I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country

Chapter 43


People with spare money gathered in the teahouse to order a pot of cheap tea and listened to the storyteller with relish, while the man without spare money stood up and rubbed his ears. Everyone obviously can't do anything for anti-corruption, but they are all paying close attention to the anti-corruption issue.

Xue Yuan never thought that Gu Yuanbai would allow the people to know the progress of anti-corruption, and even record the money they looted for sale.

The "Daheng Guobao" was run by Gu Yuanbai. Every day, the letters sent by the Censor's Office and the Supervision Office were handed over to Mr. Zhang, who organized and rubbed them.

Everyone in the capital was excited by the excitement of the people everywhere, and angry at the actions of those corrupt officials.

Unlike the walking corpses who used to farm, eat, and sleep in the past, after knowing exactly what this country is doing, and knowing the situation of the people in various places, these people who are busy with life seem to suddenly come to life.

Many old peasants, simple and honest men, blushing and rubbing their hands, approached the gate of the yamen reading "Daheng Guobao" in the city, and listened to the content of the fast reading with their ears pricked up.

They are illiterate, illiterate, ignorant, and ignorant. Sometimes I can't even understand the content of the newspaper, let alone talk about the corruption situation in various places.

But it was also requested by Gu Yuanbai. He asked Zhang to send the "Daheng Guobao" to various yamen every day, and asked the governor of the capital to arrange for someone to read it to the people at a specific time every day, using the content of the vernacular. , read it to the people as down-to-earth as you can.

The governors of the capital and the petty officials and officials did not think it was of any use, and the common people, who were sometimes angry and sometimes happy with the contents of the newspaper, did not know that they knew how useful it was.

But Gu Yuanbai insisted, and thought that this was a big deal.

As an emperor, you have the responsibility to educate the people.

Everything needs to be subtle, but if you don't even do it at the beginning, you will never wait for change.

Looking at this scene, Xue Yuan felt something that he had never felt before. This kind of thing seemed to be called Taiping.

Something he had never felt at the border, and it was all brought by Gu Yuanbai.

Xue Yuan's loyal heart began to thump again. He couldn't help looking down at Gu Yuanbai, and saw that Gu Yuanbai was about to drink the cold tea with a smile. Xue Yuan's eyelids jumped, he took a cup and put it under Gu Yuanbai's lips, and said, "Spit it out."

Gu Yuanbai looked at him strangely with a mouthful of water stuck in his throat. Xue Yuan couldn't stand his gaze, and his whole body went numb as soon as he looked at it.

Gu Yuanbai spat out the water and stated the truth: "I also eat iced tea in summer."

Iced tea is tea brewed with ice, Xue Yuan doubted: "Can you eat it?"

Gu Yuanbai put down the teacup, and Tian Fusheng put on a new pot of tea. Hearing this, Tian Fusheng said with a smile: "It's okay for the sage to eat it once by chance, but he doesn't dare to let the sage use it more every time, for fear of getting cold."

Xue Yuan glanced at Gu Yuanbai, who was looking at him again and again, looking at his fleshless face and soft hands, it was hard to nod his head in disapproval.

Gu Yuanbai laughed helplessly, Xue Yuan had been by his side for a long time, and the rough-hearted military ruffian was also assimilated by the people around him, treating Gu Yuanbai as some kind of fragile porcelain, for fear that Gu Yuanbai would come out Something bad.

It's just that he was born bold, and others didn't dare to come forward to persuade him, but he dared to do it directly.

The storyteller below has changed an article, talking about the anti-corruption process in another place. It is also the people who consciously blocked the gate of the city, the whole city blocked the gate of the local officials, and the men rolled up their blankets at the gate of the government at night. I went to bed before, and during the day I waited for my mother-in-law to deliver meals in front of the official mansion, until the arrival of the supervisory officials.

Thanks to the help of these people and some officials, the arrest of corrupt officials has become much smoother.

Gu Yuanbai sighed with emotion, "Now that a group of corrupt officials has been pulled down, another group of good officials with excellent conduct has emerged."

Xue Yuan said naturally: "This minister also has credit."

