I Really Want to Be With You

Chapter 27: Just wait for the sun to break through the clouds


Qi Nian floated home all the way, thinking that at this moment, Qi's father and Qi's mother should be sitting in the living room and trying to interrogate her. After a while of cold wind blowing outside the door, they confirmed that the blush on their face had faded, and then they unlocked the door and entered the house.

Pretty much as she expected.

Although Dad Qi and Ji Yanxin had secretly talked in the study for half an hour just now, there was obviously still a lot to ask her.

For example: "Why did you lie to me and your mother before to hide the nature of his work?"

Another example: "My mother and I think that the trustworthy person is not bad, but we have only known each other for a short time. What do you think?"

Another example: "I can accept your mother and I when you are five years old. Anyway, you look mentally ill, and it is indeed suitable to find an older person who can control you, so if you are already in a deep relationship, you can get married. It's not impossible."

Qi Nian's expression changed from serious to confused, indicating that he could not understand more and more...

She hesitated for a few seconds before asking, "What marriage?"

Dad Qi took a sip of tea to moisten his throat, and in the misty mist, he squinted and glanced at Qi Nian, "Aren't you talking about your marriage?"

Are you going to get married

wait... who are you...

Dad Qi clicked his tongue and asked impatiently, "Has Yan Xin mentioned marriage to you?"

… I mentioned it, just ten minutes ago.

"How did you answer after mentioning the marriage?"

... I didn't let you answer.

"My mother and I's idea is to meet the parents of both sides next week, chat at the dinner table, and get to know each other. What do you think?"

Qi Nian looked at her father with a confused look, what was he talking about

Before Qi Nian could understand these words, the landline in the living room rang.

Qi Nian was the closest, glanced at the caller ID, and picked up the receiver suspiciously, "Xia Xia?"

Liu Xia was asked by Zhou Xinxin to contact Qi Nian, and as soon as the phone was connected, he scolded his face: "Why didn't you tell me about such a big thing? If Zhou Xinxin was in a hurry, he couldn't find you. Find me here, I'm still in the dark, I don't know what happened to you."

Qi Nian said "Ah", looked at Qi's father and Qi's mother who were talking softly, and leaned out, "My phone is out of battery, I just have something to do today, so I don't care... You wait for me, I'll charge my phone and call you."

"I'm not in a hurry here." Liu Xia put the coat back on the hanger, kicked away the shoes he just put on, pulled out the chair and sat back in front of the computer, "Now go into the room and turn on the computer, charge the phone and turn it on, and then !"

Liu Xia paused, his eager tone slowed down, and said softly, "No matter what you see, don't be in a hurry to get angry."

Qi Nian's unease, which had been spreading since she received Liu Xia's call, had finally spread to the greatest extent. She frowned and hung up the phone. Before she knew it, a layer of cold sweat broke out on her palms.

Qi Ma turned her head to look at Qi Nian, who looked a little wrong, and asked, "What is Xia Xia looking for from you?"

Qi Nian shook his head and said, "It's a little urgent."

The desktop computer at home was awarded by Qi Nian with a scholarship when he was a sophomore in high school. After so many years, it has become an elderly computer with a slow response. It takes five minutes to open a computer.

By the time I got in touch with Zhou Xinxin, it was already ten minutes later.

I couldn't make it clear by typing. Zhou Xinxin's phone call to Qi Nian started two hours after Qi Nian went offline at noon, when someone suddenly broke the photos and real information of Qi Nian and Ji Yanxin at the party that night on the top post of Manhua. Wencao Legal Department drew up a lawyer's statement to publish on the official Wechat of Wencao, and finally determined that the owner of the photo was Lu Qingwu's vest...

But Qi Nian's only concern is: "Does Ji Yanxin know?"

Zhou Xinxin was silent for a moment, nodded and said: "Human flesh skinning is getting more and more powerful. In the end, the administrators can't stop the momentum by deleting posts. I can only try to contact you. Not only sent a private message to Liu Xia on Weibo, but your male god. Also posted, but I'm sure he hasn't seen it yet."

The new function of Weibo private message... It's really easy to use. Have you read the private message? It's clear at a glance.

