I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country

Chapter 2


There are two official schools in the capital, one is Guozi school and the other is Tai school. That night, news from Guozixue somehow spread to Taixue. The headmaster of Taixue had the cheek to send out a unilateral cooperation invitation, and also formed four teams of Cuju, planning to learn well with Guozi in front of Shengshang tomorrow. than the previous one.

What fun do people in your school have to play with themselves? Take us with you! Our students are tall and energetic, and they are very good at playing football!

When looking for the unpleasant part of Guozixue, Taixue was stubborn.

On the second day, the sage really came. The sage was dressed in normal clothes and sat in a pavilion covered with cloth. At this time, it was still cold in the spring. None of the people who served by the sage and the ministers of civil and military affairs dared to let the sage blow some more cold wind.

Only the side of the pavilion facing the arena was left empty, and the brazier was piled on the side. At this time, the game had not yet started, but the side of the arena was already crowded with people who had heard the news.

These people squeezed their heads and wanted to see the saint.

There was a lot of noise outside the arena, and after it got lively, it would break the sky, and some people climbed up the trees, hugged the trunk and stretched their necks to look inside the arena.

Tang Mian, the son of the Minister of the Ministry of Housing, clenched his fists a little, and he only felt that his chest was tense and stuffy. After looking at the pavilion where the Holy Master was in the distance, his nervousness turned into a raging fighting spirit.

His friend Pingchang Hou Shizi was talking nervously to Tang Mian at this time: "I feel like my calf is cramping."

Tang Mian was startled, "Hurry up and knead, the game will start in a while, we have to play beautifully for the saint to see!"

"It's just because I know that the Sage is here," Pingchang Hou Shizi said with a bitter face, "My father heard that I was going to play for the Sage today, and he called me up early in the morning before dawn, and he was again. Boxing and running, I'm exhausted."

Tang Mian was dumbfounded, and he turned left and right worriedly, "You're a good dragon, you can't be without you."

The Prince of Pingchang Hou Shizi couldn't help but be triumphant. He tried his best to swing his legs and "hiss": "I'll rub it first."

Most of the people who played Cuju on the field were the boys who had not yet done the crown ceremony. When they heard that the Holy Master was coming, there were still so many people watching. Although there was some stage fright, most of them were excited and excited.

"It's still a little cold outside, but these boys are not afraid," Gu Yuanbai was wearing a fox fur with white down around his face, "Look, they're all wearing thin shirts."

Tian Fusheng felt sorry for the saint, and carefully warmed a pot of tea for him, "I sweat when I run, but it is easy to catch cold after sweating. After all, I am young and can stand it."

"I ordered to go down, and when the kick is over, I will give you a bowl of ginger soup in time, and let the people in the school pay attention, don't lose the big because of the small."

"Yes." Tian Fusheng ordered him to continue.


The competition between the two colleges is naturally eye-catching, and the cheers and annoyances spread far and wide, all the way to another hill not far away.

Chu Weizheng was out walking with his classmates and saw this lively scene from a distance. The classmates smiled and said, "If it wasn't for me that I really had no interest in Cuju, I would also go over there to join in the fun."

Chu Wei's brows and eyes are light. He is dressed in Tsing Yi, and his appearance is elegant and handsome. There is a bit of alienation and coldness between his eyebrows.

"Noisy," Chu Wei said, "what's good for the top, the bottom must vote for it."

The classmate jokingly said: "You should be glad that the current sage is not a rare treasure, otherwise, it will be another disaster for the people of the world."

Chu Wei met the crowd not far away with cold eyes. He has been traveling to study since he passed the exam seven years ago. He saw many people who were poor and unable to eat, and he became more and more disappointed with the superiors. Today's sages have no merits and faults, and they are mediocre. They have been bullied by the powerful ministers for so many years. There is really nothing to make Chu Wei look at them differently.

His classmates knew what he was thinking by looking at him, he smiled and continued to walk on the green leisurely.

Although Daheng appears to be Haiyan Heqing on the surface, in the eyes of savvy people who can see the form clearly, they know that this peace will not last long.

Once the weak and sickly little emperor dies, there will be internal and external troubles, and a pack of wolves will be around.

Even if the little emperor is not dead, can he tame those wolves who are starving with green eyes

What to tame, to tame the weak


In this lively Cuju match, the kickers were sweating profusely, and the viewers were also sweating profusely. More importantly, as soon as these young men got off the field, the servants in the palace served a bowl of hot ginger soup. After learning that it was specially ordered by the sage, many poor and poor children couldn't help but become popular. Eye.

"Thank you, sage." He picked up the ginger soup and finished it up, his whole body was connected to the body and soon became warm. There were a few tall young men who covered their red eyes and said in a loud voice, "Jiang The soup is delicious."

