I Really Am Not The Lord of Demon

Chapter 74: Delise's divination


Delise clapped her hands.

Several slim girls like her, wearing saris, walked in from somewhere in the castle.

These girls almost all look like twins.

Their appearance and age are almost the same.

They lined up and knelt down in front of Delise.

Then, several majestic gypsy men came in carrying a white bull statue made of silver.

The men put down the lifelike, carved white bull statue and stepped back to the sides.

At the same time, he muttered some sentences of unknown meaning.

As they chanted, the white bull carved from silver emitted a red light.

These lights enveloped the girl and the men.

These men actually did not die from blood loss.

At this time, everyone who saw the door nodded slightly.

"Ms. Delise's divination skills have taken another step forward!" A voice praised: "Maybe it won't be long before we call you Duchess!"

Qin Lu hasn’t had a cursed duke for a long time!

Because the last cursed Duke was punched to death by the man from the East in Kunlun State.

My head is still hanging on an ancient mountain range in Kunlun Prefecture.

Since then, Qin Lu's curse school has encountered a major fault.

Delise smiled when she heard the compliment, then took out a crystal ball, then gently threw it up into the red light.

The crystal ball is suspended in it.

Then, Delis walked to the broken oil lamp, picked up a little lamp oil, and smeared it on the forehead of each girl.

Then she bit her finger, squeezed out the blood from her finger, and flicked it toward the crystal ball drop by drop.

So, the girls stood up swayingly and with twinkling eyes.

The wounds on the throats of the majestic men were gradually healed by some kind of force.

This makes these men extremely energetic and excited.

"Tell me..." Delise asked these men who were gradually losing their minds: "Where is Sherlock?"

All the men's heads turned at the same time.

They face east.

He yelled out a place name: "The Daxia Federal Empire, the Black Guard Underground Forensic Room in Jiangcheng City, Guangnan Governor's Region!"

A broken corpse lying in the underground forensic room also appeared in the crystal ball.

It was Sherlock.

Everyone looked at each other.

"Why did Sherlock go to the East?"

"Go to that country?!"

The mainland of the Daxia Federation Empire in the east is a forbidden land for everyone.

No one dares to venture there unless necessary.

Because once discovered, no matter how strong you are, you can't escape.

It doesn't even need the governor of the Black Guards to take action. Just the masters of the Black Guards in that country and the temporary Black Guard members in the opposition are enough to play anyone in the hall until they want to die.

Not to mention, there are always a few rail guns they deploy in space synchronous orbits, ready to fire at any time.

This is a sharp sword hanging over everyone's head.

It was also a shock of silence.

But no one thought that he was living happily, and suddenly a tungsten rod fell from the sky and hit his head.

It’s so sour and refreshing, everyone who has tried it says it’s good!

The only problem is…

Hasn’t the Great Xia Federation Empire always hated the Curse School and related aliens the most

All the people from their local victory-weary school have been driven out and killed.

Even the Gu masters and related extraordinary beings in the surrounding areas are almost all banned.

The reason is simply that the successive governors of the Daxia Federation Empire believed that curses, victory, and voodoos were all evil arts. All related extraordinary spells were slowly learned and grown through experiments by civilians.

Therefore, they severely punished all curses, aversion to victory, and those related to bewitching under their rule.

Now, have the Xia people changed their policies

Everyone shook their heads.

Because they know that this must be impossible.

The captain of the black-clad guard, as well as the others in front of him, are all tough-headed.

As a powerful transcendent, the chosen one among humans.

But all he thinks about are the common people!

In that country, if a transcendent kills a civilian, he actually needs to go to court! ? You may even be sentenced to death!

It’s simply unreasonable!

However, the vast majority of extraordinary people in that country think this is very reasonable!

What a lunatic!

"Dalys, can you tell who killed Shylock?" the broken puppet asked.

Delise said seriously: "I'll give it a try!"

"But there may be risks!"

"After all, I am facing a curse master who may be far better than me!"

"Even if he is defenseless and I forcefully spy on him, it may cause his psychic counterattack!"

"Every curse master is an expert in the soul field!"

"So, I have to make arrangements again!"

With that said, Delise took out an exquisite puppet.

The stuffed doll is stuffed with hair taken from her head.

This was a life-saving treasure specially prepared for her by her mother.

I have saved her many times.

Delise carefully levitated the puppet, then pricked her tongue with a needle and took out a drop of blood from the tip of her tongue.

She pinched the drop of blood and muttered something.

Behind her, tarot cards began to be opened one after another.

Finally, a tarot card materialized in her hands.

The second of the twenty-two Major Arcana cards, the Magician!

A magician is a fool who fools fools and a fool who fools the world.

Delise smeared the blood from the tip of her tongue onto the card, then pinched it hard to shatter the card, turning it into little dots of light that surrounded the rag doll.

In this way, she used the power of tarot cards to fool the curse master.

He mistakenly thought that it was the ragdoll that was spying on him.

This makes possible counterattacks borne by the ragdoll.

After doing all this, Delise smiled, gently put her hand to her mouth and blew a breath.

This breath blew towards the crystal ball.

The next second.

Magnificent light bloomed from the crystal ball.