I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country

Chapter 20


Xue Yuan's hands suddenly strained.

But the little emperor did not faint as he imagined.

After spitting out the blood, Gu Yuanbai quickly calmed down. Under his gaze, the eunuch who came to report had already begun to tremble. Gu Yuanbai lowered his face coldly and said, "Zhang Xu, arrest him and keep him under strict supervision. Then send someone to rush to Zhuangzi to check whether what he said is true."

The eunuch's body softened, and he was dragged away from the hall by the tall guards.

Gu Yuanbai wiped the blood from his lips with his cuff, and patted Xue Yuan's arm, "Put me down."

Xue Yuan put Gu Yuanbai down with a stiff face, Gu Yuanbai sat on the main seat with a big horse, and looked gloomily in the direction of the door.

Someone had already run to call the imperial doctor, but Gu Yuanbai was still in a bad mood.

He shouldn't be so excited.

There were people in the supervision department beside Taifei Wan. If Taifei Wan was really bad, then such a eunuch shouldn't have come to report, and Gu Yuanbai didn't get any news.

The palace attendant handed over the handkerchief, Gu Yuanbai raised it to wipe the blood from his hands and the corners of his lips, suddenly remembered something, and looked up at Xue Yuan.

Xue Yuan's neck, the corners of his clothes and his hair were stained with a little blood from Gu Yuanbai's cough. His face was dark and calm, and he was staring at Gu Yuanbai.

Gu Yuanbai: "...give him another towel."

As the main male attacker in the original book, Xue Yuan's appearance is naturally not bad, with sharp eyebrows, thin lips and high nose, and any kind of expression and movement has a sense of danger that makes people vigilant.

This kind of appearance is too sharp, and the fighting on the battlefield will only make Xue Yuan more suffocating. The appearance of blood on his face and neck makes the maid who handed him the towel trembling.

Xue Yuan took the towel and wiped it on his neck. He looked at Gu Yuanbai while wiping, and suddenly his hands stopped, and he asked, "Is there anything uncomfortable about the Holy One?"

Gu Yuanbai said, "It's okay."

Xue Yuan's expression was even more strange. He was a little shocked when Gu Yuanbai vomited a mouthful of blood just now. Now looking at Gu Yuanbai, no matter how he looked at him, he felt sick all over his body, and he could spit out when he moved. The appearance of blood.

The sticky blood on his neck was stuck on the towel, and the more Xue Yuan wiped it, the more livid his expression became. Needless to say, looking at the maids next to him, he knew how scary he was.

Gu Yuanbai said warmly: "Come on, take Guard Xue to clean it up."

It was the first time that Xue Yuan heard him talk to him in such a warm voice, and it was strange for a while. The palace maid walked in front of him, "Xue Guard, let's go?"

Xue Yuan came back to his senses and put the towel on his shoulder, "Let's go."

When Xue Yuan was gone, Gu Yuanbai restrained his smile. He closed his eyes and knocked on the table. The crisp sound from his fingertips was as terrifying as a deadly sickle.

It didn't take long for him to run in with sweat dripping from the guards, knelt in front of Gu Yuanbai and said, "Your Majesty, Concubine Wan is fine. I just miss your Majesty and send someone to invite your Majesty to the outskirts of Beijing."

Having said that, the guard handed a letter to Gu Yuanbai, the little eunuch checked the letter, and then carefully handed it to the sage.

This is the secret letter from the Supervision Department, which has explained the cause and effect of the whole thing. Those who deliberately spread the wrong information have been arrested by the Supervision Department and are being tortured to extract confessions.

Gu Yuanbai was still very satisfied with this speed. He burned the secret letter, and after the last trace of the paper was wiped out, the imperial doctor outside also came.

"Check," Gu Yuanbai said, "check in the clan."

The captain of the guard felt a chill behind him, and bowed his head, he should say, "My minister follows the order."


The remnants of the powerful minister Lu Feng were frightened by Gu Yuanbai and fled to Jingnan and Jiangnan all the way. After Gu Yuanbai cleaned the court and the inner court, the second thing was to uproot the chess pieces that Lu Feng had buried in the military.

But in addition to these three places where he could use thunder, he couldn't forcefully pull out Lu Feng's people buried in the residences of other ministers and clan dignitaries.

But there are disadvantages and advantages. He can't catch these people who are hiding, and these people don't even think about fleeing to the capital with the big army.

No, someone is starting to panic.

