I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country

Chapter 50


As soon as Gu Yuanbai returned to the court, everyone calmed down.

The person who was staring at the assassin in secret gave Gu Yuanbai a message. After the group of assassins sent by the Jiashen Society had inquired about the news in the capital, they left quickly before the city gate closed yesterday.

Gu Yuanbai listened to the news while washing up. Hearing this, he smiled slightly and said, "The new group of people from the Supervision Department have already arrived in Jingnan and Jiangnan."

The main force of the Jiashen Society was in Jinghu Lake, and because of the chaos in Jinghu Lake, it was easy to hide. And a small part is in Jiangnan. Jiangnan is different from Jingnan. Treating Jingnan, the rebels will directly flatten it. When dealing with the rich Jiangnan and the vast tyrants, they are afraid that they will choose to coerce and lure.

Gu Yuanbai threw the handkerchief into the water basin and glanced past the people around him. Even Xue Yuan couldn't stop his gaze for a minute and a second. In the end, Gu Yuanbai's gaze was fixed. on the topographic map on the wall.

It was the map of the Daheng Dynasty that he had just put on.

In the lower left corner of the map, there are Jingnan and Jiangnan.

Gu Yuanbai's eyes were fixed here, he sighed, and said, "It's finally about to start."

He has been eyeing the various mines in Jinghu for a long time.

The terrain of Jinghu Lake is naturally dangerous. It is surrounded by mountains on three sides, and only one side is open, which is directly opposite to the south of the Yangtze River.

It is connected to the south of Guangdong and the left to the east and west, both of which were places of exile for the imperial court. For example, Feng Chengzhi, the former imperial censor of Taichung, was exiled in Guangxi.

Such places have natural dangers, and such natural dangers are the main reason why the intricate local powers feel that the emperor cannot send troops to suppress them.

The local tyrants in JingHunan, and the Lu family in Huainan can also be ranked here. If you want to talk about the big head here, it is the five local tyrants headed by the Chen family.

The Chen family is the largest and ranks first. Their ancestors were officials, and they were closely related to officials. They were flamboyant and arrogant. They even dared to pull the local officials down and beat them in the street because they ran into them on horseback.

Murder and kill people, charge government officials, and collect taxes privately.

With the extension of time and the growing power, Jing Hunan has formed a regime headed by the Chen family.

And these tyrannical powers are all the drawbacks left by Lu Feng when he controlled the government.

The patriarch of the Chen family is called Chen Jinyin. Chen Jinyin is already old, and the shrewdness of his youth has been replaced by greed. He no longer had the hard work, and began to enjoy his success. He didn't care about the rest of the family, but when it came to his mine, it would not work.

When people are old, they also learn to enjoy extravagance. The porcelain he used is the most exquisite batch of porcelain fired in the official kiln, and the fruit he used reaches Yongxing in the north and Zhejiang in the east, which is the freshest batch of fruits in the world. The rice he eats is good rice, and the meat he eats is the tenderest piece of meat on an animal.

Extravagance anesthetized Chen Jinyin's thinking, and also anesthetized the thinking of the entire Chen family. The Chen family is so extravagant, who of the rest of the tyrants is willing to be worse than him

The people above are drunk with money, and the people below are even more miserable.

When Gu Yuanbai sent people to follow the Jiashenhui people all the way to Jingnan and Jiangnan, he took advantage of the situation and installed his own personnel in these two places. In early April, he had his people pretend to be a caravan and play a trade war in the Jinghu Lake area.

He played a very high-profile trade war, and completely transferred Guan Zhong's strategy, but replaced Guan Zhong's behavior of spending money to buy deer with money to buy mines. 1

The mines are a major geographical advantage in Hunan Province, and when Gu Yuanbai dispatched his people to deliver the head to the Jiashen Hui, it was also April.

At that time, it was spring sowing, and according to the words of taking care of Yuan Bai, the people who pretended to be caravans stayed here in Jinghu Lake for two months. They fully expressed the pride of the caravan in the prosperous area, saying, "We only need ore, no matter what kind of ore we have, as much as we want. As long as we can find the ore, we can exchange the ore with us for money."

The caravans threw money while begging for ore. As long as the ore was delivered, the farmers in Jingnan successfully forgot the fields that had not been sown. Every day they carried their hoes to dig in the mountains to find mines.

This incident also reached the ears of the local tyrants headed by the Chen family. They were even more direct. They all stopped their work as servants and tenants, let them go up the mountain all day and night to look for mines, and then sold them to Gu Yuanbai's merchants. team.

Two months later, after the spring sowing period, the fields in Jinghu Lake were deserted, and Gu Yuanbai's caravan also left. The people had no choice but to continue mining and sell them to past merchants. Many people even made more money than farming.

And half a month ago, the people from Jingnan actually dug a gold mine!

From the top to the people in Jinghu Lake, everyone is excited, and the daily mining is even more enthusiastic. Of course, the gold mine was occupied by the Chen family. With this gold mine, it means sitting on a golden mountain. Chen Jinyin was completely lost in the mine. All his servants and tenants were sent to mine by him.

