I Really Am Not The Lord of Demon

Chapter 93: Get ready for the game


In the next few days, Lingpingan stayed upstairs.

In addition to going downstairs to get takeout, he has been busy upstairs preparing various historical materials and materials of the Song Dynasty.

Within two days, his bedroom was filled with various history books.

There are orthodox "Xu Zi Zhi Tong Jian" and "Song History", as well as various unofficial histories and jokes, as well as notes from literati at the time, as well as various papers and research reports downloaded from the Internet.

There are various maps hung on the walls of the bedroom, which are basically the borders, administrative areas and surrounding areas of the Song Dynasty, and the political divisions and transportation roads.

In short, he has made enough preparations.

Now, all that's left is to determine the time and the identity of the protagonist.


There's no rush for this!

Lingpingan took out his phone and looked at the 'Nightmare Legend' icon on it.

The countdown is already on.

In another hour, he can enter the virtual reality game world again and mow the lawn happily.

The last gaming experience was really great!

So much so that even a week has passed, and he still has endless aftertaste.

So he put down what he was doing.

Holding your mobile phone, you are ready to connect to the ring table of the virtual reality game.

Then he quietly began to wait for the game to open.

In the depths of Chang'an City, the layers of formations of the Xinghan Shaofu covered everything.

Liu She stood in front of a sacred kiln, watching a clay figure he had just made with his own hands being sent into the sacred kiln.

He picked up a pen and started recording on a bamboo slip.

"The thirty-second firing experiment..."

“The clay figures are in good condition…”

“The kiln is in good condition…”

"The divine kiln is charging..."

Finally, these words were condensed into one character on the bamboo slips.

This is a great creation of the Tianshang Dynasty!

In a long time before the ancestor dragon came to the world, a dynasty named Tianshang ruled this land.

The royal family of Tianshang are the descendants of Tianfeng.

Therefore, they brought Tianfeng's writing skills to the human world.

This technique condenses countless words into one word by writing them on special bamboo slips, and it can also be encrypted.

After encryption, no one can see the condensed content of the word except the person who wrote the word and the person who holds the password.

Therefore, in the Tianshang Dynasty, magic was knowledge that only nobles and priests could master.

Common people have never even heard of it!

This situation was not changed until Zulong came to the world.

Zulong brought paper and printing. He swept through the princes, unified the country, and established the Immortal Qin.

Then he forcibly ordered the nobles and priests who had mastered the magic to hand over their codes and books.

Those who disobey will die!

Take their spells and codes with them to death!

This is the famous burning of books and entrapment of Confucians!

Liu She's eyes were fixed on the divine kiln.

As the spiritual energy in the kiln began to overflow, the powerful spiritual fire rose up, gradually roasting the clay figurines made of special spiritual mud mixed with various special metals to fuse them.

Psychic energy travels within their torsos, forming special lines.

Half an hour later, the kiln door of the divine kiln was opened.

A pottery figurine that was all red and smoking came out of it.

The two agate stones embedded in its eyes lit up.

It knelt before its Creator and bowed in worship.

Liu She looked at it, feeling both happy and a little regretful.

Fortunately, he finally succeeded, but unfortunately, the pottery figurines he made were not the pottery made by Zulong.

It can only accept simple instructions and perform basic tasks.

However, they are unable to independently execute orders and tasks and make corresponding judgments like Zulong's Terracotta Warriors Corps and Bronze Battle Group.

"Legend has it that Zulong refined three types of pottery figurines..."

"What I am refining today should be the first type refined by Zulong..."

"So..." Liu She touched the book in his hand: "It is Zulong's notes from the beginning..."

Han Li jumped from the tall building and landed firmly on the ground.

The whispers in her ears helped her identify all the ghosts and evil spirits nearby.

"You can't run away..." Han Li held the spiritual blade and ran in one direction quickly.

While running, she added a seal to herself.

This is a technique she learned while practicing "Death Walker's Spiritual Ritual".

Its name is: Gift of Wind!

As a result, her slender and toned legs were blessed and cherished by the wind.

Every step he takes is as light as an elf.

Now, she can dance in the palm of the king just like the ancient Feiyan of the Han Palace.

However, she now uses these artistic steps to track her enemies.

An evil wizard who manipulates corpses and undead.

Kick, kick, kick!

She stepped over a collapsed wall, and the spirit blade cut through the clumsy and ridiculous puzzle it had laid.

A base that the lich had been operating in this area for a long time was completely exposed to the broad daylight.

After discovering that his spell was destroyed, the monster holding a staff made of human bones raised its head and looked at the demon hunter speeding toward it with the will-o'-the-wisps in its eyes, and immediately began to cast spells in a hurry.

"Fear!" It chanted a spell, and a ball of blue-gray aura overflowed from its body.

"Paralysis!" It developed bone-white fingers and released a ball of blue-gray gas.

"Lightning!" A bolt of thunder was released from its staff.

If it were an ordinary demon hunter, if he were caught off guard, he would definitely suffer a big loss, or even be defeated by these three moves in a single encounter.

However, the whispers in Han Li's ears had already told her the characteristics and spells of this monster.

She jumped up slightly and threw out the spiritual blade in her hand, stabbing the monster's fragile eyes with powerful spiritual energy.

At the same time, her body was protected by the wind, quietly but extremely quickly approaching the opponent's back.

Before he could react, a long scarlet whip rolled up in Han Li's hand.

Snapped! The long whip completely wrapped around the monster's head.

At this time, the thrown spiritual blade arrived belatedly and plunged into the middle of the monster's dark eye socket.


The lich's skeleton was shattered to pieces.

But it is still not dead. On the white-bone head, the upper and lower jaws are opening and closing, saying: "Succubus!"

"Whose subordinate are you?!"

"I am a human!" Han Li stepped on its bones: "Hunt your humans!"

"Ha!" A mocking smile came from the Lich's jaw: "Human?"

"Sooner or later this world will become part of the great abyss!"

"Humans... your flesh, blood and soul will become the nutrients of the eternal abyss!"

"You can't even do anything to me!"

It's a lich.

The life box has been hidden in the abyss for a long time. Even if you die here, your soul will be resurrected in the abyss.

"Really?!" Han Li smiled, very cutely.

There was a whisper in her ear, and at the urging of the whisper, she squatted down her increasingly plump body, and then grabbed the head.

She looked at the lich's head: "Hide the phylactery in the abyss and it will be foolproof?!"


So, she took the head and used its bones to make a strange symbol on the ground.

This is Mr. Umr's little invention specially designed for abyssal creatures.

Scientific, safe and effective creation.

Then, she threw the lich's head into it.

He began to recite words of unknown meaning in his mouth.

As she chanted, the symbols on the ground gradually flashed.

Only then did the Lich realize that something was wrong.

But, it's too late!

Its bones were reduced to ashes in the light, along with its phylactery hidden in the abyss.

When the light dissipated, there was only one thing on the ground—a round, white walnut-like thing.

That is the Lich Brain Core, Mr. Umr's masterpiece.

Chu Weiwei sat in the bedroom, looking at the clock on the wall.

The hour hand ticked slowly towards eleven o'clock.

The nightmare mark on her wrist began to heat up.

"I wonder if I can meet senior this time?" Chu Wei thought.

A few days ago, the news that the monk named Fahai killed the werewolf Duke William in Kunlun State and subdued the headless knight Hill had already spread throughout the black guards.

Unfortunately, this divine monk is hard to find and no one knows where he is or where he has gone.

Only Chu Weiwei vaguely guessed that he was probably in the so-called nightmare world.