I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country

Chapter 55


Xue Yuan stepped into Gu Yuanbai's Xuanzheng Hall again after a month and a half.

Gu Yuanbai sat behind the table, and when he heard the sound, he looked up, and the corner of his mouth smiled slightly.

Xue Yuan saw the smile on the corner of his lips from afar, and watched for a while before following General Dingyuan's footsteps.

The two courtiers came to pay their respects, and Gu Yuanbai called them up in a warm voice. After they reported on the rebels and the current situation in Jinghu and Hunan, Gu Yuanbai nodded and let them go back to the house to rest.

General Dingyuan obediently retreated, but Xue Yuan did not move, Gu Yuanbai looked at him, his eyes moved from his brows to his neck, secretly wondering what kind of weather it was in Hunan, which made it dark. several degrees.

"What else is there for Xue Qing?" Gu Yuanbai asked.

In July, the weather is hot. There was an ice basin in the Xuanzheng Hall, and the sun outside accompanied the disturbing birds and cicadas, making the air twisted.

In January and seventeen days, Xue Yuan met Gu Yuanbai.

Gu Yuanbai's face turned red from the heat, the clothes on his body were thinner, and the knuckles under the jade fingers were still round and fair.

Xue Yuan was dressed in regular clothes, his armor had been taken off, and there was still the breath of sand on his body. At this time, he smiled slightly, and said calmly: "As the Du Yuhou in front of the temple, I naturally want to protect the safety of the saint, and stay by the saint's side at any time. "

Gu Yuanbai pondered for a moment, then said: "Then there is no need. The imperial edict for Xue Qing's promotion will be lowered later. Xue Qing is a great talent, and you don't have to stay by my side in the future."

The smile on Xue Yuan's face stiffened for a moment, and the tip of his tongue felt a little bitter. He slowly asked, "Sir, what do you mean?"

Seeing that Gu Yuanbai didn't speak, Tian Fusheng interjected with a smile: "Master Xue, this is the meaning of the sage looking at your talent and wanting to promote you!"

The fire that had just ignited in his heart was slammed into the ice again.

Xue Yuan's eyes were heavy, he looked at Gu Yuanbai for a long time, and after a long while he smiled coldly, "My minister follows the order."

Turn around and strode away from Xuanzheng Hall.

Gu Yuanbai watched him leave with flying feet, and he could see how angry Xue Yuan was from this step. Gu Yuanbai touched his nose, turned his head and asked Tian Fusheng, "Isn't it enough to give him a good position for meritorious deeds?"

Tian Fusheng was also very puzzled, "I can't figure out what Master Xue is thinking."

"Forget it," Gu Yuanbai frowned in distress, unable to figure out what Xue Yuan was thinking, "Leave him alone."

As soon as Xue Yuan walked out of the palace, he stopped expressionlessly.

The palace behind it was golden and radiant and huge, but it was icy and cold, without a trace of humanity, just like its owner.

Xue Yuan squeezed the dragon-patterned white handkerchief in his sleeve, and returned to the Xue residence without any expression.

Gu Yuanbai.

Everyone in the Xue Mansion had been waiting for him for a long time. When Xue Yuan was lying in the room after bathing, he was still staring at the beams and pillars above his head.

After thinking about it all night and for a long time, I finally came up with a solution.

It would be too naive for the little emperor to think that he could drive him away in this way.

When Xue Yuan went to the battlefield for the first time, he took a fancy to a dagger in the arms of an enemy leader. For that dagger, he almost lost his life on the battlefield. But the dagger still belongs to him. If Xue Yuan wants something, as long as he has a breath, he will grab it into his arms when he climbs.

Either kill him.

Either give yourself to him.

Isn't it cool enough? Wouldn't he just make him cool enough

Gu Yuanbai did not give the rebels more time to live. At noon that day, he beheaded these important figures of the rebels in the capital.