Gu Yuanbai glanced at him sideways and smiled, "What's your credit?"

Xue Yuan took it for granted, the robber's logic: "The minister protects the sage, protects the sage, as long as the sage is healthy, the anti-corruption can go smoothly."

Gu Yuan was delighted, "Xue Guard will also say some opportunistic things now."

Xue Yuan thought, stop laughing.

I laughed until my heart beat faster and faster.

Xue Yuan sighed with a beating heart in his back, but his eyes were fixed on Gu Yuanbai's face duplicitously, and finally he also hooked his lips and laughed.

After drinking a belly of tea in the teahouse, Gu Yuanbai brought people to Zhang's bookstore. A lot of preparations are needed to build a business road. Now the matter of Zhang's construction of a business road for the emperor has been spread out, and the letters from merchants all over the country asking Zhang's inquiries have piled up into a hill. It is necessary to restrain every disciple in the clan, and nothing should go wrong.

Therefore, going to the border to build a trade route requires more than a month of preparation.

The Zhang clan chief anxiously reported the current progress to Gu Yuanbai, but Gu Yuanbai said: "I have already thought about this level. It's alright if you can't move for the time being. Before the establishment of the business road, I have one more thing. to do."

Sheng Shang's eyes were heavy, and he said slowly: "I want to send troops to fight against those nomads."

Xue Yuan's eyelids jumped, and he suddenly looked at him, his eyes instantly lit up with all kinds of expressions.

Nomads, must fight before the trade routes are built.

Must fight!

The tragic situation of the border soldiers and people mentioned by Xue Yuan was a thorn in Gu Yuanbai's heart. At that time, he had already penetrated to Daheng and became the emperor. However, the government was controlled by Lu Feng, and the entire court was smoky, which was the darkest time Gu Yuanbai had ever experienced.

It took him three years to bring down Lu Feng, and it has only been half a year since he was in power. He worked hard to raise soldiers and train the Supervision Department because Gu Yuanbai didn't want to go through such a dark moment again.

He knew how many people in the entire Daheng suffered disasters, how many people lost their lives when the emperor was dormant, the roots of the Daheng Dynasty were already rotten, Gu Yuanbai was an adult, he knew that the emperor would be weak when he was cowardly. What disasters have caused, but when he first came, he couldn't do anything.

Now, the army is strong and the road to the border is ready to be built. Once the road is established and the traffic is convenient, he can take charge of the nomadic area.

Before the road is built, the cattle, horses and sheep who want to nomad must know that they must abide by the rules of Daheng.

After Gu Yuanbai said "playing nomads", Xue Yuan's eyes were burning all the time. He clenched the big knife around his waist, and the emotions floating around him could be felt by the guards around him.

These guards still remembered the "two-legged sheep" he said earlier in the spring hunt. One of them couldn't help asking: "Xue Yuan, is the nomadic good to fight?"

Xue Yuan said loudly: "It's difficult."

Guards: "..."

Their expressions twisted slightly, looking at Xue Yuan, whose blood seemed to be boiling, they didn't understand, if it was difficult, how could he be in such a state of eagerness

Gu Yuanbai also heard this difficult word, he asked Xue Yuan to step forward and stared at him: "How do you say?"

Zhang's people consciously said: "Sir, all the disciples of the small ethnic group have gathered in the capital. Do you still want to see them?"

Gu Yuanbai smiled slightly, "I heard that all the disciples of the Zhang Clan in Jingxi are outstanding people. I finally came out once, and naturally I want to see them."

Zhang's people retreated, the palace attendant closed the door, the dark light was heavy, and the dust could be seen floating in the light.

Gu Yuanbai was the first to say, "Sit down."

Everyone who should be sitting in the room sat down as ordered. Xue Yuan sat with a big horse and a golden sword, and was very bold. Gu Yuanbai had someone bring tea to them, moistened his mouth and said, "Xue Yuan, it's very easy to play nomadic. Disaster?"

As long as Xue Yuan spoke, he glanced at the little emperor's lips inexplicably, and returned to God: "Nomads are brave, riding and shooting is a must. Daheng has been harassed all the time, and they have not been called back, and they are even more arrogant. already."

