I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country

Chapter 106


Xue Yuan did it, and he kissed him.

Such as the turbulent waves of the sea, the soul will go out of the body, and the smell of glutinous rice cake is even sweeter on the tip of the tongue, so sweet that Gu Yuanbai's tongue seems to be eaten by Xue Yuan.

The feeling of weightlessness struck again, with a numbness on the scalp, ups and downs, and weakness in the hands and feet.

Gu Yuanbai closed his eyes, his chest was stuffy and he couldn't breathe, he pushed Xue Yuan's tongue out with his tongue, but Xue Yuan thought he was responding, and jumped up even more fiercely.

How can this guy have such a strong tongue, what did he eat to grow up

Gu Yuanbai's breath was hot, and the sticky breath had a sweet and greasy taste. He kicked Xue Yuan with his remaining strength, and Xue Yuan reluctantly backed away, unable to bear the hoarse voice, "What's wrong?"

"Enough is enough," Gu Yuanbai took a deep breath of cold air and blinked his eyes slowly, "No kiss, it's too sweet. My chest is tight now, and my hands and feet are weak."

Xue Yuan secretly proud: "My kiss?"

Gu Yuanbai took a few breaths before continuing: "I feel panic, something is wrong."

Xue Yuan woke up instantly, he pinched himself hard, then picked up Gu Yuanbai and ran away from the depths of the alley. Xue Yuan flew out of the busy city along the river and ran straight into Tian Fusheng, who was waiting here with a long face.

Tian Fusheng sneered when he saw Xue Yuan, "Master Xue, you—"

Xue Yuan bumped him away with a sullen face, "Get out of the way!"

Only then did the palace attendants see that Master Xue was still holding a person in his arms, and they immediately turned their backs and ran after Xue Yuan in a hurry.

Gu Yuanbai clenched his chest and took a deep breath. He tried his best to feel his current state, and his heart was flustered and his heart beat faster. If it was said that this happened because of kissing Xue Yuan, he would not believe it.

This kind of panic was obviously caused by external changes, and Gu Yuanbai couldn't help but feel a little blank in his mind, he gritted his teeth to support it. I don't know how long it took, but he seemed to have passed the critical point, his breathing suddenly loosened, and a nauseating desire came up from his heart.

He broke free from Xue Yuan's arms, staggered, leaned over the door frame and retched. Xue Yuan hurriedly stepped forward to support his shoulders. After he finished retching, he immediately wiped off the sweat from the corners of his lips and forehead with his sleeves, and followed his back distressedly, "Your Highness."

Tian Fusheng's eyelids twitched several times, and he quickly stepped forward to block the sight of others, and said loudly: "Master Xue, the doctor is here, let the doctor take the pulse of the sage!"

Because the Xue Mansion was close, Xue Yuan directly carried Gu Yuanbai back to the Xue Mansion. The sage was supported to sit down, and the doctor took the pulse. After a while, he frowned and said suspiciously, "I just feel that the sage's heart is beating faster and the pulse is disordered, and I don't see anything."

Gu Yuanbai's expression darkened.

After a long time, he waved away the others, leaving only the palace attendant beside him and Xue Yuan, who was stubbornly reluctant to leave, "Tian Fusheng, I've been walking around a lot recently, and my hands and feet will be weak, and I'm even more panicked today. In front of me, I ask you, will you do the same?"

Tian Fusheng hadn't thought about this, but when he recalled it carefully, he shook his head, "Sacred, the little one has never been like this. But it's strange to say that the little boy usually gets sleepy when he is in front of the sage. The days are not like this, but I feel that I have some energy, and at noon, I am full of energy, and I can go for a run."

Gu Yuanbai was silent for a moment, and then asked the people who accompanied him on weekdays one by one.

These people either didn't feel it, or they felt that their spirits were better, and none of them behaved like Gu Yuanbai. But each of them, male or female, is healthier than Gu Yuanbai and younger than Tian Fusheng.

Gu Yuanbai originally thought that he was being plotted against him, but after asking around, he added another doubtful option, that is, his body began to decline, and his lifespan was coming to an end.

His face was not good-looking, and Xue Yuan, who was looking at him, pinched the back of the chair, his fingers turned white, and he gritted his teeth.

Death is not a very scary thing for Xue Yuan.

But now it is.

The atmosphere of silence spreads.

Suddenly, Gu Yuanbai clenched the shirt on his chest again. The expression on his face was painful, and he felt the panic and anxiety that rose again. This feeling seemed to have turned into a real flame, burning mercilessly in his body. Gu Yuanbai's internal organs.

