I Reasonably Suspect That My Cat Is My Ex-Boyfriend

Chapter 10: Evidence ten


I can hardly control myself.

"If I come a few days later, won't I see you?"

"Why are you doing this to me?"


My throat was so tight that it hurt, and a rust smell came up.

"Don't cry, don't cry, I can't wipe your tears now... I left a message for you at home... "

"You're leaving a bullshit! I don't need to read it, I know there are some nonsense reasons in it! Do you think I will believe it then?"

Knowing that I had been guessed, my ex-boyfriend managed to smile. I stared at him furiously.

He raised his hand and took off the breathing mask: "Come here."

I watched him pull off the respirator, shut his mouth, and hurriedly leaned forward to try to put it on again.

The ex-boyfriend tilted his head to dodge, stood up at once, and kissed me in mid-air.

His lips were dry and cold, and lifeless.

The ward was finally quiet.

"It's good, I didn't expect to see you again." The ex-boyfriend was exhausted and fell back on the bed again, smiling and saying, "It's not that exaggerated, you can still see me if you come a month later."

"What do you mean? Can it be cured? Yes... it can be cured! We, we have money, we will pay the best doctor..." I choked at him, and knew that I was talking nonsense. language.

In the past, we always wanted to become rich, and we felt that we were not afraid of anything when we had money. It was not until later that we discovered that no matter how beautiful the bank card was, we still couldn’t get a warm heart.

There are too many things in this world that can't be done.

The next day, when I wanted to cut an apple for him to eat, his mother stopped me and whispered that he couldn't and couldn't eat these things now. I put down the apple in a daze and grabbed the bed rail in a daze.

The ex-boyfriend's mother has been knitting a light grey scarf lately.

The light gray suits my ex-boyfriend very well. He has a few light gray sweaters and trench coats in his closet. Every time he wears them, his already outstanding figure becomes more and more tall. I like it so much that I can't bear to move it Open your eyes. But he never picks what he wears and wears what he gets, so I secretly put these clothes in the front of the closet so that he can get them as soon as he reaches them.

Later, he noticed my little movements, scratched my nose and told me that he wanted to see what he was wearing, and he said that he could wear it for me every day.

I said yes, but on second thought it was wrong, what if he was dressed so nicely and was seen by others.

My ex-boyfriend smiled and rubbed my angry face, saying that I would just wear it at home for you to see.

The old man noticed that I was looking at the gray scarf, smiled kindly at me, and said that this winter will be very cold, and Zaizai will catch a cold without a scarf. I also smiled and said that the scarf is very beautiful. Auntie, can you draw a pattern again? He likes the diamond pattern.

In the middle of the night, the old man had already fallen asleep, and I was lying on the side of my ex-boyfriend's bed, looking carefully at his eyes that were like water and moonlight. The ex-boyfriend touched me with his finger: "I haven't seen enough since high school?"

"I can't see enough, your eyes, it will take me at least three hundred years to get tired of it."

"And the nose, I want to look at it for another two hundred years, and the mouth, too, for another five hundred years."

My ex-boyfriend rolled his eyes, took my hand and put it on his chest through a pile of pipes: "What about here?"

"It's not enough. Eight hundred years, a thousand years, and ten thousand years are not enough for me."

His eyes became misty, and tears were rarely shed.

I think, even if we all return to ashes after a few hundred years and disappear into this world, I will always remember the way this heart beats for me.

I sat by his bed day by day and watched him lose weight day by day.

Ex-boyfriend couldn't last until winter.

The old man was sobbing and fell to the ground weakly. Paramedics carried her to another hospital bed.

I let go of his cold hand and kissed his forehead.

"Come on, I'll put a ring on you too," I said, leaning over and placing a final kiss on the ring finger of his left hand.

"Bastard, in the next life, you have to be mine too."

My ex boyfriend is really bad.

I am really homeless.

Three days later I left work early to pick up my cat.

The black cat I saw earlier was lying in the cubicle, the girl leaned over him, her shoulders shrugged.

I stared blankly.

"Easy-killed, there was no pain when leaving," the veterinarian explained warmly behind me, handing over a handkerchief.

Strange, nowadays people still carry handkerchiefs with them.

After coming out of the hospital, I didn't go home and took my cat to the beach.

The first time the cat saw the sea, his claws were shaking uncontrollably, but he quickly adapted, and ran to squat a hermit crab not far away.

I looked at the undulating sea surface, the sun had just emerged from the clouds, and the sparkling light began to become a little dazzling.

I am reminded of Woolf's "The Waves":

"Some are going here, some are going there, and some will never come back."

"I missed you." I whispered.

My cat pricked up his ears, stepped on the sand, rolled over and walked towards me.

I now reasonably suspect that my cat is my ex-boyfriend.

Evidence available ten:

My cat loves me deeply.

---End of text---