I Reasonably Suspect That My Cat Is My Ex-Boyfriend

Chapter 2: Evidence two


I think if I continue to work overtime like this day and night, I may die suddenly.

And it is very likely that it will appear in the evening news the next day, and it will be displayed a little to the right at the bottom of the front page, to warn today's young people not to spoil themselves, the body is the capital of revolution.

Fuck me, I'd rather die of exhaustion than be poor.

But I still had to figure out a way to take time off and take my cat to the hospital for a checkup.

While I'm still wary of this unexpected cohabitant who looks exactly like my ex, my cat is young and it's important to be healthy.

I vaguely remembered the conversation I heard in the elevator that day. I summoned my courage, knocked on the door of the couple’s home, and bought the old man with 4 large bags of Yannianyishou oral liquid stuffed by a customer. After a wave of operations, I successfully obtained their A sick leave slip for acute gastroenteritis and a photo of an infusion from a daughter-in-law who works in a hospital.

I'm testing frantically in a gray area.

The leader said yes, we know about your situation.

When you come to work in the afternoon, remember to hand in the analysis document on the financial statements of Company F for the third quarter.

Well, it's a half-day vacation anyway, which is good.

I was woken up by my cat the next day.

I really can't figure out how such a small cat climbed into the closet and catapulted into my stomach with such precision.

I am becoming more and more certain that my cat is alone.

Before taking the cat to the hospital, I remembered the leader's instructions, got out of bed, turned on the computer, inserted the USB flash drive, and prepared to screen the files before exporting.

My cat popped out of nowhere again, trying to squeeze itself into the tuxedo box I was holding, fighting against it in a twisted position.

My cat is probably some kind of fluid right now.

When I finished screening the data and was about to transfer it to the U disk, a black eye suddenly appeared in front of me.

My computer shuts down.

I looked down and saw my elusive cat, who had not had time to retract his claws, and looked up at me.

I think my previous idea was really preconceived and too arbitrary.

My cat should be a devil.

It was nearly ten in the morning when I finally got everything done and put the devil in the cat bag and carried it into the car.

I used the navigation to pick a smooth route, and prayed that the devil would never go round the grain in my car.

Tsk, I owe my hands so much, it is exactly the same as my ex-boyfriend shutting down my computer host.

I remember when I was a freshman in high school, I was really not a good student. I ate the money I saved in junior high school and managed to get into a key high school. From then on, I let go of myself, fighting and skipping classes and going online to go online. Things like this happened to me in turn, and every once in a while, the face of the grade director became colorful and wonderful. At this time, the ex-boyfriend will play the role of a wise guiding lighthouse, frowning and asking me why I have to find happiness for myself and others.

"Why are there so many, Ye Bai, no one cares about me."

The ex-boyfriend didn't talk anymore, but I paid for it quickly.

That night, there was no light everywhere, and after a few calculations, I went to the Internet.

When he was young, the owner of the Internet cafe was a little gangster. He had tattoos on his arms that could not be distinguished from dragons, snakes or lizards. Anyway, he looked weird and scary. But this is a very considerate boss. For our safety, he specially pulled a mosquito net from his father's closet to block the computers near the back door of the Internet cafe. When the school sent a teacher to arrest people, he never succeeded Pass.

I was hiding behind the curtain with a group of alcoholic and meaty friends, and in the middle of a fierce battle, I was in the stage of reviving the opponent's violent output, and my spirit was extremely tense. When the waves take away the opposite...

Computer black screen. man-made.

I raised my head angrily and bumped into a pair of cat-like eyes.

My deskmate was cradling his arms and looking at me.

The boss peers from behind the curtain.

"Hey? Didn't you come to start the machine, little classmate?"

I shook my head at the same table: "I'm his brother, I'm here to take him back."

"Who is your brother..."

Before I could finish speaking, he was dragged out. The ex-boyfriend's strength is really strong, and thinking about it now makes his wrist hurt.

I pulled away from him and rubbed my wrist. You can't get angry just thinking about it, but the more you think about it, the more you get angry, and you want to hit people.

The moment I punched out, I still regretted it, and I was able to turn around in mid-air. Who would have guessed that my roommate at the same table moved faster than me, flashed sideways, grabbed my arm and bit down.

What is this operation? Biting? Are you a dog, classmate

Okay, I got up, raised my foot and wanted to kick, but the dog at the table stopped me with his backhand, easily stuck my hands on top of my head, and narrowed my eyes at me.

"Don't learn to fight with this little force," the tablemate paused, and then said softly, "I saw your mother at the door of a restaurant that day. She was working very hard."

My chest was a little tight and I struggled: "Do you want to take care of me?"

"Didn't you say no one will take care of you? Then I'll take care of you."


The nosy dog at the same table really does what he says. In the future, every time I turn on the machine, he will come and shut it down.

If you can't beat it, you're angry.

After my computer was forcibly shut down 17 times, my teammates said they would never play with me again.

My ex-boyfriend is very scheming.

When we arrived at the hospital, there were a lot of people and pets.

My cat changed its leisurely attitude at home, and as soon as it was put on the ground, it turned around and tried desperately to get into my arms.

I was a little amused, so I touched the back of my neck a few times to comfort, and handed it over to the veterinarian wearing examination gloves.

The veterinarian glanced at me: "First time getting a cat?"

I smiled: "First time."

"It's a little thin. I'll send you a forum when I look back. Go to see more knowledge in this area. If you raise it, you will be responsible."

I keep saying yes.

I feel a bit like a novice parent who was named by the teacher in the group because the child did not perform well in the kindergarten.

The inspection was done quickly and my cat was licking his mouth absently.

The veterinarian said everything was fine, and I was relieved. The veterinarian gave me a small book with a cat's head printed on it, and repeatedly told me to remember to bring the cat to get the triple vaccine on time before letting me go.

When I got home, I quickly took this little ancestor out of the bag.

My cat was holding his breath all the way and looked a little fierce.

I reached out to touch the cat's head, but I didn't expect my cat to suddenly turn its head, open its mouth and tap my fingers with its teeth, and quickly jumped away.

I stared at the two shallow holes in my fingers and was stunned for a while.

I got up and quickly found my cat.

I fished my cat out of the box, held the cat's paws and looked him straight in the eye.

The cat rested its head on its paws in confusion, looking deformed.

"Are you a dog?"

"what on earth do you want?"

The cat seemed to be frightened by my tone of voice, flattened its ears back, and opened a pair of bright eyes,

Look at me without understanding.

I now reasonably suspect that my cat is my ex-boyfriend.

Evidence 2 already available:

I owe my cat hands and my cat still bites.