The beads of sweat on his forehead rolled down, Gu Yuanbai thought, "Damn it."

Grass fuck.

Lao Tzu's life, a life that Lao Tzu has protected for so long, no one should think of taking it from him so easily.


Fortunately, this situation has only been repeated twice. After Gu Yuanbai survived the panic and confusion, he was too tired to return to the palace, "Xue Yuan, I want to rest in peace."

Xue Yuan knelt down on one knee in front of him, with his broad back facing the emperor, "I will take you to resettle."

On the way back to the bedroom with Gu Yuanbai on his back, covered in moonlight, the stars were still prosperous, but the relaxed mood he had before was gone.

Gu Yuanbai saw that he had been silent, and suddenly said lazily: "Xue Jiuyao, your tongue is very sweet."

Xue Jiuyao's arm trembled, almost slipping the saint down from behind, steadying her steps, and muttering: "Well."

Gu Yuanbai lifted his eyelids and glanced at the back of his head, feeling a headache, "Why do you talk so much nonsense when you shouldn't be talking, and stop talking when you should."

Xue Yuan's heart throbbed painfully, and the hand holding Sheng Shang was still shaking, "Sacred Lord, my heart hurts so badly."

"...How come you feel distressed," Gu Yuanbai said softly, "I haven't called it hurt yet."

After he said these words, he noticed that Xue Yuan's hands were tight, and he looked down in the moonlight. The blue veins on Xue Yuan's neck had burst out, and Gu Yuanbai could even hear the sound of his teeth colliding.

Gu Yuanbai stopped talking.

He couldn't even figure out the current relationship between him and Xue Yuan. The monarch is not the monarch and the minister is not a minister, neither a partner nor a bed partner just for fun.

The cuts are still messy.

When Gu Yuanbai was placed on the bed by Xue Yuan, Gu Yuanbai stretched out his hand to hook Xue Yuan's chin, and said, "I praise you for being sweet, but you don't react at all?"

Xue Yuan sighed and wanted to remove his hand, "Your Highness, this minister is full of bitterness right now."

Gu Yuanbai retracted his hand, closed his eyes and lay on the bed.

He looked like this, although he had just suffered, but his eyes were still full of anger from the living. Xue Yuan stood and looked at him for a while, wiped his face, took off his shoes, socks and coat for Gu Yuanbai, moved A basin of hot water came, and wiped his hands and feet with a wet towel.

Xue Yuan originally thought that Gu Yuanbai had fallen asleep, but when he wiped his fingers for Gu Yuanbai, Gu Yuanbai suddenly said, "Xue Jiuyao, I am not well."

Xue Yuan paused, continued to wipe his hands, and said hoarsely, "I know."

Gu Yuanbai's voice seemed to suddenly become longer, and it seemed to be mixed with a lot of cold wind. There was an invisible street from Xue Yuan, and no matter how long he walked, it seemed that he had only walked one third , "I don't want to die, but there are some things that I can't say I don't want. To be rational, Xue Jiuyao, you'd better stop talking to me."


The towel fell to the ground.

Xue Yuan bent down, picked up the towel and threw it in the water basin. He was silent for a while before saying, "What do you mean when you click it?"

Gu Yuanbai closed his eyes, as if he didn't hear.

The sourness and swelling in Xue Yuan's heart had already made his eyes red. He looked at Gu Yuanbai, but Gu Yuanbai didn't look at him.

"You are really amazing, Gu Lian, you can make Lao Tzu's eyes red with just one word," he said from the gap between his teeth, holding back, squeezing his five fingers, "If you click these four words, I will never write."

Gu Yuanbai finally opened his eyes to look at him, Xue Yuan got up abruptly, his expression suddenly turned grim, "You're alive, I'll watch you every step of the way. When you're about to die, I'll stab myself in the chest first, and block it as well. your Huangquan Road."

He turned and walked away, the doors and windows rattling.

Gu Yuanbai was stunned, but the next moment the door frame rang again, Xue Yuan walked in and put a wooden sculpture in Gu Yuanbai's hand, and walked away quickly like the wind.

There was finally no sound in the room.

Gu Yuanbai raised his hand, the wood carving in his hand was smooth and warm, there was a bit of Gu Yuanbai's shadow between his eyebrows, a smile on the corner of his lips, and his robes fluttered.

With a flip of his hand, two lines of characters are engraved on the back of the wood carving.

[In the ten years of Jingping, the minister was hand-carved by the king.

This minister presents the birthday ceremony, wishing you to be happy. ]