I Really Didn’t Want to Become a System

Chapter 98: One day I will be independent


Chen Chao, who finished breakfast in the corner, returned to the house first. Not long after, the people who were still in the tribe filed in, ready to start today's study.

And those little kids who thought they could spend another day today followed the adults dejectedly, walked into the 'classroom' obediently, and sat obediently on the kang.

Chao Chen checked the content taught by the little old man yesterday, and after confirming that there were no major problems, he began to teach today's language course.

After finishing the language knowledge to be taught today, Chen Chao took Moa Egg Killer Yi and his small team to find suitable wood for the beams of the house.

This has to be found now, because the wood in the tribe is cut into small pieces. However, you still need to find the girder of a house (that is, the beam, which is the most important piece of wood on the wooden column to form the roof ridge.) and the wood needed horizontally and vertically on both sides, including suitable columns. Some.

When the sun was about to set, Chao Chen led the logging team to return to the tribe. The harvest today was not bad, at least all the wood needed was found. If there are no accidents tomorrow, you should be able to start the beam and prepare for the subsequent laying of tiles.

The logging team was carrying logs to the tribe one by one in units of three, and saw the hunting team returning with a full load. The members of the hunting team were also unambiguous. Under the leadership of Yuan, some people took the prey from the hands or shoulders of their companions and began to help the logging team start to lift the logs.

With the help of the hunting team, the wood collected today was quickly moved back.

The cave entrance of the tribe is not in shape now, it looks like a patch on a torn clothes, with pieces here and there. Now there is another pile of wood to put away, and the hunting team has brought back dozens of lynxes.

Chen Chao counted them carefully, hehe, there were about 35 lynxes, at least six litters of lynxes were taken away.

It seems that without the help of their own golden fingers, Yuan and the others still have a way to find the lynx's lair~

After returning to the tribe, Chen Chao checked the work progress of the wind-powered unicycle manufacturing department. It was not bad. A complete wind-powered unicycle was built in half a day today, and the half that was not finished yesterday was also finished.

In addition to the first batch they made under the leadership of Chen Chao, there are now a total of three wheelbarrows in the tribe.

According to the current work progress, the tribe should have fifteen wind-powered unicycles before departure.

This is not counting the fact that they will be more proficient in the later stage, and the production progress will be faster. Maybe there will be more than 20 vehicles in the future.

At that time, the construction team stationed at the foot of the mountain can be divided into ten vehicles, and the tribe will keep two or three spares, and take seven away.

However, when the progress is made, there will be a problem, that is, there is not enough wood for car making in the tribe.

The problem is not too big. After the hunting team led by Yuan has wiped out all the lynxes in the mountains, the hunting team will be transferred to a logging team for a few days to collect more wood at a time.

The amount of wood used in the tribe is too much now, bricks and tiles will start to be fired at the foot of the mountain, and the batch of clay pots and bowls that Cyclops and others made last time will also be fired in two days.

There are four kilns in one row, and the wood needed is really not a small amount.

Moreover, the main purpose of this batch of pottery pots and bowls is to exchange population, so the priority is also very high, so there should be no delay.

In fact, the freshly cut wood cannot be used for fire immediately after it is brought back, it is too damp. Not to mention that it only snowed a few days ago, and it hasn't been a few days.

The wood that has just been cut back is still wet inside, so it needs to be split into small pieces and dried before being used.

So when I started to cook clay pots and so on, I had to use the stock of the firewood volcano in the tribe.

However, some wet wood can be left outside, and when the little old man's logistics department fires up the fire to cook, the bonfire will be at its peak, and the freshly cut wood will be put on it.

At this time, the wet wood is not afraid, but it is easier to burn, so it is not necessarily unusable.

It's just that the firewood and other fuels used by the logistics department every day are nothing compared to the pottery department firing pottery or bricks and tiles once. The Tianyuan tribe replenished the firewood volcano several times, the main reason being that too much fuel was needed to open the kiln.

Chen Chao saw that it was still dark, so he went into the 'classroom' to check the homework of the full-time class. Since the little old man was only taught the language course in advance the day before yesterday, naturally there was no written homework yesterday.

I didn't teach much today, and these little kids couldn't absorb it even if I taught too much.

But I have to think about how to arrange the courses in the tribe after I set off. The teaching tasks at that time are probably mainly on Yuan's shoulders.

Although Yuan's study progress is not as good as that of the little old man, and maybe only slightly better than Huang Yan, Xiao Shitou, and Ji Hao, but he is the leader himself, and he can overwhelm others in terms of momentum.

Even if he is not as good at learning as compared to the little old man and others, it is still no problem to teach other people in the tribe.

At that time, Chen Chao will not teach new things in terms of writing. Because when teaching languages before, the lesson plans were all written on the yellow mud wall with charcoal. At that time, I will take the adults and children of the full-time class to read it several times a day and write it down as much as possible.

The little kids probably can't count on it, and they can only rely on the leader Yuan. After Chen Chao sent it, Yuan pointed to the writing on the wall to teach the little kids how to write.

However, the effect is estimated to be much worse, because the next day is estimated to run at both ends, stay in the tribe for two days, and supervise at the foot of the mountain for two days. If there is nothing to do, you have to take the hunting team into the mountain to hunt, or take the logging team to log. .

In general, the logistics part that was handed over to the little old man was now in his hands. Not only that, but he still had to continue to maintain what he was supposed to do as a leader, and he even had to shoulder Chen Chao's supervisory responsibility of checking for omissions and making up for vacancies.

Not only these complicated and trivial matters, but also the language learning tasks of the tribal people and the learning tasks of the brats were also handed over to him.

It can be said to be a great responsibility.

What Yuan has done since he found out about himself, apart from repenting but it didn't work, is that his head just feels chilly, and when he reaches out and touches it, it's a small handful of hair...

After checking today's in-class homework, Chen Chao asked the little kids to rub the straw rope, so we can't waste any available labor~~

What's more, these little kids have been sitting in the 'classroom' all day. Although they are studying, compared to those adults who have done coolies, they really have a day's rest.

So don't hurry up and rub the straw rope after class! What are you doing in your spare time~~

Waiting to be scolded! ~~

Before the pottery department came back, the little old man led the logistics department to start using his new tool—a small stove~~


Since the women of the collection team had recently been assigned to the pottery department, the men of the hunting party had to deal with the lynx themselves.

But fortunately, they have been involved in the handling of prey before. Although they are not as fast as the women, they are not much slower. And today there are only thirty-five lynx skins, and each person's workload is less than two.

However, because the sun is not strong enough in winter, it seems that the preliminary preparation for tanning can only be done by drying part of it in the shade, and then carefully roasting it with fire.

It was getting dark, and when everyone was anxiously looking into the distance, One Eye lived up to everyone's expectations, holding a torch, and appeared in front of everyone with the pottery department.

Seeing that Cyclops had brought back the pottery department intact, Super Chen was relieved. After all, this is the first time that Cyclops and the pottery department have acted alone. Although everyone can be regarded as "well-armed" now, the foot of the mountain is still a strange and dangerous place.

No matter what, Chen Chao couldn't completely relax his mind. But if you don't worry, what can you do? In any case, let the small leaders of these departments mature as soon as possible.

I don't have such a pair of eyes, I can always stare at everyone and let them do everything perfectly. This is basically impossible. Now it can barely take care of it for the time being. After that, the tribe will become bigger

Has it become a tribe of ten thousand people? Has it become a country