I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country

Chapter 60


Xue Yuan has something that Gu Yuanbai is very envious of, that is the freedom that others do not have in this era. He can do whatever he wants and has a body that can match his talents.

His feelings and temperament are like fire. If Gu Yuanbai was a bystander, he would appreciate Xue Yuan's personality. In modern times, he and Xue Yuan might become friends with toasting drinks.

But in ancient times, in the feudal dynasty, his hot emotions were like a madman.

Gu Yuanbai pulled out his hand with force.

"It's disrespectful to you, it's a loss," Gu Yuanbai said, "Xue Yuan, I have forgiven you many times. I forgive you for taking away Jingnan and Jiangnan for me, and I forgive you for saving me. For the sake of desperation, it is also for the sake of your father's dedication to me. There are some things you have done in your daily life that I can turn a blind eye to."

"Others know how to take this opportunity to be more polite, to advance and retreat in a reasonable manner, so as to please me," Gu Yuanbai's voice became colder, "only you, not only do not know how to restrain, but also challenge the bottom line in my heart again and again."

"I want your life, why do I need to show my face to you? People who want to work hard for me don't lack you."

An inexplicable anger rose in Gu Yuanbai's heart, and this anger rushed to his heart, his sleeve robe waved violently, he stretched out his hand to grab Xue Yuan's chin, and said softly, "Any one of them is more than You listen."

Xue Yuan's breathing became heavier, his body was tense, and blood was oozing out from the wound that had just been bandaged.

He tried his best to suppress the haze in his heart, and pretended to smile indifferently, "Your Majesty, none of them are useful as ministers."

"This big talk makes me want to laugh," Gu Yuanbai raised his lips and smiled coldly, "All geniuses enter the imperial gate. Xue Yuan, how great is your talent, so great that no one in the world can match you? "

"How confident are you that none of them will be more loyal to me than you?"

Xue Yuan was silent.

After a long time, he sighed faintly.

Gu Yuanbai thought he had made a mistake, so he let go of him, "Today's fifty major boards are punishment for Xue Qing's reckless actions."

"I just want you to understand," Gu Yuanbai's voice was hoarse and hoarse, so good that people's ears were softened, but the chill in his words froze people's hearts, "Daheng's law is not something you can overcome if you have talent. ."

Gu Yuanbai is not a pedantic person, his thinking is even more advanced than anyone else in this world.

However, the ancient laws, the power of an emperor, are absolutely not allowed to be stepped on by anyone.

The imperial power is respected. Gu Yuanbai is an emperor, and the emperor must consolidate the imperial power. Once a person makes a mistake and cannot be punished, what kind of deterrence can the emperor have

Today, no matter what the reason is, he can cut off the tail finger of the Prince of Anle. Then tomorrow, is it possible to kill other people's lives for another reason

The sage finally said: "If fifty big boards are not enough, then hit enough."

After speaking, Gu Yuanbai turned around and walked out.

There was an expression on his face, and the coercion made people inside and outside the house not dare to raise their heads at all. When he stepped out of the threshold, Xue Yuan spoke from behind.

"Your Majesty, even if the ministers are not talented enough, there is something they can't afford but dare not give," Xue Yuan's voice was very calm, "My minister—"

"Shut up." Gu Yuanbai said.

Xue Yuan smiled vaguely.

Sweat was salty and wet, and the mattress was stained. The stronger the smell of blood, Xue Yuan looked calmer than before.

He stood up and looked at Gu Yuanbai from the sultry and steaming air of the house, his voice was not too small, not too small, and everything was steady, "The sage asked me why I refused to be transferred, but now I can say it, because I want to stay with you. around."

"My heart pleases you," his voice suddenly became lower, as if it had come from far, far away, a little distorted, "I love the Holy One, and no one else dares to give this heart."

Because others will be afraid of death.

With a thud, everyone who heard this sentence had their knees weak and all fell to the ground.