"Several brothers, hurry up and put on your clothes," the palace attendant was also very kind. "It's still early spring, so don't slack off."

The people slowly dispersed, and Li Yan, the prince of Pingchang Houfu, pinched his nose and drank a bowl of ginger soup, and shouted, "Refreshing!"

Handing the bowl to the servant, he leaned on Tang Mian's shoulder and said narrowly, "Brother Mian, why don't you drink it? Wouldn't it be reluctant?"

Tang Mian's ears turned red, and he hurriedly drank it, "Without a door on his mouth, he is just talking nonsense."

The two of them were talking when the servant of the Marquis of Pingchang ran over, "Sir, the lord asked you to hurry up and meet him with him."

The Prince of Pingchang Hou was stunned, "Miansheng?"

He was at a loss for a moment, "I, I, I'm still wearing a Cuju suit."

The servant said anxiously: "You can put on a casual dress first, the master is in a hurry."

The Prince of Pingchang Hou quickly followed behind him and went to the pavilion with the Pingchang Hou.

Gu Yuanbai happened to invite the head teachers of the two colleges to speak, and after receiving the notification, he said, "Come in."

The father and son of the Marquis of Pingchang bowed and said cautiously, "The dragon's body has just recovered, and this minister is thinking of coming to see it."

Gu Yuanbai smiled, "Why are you being so restrained with me? Sit down."

The Marquis of Pingchang sat meticulously not far from him, his back straight, still nervous.

How can I not be nervous? People who don't face the saint will never be able to understand their feelings. The saint was young and ascended to the emperor. He originally thought that the past ten years had allowed them to understand the character of the saint. Who knows that guessing and guessing is all a game of the saint. How old is the saint? The crown was only established last year!

The father sat down, but the Prince of Pingchang didn't dare to sit down. Gu Yuanbai's eyes swept over the boy who had been keeping his head down, and said, "This is Brother Yan, so he's already so big."

The Marquis of Pingchang said: "The boy is stubborn, and when he is older, it will give the minister a headache."

"Young people should do the same," Gu Yuanbai said with a smile, "Brother Yan, come and sit next to me."

Li Yan sat down beside the sage uneasily. Although he was next to him, he was also separated by the position of the two of them. I wonder if it was an illusion. After sitting down, Li Yan always felt a hint of fragrance on the tip of his nose.

The incense used in the palace is of the highest quality, and the more you smell it, the more intoxicated it becomes. Li Yan smells it all over, and hears the sage joking aside: "I have heard many adults say that the Prince of Pingchang looks like a prince. Handsome, it's a pity that they don't have a daughter who is suitable for marriage in their family, otherwise they must start first."

The Marquis of Pingchang felt very proud, but Li Yan was so embarrassed that he was restless.

Li Yan, like a duck with a stiff head, raised his head abruptly, his shy face flushed red, his eyes forgot to dodge, and he saw Sheng Yan directly.

The sage looked at him in surprise, Li Yan was holding his neck, his chest was connected to a blank space in his mind.

The Marquis of Pingchang shouted, "Li Yan!"

Li Yan's heart jumped so violently that he almost jumped up. He hurriedly lowered his head and said at a loss, "Your Majesty, the boy has no shape..."

Gu Yuanbai liked such a lively, young and powerful young man, he smiled, "Marquis of Pingchang, it doesn't have to be like this. Brother Yan has a real temperament and is a good boy."

After the saint praised a few words, the Marquis of Pingchang asked his son to retire. Li Yan walked out of the pavilion in a trance, and Tang Mian was constantly looking around outside the guards stationed, and hurriedly waved when he saw him coming out.

Li Yan walked over, the two looked at each other, and walked silently into the crowd. After walking a few steps, Li Yan suddenly stopped, he looked around, swallowed, turned his head and followed Tang Mian and said, "You said, did you see the saint's appearance clearly when you entered the palace last time?"

Tang Mian nodded lightly, "What's the matter, you watched it this time? Didn't you listen to your father the most?"

Li Yan rubbed his head and smiled. Instead of answering this, he said like a bomb thrown on the ground: "How about we find a painter together? I want to..." He pointed to the sky, although he was afraid, he still felt boldly. When it was extremely exciting, "Draw that one down."

Tang Mian jumped up in shock, "Are you crazy?!"

"I'm not crazy," Li Yan winked at him, "We don't follow the painting, our eyebrows and eyes are with me, and our nose and lips are with you. If we want to see the painting, we will meet and draw together, and we will hide the painting when we have nothing to do on weekdays. In the bedroom, who can find it?"

Tang Mian swallowed his saliva, and in his mind he glanced at the appearance of the saint in that day, and when he looked at Li Yan again, they both knew that it was done.