I Really Didn’t Want to Become a System

Chapter 97: small stove


After drinking the broth and eating the grilled fish, everyone seized the time to start working today.

With one eye, Chao Chen began to measure the location of the first house of the Tiantian tribe. As for the construction of the mud kiln, the one-eyed apprentice Wei will lead the team, while the brick and tile production team will be managed by Moa Egg Killer Yi, which is divided into the mud kiln team and the long brick and long tile production team.

The house of the first house is initially set to be about 40 square meters, that is, 4 meters by 10 meters.

Due to the lack of accurate measurement tools, Chen Chao's own thumbnail was initially used as a specific standard of 1 cm.

Finally, use a long rope to measure 10 cm and one meter equidistant rope ruler.

But the longest rope in the tribe is only one meter, so this time there is no way to fix it with a rope.

Only after measuring the specific distance and positioning it, use ordinary straw rope as a mark to fix it. Because Chen Chao may not be able to work with the pottery department frequently in the future, the experimental brick house in the tribe has to be erected, and the quality control of the wind-powered wheelbarrow and so on.

So let's set the scope first, and when the time comes, One Eye will lead the people and start working directly. The foundation excavation was handed over to Moa Egg Killer Yi, who had been involved in the construction of everything from the second tree house to the brick house in the tribe.

He even led the team to dig the foundation of the brick house, so in the tribe, Yi's experience in building houses is very rich.

Later, when the beams of the brick-and-tile house are being erected, Yi can bring a few people to stay and help, and learn how to find the right wood for the beams and how to place the tiles.

As for the others, it is natural to do the preliminary preparations under the leadership of Cyclops.

After all, it takes time for the mud kiln and the mud embryo to dry in the shade. After drying in the shade, it is only the beginning, and the firing time will be longer after that.

After the first batch has started to burn, you can still continue to make new bricks and tiles during the period, without delaying things at all.

Everyone went back in the afternoon, and if it was later, it would not be safe to go back. Today's five mud kilns have been erected, and then we can only leave it to time.

With the efforts of everyone, 500 bricks and 200 tiles were made. It's just that there are really no storage conditions at present, so we have to store it in the open air.

We can only hope that the luck of these bricks and tiles is good enough, so that they can use these bricks and tiles to build a small brick and tile storage room first.

The people in the pottery making department walked halfway, and the sun had already set to the west. After that, they still hurried, and finally returned to the vicinity of the tribe not long after the moon climbed up.

Looking at the smoke curling up from the kitchen not far away, they suddenly had mixed feelings in their hearts. He obviously only went out for one day, but it seemed like he had been out for a lifetime.

All kinds of novel things I saw outside, and those unexpected things I encountered, seemed to be things that I would never encounter in the tribe in my life.

The scattered people in the pottery department merged into the clansmen who were waiting for them to eat together. The mothers bent down and hugged their children, and softly taught their children while waiting for the food to be distributed, singing the song they just learned in the morning. song.

And the talkative Prince Throwing Stones Da Zhuang is even more like a fish in water, bragging about the two yellow mud with Qu, the captain of the wind unicycle who did not go down the mountain, and Yi, the little javelin prince who went hunting with Yuan. The giant beast as high as the wall, and the galloping wild horses, how does the horse god in the wild horses dote on the deputy leader~

And how did they escort them and pass through the super giant beast safely~

And the wild beasts gathered by the river to drink, and the forest in the middle of the night... and there...

The talkative Prince Throwing Stones Da Zhuang once again showed his language talent in front of everyone. With his rich tone and ingenious words, he perfectly told everyone what happened to the pottery department at the foot of the mountain today.

The people who were waiting in line for food were fascinated, even the little old man who was distributing food was fascinated. The grilled fish in his hand was almost cold, and no one came to pick it up.

And the person who ordered the grilled fish didn't come back to his senses at all, but still turned around and listened attentively to Da Zhuang's story about what happened today.

Everyone in the pottery department standing in the crowd, if anyone felt that Da Zhuang had missed some facts, they would spontaneously go up and add a few more details.

It was amazing to hear the people who didn't go down the mountain today, especially the members of the hunting team and the unicycle manufacturing team, who kept asking questions like "then...then..." and so on.

Even Yuan, who was the first to receive the meal, listened silently while holding a pottery bowl and grilled fish, with a hint of longing in his eyes.

Finally, under the sound of Chen Chao's coughing, everyone came back to their senses, and then went to get their dinner for today.

Tonight's story is grilled fish, the taste is too delicious.

Before dawn the next day, Cyclops led the pottery department down the mountain with a few fewer people. Just after walking out of the tribe, the fire dragons in the mountains heard bursts of cheerful singing.

"Two tigers, two tigers, running fast, running fast. One has no tail, the other has no head, how strange, how strange!"

Super Chen woke up naturally the next day when he fell asleep, and the rest of the tribe woke up earlier. The hunting team had finished their breakfast and set off.

But yesterday Yuan asked Cyclops to ask for two people from the grass tribe, men and women, as long as they were the second batch of people who were 'captured' to the Tianyuan tribe.

After Chao Chen woke up, he walked to the side of the small river, and saw the little old man and his old follower, Gu Zheng, carefully protecting a little flame that was trembling in the wind.

Above the small flame is a warm pottery pot. Obviously, it seems that the simple stove that the little old man's logistics department put together with two stones is not so easy to use, at least the windproof effect is not so good~

If you are not careful, the fire that has finally risen will be blown out by the wind, so people have to pay special attention to this matter.

Seeing Chen Chao who just woke up, the little old man with the horns on his head complained, "I don't sleep in the middle of the night, I don't get up in the morning... I don't eat... I just... don't eat..."

That means, I didn't sleep in the middle of the night last night, and I didn't get up early this morning. I don't know how to go to bed after breakfast, you are the only one in the whole tribe who didn't eat breakfast!

It is very similar to a certain sentence in the old sayings, "If you don't sleep at night, you can't wake up in the morning~"

Chen Chao chuckled, and took the pottery bowl from the little old man in no hurry. Instead, he was brought to the small stove that the one-eyed squad built before.

The little old man looked at the thing in front of him and was also very curious, saying that it looked like something in the tribe, a brick house, but there were only three walls...

And short, not as tall as my own knees...

Could it be used to live in...


At most, it can be used to live in two rabbits. If a litter of rabbits is put in, it will be enough~

Super Chen turned back to pick up the clay pot, and called his old follower, Gu, to bring over the firewood that was almost blown out by the wind under the pot.

Then put the clay pot on the small stove, and the pot stands firmly on the top of the small stove. The size is not too big or small, just right~

After placing the pottery pot, Chen Chao turned sideways quickly, and signaled the old follower Gu to put the firewood in his hand, and then took some flammable items from the side, withered leaves and small wooden branches, and stuffed them in together.

A miraculous thing happened, the flames in the small stove burned more and more vigorously, until the soup in the whole earthenware pot made the sound of 'grumbling' boiling.

This simply stunned the little old man and his old attendant! !


The flame lit itself

Won't it be blown out by the wind

Unexpectedly... don't you need someone to take care of the sacred flame...

No wonder only three walls were made... It turned out that there was another side left for us to put wood!

Mistake, this thing has been stuck here for so many days, and our logistics department doesn't even know how to use it!

What a waste of days!

But what does it matter to us? Obviously these little bastards don't say it!


A certain boss of the system who was happily waiting for praise received dozens of slaps of love for no reason, and finally he could only be driven to a corner to drink soup in despair...

As for the person responsible for the big slap of love, he naturally took his old followers and began to study their new tool - the small stove!