Chills ran down their backs, and cold sweat fell from the top of their heads. Listening to Xue Yuan's rebellious words, they wished they hadn't appeared here.

Gu Yuanbai did not speak.

In the narrow courtyard, so many people did not make a single sound. The roaring cicadas kept calling, urging people to die.

The people in the yard were afraid of losing their lives because of listening to these words.

Even Tian Fusheng was apprehensive and nervous.

After a long time, Gu Yuanbai said slowly, "Tian Fusheng, take these people down."

Someone in the yard was already trembling uncontrollably, and his expression was terrified as if he would lose his life in the next moment.

The saint continued: "Let them know what to remember and what to forget."

Tian Fusheng stood up tremblingly, "Yes."

Gu Yuanbai didn't look sideways, as if nothing happened just now, and he didn't hear anything, he continued to stride out of this small yard without changing his face.

In modern times, Gu Yuanbai has no less people who woo him.

It's just that Xue Yuan is particularly special in it. Gu Yuanbai doesn't know if Xue Yuan was bent by his chaotic kiss.

If so, he feels guilty, but after feeling guilty, what else can Gu Yuanbai do

No matter who Xue Yuan likes, it's better than liking him.

No matter who it is, they spend more time with him than Gu Yuanbai.

When the Holy One left, the talents in the courtyard suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. They slumped on the ground, grateful that they still had a life left.

in the house.

Xue Yuan closed his eyes and lay on the pillow for a while, with a trace of blood dripping from his palm.

In the evening, Chang Yuyan came to see Xue Yuan in person.

He soothed: "Your father knows what your brother did. Before he left, there was such an incident. General Xue's face was very ugly. I guess, he should use the family method you said again."

Xue Yuan didn't know whether he was asleep or awake. After a long while, he responded lazily with a nasal voice.

Chang Yuyan opened the folding fan, gave himself a few flutters, and wondered: "Xue Jiuyao, you would actually do such a thing for your brother. With your ability, you will be framed by your brother again. Your brother is so stupid, tell the truth, did you do it on purpose?"

"Intentionally?" Xue Yuan moved his mouth, "Tanhualang's brain is really different from ordinary people."

Chang Yuyan once boasted in front of Xue Yuan that he was going to win the top spot, but it turned out to be the third flower. Every time Xue Yuan said "Tanhua Lang" to San Yuyan, it sounded like sarcasm in San Yuyan's ears.

San Yuyan knocked on the bedside angrily, "Even if you don't tell me, I can still guess."

He was half gloating, half sincere, "Marquis Anle has never been forgiving, and the saint has never sent anyone to spread the matter, but Marquis Anle has made a lot of noise about it. But apart from the clan, there is no How many people scold you, compared to you, your brother has a lot of controversy."

Second Young Master Xue's reputation was completely gone, and he was given a stupid and poisonous title.

Xue Yuan ignored it. After a while, he said, "You write me a poem."

Chang Yuyan was startled, "What?"

"Praise me for my heroic appearance," Xue Yuan finally opened his eyes, the blood in his eyes was overflowing. At first glance, it was as terrifying as his eyes were overflowing with blood. He was startled by Chang Yuyan, Xue Yuan looked at Looking at him, he continued lightly, "Appearance, family background, experience, military exploits... Write well."

"What, what does this mean?"

"If you want to write, just write," Xue Yuan raised his lips and smiled coldly, "If you write well, I will reward you with good things."

Two days passed in a short time, and on the third day, it was like in the capital city, and the yamen officially started to operate in the summer palace.

Gu Yuanbai and his courtiers went to the Zao Dynasty, and above the Zao Dynasty, according to the instructions of the sage, the Minister of the Household reported that the taxation of Jingnan and Jiangnan in the past was only 30% of the taxation of the two places, and notified the Manchu Dynasty. Wen Wu knows.

The ministers were in an uproar.