When the people saw that gold mines had been dug out, the previous ore had also changed hands and sold them. Who cares about food? They make money from mining, so money can buy food

Jiangnan is a land of fish and rice. The rice they grow is fragrant and sweet. They transport grain to Jinghu Lake and open grain stores. They can buy it with money and don’t need to farm the land themselves. The rest of the time is spent on mining to make money. Is it good

So until now, all the food in Jingnan has been bought with money. They couldn't catch up with the spring sowing, and Quanjing and Hunan were all invested in the enthusiasm of mining. Under such circumstances, the trade war was so easy and simple that Gu Yuanbai took control of the initiative.

On this day, Chen Jinyin was basking in the sun and eating iced tea in the mansion.

The sweaty young son came over and sat down, picked up the ice cubes that had not melted and shoved them into his mouth, and complained casually, "Those who are in charge are really troublesome, but the rice grains delivered by Jiangnan are a little higher. , you have to drag me over to discuss it again."

Chen Jinyin said: "People who have never seen Jinshan Yinshan, even these petty profits have to take advantage."

The youngest son smiled, "My son thinks so, just carry it, we can't afford it. I guess the people in Jiangnan envy us and think that our family has dug up a gold mine, so they raised the price specially."

Chen Jinyin's heart has been covered with golden light. His old eyes are dizzy and he can't think of anything. Hearing what his younger son said, he also thinks it is, and yells: "The poor people in Jiangnan only do this kind of thing. It's a small move! They raised the price because they were sure that we would buy it. Let's not buy it. I already have gold mines. I can eat where I want to eat. Didn't you buy some good rice? Eat that first."

"Hey," the youngest son should be, "son will do it now."

But this time he got up and faced the sun so fiercely that the younger son was in a trance for a moment, and suddenly a terrible and absurd thought came up.

He turned his head to look at Chen Jinyin, and said solemnly: "Dad, this gold mine is in our hands, will the imperial court send troops to attack us?"

This ridiculous remark made Chen Jinyin laugh out loud, and even burst into tears, he said boldly: "Let him fight! I'll see who the imperial court will send to beat me! The officials of Jinghu Hunan are all held by me, Here I am the emperor of the soil, and the court sent troops to fight? He did send it, hahaha.”

Hearing what he said, the younger son also felt that he thought too much. So I quickly went out and refused to buy those Jiangnan merchants who deliberately drove up the price of grain.

After half a month.

Ningyuan County Jiashen Association.

Xu Xiongyuan was talking to Liu Yan, his expression was very intimate, and he obviously trusted Liu Yan very much.

Zhao Zhou asked from the side: "In the first half month, the Chen family dug out a gold mine, and the whole Jinghu Lake was enthusiastic about mining. Brother Liu, why did you stop the people from the Jiashen Association from mining? ?"

Liu Yan sighed: "Brother Zhao, why haven't you thought about it yet? Although the gold mines and silver mines made me greedy, this is Jinghu Lake, and the forces are very chaotic. Even the emperor can't help them. , it is already difficult for us Jiashen Association to be dormant in secret, how can we suppress them more than the emperor? In this case, even if we have dug up the gold mine, we have to be snatched by the Chen family in the end."

Zhao Zhou had to admit that what Liu Yan said made sense.

Xu Xiongyuan also felt that it was very reasonable, but the hidden meaning in this sentence that he could not compare with the emperor still made him very unhappy. His smile at Liu Yan also faded, "Are these tyrants really so powerful? They also have soldiers and horses?"

Liu Yan smiled naturally: "They don't have troops, but there are more than two or three thousand servants and tenants in the family, and the relationship between them and the officials is intricate and inextricably linked. Just big."

Xu Xiongyuan said dissatisfiedly: "How can two thousand servants compare to my five thousand elite soldiers!"

He couldn't help thinking in his heart, that a small merchant can occupy a gold mine, so when Xu Xiongyuan's 5,000 elite soldiers came out, wouldn't it be an easy task to seize this gold mine

Zhao Zhou seemed to know what he was thinking, and said what Xu Xiongyuan was thinking in his heart without a word.

"How could that be!" Liu Yan was surprised, and immediately stopped him again and again, "These local tycoons have close or distant ties, if the general wants to seize the gold mine, those who are related to the Chen family will swarm to attack it! Knowing where the general is, maybe he will send troops to encircle and suppress us, not to mention that if we do this, is there no doubt that it is with the bandits?"

Xu Xiongyuan and Zhao Zhou looked at each other and thought together, this Liu Yan is good at everything, but he is too scholarly and pedantic.

How can this be called a robbery? Even if the gold mine is really in hand, it is just the Chen family's filial piety to them.

They all skipped the topic and smiled to appease Liu Yan. In fact, they were already thinking about whether that gold mine was worth the risk of being discovered by the government.

If the man sent to the capital to assassinate the emperor succeeded, that would be fine. Xu Xiongyuan thought sincerely that if Buddha really existed, he should be the one who should bless him. Let the people in the capital succeed in assassinating him. It would be best if the dog emperor could die like this.

As long as the dog emperor dies, the court will have no time to apply for a meeting in Serie A. The emperor had no heirs, those clansmen, Xu Xiongyuan didn't believe that they couldn't make trouble.

And once there is chaos, it's time for his real dragon, Xu Xiongyuan, to rise.

At that time, let alone the gold mine of the Chen family, the gold mines in the whole world belong to him!

Hahahaha, happy!