When it was, Xu Xiongyuan looked at the people in the capital who were watching the lively circle after circle, watching the excitement in their eyes and the elation that they could not wait to get rid of, and then he felt that he was completely defeated in a trance.

Gu Yuanbai had the ability to behead Lu Feng, but would he really let him escape the capital with 5,000 soldiers? Maybe from this time, when he was selected by Gu Yuanbai, he would lose.

But he understood too late.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the head fell to the ground.

In the evening of the next day, Gu Yuanbai held a small banquet for the heroes.

The maids in the palace were busy, preparing wine and serving dishes. In the open space in the palace banquet, there were dancing girls in the palace dancing gracefully.

Today's saints are not good at women, and their eyes are full of clarity when looking at singing and dancing. Xue Yuan drank a glass of wine and glanced at Sheng Shang, his eyes were burning, very hot.

During the small banquet, in order to show kindness, the sage wore a bright yellow uniform. Occasionally raising a glass and raising his sleeves could see the dark light of the golden pattern on the clothes. Xue Yuan traced the dark pattern with his eyes and drank a cup in his mouth. Another glass of wine.

Sitting next to him was General Dingyuan. General Dingyuan was drunk by the toasts of everyone. When he turned to look at Xue Yuan, he was startled by the empty wine bottles on the ground: "Ho! Master Xue, How can you drink so much?"

Not far away, when Chang Yuyan heard these words, Tanhua Lang laughed and raised a glass to Xue Yuan and General Dingyuan: "General Dingyuan and Xue Jiuyao have been in Jinghu Lake for more than a month, and I don't know Xue Yuan. Jiuyao's alcohol capacity?"

General Dingyuan said: "He climbs on the eaves every day and shakes the bottle to drink. I always ask him if one bottle is enough. I didn't expect that I underestimated Master Xue's wine capacity."

Chang Yuyan smiled and toasted with General Dingyuan.

Xue Yuan suddenly stood up and walked in the direction of Sheng Shang with a glass of wine. It was just before he came to him that Prince He, who was sitting on the upper left and lower left of the sage, stood up, raised his glass towards Gu Yuanbai, and said in a low voice, "Chen Jingsheng, have a glass."

Gu Yuanbai glanced from the corner of his eye, but inadvertently caught a glimpse of Xue Yuan who stopped not far away. Xue Yuan's long eyebrows slanted into his temples, half a smile, looking at the two of them as if they were watching a good show.

It seems that suddenly, Mad Dog is back to its original appearance. But it seems to be very different from the original appearance.

Gu Yuanbai withdrew his gaze, turned his head and instructed Tian Fusheng, then raised his wine glass, gestured to Prince Tonghe, and took a light sip.

He looked up and drank the glass of wine without a drop. He watched Gu Yuanbai take a sip without saying anything, and sat down again in silence, as if he was simply offering a glass of wine to the sage. .

After sitting down with the prince, Xue Yuan stepped forward. Tian Fusheng just brought a new jug of wine and added another cup for the saint. Gu Yuanbai smiled and said, "Xue Qing is in the limelight again this time."

When he saw this, his eyes froze, "Where did Xue Qing get the dripping water from his hand?"

Xue Yuan looked down and said casually, "The wine glass is cracked."

Gu Yuanbai asked someone to replace him with a new wine glass. After Xue Yuan took the wine glass again, he raised his sleeves and just put the white jade wine glass to his lips when Xue Yuan said, "Sir, don't drink it."

Gu Yuanbai slapped his hand and looked up at him.

The light of water reflected in the eyes of the sage, Xue Yuan rolled his throat, drank the wine in the wine glass, and then suddenly stepped forward, grabbing the wine glass in the hand of the sage in a hurry, and drinking the same Not a drop left.

The clear water that Tian Fusheng brought over to pretend to be a drink was sweet, Xue Yuan smiled and said softly, "Sage, this wine tastes unusual."

Gu Yuan's hands were still on the spot, and when he heard the words, the corner of his mouth twitched, "Really?"

