I Really Am Not The Lord of Demon

Chapter 78: The new strong man


Sitting at the counter, Lingpingan turned on the TV.

It was the news at half past ten.

"The latest news from this station..." The sweet announcer read the press release according to the script: "The Ministry of Interior of the Kingdom of France announced that the Ministry of Interior of the Kingdom of France raided an illegal gang organization at 4 o'clock in the morning local time today. base and successfully rescued dozens of hostages kidnapped and held hostage by the organization... "

On the news screen, people who had been rescued appeared, but they were mosaic.

"It is reported that this illegal gang organization is called the 'Temple Society'!"

"The organization has long been active in France, Belgium, Bavaria and the countries along the Rhine..."

"It has been listed as an illegal organization by more than ten countries and is wanted..."

"The spokesperson of the Ministry of Interior of the Kingdom of France said that this operation is a model of successful cooperation between the Kingdom of France and the countries of Qinlu!"

"Part of the international joint fight against illegal criminal activities!"

While Lingpingan was eating breakfast, he looked at the poor people on the news screen who were skinny or in ragged clothes.

He sighed slightly, feeling some sympathy in his heart.

Then he made a decision, responding to a call from the Federal Ministry of Environment and Conservation.

Let’s have a one-day disc operation.

Make a little contribution to world peace.

So, he lowered his head and ate every last bit of the steamed dumplings and tofu puffs in front of him.

On the big screen, a satellite image of the Marin Kingdom on the east coast of Kunlun Prefecture, tens of thousands of miles away, was cut out.

Marin is a small country.

It covers an area of hundreds of thousands of square kilometers and has a population of only a few million.

It is a typical agricultural country.

But the country is one with a rich history.

As early as a thousand years ago, the Marin Kingdom already existed.

Hundreds of years ago, Zheng He sailed to the West and reached Malin.

King Malin presented the Kirin to the Ming Emperor.

This was the beginning of the friendship between the people of Malin and the people of the Federation.

But in modern times, with the invasion of Qin and land powers, Malin perished.

On the eve of his demise, the last King of Marin thought of his ancestors' experiences in the East.

So, with the idea of giving it a try, he ordered his cronies to send his only son to the East.

Everything that happened next proved that this was the most correct choice the king made in his life.

When the prince arrived in the East, it was the end of the 'era of political instruction'.

During the reign of Gaozong, the last king of the Federal Empire who had all the power.

Gaozong was generous and ambitious.

After he met with Prince Malin and learned what the colonists of Qin and Land had done in Malin, he only said seven words: What is intolerable!

Therefore, Admiral Gao Lin was ordered to lead the fleet and marines to escort Prince Malin back to his country and assist the prince in rebuilding his country.

This is in line with the ancient traditions and values of the Federal Empire.

The rise and fall of a country, the succession of a family, the succession of life and death!

It is also a manifestation of benevolent government and righteous conduct!

It is different from the Qin and Lu civilization's nature of the weak and the strong.

The Federal Empire has not had much interest in invasion and expansion since ancient times.

Benevolence and righteousness are the main themes throughout.

Ancient thinkers said: Only by practicing benevolent government and righteous conduct can all nations come to court.

Although modern thinkers have abandoned the ancient narrow world view.

It advocates that all countries, big or small, are equal and all nations, strong or weak, should be respected as one.

But the core of benevolence and righteousness remains unchanged.

Do unto others, do not impose on others!

The Federal Empire, which had suffered deeply from foreign invasion and massacre, stood up from the ruins. The first thing it opposed was invasion and massacre!

At least, that's what the textbooks say, and that's what the teachers at school teach.

Therefore, since then, and until today, the Malin Kingdom has always been the closest friend and all-weather strategic partner of the Federal Empire in the East Kunlun region.

Malin Naval Base is a symbol and representative of the friendship between the two peoples.

In accordance with the relevant provisions of the "Treaty of Friendship and Commerce between the Daxia Federal Empire and the Malin Kingdom", it was stationed in Malin at the invitation of the King and people of Malin to carry out various tasks such as assistance and escort, and was responsible for providing assistance to Kunlun Prefecture in times of emergency. Countries provide material transfer tasks for humanitarian aid.

but now…

Satellites showed that two huge red dots were approaching at high speed outside the Malin Naval Base.

The psychic alarm in the naval base was frantically sounding the alarm.

"Discover a huge psychic reaction!"

"Screening begins..."


"Confirm target!"

"The leader of the Temple Association, Headless Duke Hill!"

"The Speaker of the Dark Parliament, William, the Werewolf Duke!"

Situ He looked at these warning messages and turned to look at Zhang Hui: "What should I do?"

Zhang Hui pressed the headset on his body, and then asked into the headset: "How long will it take for the space-based weapon system above Malin to be launched?"

"Report, the railgun needs at least three hours to recharge!"

"The Xuanyuan Sword system requires at least two hours of launch preparation!"

Listening to the voice from the space-based weapon system command post in the headset, Zhang Hui fell silent.

