I Really Am Not The Lord of Demon

Chapter 86: Tongjiazi


Lingpingan sat at the counter holding the tea she had just made, sighing.

Tonight, he overturned all the fruits of last night's labor.

the reason is simple.

He read the manuscript and felt very awkward.

So I know that I will definitely attack.

He looked at the cleanly deleted documents on the screen and sighed: "Writing a new book is such a headache!"

"If I had known, I wouldn't have finished this old book..."

In this way, he can continue to fish for three days and dry the nets for two days, and fish happily.

Wherever I need to be like now, I have to take some time to write the beginning every day.

He looked up at the clock hanging on the wall. It was already eleven o'clock.

Lingpingan stood up and walked to the door of the store, preparing to close the door and go upstairs to sleep.

He saw a figure walking towards him in the mist in the distance.

So he stopped.

"Is it a customer or a passer-by?" he asked.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that the guest who deposited the ring watch here a few days ago has not appeared since then.

Probably because he is addicted to the Stars game and is busy collecting gold...

Lingpingan thought.

Stars are famous for their liver in the gaming world of the entire Federation Empire.

It is very common to refresh a dungeon dozens or hundreds of times just for a rare piece of equipment.

You also need to participate in large-scale team copy events organized by the union on time just like going to work to obtain so-called team points to purchase equipment that can only be dropped by these team copies.

So Lingpingan didn’t play.


Lingpingan thought of the two guests last night again.

They are all good people!

An upright gentleman!

Especially the old republican, Lingpingan admired him very much.

Look at how trustworthy they are! Liu Xiahui in ancient times was nothing more than that!

After waiting for a while, Lingpingan saw someone walking through the thick fog in the distance.

It was a young man, wearing a set of retro clothes that were very exquisite at first glance.

As the author of an online article, Lingpingan recognized it at a glance. It seemed to be Yi Ti from the Han Dynasty, with a standard Han Dynasty red ribbon wrapped around her waist, and a jade crown on her head.

Just looking at it, my spirit brightened up.

"Fat sheep! Big fat sheep!" He was eager to try and geared up.

Who doesn’t know that Hanfu is a very expensive hobby? Apart from other things, any set of Hanfu on the market can easily cost thousands.

If you are particular about it, you won’t be able to stop it even if it costs tens of thousands.

As he got closer and closer, Lingpingan's excitement was beyond words.

Because the clothes this young man is wearing, no matter what aspect he looks at, are all custom-made after rigorous research.

Personal customization means expensive.

Strict research shows that he is very particular.

This is a rare guest, and a very generous one!

Lingpingan heard that a certain colleague sold an orphan copy to a customer who was passionate about ancient culture and traditions. Good guy, he made tens of thousands of yuan in one go!

Tens of thousands of dollars!

It’s true that it doesn’t open for three years, but it lasts for three years after it opens!

Of course, there are no ancient books of that value in the Lingpingan store.


But there are also several sets of tomes published more than a hundred years ago.

Among them is a set of books worth a thousand yuan!

If it can be sold...

Lingpingan's mouth is watering.

Liu She looked ahead, at the swaying light source deep in the fog.

He hesitated.

Because, he saw a shadow under the light.

Undoubtedly, it was a person.

Or 'humanoid' monsters.

"Where is this place?" He looked around at the thick fog.

This thick fog gave him the feeling of an independent world.

It also seems to be a Kingdom of God opened by a certain Chaos Evil God.

Since the founding of the Xinghan Dynasty, they have often dealt with the Chaos Evil God and their minions and slaves.

There has even been a tradition of using Tzeentch followers in the palace.

The Xinghan Dynasty was both on guard and to win over the Chaos Evil God and their minions.

Just like the rat men who assassinated him were actually the refugees his grandfather took in.

These guys who call themselves followers of the Horned Rat come out of the ground.

At that time, the Xinghan Dynasty was facing a serious threat from the Goblin Shanyu on the northern grasslands.

The ogre army under his command once even threatened the safety of Chang'an.

In the end, the invasion was forced back thanks to the arrangements left by the ancestral dragon and the intimidation of the three-headed unicorn enshrined by the royal family.

Therefore, even though he knew that those dirty rats would become a disaster sooner or later, he still had to drink poison to quench his thirst and use them to assassinate the officers and nobles of the Goblin Chanyu and delay his advance.

"So, the lone general is facing an evil god?" He looked at the figure under the light source and thought, "Maybe it's a new evil god?"


"When was a new evil god born in the void?!" he thought.

But now that he has entered his territory, Liu She knows that he will never get out of this fog unless he goes to meet him and see what his thoughts and intentions are.

Therefore, he boldly approached slowly.

As he approached, the thick fog gradually dispersed.

A building that seemed to puzzle him appeared in front of him.

It was a house with a completely different style from the buildings of the Xinghan Dynasty.

It is made of red bricks of a certain material, with some kind of stone that cannot be seen on the surface.

A plaque of unknown material was hung at the door, but Liu She recognized the words written on it.

Because there is a connection between it and Xinghan's Xiaotu and official script.

"Qiyuan Bookstore?" Liu She frowned. He had received a formal and strict royal education since childhood, so he quickly discovered something was wrong: "Or the 'Origin Bookstore'!"

As for Tongjia, there were still many in the Xinghan Dynasty.

Especially those in high positions like to do this kind of thing.

Did I write the wrong word


This is a fake word! understand

Within those red bricks, slates and plaques, Liu She's inspiration could clearly be felt that there were countless monsters entrenched among them.

They lowered their ferocious tentacles.

They opened their terrifying mouthparts.

The indescribable monster made an incomprehensible sound under the cracks in the wall and the plaque.

It seemed to be a warning, or perhaps a warning to him.

Under the plaque, a 'person' who looked about taller than him, wearing clothes of unknown material, was already standing there.


It should be Him!

Liu She looked at Him, under a certain light source.

The head shrouded in mist seemed like an abyss that could not be looked directly into.

At this moment, He looked over.

Looking at Liu She, in his head shrouded in fog, two points of fire rose up from what seemed to be his eye sockets.

Liu She looked at him, walked up to him, and then said to himself in a very traditional Xinghan etiquette: "This guest, welcome to my shop!"

His voice is calm and powerful.

It seemed that he had an incomparable power. When He spoke, the whole world fell silent.