Qi Nian climbed onto Weibo and glanced at the message prompt displayed in the upper right corner, only to feel his head dizzy.

Weibo comments have also been divided into two factions: one faction denounces the shameless practice of exposing Qi Nian and Ji Yanxin's photos and publishing the real information of the two, and the other faction is still firmly attacking Qi Nian.

Compared with Zhou Xinxin's euphemistic statement that "many alumni of Z University have recognized your male god", what Qi Nian saw was more serious than this.

The posts that Liu Xia sent in the Z forum posts that had already started to become popular were all related to her. The fonts of those replies were so bright that they seemed to be automatically bold, which stabbed Qi Nian's eyes for a while.

"Teacher-student love... How do you think this black-spotted cartoonist has over-hyped and got himself on fire?"

"Mr. Ji is my male god, don't be dragged into the water..."

"It's hard to say, it would be really nice if the school punished it."

"I know this girl, from our department, I heard that she rented a house in front of the school to live, and her popularity in our department was so bad that no one played with her. So Qing Gao turned out to be a cartoonist, I said how did she die? The chemistry institute runs so diligently, seduce the professor to go."

"Some people upstairs have really poisonous mouths."

"Sure enough, looking at the appearance, Mr. Ji has no one to criticize."

"I think the landlord's tone is a bit angry. First of all, the girl has already studied first, and secondly, Teacher Ji is not a professor in her class. How to say a relationship is as ugly as an unspoken rule? Although it is a teacher-student relationship, but your love I wish, a bunch of nonsense people upstairs are jealous, right?"

"You are wrong upstairs. No matter what the situation is, if it is labeled as a teacher-student love, the matter can be trivial. Just wait and see. If the popularity of this matter does not go down, what will happen to these two."

Qi Nian had only read a page, but he didn't even have the courage to scroll down again, and dared not look at the messed up situation at the moment.

The real information was maliciously exposed, and netizens pointed and commented recklessly. Up to now, she is not only involved in it, but also dragged Ji Yanxin into the bottomless abyss.

She stared silently at the computer screen with some dazzling brightness. When she turned her eyes again, a burst of blue shadows overlapped in front of her, and there was an endless buzzing sound in her mind.

It shouldn't be.

Nor can it be so.

Inexplicably, she changed from a victim to a perpetrator who robbed her of the fruits of her labor, and suffered what she should not have suffered. Finally struggling to get out of the predicament, I was once again involved in this dispute that should have ended four years ago.

The most unbearable thing is that Lu Qingwu involved the innocent Ji Yanxin to suffer. If his work suffers a little bit of influence because of her, and his personality suffers unwarranted guidance and criticism because of her, she will feel so guilty that she can never face him again.

But these are the things that should not be done the most, but someone dares to do it all!

The anger that filled her heart was ignited by the same person. Qi Nian's mind was sober at the moment, she closed her eyes and eased the urge to smash the computer and the keyboard.

Obviously half an hour ago, she was still throbbing because of Ji Yanxin's words "I want to get married, with you". But half an hour later, she was full of thoughts... Will they break up? Are you going to break up...

The whole heart seemed to be caught off guard and soaked in the acid water as soon as it returned to its original place. Those wounds in the heart that had been sharpened irregularly were soaked in the acid water, which stimulated the whole heart to contract instantly. Being strangled by his throat, he had to endure the pain that fermented to the extreme to breathe.

Qi Nian covered his face with his backhand, and the tip of his nose was sore, but he couldn't even cry.

Her eyes were so hot that she held on for a while, but she couldn't hold back. As soon as she closed her eyes, tears fell, hitting the space bar on the keyboard, and a crisp sound was a signal to tear her whole world apart.

It can't be undone and it can't be stopped.

not slept all night.

It started to rain in the second half of the night, the sound of raindrops falling on the eaves was crisp and ding-dong, Qi Nian yawned, and sent the statement that had been carved for several hours to Zhou Xinxin online for final inspection.

The statement was written from Qi Nian's perspective, but due to the fact that he said too much and made many mistakes, Qi Nian was careful and careful in wording, trying to avoid bringing personal emotions and explaining things clearly and concisely.

Two thousand words, she spent nearly five hours, delete and revise, every word carefully.

