I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country

Chapter 109


After the martial arts, several good seedlings appeared. Gu Yuanbai threw them into the Lu division and the navy division, and the generals took them with them to practice.

This year's champion Wu is a young man named Suning. His father and brother have been farmers for three generations. It is not easy for a farmer to raise such a proud son. Gu Yuanbai sent someone to inquire and found out that it turned out that this Suning was the son-in-law of Jiaxian, the beloved disciple of the military officer.

Half a month after the Wujue, people who went to the coast to fight drugs sent a drug addict to Beijing.

On that day, Gu Yuanbai took all the imperial doctors and confidants of the Imperial Hospital to see the process of the drug addict's poisoning.

People who have always felt that the sage is making a big fuss, after seeing the crazy reaction of the drug addicts when they are poisoned, they have chills on their backs.

There is no reason, and it is as ferocious as a beast. This is no longer a person, but a ghost who is still angry.

It was not until the addict finally fainted with foaming at the mouth that everyone felt a heavy burden lifted and breathed again.

"Heart palpitations, pale or sallow complexion," Gu Yuanbai said lightly, "retching, nausea. I was like this a few days ago, my hands and feet were weak, and my heart rate was too fast."

The ministers all looked at the sage and were very surprised.

The imperial physicians of the imperial hospital knelt down one by one, and some of the white-haired old imperial physicians were already choked up: "Sir, this minister is guilty."

"It's hard that you can't see it," Gu Yuanbai looked at the addict who had fainted on the ground with a heavy look in his eyes, "I've only been taking it for more than ten days, and the daily dose is very small, it's just that I overreacted. Blame you."

Gu Yuanbai waved back the imperial doctor and took the ministers back to the Xuanzheng Hall. The ministers who had seen the appearance of a drug addict did not know why the sage was so strong a few days ago, and even went down one after another without listening to persuasion. It was a pity that they not only did nothing at that time, but almost pulled His Majesty's hind legs.

The confidant ministers were silent in twos and threes, speechless. Gu Yuanbai saw what they were thinking, and knocked on the corner of the table with his fingers, "I asked you to come, not to let you stand here as a piece of wood for me, cheer up one by one, and give me a few useful tips. idea."

The ministers cheered up and accompany the Holy General to sort out the reasons one by one.

After this conversation, they directly talked about dinner. After Gu Yuanbai kept them and finished eating, he let the minister go back. Later, Kong Yilin came to see him, and after knowing what the Supervision Office was investigating in Xixia, he said very complicatedly: "As soon as this incense is investigated, it is intertwined, and one person can involve several high-ranking officials and tyrants. , there is no one who can not be involved in this matter.”

"Because the people who have nothing to do with this matter are either dead or imprisoned in the Xixia Emperor's prison," Gu Yuanbai handed him an envelope, "A smart person knows that they keep their mouths shut and are worried in their hearts. People have learned that it is useless to say nothing. Take it and see."

Kong Yilin took a look, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath.

Gu Yuanbai leaned back and leaned on the back of the chair, thinking about the time when Kong Yilin rebelled in the original text.

According to the extent of Emperor Xixia's smoking of national incense, as long as the incense is gone, he will not live long. Even if he didn't die, he didn't have the momentum to accompany Kong Yilin to send troops to Daheng.

That should be the next successor.

Xixia's next successor should be very ambitious and value talents. He understands Kong Yilin and the value of cotton in his hands, so he gave Kong Yilin what he could not get in Daheng - power and status.

Looking at it this way, he at least has an open mind that doesn't care about the origin of talents. Perhaps, this successor is extremely lacking in talents to serve him, so he is so eager for talents that he doesn't care whether this person has the blood of Daheng.

He also knows how to judge the situation and can bend and stretch. In the original text, the war between Daheng and Xixia was the battle of Xue Yuan's Yang Wei. After knowing that Daheng could not be beaten, Xixia's attitude of admitting defeat could be said to be very neat.

Xixia's next successor is a person. Such a person really doesn't realize the harm of Guoxiang, and will it really spread by Guoxiang

Gu Yuanbai let out a turbid breath and suddenly asked, "Do you know the second prince of Xixia?"

"Second Prince of Xixia," Kong Yilin was stunned, and then recalled, "I only knew about the Second Prince of Xixia after he came to the capital. He was very unfamiliar with him and didn't know much about him. I heard that his reputation was not obvious, his ability was mediocre, and he only knew about him. The rest of the life is hard to say."

Gu Yuanbai smiled and thought, is life hard enough

He didn't say anything about the matter, and instead joked: "Kong Qing, I heard that Lord Censor Mi of the procuratorate wants to marry his youngest daughter to you as his wife. Is this true or false?"

Kong Yilin's face heated up, "Your Majesty, Master Mi doesn't mean that."

"Oh?" Gu Yuanbai curled the corner of his lips, "I heard that in the past two months, once he took a rest, Kong Qing ran towards the temple, but luckily, every time he met him. Shangxiang's youngest daughter of Mr. Mi's family."

Kong Yilin leaned over directly, saluted and left.

