I Rely On Acting Well-behaved To Marry First, Then Fall In Love

Chapter 66: Little wild horse


The next day, Yan Yan went to work. After getting couple tattoos, his colleagues were attracted by his new hairstyle.

What a fresh and refined male college student, so handsome! Even though I know he has a husband and a stamp on his neck, I can't help but look at him again and again!

Yan Yan's attitude didn't seem to change, but he had actually planned a lot of things. In the afternoon, he went out with Luo Runfeng on a field trip. On the way, he took the initiative to ask about the judicial examination and law graduate school, and earnestly asked how to plan his career.

"Your basic idea is correct. It is true that you have four years less study than law undergraduates. If you really want to make up for these four years as soon as possible, then this plan can be adjusted." Luo Runfeng patiently explained to him, "According to your admission age, you are stuck in the last year for students to take the bar exam. Due to policy reasons, students who are one year later than you can only take the law exam. So in fact, you can apply for the judicial examination as early as September this year, and you can also apply while you are a graduate student."

"I understand. So I should focus on the postgraduate entrance examination now. If everything goes well, after the postgraduate interview next year, I can fully prepare for the bar exam next September."

Luo Runfeng nodded. Yan Yan was very smart and understood everything immediately.

"After you pass the bar exam, you will have to undergo a one-year internship to be able to go to court independently, and you will need to be registered with a law firm for one year. If you want to go to court after graduating from graduate school, I can help you. You can combine your studies with practice to help me during your graduate studies. This will still be a little later than law students, but you will only enter the industry about two years later."

"Luo Lu, why are you helping me so much? Is it because of him?"

"Not entirely, of course there are some reasons. To be honest, Senlan is a top domestic pharmaceutical company. Let's not talk about what kind of business dealings there may be. Just talking about medicine, who knows if there will be a time in the future when you need help due to health reasons. If someone like him extends an olive branch, you'd be a fool not to accept it. More friends mean more paths."

Yan Yan didn't expect him to speak so bluntly. An expression of surprise hung on his face. As a college student who had just entered society, he couldn't keep up with the pace for a while.

Luo Runfeng took in his expression, smiled, and asked him, "Why, do you think this is just pure friendship? Although we are from the same class, I am several years older than him, and we didn't know each other well before. It was mainly because of you that we had the opportunity to get to know each other better."

"so… "

"But this is only part of the reason. The more important reason is that I think highly of you. You are a promising talent. Smart, hardworking, and with the help of others, your future will not be bad. And you are suitable for this line of work. You have strong verbal expression skills, clear logic, quick reaction, and a good memory."

Yan Yan was a little flattered by the praise, and his happiness was written all over his face. After calming down, he thought about it and said the last thing he wanted to say today.

"Lawyer Luo, I want to finish my internship early. I think I have made up my mind. I want to be a lawyer, so I want to go back to school to prepare for the exam. I have set a goal for myself, which is to take the Master of Laws exam at Xingda University."

"That's great, but one thing is that you can also set your sights on a better school, such as Dr. Zhuang's alma mater."

Yan Yan shook his head and said, "I want to stay in Xing City."