Zhou Xinxin was so sleepy that she couldn't even speak completely, she snorted twice, and showed Qi Nian the results of her busy night.

forced by the situation.

Zhou Xinxin registered a small account in Manhui and opened a separate post, not involving other disputes, all about Lu Qingwu's plagiarism and borrowing the color palette over the years.

Qi Nian opened his eyes and took a sigh of relief into his cold palms, then took a cup of water and drank coffee.

It was just after the early hours of the morning, and she was so sleepy that she went to the kitchen to make it lightly, but it was already cold.

The entire Z city is sleeping, silent and silent.

While waiting for Zhou Xinxin's result, Qi Nian opened the bottom of the cabinet and took out the thick shorthand book that was pressed at the bottom of the album.

At that time, it was too sad, and the whole person could not calm down. She just forced herself to paint, smashed an unknown number of sheets of paper, and finally calmed down. This shorthand book is full of sketches made by her in two or three strokes, but like a diary, it records her every day four years ago.

Zhou Xinxin yawned tiredly, took a sip of water, and only regained consciousness a bit, and muttered, "Okay, let's send it up first."

Qi Nian made a sound of "um", and after generating the picture with the web software of Chang Weibo, he uploaded it on Weibo.

It is already three in the morning.

Looking at the computer screen emitting a soft white light, Qi Nian suddenly remembered that a long time ago, when she had just started drawing and was eager to submit a manuscript to the publishing house, her roommate told her not so optimistically: "Nothing is so good. It's easy. I also have a friend who likes to draw. Her draft was favored by the editor, but the fee was as small as sending a beggar. The result? The result was that the editor published it under her own name, and then my friend never again I have never picked up a paintbrush, and I say that I have no feelings for painting anymore.”

At that time, she was surprised and fearless to try the water herself.

So at the beginning, Qi Nian not only had a longing and enthusiasm for this strange world, but she also wanted to participate in this world and understand its rules. Not for the so-called conscience and justice, but just to prove how simple this circle supported by love is.

But it later proved how stupid and naive she was.

Relying on the breath that he couldn't swallow, he came back again, and Qi Nian worked harder than ordinary people from the beginning. She never considers herself lucky, and even has more trials than usual.

She has never understood people's hearts, whether it is Lu Qingwu who has to rely on depriving others to move forward, or those who have made her downhill from the source of public opinion.

The power of online public opinion is really too terrifying, and everyone can stand on the highest point of morality and punish others. They think they have such a right, so they are reckless and merciless, and they don't know at all, maybe it's just your words to vent, but it has the power to destroy beliefs.

The bitter taste of cold coffee was more astringent. Qi Nian swallowed twice, but the scent of coffee on the tip of her nose turned into a strong bitterness on the tip of her tongue. She frowned and pushed the cup away.

"Cub, hurry up and go to sleep, I'll go to rest after I'm busy for a while, I'm too sleepy..." Zhou Xinxin's voice seemed to be separated by several mountains, vague and distant.

Qi Nian regained his senses, shook his head and said, "You rest first, I'll go to Ji Yanxin's house."

Zhou Xinxin was silent and asked unexpectedly, "Now?"

"Well." Qi Nian let out a dull sigh, "I really want to see him, right away, right away."

Immediately, the result was that half an hour later, Qi Nian was already standing at the door of Ji Yanxin's apartment.

It was raining a bit heavy, Qi Nian trotted all the way with an umbrella, his sleeves, shoulders and back were mostly wet, not to mention his trouser legs and shoes.

Ji Yanxin didn't take away the keys to the apartment when Qibao was fostered at her house last time. When she went out, she took the key except for her mobile phone, but now standing at the door, her hand seemed to have no strength, and she couldn't lift it up.

How to tell him

Said that because of Lu Qingwu and her, he was dragged into this unclean quagmire

Or... I'm sorry, she really can't solve this matter, and the real information that has affected him has been uncovered. I don't know how much this bad influence will affect him

Just rehearsing it in her mind made these words... indescribable.

She is a trouble.

Really... very annoying.

Qi Nian put the key back in his pocket, and stood at the door with an umbrella in a daze.