Gu Yuanbai placed the people in the supervisory office in the residences of ministers and clansmen. The first is to dig out these cancers, and the second is to prevent these people who are carrying the stipends of the court, but have no brains.

Gu Yuanbai's brain was very clear. After the imperial doctor finished the diagnosis and treatment for him, Tian Fusheng waited with tears on the side. Gu Yuanbai asked him to come forward and only said, "It's time to move."

Daheng's important ministers are not stupid people, and stupid people can't be important ministers. They know who to follow and whom to serve is the best thing to do. But there are always some whimsical clansmen who feel that the saint is in poor health and has no children, and they think that if the saint dies today, will they, or their children, be supported on the throne

Those who have outstanding children in the family, or clansmen who have a reputation for being wise, are more likely to commit stupid things.


The capital was calm, but dozens of eunuchs holding imperial edicts walked out of the palace in a hurry.

These eunuchs were sent to the palaces of the various princes to read out the will of the saint.

Gu Yuanbai gave them a chance to confess and be lenient.

The language of the imperial decree was concise, but the eunuch read it fiercely and severely, asking them to hand over the remnants of Lu Feng hidden in the mansion, and hand over the cancer that encouraged them to be disrespectful to the emperor.

Everyone in the Prince Zong’s mansion was trembling with fear, but no matter how they pressed it, the eunuch only said that there was still half an hour.

After half an hour, if those who dare to do it dare not take the initiative to come out and be honest, then they must accept the emperor's thunderous tactics.

During this half an hour, the eunuch stood in front of the clan's mansion with hand in hand, looking at the innocent or uneasy faces of the royal relatives with a cold face.

It's not just who's heart is beating faster and faster, and he hides in the crowd with sweat on his face, cold sweat dripping from his chin to the ground.

Scared, scared, but still can't believe what the Holy One can do.

As time passed by, it seemed as if they knew what was going to happen in the capital. The ministers closed the gatehouse, and there was no one on the street in front of the prince's house.

The late afternoon sun gradually moved westward.

The legs of the clan who had done something on their knees became weak. I don't know if it was because they knelt for half an hour or because of some inexplicable fear. In the lapse of time, not a single person in the prince's mansion stood up and took the initiative to admit punishment. Finally, half an hour passed.

The sound of heavy footsteps came from the palace, and thousands of armored imperial soldiers ran out of the palace, in a compact formation, and went straight to the palace of the prince.

Their feet were so heavy that the ground shook, and their shields and knives glowed bloodthirsty. The leading general roared, "According to the will of the sage, I'll get rid of the villain army, and the idle people will give way!"

On the street, the doors of the households were closed, and from the gap in the window, I watched the captain of the black-armored imperial army run past the door of the house. Horrible light.

These Gu Yuanbai spent a lot of money to raise the forbidden army, the daily training and drills gave them a strong body, and the daily good meat and rice gave them the strength to hold up their armor and pick up swords and shields.

Countless clansmen with wide sects watched this group of forbidden troops come over, and two groups fought. It was not until these forbidden troops ran past their house that these clansmen felt that they were alive again and could breathe. They They fell softly to the ground, and the servants also fell softly to the ground. Until now, they did not know that what the emperor said was true.

Someone really made a mistake that the Holy One could not tolerate.

The black armored imperial army ran past the gatehouse, and saw the eunuch standing in front of the gatehouse with a cold face suddenly smiled like a chrysanthemum, warmly lifted the mansion master who had fallen to the ground, and said apologetically: " Don't care about the little ones, the little ones are also doing things according to the order. Now that the Imperial Army is not besieging the gatehouse, it proves that you are innocent! The sage will give a reward later, so don't take this matter to heart. superior."

The happiness and fear in the heart of the clan who were lifted up have not dissipated, and they have a clear understanding of the emperor's temper. How dare you say anything

Terrible, terrifying.

It's even scarier than them.

Thousands of imperial troops eventually surrounded the residence of King Qi.

The eunuch who was waiting in front of King Qi's gate walked down the steps with a smile, and said hello to the general who led the forbidden army: "General Cheng, is this what it is?"

The general nodded and said with a serious face, "I'm sorry to trouble my father-in-law."

The eunuch greeted him with a few words of courtesy, and then hid to the side, letting the people of Qi Wangfu face the eyeing imperial army. King Qi, who was not confused, was supported and walked to the door with trembling hands, "What are you trying to do!"

