I Really Am Not The Lord of Demon

Chapter 77: Malin Crisis


It's almost dawn now.

Off the coast of Songjiang Prefecture, a yacht was slowly sailing in the pre-dawn ocean. The rich young man, who had just finished a bottle of Moutai and was so drunk that he had almost forgotten about himself, rested on the plump thigh of a young model. As the sea breeze blew, he felt that life was boring and boring.

"I really want some excitement..."

"But I've already tried it all..."

"I got tired of feeding horses, chopping firewood, and traveling around the world before I was twenty..."

"Delicacies from mountains and seas, young models and stars, it makes me sick just thinking about it..."

"Alas..." He looked up to the sky and asked, "Why can't I have more color in my life?"

Suddenly, he froze.

Because, out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of a burly figure, walking slowly forward on the waves of the sea.

He immediately stood up and looked excitedly in the direction just now.

However, there was nothing.

The sea was quiet.

"Master Quan..." The young model's soft arms hugged him and she said sweetly, "Come to play with me..."

The rich young man no longer had the slightest desire to play.

He turned back to the man driving the boat and shouted: "Old Chen! Old Chen!"

"Hey!" The boatman responded immediately: "What are your orders, Master?!"

"I want to become a monk!" The rich young man said loudly: "Hurry up and make arrangements for me!"

If he hadn't been dazzled just now, then the figure walking on the waves must be a monk.

This made the rich man inexplicably excited, as if he had found a new world.

The martial arts of Shaolin Temple, the magical skills of Mount Wutai...

All kinds of things he saw on TV appeared in his mind.

"There really is another side to this world that I don't know about!"

He decided that he must become a disciple and learn magical skills!

"Okay!" The man driving the boat agreed without even thinking, and then asked: "Sir, do you want to go to Putuo Temple or Lingyin Temple?"

“The chairman has shares in both temples!”

"If you go, I will definitely arrange a first seat for you!"

The rich young man's face immediately froze.

Shares… First Block…

He sighed, turned around and hugged the young model.

"I must have been dazzled just now..." He said: "This world is still so boring and boring..."

"Alas..." Tears of dissatisfaction flowed from the corners of his eyes.

The burly monk walked slowly on the waves.

He holds a copper bowl in his left hand, a Zen staff in his right hand, and is covered with a red cassock.

The treasure is solemn and compassionate.

He seemed to be walking very slowly.

But in fact, with every step one takes, one is already hundreds or even thousands of steps away.

Therefore, in just a few hours, he appeared on the east coast of Kunlun Prefecture.

He stood in the turbulent waves of the ocean, clasping his hands: "Amitabha, the two donors, the poor monk has found you!"

At this time, the sun still did not rise on the east coast of Kunlun Prefecture.

It's still five o'clock in the morning local time.

Lingpingan opened his eyes.

It was broad daylight outside.

He rubbed his aching temples. He worked hard until two o'clock last night before going to bed.

As a result, I lay down until I was asleep but couldn't fall asleep. I didn't fall asleep until around three o'clock or almost four o'clock.

Naturally, I got up late.

But there was no business anyway.

So he shrugged, then walked to the bathroom, washed himself briefly, and then walked down the stairs.


The kitten Best, who had been waiting for him at the stairs for a long time, jumped on his shoulder and rubbed it affectionately.

"Little darling, are you hungry?" Lingpingan held it down and poured some cat food into its plate.

Then the store door was opened.

By this time, it was already past ten o'clock in the morning.

There are already more pedestrians on the road, and the alley has entered the busiest time of the day.

He walked next door and ordered two steamed dumplings and a bowl of tofu puffs as usual.

Then I took my breakfast and walked back to the bookstore.

At the same time, a big stone fell to his heart.

"That's right..." he thought: "No one knows what happened last night..."

"My worries seem to be unnecessary!"

Thinking like this, he laughed happily.

No one wants to be known as a murderer in the eyes of others.

Even if you kill someone in self-defense.

Because that will draw attention to others and make people scared.

People who have killed people and people who have not killed people are treated in two completely different ways in society.

The former is intimidating and frightening, but the latter is not.

Lingpingan is just an ordinary person, he still has to live.

I don't want to have a label of 'had killed someone' on my head.

But he didn't know that from the moment he walked out of the door, there was always a camera following him.

Situ He looked at the picture on the surveillance screen.

The ancient god seemed to wake up much later than usual today.

But he still followed the same trajectory as before. After going out, he went to the breakfast shop next door and bought two steamed dumplings and a bowl of tofu.

Then he walked back.

The camera captured His expression the moment he entered the door.

He laughed!

Situ He looked at the frozen scene and felt a little creepy.

Because, just a few hours ago.

At around four o'clock in the morning local time in Qinlu, the headquarters of the Temple Society located deep in a forest in the Kingdom of France was destroyed.

Except for the headless Duke Hill, the founder of the Temple Society, the other twelve earls, more than thirty barons and hundreds of servants all died.

This is the most dramatic change that has occurred in the dark world of Qinlu in the past ten years.

"So..." Situ He thought: "He took action last night?!"

"How terrible!"

"Across tens of thousands of miles of ocean, killing the entire temple with one blow would..."

"It is said that in the lair of the Temple Society, except for mortals, all monsters and extraordinary beings will be wiped out!"

However, this also left a terrible disaster behind.

Headless Duke Hill.

One of the seven giants of Qinlu Dark World.

Although, it ranks only at the bottom.

Far inferior to the three super strong men standing at the top of Qinlu.

But after all, he is at least as powerful as the Black Guard Lieutenant General or above!

For such a strong person, unless it can be surrounded in a desperate situation where it cannot escape.

Otherwise, as long as it runs away.

The troubles are endless!

Two hundred years ago, why did the emperor of Qin and Lu fail in his great cause

Is it because his ability is not strong enough

Are his guards not brave enough

Did he not get enough help


However, the Qin and Lu countries and aliens who opposed him formed the Holy Alliance and fought him to the death.

Unable to defeat them on the frontal battlefield, the Holy Alliance's most powerful aliens broke into pieces and continued to attack the civilians of his country.

Creating horrific murders one after another.

The emperor was exhausted and could only do nothing in the end.

And when he gave in.

All attacks and hostilities disappear immediately.

Because now it was his enemy's turn to have a headache.

A strong man who has given up his ambitions and ideals will, once shameless, attack civilians.

Nowhere in the entire Holy Alliance will be safe.

No one can always guard against a strong man who alone is an army!

That is, it was not until the current governor of the Black Guards came out that this terrifying balance was broken.

As a result, the Holy Alliance was disbanded.

However, the governor is now far away in the Northern Zhou Dynasty.

The overseas base of the federal empire has its doors wide open.

An angry Duke, a strong man at least as powerful as the Black Guard Lieutenant General.

They are secretly coveting, watching, and planning to attack a certain overseas base.

Just thinking about this matter, Situ He felt his throat go dry.

Because he knew very well that Qin Lu's aliens had not been idle in the past few decades.

They have tried every possible means to develop various concealment techniques and learned various escape methods.

Each one became slipperier than a loach.

No fool will engage in one-on-one or one-on-one challenges with the governor like in the past.

If you can't fight, run away.

Even the governor would find it difficult to catch a duke who wants to escape!

At this time, an exclamation came from Situ He's headset: "Target found!"

"Ma Lin Kingdom in East Kunlun!"

He immediately shouted to someone: "Change the channel immediately!"

"Switch the monitoring screen of Marin Kingdom!"

"Connected to the psychic warning station at Marin Naval Base!"