"I know about this," Gu Yuanbai nodded slightly, "but it was so difficult to fight, yet you still stole a lot of good horses from them."

The corner of Xue Yuan's mouth twitched, hiding a bit of ridicule, "Your Majesty, although the nomads are brave, Daheng's constant concessions have fueled their self-confidence, they have always believed that they are invincible, and once Daheng puts on a tough attitude Attitude, once they are defeated, it is a complete rout."

"As long as there is a tendency to collapse, they will flee in a panic and become a group of useless people. The nomads are divided into eight groups, and they will not easily gather together. Now the big leaders of the Khitan family are old, and the leaders of the eight groups are secretly surging. , they're scattered all over the place, they don't make alliances. If you want to fight, it's a lot easier."

Gu Yuanbai nodded thoughtfully.

The national conditions of the Daheng Dynasty were a bit chaotic.

When Gu Yuanbai first came, he was completely stunned by the simmering national conditions. He frantically turned on the lights to read at night in order to rationalize his thoughts on the national conditions. Shock shattered.

The Daheng Dynasty had its own set of histories, mixing the neighboring countries of various dynasties. The history of the earlier period had not changed much. Gu Yuanbai also integrated into this dynasty after reading the night with the lights on.

Like the Eight Khitans, he adapts very well.

Xue Yuan continued: "When General Xue and I were stationed at the border, the frontier commanders sent by the imperial court were all literati who had never led troops."

Gu Yuanbai was stunned for a moment, then raised his head to look at Xue Yuan, this should have happened before he came here.

"Those literati don't understand the military, and after reading a few books on military affairs, they think the commander-in-chief is good. They look down on the warriors, don't listen to the warriors' advice, they are arrogant, and their hearts are higher than the sky." Even faster."

Hearing this, Gu Yuanbai couldn't help thinking, who came up with the genius idea of letting the literati lead the army

It’s all about the real materials. People like this who are familiar with military books but have little experience can’t help but think of Zhuge Liang’s very optimistic heir Ma Su. Ma Su is a person who talks about military affairs well, but after all, he still has too little experience. , I caused myself to come to the ending of killing Ma Su with tears. On the other hand, Wang Ping, who only knew the cross in his life, although he could not read and read, was a talented person who led troops and generals.

Needless to say, it must be Lu Feng's suppression of Xue Yuan's family. The three generations of the Xue family are loyal and good, and Lu Feng, as a traitor, is afraid of this kind of loyalty.

Gu Yuanbai thought for a while, and said casually: "Then Xue Guard will lead the troops. Presumably, it will not be difficult for you to suppress the nomads?"

When Xue Yuan heard this, he couldn't help but say, "I will never disappoint the Sage."

Gu Yuanbai nodded, someone just happened to be in front of the door to inform that the Zhang clan had arrived, and Gu Yuanbai invited people in to see him.

Some of the guards around bumped into Xue Yuan: "Master Xue, are you so happy to know that you can go to the border to fight nomads?"

Xue Yuan was inexplicable, "What?"

The guard said strangely: "Even if you are happy, you don't have to laugh so penetratingly."

Xue Yuan was stunned for a moment, raised his head and touched the corner of his mouth. What he didn't expect was that the corner of his mouth was actually raised.

Are you really happy that you can attack the nomads

That was too hilarious.

Xue Yuan frowned, trying to press down the corners of his mouth that were constantly upturned, but as long as he thought of what Gu Yuanbai had just said to him about his ability, he couldn't help but want to grin.

He unconsciously glanced at Gu Yuanbai.

Gu Yuanbai seemed to be aware of it, and he glanced at him. When he saw Xue Yuan's twisted expression of wanting to laugh and suppressing his smile, he couldn't hold back and was directly amused.

He was so happy, his pale lips curled up, as if turning pink.


Xue Yuan couldn't help it at all, and couldn't hold back the corners of his lips.

Damn it, how could Gu Yuanbai... How could he smile so nicely at him.

What's the meaning