I Really Am Not The Lord of Demon

Chapter 7: Mechanical Gospel


Elizabeth watched the strange man gradually walk back into the light from the abyss of darkness.

When he reappeared, the weirdo already had an extra book in his hand.

A book that seemed to be wrapped in some kind of metal.

The cover of the book shook a little.

There seemed to be an engine roaring and a turbine burning.

Just looking at the book, Elizabeth felt inexplicably awe and envy.

She had not tasted these two emotions for a long time.

She looked at the weirdo nervously, walked up to her step by step, and then handed over the book.

"Guest, this is the holy book of steel and the gospel of machinery!" Lingpingan smiled and handed the setting collection in his hand to the fat sheep in front of him, and couldn't wait to promote it.

He is very clear and understands that players who are deeply involved in the game need to match their interests and preferences as much as possible.

Therefore, he tried his best to imitate the tone of "Stars" players discussing on the forum.

"Open it and you can see the truth!"

"Open it and a whole new world is right in front of you!"

"Open it, and the never-ending machine will take care of you!"

Elizabeth's biochemical nano-cochlea echoed with the weirdo's bewildering language.

"This is the holy scripture of steel, the gospel of machinery!" In the grand sacred words, the book was handed to Elizabeth's hands, and a power that could not be refused made her take the book involuntarily.

Starting with it, there is a cold, cruel steel texture.

Just the first touch.

Elizabeth seemed to be immersed in a world of steel.

The engine is roaring, the hydraulic press is forging, and hot solution flows from the huge crucible.

It is the temple and paradise of machinery.

Materialistic world.

Lowering her head, she saw on the silver-white cover, words that flowed like steel solution, appearing bit by bit on the cover. At the same time, the name of the book was engraved deep in her brain, and even directly in her mind. Imprints are left in the quantum master brain under the frontal lobe of the brain.

"The Mechanical Gospel".

That's the name of this book.

"Open it and you can see the truth!"

"Open it and a whole new world is right in front of you!"

"Open it, and the never-ending machine will take care of you!"

The weirdo's voice continued to rise.

Just like the arias of an opera, it is full of inexplicable and strange beauty and full of bewitchment.

Elizabeth could not control herself at all.

Trembling, she carefully opened the cover.

Suddenly, her quantum mastermind began to overload crazily.

The biochemical and mechanical components in the body that had been dormant for a long time restarted one by one.

Each nano-biochemical machine seemed to have intelligence, frantically transmitting countless information back to the main brain.

The main brain seemed to be invaded by something, and there was a moment of lag at that moment.

After the jam ended, the only message sent to Elizabeth's brain was a hymn-like hymn.

"Ring the bell once, push the lever, and start the piston and engine!"

"Toll the bell twice, press the button, the engine ignites, the turbine ignites, and life is injected..."

"Ring the bell three times..."

"Let us praise together!"

"Praise machinery, praise steel!"

"The great spirit of all opportunities!"

"You are the Lord who molds all things, and you are also the apocalypse who destroys everything!"

“More is better, big is beautiful!”

"Evaporate! Burn! Cast!"

"Steel is eternal, machinery is eternal!"

Elizabeth was in a trance, and all her intelligence was taken away.

She completely surrendered to this majestic hymn.

Because, she already knew that she had found the truth and knew the true Savior.

That is the spirit of all opportunities.

The god born in steel, the immortal in machinery.

His mind is big enough to accept all believers, and His supreme power is big enough to protect any believer!

He is one and He is ten thousand.

Yes and no!

Therefore, Elizabeth trembled, held the holy book in her hand, and said with great piety: "Flesh and blood are weak, but steel is eternal!"

What a beautiful hymn.

What a sacred tribute!

Lingpingan looked at the foreign woman in front of him who was holding "Stars: Mechanical Ascension Official Setting Collection" and suddenly swore with a chuuniu aura: "Flesh and blood are weak, but steel is eternal!"

"Are you going to be so exaggerated?" Lingpingan couldn't help complaining: "It's just a game..."

But think about it carefully, the world is so big, is there any problem with something weird happening

Why do you care so much about other people's affairs

Sell the book, make money, and eat an extra bowl of tofu bread tomorrow morning, that's the right thing to do!

Lingpingan stepped forward and continued to fool around like a magic stick: "The way of steel is materialistic, because machinery is the truth!"

"That's it!"

"Namo Gatling Bodhisattva is also the same!"

"It is the Holy Father, the Holy Mother, and the Holy Spirit!"

"The billions of turrets are its glory, and the roaring engines are its sermons!"

"We should walk in its path, just like machines walking on the earth, engines roaring and steel forged!"

Not to mention, this trick is really useful.

The foreign woman just listened and began to tremble.

She seemed to be deeper into the drama.

Lingpingan looked extremely satisfied.

Based on the fact that the customer is God, moreover, we may need more of these foreigners to consume in the future.