The voice-activated lights in the corridor were dimmed and then lit by her voice. After several repetitions, she just found an "activity" that could temporarily put aside troubles and free her mind, and without warning...

The door opened.

Qi Nian raised his head and looked at Ji Yanxin who was clearly awakened and looked very unhappy. He opened his mouth, but he couldn't pronounce a word or sound.

Ji Yanxin closed his eyes, as if he was surprised that Qi Nian appeared in front of his house at this time.

Qi Nian hesitantly glanced at the dripping umbrella, and before he could speak, Ji Yanxin, who had lost his patience, was pulled in by his wrist.

The door was closed behind him, and Qibao didn't know when he came up, sniffing her trouser legs.

Qi Nian was still in a daze, her hands were warm, and he took the umbrella she was still holding and placed it on the glass table next to the shoe rack.

He took off his watch before going to bed, and Ji Yanxin only remembered when he raised his wrist. He leaned against the wall and asked her, "What time is it?"

His voice was the hoarse, low-pitched and inexplicably magnetic when he just woke up.

At this time, Qi Nian was not in the mood to appreciate it. He took out his mobile phone and glanced at it. He licked his lower lip and squeezed out a sentence: "It's 3:50... Did I disturb you?"

Three fifty

Ji Yanxin turned his head and glanced at the dark mist outside the window, which was like a fog that couldn't be dissolved, and his mood became worse, "So late, are you here alone?"

His bad mood was undisguised.

Qi Nian was a little frightened, looking at him with panic in his eyes, "I didn't want to wake you up, I, I brought the key, I just have something very important to tell you, so I..."

"Did you have a brain?" Ji Yanxin interrupted her, his dark eyes were full of anger. Those eyes that always made Qi Nian infatuated, but at this moment, they seemed to be able to devour her, causing her to panic for a while.

"What time is it? You are alone again." Ji Yanxin stood up straight, approached with one step, and the slender figure came down, and there was an invisible sense of oppression.

Qi Nian couldn't help but took a step back and stepped on Qibao's foot, but Qibao didn't even make a sound. He made a light "woo", and tucked his tail to the side, his wet eyes staring straight at Qi Nian.

There was water dripping from the wet hair on the forehead, sliding along the forehead to the eyes, Qi Nian couldn't help but raise his hand to wipe it. Just as she lowered her head to wipe off the rain, the person with low air pressure all over her body suddenly suppressed all her temper.

Ji Yanxin raised his hand to support her chin, and raised his eyes to look at the situation. His voice was still a little stiff, but it was not difficult for Qi Nian to notice his softening, "So you're crying?"

Qi Nian stayed up all night, his eyes were red from rubbing, and the tip of his nose became sore when he softened. She shook her head and said, "I didn't cry...it was dripping from my hair."

Ji Yanxin glanced and looked down at her.

He was so sad that he couldn't hide it, but he still pretended to be nothing, his eyes were rubbed red, and the tip of his nose was too, and the whole person was as pink as a porcelain doll in the orange light.

Fragile, but strong alone.

The last time you were so embarrassed, was it because of something framed

I know this little thing doesn't make you worry.

After being silent for about a minute, he let out a low sigh, suddenly hugged him, and took Qi Nian into his arms.

The warm embrace instantly dispelled all of Qi Nian's uneasy fears. She slowly grasped the soft fabric behind his waist, couldn't help burying her face in his arms, and choked out, "I'm sorry..."

"I know you have a lot to say now." Ji Yanxin patted her head, rested his chin on top of her head a little tiredly, and the hand that fell on the back of her neck squeezed her soft flesh, comforting, " I'm very sleepy right now, no matter what, I can solve it with me, so go to bed with me first, eh?"

Qi Nian closed his eyes and heard the sound of his heart beating in his chest, steady and powerful. The light fragrance on his body that she could smell on the tip of her nose made her nervous after a night finally relax. She rubbed his neckline and replied in a low voice, "But it's very important, about you..."

Ji Yanxin lowered his head, the tip of his cool nose slid across her forehead, as if he hadn't heard her words, he let go of her and held her hand, "Now go and wipe my hair with me, Take off your coat and go to bed with me, and talk again when you wake up, do you understand?"