When the people inside the mansion saw the darkened area of the forbidden army, some people had already fainted. Panic spread, and finally someone couldn't help but let out a low sob.

General Cheng raised his voice coldly: "The ministers have ordered to eliminate the rebel army. If there is any resistance, kill them!"

King Qi couldn't breathe and almost pouted. He stared at the group of armored soldiers in front of him with wide eyes, his legs trembling more and more under his robe.

There was also a young child beside him, the prince's youngest son, who was born smart and intelligent, and was known as a child prodigy since childhood. At this time, the child was holding the hand of the servant beside him, crying and calling for his mother.

Such a fart-old child who has not been weaned is still "as smart and benevolent as today's saints"

Pooh! General Cheng set his eyes on fire, and the soldiers behind him were eager to move.

King Qi was the brother of the late emperor. He was a dozen years younger than the late emperor. When the late emperor proclaimed himself emperor, King Qi was not a big threat. King Qi can also be a prince of Anle, so he has gained a good reputation.

But when Gu Yuanbai came to power, Gu Yuanbai, who was weak and likely to have no children, gave King Qi a chance to expand his ambitions. When Lu Feng, a powerful minister, was there, King Qi took gold and silver treasure and got a name from Lu Feng. , he had already dreamed a bigger dream when the other royal family members bowed to their knees.

Lu Feng didn't dare to dare to call himself the king and emperor. He only dared to wait for Gu Yuanbai to die and support the next puppet emperor. King Qi was old, and Lu Feng was worried, but King Qi had a son.

He has many, many sons.

King Qi was full of anger and fear. He looked at the guards outside the door, the swords and shields in their hands, and knew that what the eunuch had just read was true.

But how did Gu Yuanbai find out? !

How dare Gu Yuanbai? !

He is his uncle!

King Qi said with a trembling voice: "This king wants to meet the Holy Master in person!"

The guard standing in front of the door stared at him silently.

King Qi's heart was so violent that he grabbed the arm of the servant beside him and pushed the servant out, "Go! Go and report to the sage! Say I want to see the sage!"

The little servant staggered towards the direction of the palace, but he only ran out a few steps before his head was beheaded by the deputy general, and the bloody head rolled onto the steps in front of Prince Qi's mansion.

The bloodstains rolled all the way, and the lieutenant snorted coldly, saying: "I'll wait for the rough man to have a lot of hands, and the sage said that you don't have to keep your hands to clear the rebel army. This little servant dared to escape in front of Master Wang, and he planned to inform the enemy. Do you need reinforcements?"

King Qi's eyes widened, and he pointed at him with shaking hands: "You you you—"

In the big room, Gu Yuanbai personally ordered General Cheng and his lieutenants.

If there is no blood, there are always people who are not afraid.

Everyone in Prince Qi's mansion stared blankly at the head under the steps, and it took a long while to tear the sky apart with exclamations.

The eldest son in King Qi's mansion forced himself to remain calm. He supported his mother and said, "They dare not do anything to us."

No matter what, they are all royal family members!

General Cheng asked the soldiers to put away the swords and replaced them with thick and long sticks. He asked the eunuch on the side to step forward, and the eunuch said loudly: "Will King Qi really not tell the truth and hand over the rebel army?"

King Qi said loudly: "You dare to intimidate the emperor's relatives, and dare to do something to this king?!"

The masters in King Qi's mansion all scolded loudly, "We want to see the Holy One! You said you want to clear the rebel army, so what are you doing around our mansion!"

There were more and more people scolding, as if they were being relied on. More and more people were impassioned, and they pointed at the forbidden army and cursed with blood.

It wasn't until the son of the Prince Qi's mansion that he didn't know who was hit in the head by a blow and fell to the ground with blood all over his head, all these sounds suddenly stopped.

Large swathes of the forbidden army rushed into the Qi Wangfu, the sound of crying and howling shook the sky, the servants lay on the ground, and the Qi Wangfu was like hell.

The masters were given sticks, and so were the servants. But the slaves can be killed, and the masters have to breathe a sigh of relief.

King Qi fell softly in a pool of blood. He watched the black armored soldiers touch the study, and even quickly caught a few Lu Feng's people.

They were as fast as they knew who these people were.

King Qi was dizzy, and the anger in his heart had long since turned into trembling fear.

Gu Yuanbai, Gu Yuanbai... He was even more ruthless than the late emperor, too ruthless, too terrifying.

This emperor is terrible.