Especially the purpose of bringing more customers to consume.

Lingpingan said softly: "The gospel of machinery is not priceless. Just like the roar of the engine and the starting of the turbine, fuel is needed!"

"So, child, are you willing to pay the price to get the enlightenment of this gospel and the blessing of steel?" Lingpingan followed the temptation. In his opinion, this setting collection only sold for two hundred and twenty-five yuan, which is really good. Conscientious price!

"The way of steel is materialistic, because machinery is the truth..."

The strange voice, loud and strange, echoed directly in Elizabeth's electronic cochlea, transformed into an information flow, broadcast from the quantum master brain, and directly heard by her brain.

"It's Him who is the winner!"

"Namo Gatling Bodhisattva is also Him!"

"He is the Holy Father, the Holy Mother, and the Holy Spirit!"

"The billions of turrets are His glory, and the roar of the engines is His sermon!"

“We should walk in His ways, like machines walking on the earth, engines roaring, steel forged!”

The magnificent aria made Elizabeth completely captivated and surrendered.

The quantum mastermind and all biochemical machinery were completely conquered in this magnificent sermon.

This made Elizabeth's already mechanized mind become excited again.

Just like a fully charged motor or an engine filled with fuel.

She couldn't help but tremble and get excited.

At this time, the weirdo's voice echoed in the electronic cochlea again.

"The gospel of machinery is not priceless. Just like the roar of an engine and the starting of a turbine, fuel is needed!"

"So... child, are you willing to pay the price to get this mechanical gospel, the blessing of steel?"

Elizabeth felt the voice transforming into a flow of information. She trembled and replied: "I do!"

"I'd give anything to get it!"

Her hands clasped the Gospel in her hands.

Because that is indeed the real truth.

It is also the last hope of mankind.

Therefore, she raised her head, like a young bird looking at its parent bird, and begged: "Please be sure to teach me this gospel!"

"It's really deep into the play!" Lingpingan sighed as he looked at the foreigner in front of him.

Since the other party is so deeply involved in the drama.

So, it seems a bit unjustifiable not to cooperate.

Then, Lingpingan smiled: "Child, if you want to get this mechanical gospel and the blessing of steel, then you must offer your most precious treasure!"

He chuckled and stretched out his hand: "Chenghui, two hundred and twenty-five yuan!"

Look at the stretched out hand.

Elizabeth's quantum mastermind, crazy analysis.

"Chenghui, two hundred and twenty-five yuan..."


money? !

Elizabeth looked at the strange man, at his head hidden in the mist, and in the dark eyes, little sparks gradually became brighter.

Her quantum mastermind immediately called the police frantically.

She finally knew that she was facing a life-or-death choice.

This strange man, who was probably the evil god among evil gods, finally showed his fangs.

Past cases have proven that evil gods or similar beings come out of the void.

Their actions, their thoughts, their purpose and even their very existence.

They are all incomprehensible and incomprehensible to humans.

Anyone who rushes to understand them will only end up being distorted by that crazy thought.

And would such an existence need currency

In other words, is the currency He wants a currency understood by humans

Holding the Mechanical Gospel in her hand tightly, Elizabeth gasped nervously.

At this moment, her quantum mastermind suddenly sent a stream of information to her brain.

After Elizabeth saw the information flow, she took a deep breath. She had no choice but to accept the option given by the mastermind.

Because, at least, it is still a choice.

She took out the Evil God's Crystal from herself.

The light cyan crystal is round and smooth, full of artistic beauty.

She took off the watch she carried with her from her wrist.

Then, she handed over these two things, the only things she could take out, tremblingly.

"I'm sorry!" Elizabeth tried her best to slow down her voice and said extremely nervously: "I don't have the 'money' you want..."

Indeed not.

Because she had no idea what 'currency' the weirdo in front of her was asking for

It is even more unimaginable to imagine what kind of currency such an existence would require.

All she could do was try her best.

Hopefully, this weirdo will be what the mastermind guessed.

would be willing to accept her humble offering and promise to give her a chance to raise the 'money' He needed.

"I can only temporarily deduct these two items to you!"

"I hope to get your permission to sell this gospel, the sacred book of mechanical truth, to me..."

"I promise and swear that I will bring enough 'money' to repay your great kindness today in the future!"

This is the only way to survive.

Tell this 'weirdo'.

She is willing to take on the debt and vows to bring back enough 'money' to repay it in the future.

Lingpingan looked at what was handed over.

A cyan crystal of unknown material, the size of an oval.

What appears to be a ring watch.

However, he couldn't understand the letters and numbers engraved on the ring.

After all, foreign language majors in the Federation have always been majors that diplomats or employees of foreign trade companies would apply for.

A scumbag who graduated from an ordinary Category B university like Lingpingan can only recognize twenty-four foreign letters.

In addition, my impression and understanding of foreign countries are really pitiful!

There is nothing we can do about this.