He was holding the cold hand in his palm, Qi Nian wanted to break away uncomfortably, but when he moved, he was frightened by his slightly serious eyes, and immediately nodded obediently: "I understand."

Ji Yanxin watched her stand on tiptoe and reached the towel on the upper floor to dry her hair, confirming that she really listened. When she finished wiping her hair, she glanced at Qibao, who was lying at the door and staring at Qi Nian, raised her finger. Pointing to the door, "Go out and sleep with you."

Qibao silently raised his eyes and glanced at him, and the next second he looked away, pretending he didn't hear...

Qi Nian had just wiped his hair, but when he lowered his head, he saw that his shoes had not been taken off. He was a little embarrassed, "I... I'll change my shoes first."

"No." Ji Yanxin glanced at her wet shoes, raised his arms to hug her without warning, and put them on the sink. Hearing the exclamation she deliberately suppressed, he quietly curled the corners of his lips and raised his hand. Take off her little black shoes.

Under the bright light of the bathroom, his lowered profile... looked hopelessly good.

The warmth of his fingers on her ankle, and the cool look in his eyes, made Qi Nian suddenly feel a very stuffy mood.

He is so good, so good, so good!

But because of her, I don't know what will be affected. For a person like him, even if he suffered a little grievance, Qi Nian felt that... she would feel more aggrieved than herself.

"I really have something very important to talk about." Qi Nian took a careful breath, seeing that he didn't care at all, whether he was listening or not, he poured it out all at once, "The photo that night was taken by Lu Qingwu with a small The number broke out, and many students from Z University have found us…”

Ji Yanxin's eyes were slightly condensed, and she did not let her continue. After taking off her shoes, he straightened up and put his hands on her sides, approaching. The sudden closeness made Qi Nian not dare to move, and was nervously supporting the sink.

Ji Yanxin raised his chin slightly and kissed the corner of her lips, his hoarse voice was low and sweet: "I'm very sleepy."

After he finished speaking, he picked her up from the crook of her legs with one hand, took a long leg, and stepped over Qibao, who had not yet reacted, and continued in a lazy voice: "Wait until I wake up, don't worry. ."

What responded to him was Qi Nian's small but firm sentence: "I've already booked a ticket to N city at 8 o'clock, see Lu Qingwu, so... Would you like to hear about this first?"

Ji Yanxin didn't go any further, he lowered his head and looked at Qi Nian seriously for the first time since she entered the door. The person he held in his arms was small, but his eyes were firm.

I don't know how much determination I made to be so persistent in front of him.

As usual... It's easy for Ji Yanxin to shake her and disturb her.

"Okay." Ji Yanxin compromised, put her on the bedside, sat directly beside her, picked up the watch he took off and put it on the bedside table and glanced at the time, "Half an hour."

Ji Yanxin took a sip of the cold water, and his hoarse voice that had been sleeping became clearer: "You need to sleep."

Qi Nian was a little stunned, and after a few seconds of silence, he asked, "Did you know I would come?"

"I don't know." Ji Yanxin nodded at Qibao, who was lying at the feet of the two, "You woke Qibao when you were standing at the door."

Seven, seven treasures

Qi Nian thought that it would be Zhou Xinxin who called to tell him in advance. He also thought that he already knew after reading Weibo, or worse, that a third party told him what was happening on the Internet... But he never thought about it. It was Qibao who woke him up and opened the door.

As if knowing Qi Nian's doubts, he chuckled softly and wrote lightly: "Scratching the door, screaming in a low voice, biting my trouser legs and trying to pull to the door after waking me up... Then I saw you."

He seemed to recall something because of this. He squinted his eyes slightly, and his voice faded: "This is the same as the first time I met. It was Qibao who made me see you."

She probably knew that Ji Yanxin was talking about it with Qi Nian. The big dog, who was already curled up in a ball, swept its tail gently, the fluffy and soft tip of the tail swept over her ankle, swept over, and moved. Extra gentle.

Qi Nian's heart warmed, and he rubbed Qibao's head without saying a word.

She suddenly remembered what Liu Xia had said to her not long ago: "The sense of security a man can give a woman is to make you believe for no reason that even if the sky falls, he can support the sky for you. At any time, you can also sleep peacefully beside him."

