I Really Didn’t Want to Become a System

Chapter 84: There are preliminary ideas about public order


After thinking about it, Super Chen made sure that he had nothing to say, so he waved the five people to eat first.

Yuan also got out of the bed, put on his animal skin clothes and went out with the little old man.

Chen Chao sat alone on the kang, feeling a little panicked in his heart. He felt aggrieved because of this matter.

Although the leader of the grass tribe and the witch had nothing to do with him, killing people, after all, did not match the set of socialist values he had accepted since he was a child.

But he thought about it carefully, and found that he really had nothing to do. He couldn't ask the primitive people in the whole world to abide by his own set of values immediately, and make arrangements for all of them.

Want this group of primitive people to talk about propriety, righteousness, integrity and shame? Or did you break the law? Killing to pay for life

This is unrealistic and cannot be done in the short term.

What's more, there are so many incestuous things (sensitive words) nowadays, who knows if the person applauding me at night is my relative.

Of course, maybe they know and don't care...

Not to mention that it is still an era of group killings at every turn. When a group of primitive people meets another group of primitive people, it is common to kill a tribe in order to compete for territory.

Besides, it is not realistic at all for this kind of people to come up with a law that they will be punished for any crime, and that if they kill someone, one life is for one life.

More often, if you make a mistake, it will be judged and convicted by the witches or elders in the tribe.

But now, except for myself, everyone takes it for granted.

Of course, it is also possible that I am standing on a world lord + the thinking of modern people.

So I stood at a taken-for-granted angle.

But at present, he has no plans to be a small envoy of justice. In fact, thinking about it from another angle, such a person may be very useful if he is used well.

Merging and merging other tribes, expanding the population is something that can be solved in a warm and happy way.

Many of them see blood, don't they all have to be done by people

Looking at these five people, they have the temperament of a hero, and they can be used, but they must be used with caution, and they must not be given a chance to be in the top position.

However, the Grass Tribe cannot be integrated into the Tianyuan Tribe so quickly, because they are more like a group of "beasts" than the "humans" of the Tianyuan Tribe.

It is necessary to observe for a period of time, so as not to cause any irreversible damage to the Tianyuan tribe in the future.

After all, no matter what, they were the ones who had killed the leader and the witch, and they had no way out. If other tribes knew this, they would definitely not accept them again.

After all, no one would put a few timed bombs (sensitive words) in their own home if they had nothing to do, so there was a certain chance that they would be more loyal to the Tianyuan tribe because they had no way out.

If they are used well, not only can this small tribe be controlled, but they may also be able to control other large tribes through them in the future. But because of their previous criminal experience, it is also very likely that they will draw their knives against the Tianyuan tribe because of a small profit.

The self-guidance was almost done, and just happened to meet the little old man who asked him to eat, so Chen Chao told Wu what was in his heart by the way. It probably means that you should be careful with the people of the grass tribe. This group of people can even kill the leaders and witches they get along with day and night.

One day if we give them less food, they will be turned upside down

The little old man with the ram's horns was deeply convinced and agreed with Super Chen's statement. Although he also very much agreed that those who had ideas about his own tribe should be killed, it did not prevent him from agreeing that those who killed the leaders of his own tribe needed approval.

Chen Chao pondered while drinking the fish soup. There was nothing to do with the law for the time being. After a while, the mandarin of the tribe was almost learned, so he had to find a way to make up some fairy tales for them to brainwash them.

At least to solve the problem that people in your own tribe can't be killed casually, so as to avoid the grass tribe from happening again.

Although it is understandable to say that it is for survival, when it is no longer necessary for survival, there will naturally be another set of solutions to the problem.

There is also a question of incest (sensitive words), taking the time to separate out the immediate family members of everyone in the tribe, the method is also very simple, let the mother recognize her child, and then extend it vertically, for example, this is your aunt , your aunt's kid better stop applauding and all that.

There is no way to divide the previous generation, so let them go. Although there are no deformed babies in the Tianyuan Tribe, of course, it is also possible that they did not survive.

Now a grass tribe has been added, greatly expanding each other's choices. But just in case, they all recognize their immediate family members.

As for the child's father, it's really hard to be sure. Unless the little kid grows up to be very similar to an adult, but it may also be the seed of that adult's uncle or brother, anyway, it's too messy now.

The child's mother must know which one is her child, and the child's father will have to rely on time to give the answer. Of course, maybe time may not necessarily give the answer.

Chen Chao sipped the fish soup in the bowl, thinking in his heart that people are like this, only when they are really beaten will they know the pain.

If it didn't make me feel aggrieved by this matter, I probably wouldn't have thought that in addition to feeding this group of people and lighting up various technology trees, there is also the matter of people themselves that needs to be paid attention to.

After drinking the last fish soup, Chen Chao sighed, I am changing this world and the human beings here, so why not this world and the human beings here are also changing me.

Everyone has a bowl of fish soup for breakfast, and anyone who is not full can get another one, except for the people of the grass tribe.

Little kids and old people can get one more bowl, the hunting team can get three bowls, and the gathering team can get two bowls.

But most of them can't be finished. The fish soup is so watery that you will be full after drinking two bowls. So except for the first period of time when everyone finished their share but couldn't drink it all, everyone learned how to drink as much as they wanted.

Of course, this virtue of thrift is still inseparable from the slap education of a certain little old man.

The newcomers from the grass tribe shared a bowl of fish soup, and it seemed that they didn't feel much about the death of their tribe leader.

He drank the fish soup sip after sip with great joy, and he was probably glad that he didn't escape with the leader and witch who stole someone's rabbit yesterday. Otherwise, where can I drink such delicious fish soup early this morning

But this tribe is quite strange. It’s okay to have dinner last night, so why did they also eat in the morning

Don't you have dinner tonight

After drinking the fish soup, everyone will start a day of study as usual. After entering the 'classroom', I found that there were many strangers among myself.

It turned out that the people from the Grass Tribe saw that everyone rushed here after breakfast, thinking that they were going to eat or have some work to do, but they didn't do anything after they came in, they just stood there.

Everyone in the Cao Tribe who was puzzled looked around suspiciously, and everyone in the Tianyuan Tribe also looked at these dozen people curiously.

Chen Chao looked at the sudden surge of students, and at a glance, they were all black and black heads.

He didn't have any idea about the dozen or so members of the grass tribe for the time being, and he couldn't communicate with each other because he didn't understand the language.

It's just that the people of Tianyuan tribe are all in class now, and no one is on duty outside. He wouldn't feel at ease if these dozen or so people were allowed to wander outside alone, so they all got in as auditors.

Chen Chao rearranged the positions and dispersed the members of the grass tribe as a whole, trying to mix one member of the grass tribe among the two members of the Tianyuan tribe.

One is to help them enter the learning state faster, better feel the classroom atmosphere of the Tianyuan tribe, and also speed up the familiarization progress between the two tribes.

The second is to prevent them from making any troubles. It is more than enough for two people to see one person.

Of course, the most important thing is to guard against them.

Today, I will review the lesson of the day before yesterday as usual. Due to the one-and-a-half-day vacation before, Super Chen is afraid that they have almost forgotten it, so review it, feel the state, and help them calm down and concentrate.

Under Wu's leadership, everyone began to 'read' with Chen Chao. Every time Chen Chao read a sentence, he pointed a long stick at a place on the wall.

"Live, live in the cave, live in the house, we live in the cave, the leader lives in the house, the deputy leader lives in the house, the witch lives in the house..."

The people from the Tianyuan Tribe startled the people from the Cao Tribe as soon as they opened their mouths.