I Rely On Acting Well-behaved To Marry First, Then Fall In Love

Chapter 4: Little wild horse


The chat box between Yan Yan and Zhuang Yiyun was still stuck on the system prompt when adding a friend: You have added Zhuang Yiyun, and you can start chatting now.

When Zhuang Yiyun sent a message, Yan Yan thought he was hallucinating because of staying up late recently. He exited WeChat and reopened it, only to find that it was really a message from him. At two o'clock in the morning, it looked like he was drunk and playing Dare. He didn't expect that the abstinent and serious Zhuang Yiyun would also play. Yan Yan's mouth twitched, a slightly playful smile.

Yan Yan: Brother Zhuang, do you mean today or tomorrow

Zhuang Yiyun was about to withdraw his reply, but Yan Yan's reply came unexpectedly. The cold wind from the balcony blew across his neck without any shelter, and he could no longer feel the stinging pain on the wound.

Zhuang Yiyun: Today. Why didn’t you sleep

Yan Yan: My brother was right. I am so busy. I just finished writing my graduation thesis assignment.

Yan Yan: [Cat is sleepy]

Zhuang Yiyun: Go to sleep

Yan Yan: [Cat Spirit] But my brother took the initiative to find me, I was so excited

Looking at the continuous display of [The other party is typing... ] in the chat box, before he could reply, Yan Yan's message came again.

Yan Yan: I was just kidding. I know you didn't mean to date me. I'm going to sleep. Good night, brother.

Yan Yan: By the way, see you tomorrow, brother [cat huhu]

Zhuang Yiyun: Good Night

In the chat box, the kitten emoji repeated the action of snoring under the quilt, and the soft and cute look formed a sharp contrast with Zhuang Yiyun's cold and hard eyebrows. He put away his phone, stepped on the mess in the living room, and walked back to the bedroom without paying attention.

Yan Yan said he was going to sleep, but he must be lying. How could he sleep at such an exciting moment? All the fatigue from the past few days was swept away. He kicked off the quilt in the dormitory, threw the chat screenshots over, and started to send messages to Jiang Li.

Yan Yan: Come by my house tomorrow morning and pick up a wig for me, the dark chestnut one. I'm telling you, I've made it big, Zhuang Yiyun took the initiative to ask me out!

Yan Yan: Fuck, buy some new clothes, be sweet and obedient, be sweet enough for him to hold you down and kiss you~

Yan Yan: Lili, do you think he took too long to react? He rejected me so firmly at the time, but now he thinks of me? I am starting to get curious, what does he want to say to me

Jiang Li would not reply to him, as everyone would be asleep at this time. Yan Yan knew that he was just saying this to make himself happy. There was a 99% chance that Zhuang Yiyun would not look for him because he regretted rejecting him, but so what? In any case, it was a good opportunity to come to him on his own initiative. Thinking of this, he fell asleep.

The next day, when Yan Yan woke up, Jiang Li was already sitting in his dormitory. Hearing the sound of him turning over, he stood up and poked at the top of their dormitory like a spear. His aura was too strong, and he looked two meters tall even though he was only 1.8 meters tall.

When a boy enters a girls' dormitory, the dormitory manager will want to check his/her household registration; when a girl enters a boys' dormitory, the manager will let her in without hesitation. This is the most common unspoken rule of gender "inequality" in university dormitories.

Jiang Li's three roommates were as quiet as chickens, sitting at their desks pretending to read. The three straight men had already adapted to the gay man living in the dormitory, but the gay's good friends came to "visit" him every now and then, turning a blind eye to their bare chests, big shorts and smelly socks. They still hadn't adapted in four years.