After hesitating for a moment, he finally made up his mind.

He said to Situ He: "Order all soldiers at Malin Naval Base to enter the position immediately!"

"Order them to hold back the invading enemies at all costs!"

"We must gain enough transfer time for the women, children, and the elderly and the weak in the base to evacuate!"

This is actually asking the soldiers stationed at Malin Naval Base to die!

The invading enemy is two of the seven giants in the dark world of Qinlu.

None of them can be resisted by the soldiers in this area, who are only flesh and blood.

Not to mention two

And Kunlun State has never been a key area of concern for the federal empire.

The area's defenses are weak.

At the Malin Naval Base, there is only a squadron consisting of one destroyer, four frigates and a dozen speedboats.

The most powerful weapon is the cruise missile carried on the guided missile destroyer.

This kind of missile is of course very effective against ordinary targets on the ground.

But facing two monsters who are at least as strong as the Black Guard Lieutenant General, it is obviously not enough.

The Federal Empire once conducted tests.

If you want to defeat a lieutenant general head-on, you need to at least assemble the firepower of a large fleet or dispatch an entire mechanized army.

The world of extraordinary beings is just so unreasonable.

The only people who can deal with extraordinary beings are extraordinary beings of the same level.

This is a bloody lesson learned from countless wars over the two hundred years since spiritual energy was revived!

Of course, in recent decades, with the entry into service of strategic weapons and the development of space-based weapons.

Human beings finally have the means and ability to kill those powerful extraordinary beings.

But the problem is...

Who dares to blow up a hydrogen bomb casually

Who can use space-based weapons at will

These weapons of mass destruction are just a deterrent, a trump card.

But for those who have become ruthless and want to risk their lives with you, the effect is not so good.

After all, he is alone.

Hundreds of thousands or even millions on your side.

Exchange lives with him

Only a fool can do it!

Not to mention, none of those two cards have to be played now!

Therefore, Zhang Hui had no choice.

He can only decide this way!

Let the soldiers cover the retreat of civilians, women and children.

This is their mission and their bounden duty!

But there was inevitably a little complaint in my heart.

"Obviously we didn't do it..." He sighed.

Just now, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of France sent a protest against the masters of the Federal Empire for forcing their way into the country's borders.

This is of course telling everyone else - this has nothing to do with me! Every wrongdoer has his head, and every debtor has his own owner! We French people are not involved!

This is the result of powerful interference!

Even the French think so.

Of course other people also taste it.

After all, in this world, only the Federation Empire has such capabilities.

Uprooted a dark underground organization with at least twelve major generals and at least dozens of school-level officials.

At the same time, no one has been let go!

Even now, when Zhang Hui went to explain, the two guys didn't believe him.

Not to mention that he had no way to explain it and had no choice but to take the blame.

Just when Zhang Hui sighed.

A new signal appeared on the big screen ahead.

"Discover powerful psychic reactions!"


"Super powerful psychic reaction is approaching!"

"Orientation: Southeast!"

"Distance: three hundred kilometers!"

"Continuing to approach..."

"Warning! Warning! Psychic reaction is improved! Psychic reaction is improved!"

A huge red dot appeared on the satellite map.

Zhang Hui and Situ He raised their heads.

The two of them swallowed at the same time.

Because, southeast of the Malin Naval Base is the sea.

The boundless Tianzhu Sea!

The data from the psychic warning station showed that the psychic energy concentration of the psychic target approaching from Tianzhu Sea at an extremely fast speed continued to rise.

Fifteen thousand…

sixteen thousand…

The index is soaring!

"At least a general-level super master!" Zhang Hui and Situ He looked at each other, then swallowed.

The entire world has billions of people and tens of millions of aliens.

There are only a few hundred generals in total.

Among them, there are only a handful of admiral-level super masters.

There is only one person who can surpass the general.

The Commander-in-Chief of the Federal Empire’s Black Guard!

And now, a super master who was at least an admiral was approaching the Malin Naval Base quickly.

who is he

Friend or foe? !

Nobody knows.

Because, the data in the database shows that there is no comparison of this person's psychic data.

There are no similar records of psionic characteristics.


"A hidden superpower?" Zhang Hui muttered to himself as he looked at the data continuously transmitted back by satellites and radars.

Unfortunately, satellites and radars can only detect data, but cannot return clear images of the target.

If you want to see the target, you have to at least wait until he enters the camera at the Malin Naval Base.

But the problem is, by that time, I’m afraid everything will be too late!

what to do

Zhang Hui and Situ He looked at each other.

They all know that now, Malin Naval Base is about to encounter an unforeseen catastrophe.

Even the entire Marin Kingdom may be doomed.

A strong man at least admiral level.

Plus a headless duke who is at least a lieutenant general and a werewolf duke who has the strength of a quasi-admiral.

If they join forces, I'm afraid even the Imperial Capital will dare to try!

What's more, it's just an overseas base with weak defenses and nothing more than a few scrap-iron ships