But when he was about to step out of the palace gate, Yu Guang inadvertently glanced back, and saw the picture of Xue Yuan Xue, leaning over and whispering in the ear of the saint. Kong Yilin withdrew his eyes calmly, Tong Tian Fusheng smiled, and walked quickly away from the palace.


Xue Yuan said in the ear of the sage: "Sir, on the next rest day, why don't you go to the temple to offer incense as a minister?"

In the past month, Xue Yuan has never even surpassed Gu Yuanbai by half. Gu Yuanbai sometimes woke up in the middle of the night, and when he let him take the water in a disheveled way, the warm water slipped from the corner of his lips by chance. When Gu Yuanbai thought that Xue Yuan would lean over to suck it, Xue Yuan didn't move, not even a finger. Lift up and touch him.

The person who dared to press his body for an hour that day and kept wiping oil in secret seemed to have suddenly changed his body and restrained himself to the point of becoming a different person. When Gu Yuanbai came out of the spring pool, the water droplets on his hair dripped to the ground, forming intermittent beads, sliding down from the neck to the foot of the robe, but Xue Yuan would rather close his eyes and bow his head than go to the holy place. Take a look at it.


In the past few days, when Gu Yuanbai saw him, he was upset and thought, the second trick after seduction, is it hard to get hold of it

Is it possible that Xue Jiuyao's tactics are planned to be used on him in the same way

He didn't want to talk to him, and continued to deal with the memorial with a cold face. Xue Yuan did not move, and persuaded in a low voice: "Your Majesty, you should rest as well, because you are worried that your body will not be able to bear it."

For some reason, his voice remained hoarse for a month.

"Go away," Gu Yuanbai pressed his eyebrows and said, "I am pure in heart and have few desires, and I rest every day."

There was a smile in Xue Yuan's eyes, "Your Majesty, how can this be considered a rest? It's spring, and it's a lukewarm season. You don't have to take Tian Fusheng with you, you just need to bring your ministers. , I will take good care of you."

When Tian Fusheng heard it, he was anxious, and wanted to rush up and fight Xue Yuan desperately, "Master Xue, you don't like to listen to your words when you are young. You can't go out of the palace without taking your little ones. It's a big inconvenience if you don't bring them."

Gu Yuanbai turned over a page of memorials, "I can't stroll around in the imperial garden?"

"That's different," Tian Fusheng also advised together, "Sir, you really should go out for a walk."

Gu Yuanbai originally wanted to relax the nerves that had been tense for a long time. He originally planned to go out for a walk on the next rest day.

At this time, he raised his eyes, but he looked at the captain of the guard, "Do you think I should go out to see some spring scenery?"

The head guard was flattered, and after saluting, he said earnestly, "My minister, Master Xue and Director Tian have the same thoughts, and they think so too."

Gu Yuanbai glanced at Xue Yuan out of the corner of his eye, and the smile on the latter's face really changed. He was looking at Zhang Xu with a gloomy smile. He sneered and said with a smile: "Then go."


Take a rest day, clean the dust temple.

Gu Yuanbai was dressed in regular clothes, and there was a little novice leading the way in front of him, and he went to visit the Buddhas in the temples one by one.

The late emperor liked Buddha, and he did not stick to his knees. He bowed to gods and Buddhas with sincerity. Gu Yuanbai is a materialist, but after experiencing the transmigration incident, regardless of whether he believes it or not, when he sees gods and Buddhas, he also thinks about whether there are ghosts and gods in this world.

Standing in the center of the Buddhist temple, with his hands behind his back, he was dressed in green clothes as long as bamboo, and he was staring directly at the golden Buddha in the temple.

The golden Buddha was wiped spotlessly clean, and his eyes were bright. It seemed to be looking at Gu Yuanbai as well.

Gu Yuanbai watched for a while, and his heart moved, but Xue Yuan suddenly grabbed Gu Yuanbai's wrist with a sullen face: "Don't look at it."

Gu Yuanbai's mind was interrupted, he looked down at him holding his hand, sneered a few times, and slammed it away.

Isn't it hard-to-find? Then don't fucking touch me.

As soon as the hand was thrown away, Gu Yuanbai immediately became refreshed. With a smile on his lips, he happily watched the scenery in the temple with the novice. He did not worship the Buddha, but he did not stop the people around him from going to worship the Buddha. The palace attendants and the guards got permission, so they lit incense, and every time they passed a temple with a Buddha statue, they went in and paid their respects.

After seeing everything that should be seen, the group used vegetarian food in the temple.

The smell of sandalwood in the temple is the most hypnotic. After the meal, Gu Yuanbai felt a little sleepy, and he took a nap in the wing. After waking up, he heard lightning flashes and thunder in his ears, and the sound of the majestic rain came clearly into his ears. He stood up and looked out. It was only noon, but the sky was drowsy, with a faint coldness and atmosphere, and it really was raining.

"Come on."

The palace attendant entered the door and waited for the sage to get up. Gu Yuanbai looked around and frowned, "Why are there so few people?"

Before he could finish speaking, a few people who were soaked in the rain ran towards this place. It was the missing Xue Yuan and a few guards. They ran all the way under the corridor, the wet rain wet the dry ground, and the fine water spilled and splashed everywhere.