She also said that her Li Yue is that kind of person.

Many of the words that Qi Nian used to sneer at, but now they are speechless.

Before she came in, her chaotic mind was still circling the idea that it would implicate him and affect him. Her mind was full of various ways to deal with it, and she even thought negatively. Maybe she would see him get angry or see him furious. .

So, she desperately told herself that she had to remain absolutely calm at such a time, at least... not to affect him again. Even if she unilaterally undertakes this matter, even if she breaks up and never contacts again, as long as he is not affected in any way.

But now, she feels that these thoughts of hers are really irrational and calm...

He understated a few words, as if he had already understood everything, making her careful thoughts invisible, embarrassing and embarrassing.

"The situation is very bad." Qi Nian thought about his words, and told him about the current situation, including the Z-big forum that has now been in trouble. Not only that, but she also added subjective thinking to analyze the situation that would continue to deteriorate and how he would be affected.

Ji Yanxin listened quietly, without raising his eyelids, he just asked her, "What's the matter with going to N city to find Lu Qingwu?"

When asked about a topic that was not very relevant, Qi Nian was caught off guard. She was stunned for a moment before she replied: "I want to stop this endless farce. There were no conditions before. Before my sophomore year, my parents were not very supportive. I paint, even if I earn the royalties with this, I can afford my tuition."

Thinking of the past, Qi Nian's mood was inexplicably depressed, "because they always felt that I was spending my life on updating my hobbies and dreams by staying up late. But later, because of these things, I got into trouble with my roommates and my parents were with me. Come here and find a house for me off-campus and let me move out, without any worries."

Qi Nian exhaled a long breath, thought about it, and laughed at himself, "So no matter how difficult these years are, I will not complain to my parents. I just want them to know that I am very successful now, and I insist on Achieve yourself and achieve yourself.”

Ji Yanxin listened quietly, only occasionally passing the teacup to his mouth and sipping, the eyes that fell on her were soft and pure.

What do you like about her

Many times, Ji Yanxin couldn't speak.

But I do admire her tenacity, and I envy Qi Nian, who worked so hard for her.

Why do you just like her

Obviously... She is immature and not refined enough, running counter to his ideal type.

But she is tough and independent, and she has many qualities that even he does not have, which attracted him from the beginning.

Ji Yanxin lowered his hand, his eyes turned around the mouth of the cup that was illuminated by the light, and he stretched out his hand silently, seeing that she put her hand in his palm very naturally, and shook it lightly, "I'll take you there tomorrow, Don't worry about taking leave."

Without giving Qi Nian time to react, Ji Yanxin pulled her closer to his arms, "Half an hour is up."

His back was suddenly pressed against his already cool embrace, and the warm breath fell on her ear, itching slightly, the instant shortened distance and his response with only a few short sentences at the end really made her feel uncomfortable. Qi Nian... can't react in time.

When she was hugged by him, she still asked in a dazed way, "Aren't you worried?"

"What are you worried about?" Ji Yanxin closed his eyes, and his voice gradually became lazy, "I have many choices, not only the career plan of being a professor, but... no matter which one, I can support you."

Qi Nian sniffed, and his body trembled uncontrollably, like a reflex arc before he realized that this body had just been soaked in rain and cold. She bit her pale lips, her eyes were wet with heat, "Why don't you scold me, I caused you a lot of trouble."

The faint choking made Ji Yanxin open his eyes again, he looked down at Qi Nian, whose eyes were wet and clear, and asked impatiently, "Apart from coming to my door in the rain in the middle of the night, where did you cause me trouble? "

Qi Nian sniffed and defended in a low voice, "I brought an umbrella."

"Hair, clothes and pants were wet."

"I ran over to get wet..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Ji Yanxin: "If you continue, I don't mind getting up and settling with you."

Qi Nian kept his mouth shut and did not dare to move.

As soon as she calmed down, Ji Yanxin lowered his head and kissed her nose, in a very tired but soft tone: "I'm fine, don't worry about me."

Qi Nian pressed his forehead against his shoulder, and when he buried his head, the tip of his nose was sore.