

Then I will strike first, pull out your skin and cramp your tendons!

Of course, if these snakes and dragons are smarter, they take the initiative to cooperate with the federal empire.

He honestly applied to the federal center for a training place.

Then, the empire center will not kill them all.

Instead, a wetland will be set aside as a protected area.

Allow it to live in it, practice, develop and grow.

They just need to undergo regular inspections by black guards to ensure that they are not using magic illegally or illegally affecting civilians.

And they also need to respond to the call-up order from the center and serve the federal empire.

For example, in the Imperial Department of Marine Fisheries Affairs, there are several dragons who hold the position of 'Standing Committee Member of the Federal Marine Fisheries Development Committee'.

A dragon with a flexible mind, he even founded an offshore fishery company, went public and became the chairman. He made so much money that his hands cramped, and he didn't even want to go back to the wetlands. He spent all day in the imperial capital's wine pond and meat forest.

But obviously, this white snake's mind is not that clear.

It was charged with seventeen counts including murder, vandalism on federal waterways, and public property.

In the Black Guard's heterogeneous court, he was pronounced guilty in court, deprived of all rights, and allowed the Black Guard to dispose of freely within the framework of federal laws and systems.

Seventeen heterogeneous representatives, including Chairman Jiaolong, attended its trial.

After the trial, it was transferred to the Black Guard Demon and Alien Research Institute.

To put it simply, they serve as guinea pigs.

Contribute to the development of psychic science in the Federation.

"I don't know whether to live or die!" Situ He sneered and pressed a button.

Click, click, click!

The glass cover opens to all sides.

The brocade bag contained in it was revealed.

A long metal arm dropped from the top of the lead house.

The psychic energy was released from its probe, unlocking the talisman in the bag and releasing the mana stored in it.

As a result, this piece of talisman floated out of the brocade bag and floated in mid-air.

The sounds recorded in it were also released.

That was the sound Zhang Hui and Situ He started recording as soon as they stepped into the fog.

Click, click, click...

At first, the background sound was chaotic.

Only some footsteps could be heard vaguely.

But soon, these background sounds began to fade away.

Because a voice came from it.

"Guest, you are really trustworthy..."

It was the voice of the master in the mist.

It sounded like an easy-going young man greeting a friend he had just met.


This sentence, when heard by everyone present, had a different feeling.

His meaning is being re-constructed by the brain.

As a result, an indescribable feeling arises from the heart of everyone.

Situ He and Zhang Hui seemed to have the feeling of standing in the vast starry sky, facing the bright and gorgeous galaxies, and feeling the most essential rules and changes of the universe.

Goosebumps sprouted from every patch of their skin.

Teeth, bones, and blood all seemed to be affected by some terrible force.

This is the result of them using various means to isolate most of the influence as much as possible, and using various technical means to first convert the audio into code and then use software to restore it.

But in that lead-frame house, there were not so many measures to protect the white snake facing the sound.

In an instant, a terrifying change appeared from this snake demon.

First, there were sarcomas, vying to grow out of its skin and flesh.

But on the screen, it was nowhere to be seen.

Instead, he curled up his body, like a student listening to a teacher, and listened attentively to the voice coming from the talisman paper.

"Please sit inside quickly..." A new voice came out.

Situ He and Zhang Hui only felt that their flesh and blood was squirming a little bit, as if they were trying to get out of their bodies and become new individuals independently.

But at the same time, they had a new experience.

Many of the problems that have troubled them before.

Things that I have always been unable to understand seem to have answers at this moment.

They all felt that as long as they practiced immediately, they could achieve a breakthrough.

"I know! I know!"

A researcher in a white coat suddenly jumped up and shouted crazily: "So that's it! So that's it!"

His hair danced on top of his head.

Terrible, bud-like things were growing out from between those hairs.

But he didn't notice.

Still dancing like crazy.

Then, another staff member raised his head and shouted with red eyes: "This is what I want..."

"That's what I'm looking for!"

"What a brilliant idea!"

"What a perfect idea!"

"This is the future of science!"

But he had no idea that his skin and flesh were becoming deformed bit by bit.

Zhang Hui and Situ He turned a blind eye to these situations.

In their eyes, they even think that all this is normal.

Totally reasonable.

The two of them looked at each other.

"I understand!" Zhang Hui said: "It turns out that I have been walking on the wrong path..."

"Me too!" Situ He also said: "How stupid I am! How insignificant!"

"Now, I finally know the real truth!"

As a result, the entire control center was filled with crazy and terrifying thoughts.

Everyone fell into fanatical and irreversible madness.

Driven mad by the terrifying thoughts they were exposed to, crazy by the cosmic truths they heard.

The white snake on the screen immediately underwent a terrifying change.

The tumors that emerged from its body expanded rapidly, tearing its flesh, fur, and internal organs into pieces.

This turned it into a squirming sarcoma that was crawling crazily in the cage.

These sarcomas further deformed and turned into things like slugs in the sea.

Then, these things began to fight, bite, and devour each other.

Eventually, they turned into a pile of corrosive flesh.


The solid floor was corroded to create a huge pit several meters deep.

at this time.

A talisman paper that had been pasted on the lintel of the general control center suddenly lit up.

Immediately it burned violently.

A small figure stepped out of the fire.

He looked at all this and sighed.

Then he raised his head and whispered softly: "Bang!"

The small figure then shattered.

It turned into a little bit of light, lingering in the entire control center.

They first cut off the signals of all screens and the power of all instruments to isolate those crazy sounds.

Then these light spots surround everyone.

Gradually, people began to wake up.

They looked around in confusion, apparently forgetting what they had just seen and heard.

"Captain..." Zhang Hui, who woke up, couldn't help but screamed when he looked at the light spots lingering around him.

"You are too careless..." A voice came from the loudspeaker of the main control center: "Fortunately, I arranged a distraction here in advance, and relied on the disintegration distraction to finally protect you!"

"You mean..." Zhang Hui asked excitedly.

It is not easy for a governor to have a distraction.

"It doesn't matter!" said the voice on the loudspeaker: "I will rest for half a year and I will probably be able to recover!"

"Immediately send someone to the lead room to collect the talisman and send it to the secret vault in the Imperial Capital for sealing until I come back to deal with it!"

"Captain!" Zhang Hui finally remembered what happened just now, and he asked with lingering fear: "Why not just destroy it?"

"I have read your report..."

"That person in the mist will never give us a second chance to record his voice!"

"So, this is the only channel we have now to study and understand him..."

"Even if there is a risk, we will take it!"

"Besides..." he said, "I was distracted because I was also listening just now..."

"After my distracted assessment..."

"The sound stored in the talisman... Under the protection level you just set, ordinary people can listen to one word at most without risk..."

"Major general or above, you can listen to me..."

"And my distraction can probably be heard for four or five sentences..."

“So, it’s a treasure trove!”

"As long as it is verified that it is indeed within the tolerance range..."

"Then, the federal empire's psychic research and extraordinary strength are about to usher in a blowout period!"

"so… "

"Execute my orders!"

"Set the words of the master in the mist as 'spiritual language' and list them as top secret. After further research and confirmation, volunteers will be arranged to start learning..."

"Yes!" Zhang Hui immediately obeyed the order.

As a senior member of Black Guard, Zhang Hui has access to top secrets that many others cannot.

So he knew that as the spiritual energy tide intensified.

More and more ancient gods will resurrect.

There will also be more and more heterogeneous awakenings.

Against the tide of this era, the Federation Empire wants to continue to protect its people.

The Black Guards must continue to remain strong!