I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country

Chapter 166: Extra sixteen


The pale lips were in front of him, the regent wanted to tease the emperor, and he wanted to see the young emperor's stunned and angry look. Where did he know that he was lost first, he finally looked at it for a while, closed his eyes, and stepped forward.

He still remembered the expression on his lips when he kissed him, what kind of delicacy made him like it so much

Is it sweet or savory? Lips and tongues are intertwined, isn't it too dirty

But before he touched his lips, his whole body was overturned to the ground. The whole body began to feel pain. The regent's breath was thick and hot, and the smell of blood rushed from his throat to his mouth. "The dogs around you are really more loyal than each other."

The captain of the guard looked at him vigilantly, the sword had been unsheathed in front of him.

The Prince Regent coughed a few times, and blood dripped from his mouth. He wiped the corners of his mouth and even laughed sullenly, "I haven't been hurt for a long time."

His every move gave Gu Yuanbai a sense of familiarity that was hard to explain. Combined with what he said earlier, Gu Yuanbai already had an absurd idea. He asked the chief guard to step down, got up and walked to Xue Er's side in person, looking down at him.

I want to see the soul inside through this skin.

"Go out." After a long time, Gu Yuanbai gave the order.

The palace attendant in the house went out according to the words, and even brought the door intimately. Gu Yuanbai lifted his robe, bent over and grabbed Xue Er's neck, "What were you doing just now, want to kiss me?"

The regent said honestly: "I originally thought about it."

Gu Yuanbai sneered, his subordinates exerted force: "What are you?"

"Sleep on your stuff," the Prince Regent lowered his voice, "Beauty is strong and interesting, and has a unique flavor."

Gu Yuanbai looked at him coldly, and had already pinched a mark on Xue Er's neck. The regent was short of breath, and continued: "But now I don't want to."

The hand on the neck stopped.

The Prince Regent grinned, even though his skin was mediocre, he still had a bit of evil spirit now, "It's not that I don't want to, it's just that this skin is not worthy of touching you."

He struggled to raise his hand and put it on the hand between his neck, the tentacles were warm, and he looked weaker than the bleeding man.

The body of a thousand gold needs to be well nourished.

The Prince Regent's thoughts flew for a moment, and he finally found that he was better than Xue Yuan in this world. At least he is above ten thousand people, holding thousands of miles of rivers and mountains and countless treasures. If anyone can make people enjoy the good things in the world, it must be only him.

If it is to warm and nourish the person in front of him, I am afraid that only the power as powerful as him can do it.

The Prince Regent's mood suddenly became a little happy, but Gu Yuanbai asked abruptly, "If you talk about skins, wouldn't Zihu's skins be the best fit?"

Unable to hold back, he stabbed again.

This person said that he was Xue Yuan, although it was a bit bizarre, but Gu Yuanbai subconsciously thought of the regent Xue Yuan in the original book.

Gu Yuanbai has his Xue Jiuyao, Xue Jiuyao's present and future, but occasionally he cares about Xue Yuan's being with Chu Wei without his existence.

It's especially uncomfortable to think about it, but it can't be said because it never happened.

The prince regent frowned. Could it be that the emperor still had fond thoughts of Chu Zihu when he was in "his" favor

The originally happy mood sank, "Chu Zihu?"

"Your Majesty, you are still young," the regent said in a good voice, like an elder teaching a junior, "you will inevitably be fascinated by the skin. You may think that Chu Zihu's skin is suitable for you, but according to Yichen, he is no better than Xue Jiuyao. Came tall and mighty."

Then he sighed, "There's no need to read that ice cube face."

While belittling Chu Wei's face, he praised himself in a low-key manner.

The regent couldn't help but blame the other self in his heart.

How can even a man be unable to restrain him, yet let him think about other men

If he is not obedient, he will do his best to make him obedient, tie his legs and bind his hands. Don't you understand such a simple truth

Gu Yuanbai was startled, then looked him up and down strangely, "What do you mean by that?"

The king regent said leisurely: "In this world, apart from Xue Jiuyao, there is no one in Moyo who is worthy of you."

Gu Yuanbai understood, he glanced at Xue Er with a complicated look, and called in the people outside the door.

The regent's eyes followed him, trying to find something in him that could make another one fall in love with him. Looking around, his body is a little weaker, his face is too much, his eyebrows are good-looking, and his lips are lighter.

There are so many beauties in the world, and the Prince Regent has seen countless people. No matter how he looks at the appearance of the emperor, he can't help but feel a little indifferent.

