I Reasonably Suspect That My Cat Is My Ex-Boyfriend

Chapter 1: Evidence one


Let me think about it, since when exactly did I start suspecting that my cat was my ex-boyfriend

Probably the day after the cat was picked up.

I remember it was a rainy night with thunder and lightning. There was a problem with one of the company's investment projects, and the boss had a sullen look and silently pressured us all to work overtime until 2:48 in the morning.

I started counting after 6pm,

Remove hiding in the bathroom 5 times for 8 minutes each time;

Smoking 3 times with colleagues, 5 minutes each time;

Pretend the keyboard fails 2 times, each time beyond 3 minutes,

I worked an extra 7 hours and 48 minutes in total.

I was also used to such days. I put on my coat, skillfully walked down a can of coffee from the company's self-service cabinet, opened it with one hand, went downstairs, and took out the car key to wake up my off-road vehicle.

I pulled out of the underground garage and sped for 20 minutes on the almost empty elevated highway. The falling raindrops mixed with the light of the street lamps, making my eyes hurt.

I don't know how I heard such a faint cry downstairs in my house. The voice was thin and weak, like a mosquito chirping, and the tail had a little grievance hook, which looked particularly pitiful.

It's a little milk cat, I said to myself, the mother cat will naturally come to him tomorrow.

Well, am I being fascinated by ghosts? I said to myself again, holding the cardboard box that made a slight rustling sound and pressed the elevator upstairs.

Financial migrant workers are also human beings, and they need to eat and sleep.

I opened the almost empty refrigerator, took out an egg, and opened a bag of instant noodles for dinner, oh no, it should be breakfast.

There was also a pack of ham sausages at home. I tore one up and put it in a cardboard box. I walked into the room and fell asleep.

The kitten was very well behaved and didn't make any more noise. Of course, it could also be because I was asleep and didn't hear it.

Strange, I slept very well that night.

I woke up 4 hours later and went downstairs to buy a carton of milk for the kitten before going to work, only to be scolded by the front desk sister.

"How can kittens drink milk? It's very dangerous, do you know that some cats are lactose intolerant, and those with a slightly poorer physique will just die!"

The sister at the front desk smiled like a flower in front of customers, and she was like a cow in front of us.

But I really like her. Although she has a big temper, it can be seen that she is a very kind girl.

After get off work, I took the goat milk and cat supplies bought from the pet store and came home with a heart. When I saw the kitten peeking at me with his ears exposed, he breathed a sigh of relief and began to spread everything out on the ground to study. .

I felt like I was being ripped off by the pet store owner because he almost crammed me half the store's contents. It might have all been doomed from the moment I pushed the door in and asked if there was any kind of milk that cats drink.

But it doesn't matter, it will be used in the future anyway.

I caught the curious gaze of the kitten.

The kitten's eyes are pure black, and the pupil is surrounded by a beautiful amber color, and it is looking at me calmly. I was startled.

So much like his eyes.

My ex-boyfriend also has such good-looking eyes, but his eyes are narrower and longer than cat's eyes, and the ends of the eyes are slightly raised. I remember when I saw him for the first time, he looked at me with the same expression, fixed.

Not a moment.

Later, in countless dull and drowsy evening self-study sessions, I deliberately touched him with my elbow and called him "hey at the same table", just to be able to see such a pair of breathtaking eyes. At that time, I always felt that it was a real loss for a boy to have such beautiful eyes.

Afterwards, I didn't need to touch him to tease him, and I could often look at him, because he started to fall in love with the feeling of looking out the window. It's just that I've always been reduced to an obstacle in the way of his vision.

The color of the kitten's body is black and white, the mouth and chest are covered with soft white fluff, and the back and four paws also have white parts, which look easy to touch. The sister at the front desk said that this color matching is called a cow cat.

Ha, it's so strange that cows and cats can't drink milk.

My head was hit by the front desk sister again.

The ex-boyfriend in my memory also has this color scheme. What he wears in the school uniform, sometimes white T, sometimes black T, is always clean, so is this called the cow man? I recalled drinking the milk I had originally bought for kittens. And even in winter, my ex-boyfriend was only wearing a thin two-color single shirt, and I looked cold.

Although the clothes are plain, he is handsome and looks good no matter how he wears it. Once I couldn't help it, I asked him with a smile if he only bought these two colors when he bought clothes, and he smiled at me, as if he agreed with my statement.

It was not until later, when I was entrusted by the head teacher to go to his house to deliver materials to him who was having a fever, that he might, really only have these two colors of clothes.

And two in summer and two in winter.

Four pieces in total.

My ex-boyfriend's mother wanted to ask me to sit down for a drink, but his sister, who was seriously ill, took me away.

I couldn't find a place to sit, so I had to sit beside his bed, replaced the warm towel on his forehead, and put it on again with cold water. I thought my family was very poor. When my mother bought vegetables, she had to bargain with the old woman who couldn't see clearly for 20 cents of green onion, but I didn't expect his family to be even worse.

It is very likely that his family cooks without onions.

My cat hummed softly, much like the inadvertent murmur of his feverish bed. I got up to make goat milk for the cat. The instructions said it was in a ratio of one to three. I didn't have a measuring cup at home, so I made a small bowl by visual inspection.

The cat is not too small, and can already feed on its own. As soon as it smells the milk, it plunges into the bowl. I had to hold the bowl with my hands so that I wouldn't be overturned by this hungry ghost.

I now reasonably suspect that my cat is my ex-boyfriend.

Evidence I have:

My cat eyes are beautiful and my cat is still black and white.

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