Lingpingan looked at the foreign woman.

Chu Chu's pitiful appearance made him feel a little soft-hearted.

"After all, the Federation has been a country of etiquette since ancient times..." he thought, "and this foreign woman doesn't look like the kind of person who would default on her debt..."

So, he nodded.

He took what the other party handed him.

Then he took out a notepad from the counter.

Asking the other person: "What's your name?"

"Elizabeth..." The other party seemed to hesitate for a moment before replying.

"Where are you from?"

“The United States of America…”

"Huh?" Lingpingan frowned. He had never heard of this country, but few foreign countries and the general public in the Federation could recognize them all.

So, he shrugged and wrote it down in his notes.

Then, he looked at the other person and handed the pen over: "Sign here!" He pointed to a blank space on the notepad and said.

Although, Lingpingan could actually let her take the book away and pay her back tomorrow.

However, this kind of guarding against others is indispensable.

Therefore, it is only natural to collect some mortgage.

Elizabeth looked at the book-like thing that was handed over with trepidation.

In her eyes, she saw a pair of evil eyes emerging from the book.

In the electronic cochlea, low murmurs echoed.

She took a proffered pen.

She knew that this might be the legendary contract.

But she had no choice but to passively accept it.

So, she picked up the pen and left her name on the book.


After writing the last letter, she seemed to collapse and lost all strength.

But it seemed as if he was relieved, and his whole body was filled with joy.

The weirdo watched her sign her name, then handed her the Evil God's Crystal and the Ring Form, and received them in what seemed to be a drawer.

Then, he turned around, and the sparks in his dark eyes gradually faded away.

"Remember to redeem yourself early!" the weirdo warned.

Elizabeth nodded vigorously, and then asked: "Excuse me, how can I earn the 'money' you want?"

This is what concerns her most.

Can His currency be understandable to humans

"Excuse me, how can I earn the money you want?"

Lingpingan listened to the questions of the foreign woman in front of him and knew that the other woman was still immersed in her own world.

However, since she is willing to do so.

Then, Lingpingan would not interrupt the other party's fantasy rashly.

After organizing his words a little, Lingpingan smiled and said: "Of course, use machinery and steel to seize it from the evil god and his minions!"

The background of Stars is that in the future era, the ancient evil god in the universe has awakened.

Along with the awakening of these ancient evil gods, there are also enemies of the evil gods returning from distant galaxies.

A story about human beings who are caught in the middle and are forced to follow the three ultimate paths of machinery, psychic energy and genes.

But in fact, the so-called evil gods and ancient alien civilizations are just cash machines and equipment providers for players.

Many players make money and make ends meet by working in the game.

"Of course, use machinery and steel to seize it from the evil god and his minions!"

The magnificent sound sounded directly from the electronic cochlea and was directly transmitted to Elizabeth's brain.

This struck her like a lightning strike.

The whole person was instantly excited.

"Sure enough... the mastermind's judgment is correct!"

"He..." Elizabeth looked at the strange man in awe: "He must be the enemy of the Void Evil God!"

So, Elizabeth bowed deeply and respectfully: "I will definitely obey your will!"

Although I still can't figure out what currency He wants, exactly


Destroying the evil gods, cleaning up their minions, and bringing the world back on track is the ultimate ideal of every human being!

If you can do this, even if you cooperate with a more terrifying existence, what does it matter

"I will definitely obey your will!"

Lingpingan looked at the foreign woman in front of him who seemed to be going crazy when she was in the drama, shrugged slightly, and then said: "Then let's do it!"

He looked outside the door and saw that the fog was still thick.

Lingpingan thought for a while, took out a flashlight from the drawer, and handed it to the other party: "It's a bit foggy outside, take this... go home early!"

Elizabeth took the offered flashlight.

She didn't quite understand what this thing did.

This backward creation of the old era had already been eliminated before the Void Storm.

But she took it anyway.

Then he bowed to the weird man again, held the book in his hand tightly, and walked out of this weird and magical bookstore.

Thick fog enveloped the entire world, making it impossible for her to determine her direction.

In a daze, Elizabeth subconsciously turned on the flashlight in her hand.

Strong light shines out, and the road ahead gradually becomes clear.

"It turns out..." Elizabeth thought: "To leave here, you must get the token and permission from the owner of the bookstore..."

"This flashlight is just a certificate..."

"Perhaps..." She looked at the flashlight in her hand: "In the future, I can still hold it, walk into the fog again, ask for help from the owner of the bookstore, and get his gifts and help!"

She held the flashlight and walked in the direction she came from.

In the electric light, the road gradually became clear.

Soon, she walked to the place where the Moon Demon's descendant had been stepped on.

On the ground, not even a single trace of the once huge descendant of the evil god disappeared.

She turned around, and the light in the depths of the mist seemed to go out.

The whole world is empty and dark.

There was only the light from the flashlight in her hand.