"Tian Fusheng," he said, looking straight at Xue Yuan, "Give this jug of wine to Xue Qing."

Tian Fusheng should be, stepped forward and handed the jug to Xue Yuan. Xue Yuan still didn't leave with the jug in his hand, his shadow almost covered Gu Yuanbai under him, and after a while, he said, "Sir, what you said you wanted to give to the minister last time, you still have it. No reward."

Gu Yuanbai remembered that cave almost instantly.

His thoughts flickered for a moment, it was really good that his little brother was served by Xue Yuan that time.

This man is a bandit, and his hands are rough, but when he is slapped, it can be called a treasure.

Gu Yuanbai felt a little scumbag guilt in his heart, he said softly, "What do you want?"

Xue Yuan grinned, lowered his body, and said in a low voice, "Your Majesty, you once wore one of your minister's clothes."

Gu Yuanbai couldn't help laughing, "The dignified eldest son of Xue's residence, is this still a piece of clothing with me?"

"That's not true," Xue Yuan said, "I think that dress looks good on the saint and should be worn more."

He had already said a lot of words to the sage, and many people had already looked at him. The prince sitting on the bottom left and the prince could not hear the sound of their conversation, but they could see the distance between them. , suddenly frowned and said loudly: "Master Xue, haven't you finished speaking yet?"

With Xue Yuan's force in his hand, he almost pinched a seam in the cup that Sheng Shang had just used for his lips. He smiled and said, "Your Majesty, do you still have the jade wrench that this minister gave you?"

Gu Yuanbai thought to himself, why did Xue Jiuyao ask all these words today. But he still raised his hand. Between the light-white fingers, the dignified jade fingers that almost dripped green liquid were wrapped in delicate flesh, like a flower with dew, and it was extremely beautiful.

Xue Yuan looked at it with admiration. He wanted to reach out and kiss it, but if he couldn't, it would scare people away. Xue Yuan suppressed his thoughts, saluted Gu Yuanbai, took a wine glass and a white jade cup that was deliberately hidden, and walked back leisurely.

On the side, Prince He glanced at Gu Yuanbai's hand, his eyelids jumped, and he withdrew his gaze. But when he saw Xue Yuan's back, this sense of panic turned into a deep anger.

The eldest son of General Xue's family was too bold, he just toasted, and even dared to take the wine from Gu Yuanbai's hand. But what made the Prince He even more depressed was that Gu Yuanbai didn't punish him.

Is it the emperor's favor, enough to condone this man's boldness

What other people are thinking has nothing to do with Gu Yuanbai.

The evening wind in the afternoon was much cooler than the daytime. Gu Yuanbai drank water and ate a few mouthfuls of vegetables. When he felt that the time was almost up, he ordered people to withdraw from the banquet.

When the sage retired from the banquet, Prince He also got up and followed behind Gu Yuanbai. He followed silently all the way. When he was about to reach the palace, Gu Yuanbai asked, "Tell me if you have something to do with the prince?"

"Nothing," Prince He said in a dull voice, looking up at Gu Yuanbai unwillingly, "I want to come to the palace to have a look since I want to be the late emperor."

Gu Yuanbai thought it was interesting, and the taste was a little unusual. He raised his brows and said with a smile: "Okay. Since you and the prince want to be the late emperor, let's stay in the palace for a night, the late emperor usually likes to stay there. In Huayi Palace, and the prince will stay there tonight."

He agreed with the prince solemnly, glanced at him before leaving, and left with the eunuch.

Gu Yuanbai squinted at his back and instructed, "Go and check if anything happened to the prince recently."

After Tian Fusheng responded, he continued to go to the bedroom.

After washing up, lying on the bed, Gu Yuanbai closed his eyes while holding the suet white jade, rubbed the jade pendant with his fingers a few times, but suddenly thought of the white jade cup he had used at the banquet.

What about the cup