Gu Yuanbai noticed his gaze, turned his head sideways, and cast his eyes.

It was as if the black and white ink was diffused in color, the black eyes and pale lips burst into the eyes, and the colors scattered in the bottom of the eyes, leaving only a living him.

After a while, the sage had already walked out, but the prince regent was stunned on the spot, bowing his head, looking at his chest at a loss.


Gu Yuanbai stood in the corridor for a while, dazed for a long time, the sound of footsteps in the distance came from the water, he looked up and saw that Xue Yuan and the people were walking fast, and the people behind him also had meals in addition to rain gear. .

"Why are you standing here?" Xue Yuan strode up the corridor, the bottom of his clothes was soaked by the rain, "It's so sticky, you miss me after walking for so long?"

Gu Yuanbai rolled his eyes at him, Xue Yuan laughed twice and coaxed, "I'm so cold right now, it's hard to get close to you. It's probably going to rain until midnight, and it's time for lunch, you Eat while it's hot, and I'll change my clothes."

Gu Yuanbai nodded his head well, "Don't worry, just wait for you to change your clothes."

Xue Yuan pressed down the corners of his mouth and coughed while pretending to be calm, "Alright."

He hurriedly went back to his room to change his clothes, and then came back and took Gu Yuanbai's hand to eat together. Xue Er slowly climbed into the wheelchair, turned the wheel and walked out of the door, quietly watching them go away.

After the two figures in front were gone, he set off and followed slowly.

Xue Yuan was secretly taking advantage of the saint while they were feeding, and just after kissing, he saw Xue Er who was looking at them like a mountain outside the door.

Xue Yuan and Xue Er looked at each other for a while, Xue Er smiled politely, but said vulgarly, "Are you comfortable?"

Xue Yuan didn't get angry immediately, but turned his head and smiled at Gu Yuanbai, the suffocating anger in his heart was well hidden, "Your Majesty, you have dinner first, and I will go and talk to my brother."

Gu Yuanbai patted his hand lightly, "Go."

Xue Yuan got up, smiled and pushed Xue Er's wheelchair away. A quarter of an hour later, he changed his clothes and rushed over with heavy humidity. The smell of blood on his body was washed clean, so that Gu Yuanbai could not see that something was wrong.

Gu Yuanbai knew it well, but he pretended not to understand. He ate his meal calmly, "Jiuyao, will you go with me to pay homage to Concubine Wan in a while?"

Xue Yuan solemnly: "Okay."


The Regent, who had woken up from the severe pain, started to cough subconsciously, but after two coughs, he felt something was wrong.

A group of servants were waiting outside, cautiously: "Sir, do you need the younger ones to come in and serve?"

There are carved beams and painted buildings in the room, and the incense is pleasant. The Regent rolled over and got out of bed, his strong chest half naked and his legs intact and strong.

Have a dream

The Prince Regent stood there for a while, the tearful candle swayed, casting a light and shadow on the wall.

When Chu Wei was invited into Xue Mansion, he saw that the Prince Regent was drinking alone under the moon, and the corner of the table was already a mess of empty pots. Chu Wei's expression remained unchanged, he walked to the table and sat down, pouring himself a glass of wine.

He and the prince regent drank several cups sullenly, and the prince regent suddenly said: "Chu Zihu, the late emperor passed away early, I only remember his name as Gu Lian."

Chu Wei replied lightly, "It is the uncle of the current saint."

The regent's drinking hand paused again, and after a long time he raised his glass and drank it, "Did you know that if he hadn't died, the world would be different, and I would be another?"

The world was peaceful, and there was no sparring. The court-ordered officials lived a steady life, and did not appear to be trembling under his hands.

Chu Wei had a rare smile, "My lord, haven't you come out of your dream yet?"

After drinking all the drinks, I was inexplicably a little melancholy. The prince regent rubbed the wine glass for a long time before saying, "Maybe."

Fortunately, it was just a dream, and fortunately, there were only a few short days in the dream, so he would not indulge in it.

The Prince Regent stood up, looked up to see the bright moon, and his heart suddenly rose with interest, and said loudly: "The bright moon is Zhaozhao, and the river is long."

After reading these two sentences, he suddenly got stuck, shook his head with a smile, picked up the jug and left.

Mingyue Zhaozhao, Jiang Shui long, if he really pleases a person, he must give him so many likes.

-End of the full text-

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