There will inevitably be more or less hidden fields in your family. The wealthier and richer the family behind the subject means the emperor is getting weaker and weaker. When the emperor is weak to a certain extent, a powerful subject will be born, arrogance will take power, and then the dynasty will be replaced. 1

Many people do not understand this truth, and those who do understand begin to be cautious in their words and deeds under the powerful emperor.

They know that the usual tax is definitely not the actual tax, but 30%? This is too scary!

Gu Yuanbai just let these ministers know about this matter. When the Minister of Household Affairs finished speaking, all the ministers looked at each other in dismay, and the Minister of Officials suddenly stepped forward and bowed deeply, actually confessing to Gu Yuanbai.

Gu Yuanbai squinted his eyes slightly, and said meaningfully: "What is the crime of the Minister of Officials?"

The Minister of Officials pursed his lips, clasped his palms in front of him and bowed, "I am ashamed."

The prefect of Lizhou had already stepped into the trap carefully laid out by Kong Yilin and the other adults as early as half a month ago.

As soon as the anti-corruption supervisory officials left, they were greeted by a team of Kong Yilin and others delivering food and tax silver. This well-prepared team is really tempting. Lizhou Zhizhou endured it for more than ten days, and finally he couldn't bear it any longer. He will have a "big fat sheep" about to pass through Lizhou, and he will inform him in detail. To every bandit den.

This time, the bandits around Lizhou and the big scourge of Lizhou Zhizhou were finally completely wiped out.

Because there are too many bandits, there are not enough people in Donglingwei. Fortunately, they made preparations in advance and contacted the local garrison. The garrison was hidden in the dark, and they didn't startle the snake. The arrest of the Lizhou governor finally ended successfully.

These people have been pressed to return, and since Gu Yuanbai ordered the Minister of Officials to go with him to deal with the matter of the Lizhou magistrate forming a party and pursuing private interests, he has also heard more or less rumors about it.

The official department is still written with haggard expression, and there is a look of resignation in his expression.

Gu Yuanbai naturally knew why he was like this. The Minister of Personnel had a high official position, and he was an important figure and representative of the "Shuangcheng School". Now that I have been instructed by the sage to investigate the matter of the governor of Lizhou, I feel uneasy, and now, there is no hope.

This is one of the reasons why Gu Yuanbai hates forming parties for personal gain.

"The Minister of Officials has not made any mistakes, and he has been diligent and diligent in government affairs all the year round, so how can he accuse him of the crime?" Gu Yuanbai said, "Or if one person in your school makes a mistake, the rest will sacrifice their lives and go with them regardless of right or wrong. Life and death, indiscriminate support?"

As soon as this statement came out, some people who were preparing to be listed as the "Shuangcheng School" that was spoken by the Minister of Officials for unknown reasons, stopped in a cold sweat in an instant.

The emperor bothered to form a party for personal gain, because the parties would be on the same front as the rest of the party because of the common interests and because of benevolence and righteousness.

They must do this, even if they know that doing so will outweigh the gains, losing their official positions and even their lives, but they must stand on their side with a bitter face and gritted teeth.

Because it has been like this since ancient times, such behavior has become the subconscious of everyone, and such a subconscious, no one will feel wrong.

They only know that people of their own faction must speak for their own people.

Therefore, when Gu Yuanbai didn't intend to pursue him at all, he stood up by himself, intending to plead guilty.

The Minister of Officials was mute, bowing his head and not daring to make a sound.

Gu Yuanbai said lightly, "Go back."

That's what it means to not be held accountable. The minister of officials withdrew according to his words, and Gu Yuanbai turned the jade wrench on his thumb, thinking that, after the school was reformed, after the internal and external stability, it must be put on the table.

There is one thing that can have a violent impact on the school, and that is the student status of students in the modern middle school. Another thing is that it is the unified punctuation mark of the whole country.

Only when, as in modern times, all students can take exams only if they have a government student status, and only when they enter official schools can they get a student status, will these groups of schools and the dregs of culture be severely impacted.