I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country

Chapter 8


Juzi will gather in the capital at the end of winter, and in the spring of the following year will be the examination hosted by the Ministry of Rites. Since Chu Wei wants to participate in this examination, his father must avoid it.

The early days of the past few days were also talking about the meeting in early March. Gu Yuanbai and the ministers set the tone for the meeting, and determined the proportion of scriptures, strategies, arithmetic, poetry, laws and essays in the meeting. The main examiner of the general examination is one principal and three deputy, who are held by the first and second grade officers, and there are 18 examiners. The Ministry of Rites has submitted a list, and the candidates are selected by Gu Yuanbai.

After the early court, Gu Yuanbai got the list. He had to choose the right people as soon as possible. After three days, these people would be followed by the forbidden army and enter the Gongyuan lock courtyard.

There is also knowledge in ordering people. Although now he is a disciple of the emperor, the chief examiner of the township and general examinations has the title of "one teacher" after all. This examination is also a matter of face. Whoever Gu Yuanbai is willing to let go further and who is willing to fix his hands and feet can also make a fuss here.

When he ordered people, the imperial kitchen also brought food. Since he ordered a bowl of fried noodles last time, the imperial kitchen seemed to have discovered a hundred ways to use different sauces. The meat sauce they tossed out was delicious. , just relying on this is extremely easy to eat.

Gu Yuanbai's appetite has not been very good these days. No matter how much thought was spent by the people in the imperial kitchen, he only moved a few chopsticks and put them down. After ordering people to withdraw the food, Gu Yuanbai took a nap after washing up.

Instructing Tian Fusheng to wake him up in an hour, Gu Yuanbai fell into a deep sleep, but he didn't expect that he was awakened by violent shaking just after falling asleep.

When he opened his eyes, he saw Tian Fusheng's face was full of tears, and his voice trembled as he said, "Sir, Concubine Wan is seriously ill."


Zhuangzi on the outskirts of Beijing.

Gu Yuanbai walked out of the house full of the smell of medicine and looked at the lonely dead tree in the courtyard, his eyes were a little dry.

Tian Fusheng and his palace attendants by his side had already covered their faces and wept, and the imperial doctor followed the saint to the left, whispering the diagnosis results.

Concubine Wan was the concubine of the late emperor.

She is also the younger sister of Gu Yuanbai's biological mother.

Gu Yuanbai's biological mother died early. In order to protect Gu Yuanbai, the mother's family let Concubine Wan enter the palace. In order to allow herself to treat Gu Yuanbai as a parent, Concubine Wan took the sterilization medicine orally. All are only paving the way for Gu Yuanbai.

The strangeness of Gu Yuanbai's mother's death is also because Concubine Wan found out the truth step by step in the harem. She held his mother's hatred for him. Whether it was the previous little emperor or the current Gu Yuanbai, Concubine Wan would always be Treated as a biological mother.

After the death of the late emperor, Gu Yuanbai wanted to take care of Concubine Wan in the palace, but Concubine Wan decided to leave the palace, and she didn't want to die in the palace.

Gu Yuanbai moved her to this other courtyard, but the meticulous support was not enough for the passage of time.

Concubine Wan was old and lost her heart. She wanted to die.

Gu Yuanbai looked at the gray sky, his heart seemed to be clenched by an invisible hand, the tip of his nose was sore, but his eyes were dry.

"Let's go."

The carriage bumped up and down on the uneven road, and Bie Zhuang gradually moved away. Tian Fusheng had wiped away the tears on his face, worried and cautiously waiting on Gu Yuanbai in the carriage.

Gu Yuanbai leaned on the soft collapse and stared at the scenery outside the carriage in a daze. It was not until the carriage entered the capital that he stopped, got off the carriage, and walked towards the palace in person.

The capital was at the foot of the Emperor, prosperous and populated. A few children ran past with a candy man, Gu Yuanbai stopped and looked at these children.

Men in sackcloth and sackcloth are working on the street, women are hard at work doing housework, men and women, old and young, are busy in order to live a good life.

However, more often, there are groups of scholars, libraries and teahouses, full of enthusiastic people who come to participate in the exam. They are either excited or nervous, and they are talking loudly about the upcoming exam.

Gu Yuanbai didn't know what he was thinking, and the guards and palace servants who were protecting him behind him also didn't know what he was thinking.

They just followed the young emperor in silence, alert to everything around them.

There were so many dignitaries in the capital that Gu Yuanbai and his party did not attract much attention. Gu Yuanbai regained his mind and continued to walk forward, but just two steps away, a snowflake suddenly fell from his eyes.

"Ah! Daddy is snowing!"


There was a sound of children's joyful cry one after another, Gu Yuanbai shook his head with a smile, Tian Fusheng hurriedly put on a fox fur for him, "Master, get into the carriage?"

"Walk a little longer," Gu Yuanbai said, "I haven't seen the snow scene in the capital for a long time."

In February, the snow in the capital fluttered like goose feathers. The chief guard held an umbrella for the Sage. The snow-white snowflakes fell from the edge of the umbrella, and a little bit was blown by the wind to the blue silk hanging from the Sage's waist.

They walked past the restaurant and teahouse. On the top floor of Zhuangyuan, Xue Yuan was shaking the wine bottle by the window, and when he lowered his head, he saw this group of people.

The sage's face was hidden under the umbrella, but Tian Fusheng and the chief guard's faces were very familiar. Xue Yuan shook the drink and stretched his hand out of the window. When the group passed by his window, he released his five fingers one by one.


The broken wine bottle fell not far behind Gu Yuanbai, and the guards immediately tightened their bodies and looked fiercely upstairs.

Gu Yuanbai pushed open the umbrella, and his vision was not blocked. When he looked up, a hand was placed at random at the window on the second floor. Without thinking, Gu Yuanbai knew that the owner of this hand had thrown it down. The bottle nearly hit his wine.

The corners of Gu Yuanbai's lips twitched, but his voice was as cold as snowflakes, "Take him down."

After a while, Xue Yuan, who smelled of alcohol, was taken out of the Zhuangyuan Building by the guards. Snowflakes fluttered and danced even more fiercely. The umbrella was useless. Gu Yuanbai had already told the head guard to put away the useless umbrella. He stood alone in the cold wind for a while, with a lot of snow already accumulated on his body.

Xue Yuan was brought to Gu Yuanbai's side. Gu Yuanbai saw him and continued to smile: "It turned out to be the son of General Xue's family."

Tian Fusheng said, "Master, do you want to send Young Master Xue back to General Xue's mansion?"

While they were talking, Xue Yuan hiccupped, stretched out his face and looked at Gu Yuanbai for a while before saying, "Your Highness?!"

Gu Yuanbai looked at him quietly. Snow flakes fell from his hair, fox fur, and even his eyelashes. These snow flakes did not melt immediately when they fell on him. Compared to him, Xue Yuan's body was clean, and those snowflakes had been transpired into water by the heat of his body before they fell.

Seeing this, Gu Yuanbai felt even worse.

No emperor will be in a good mood before someone who is a hundred times healthier than he is, who will seize his power in the future.

Xue Yuan is a dog that bites every person he sees. He usually doesn't bark, but he is fierce and ferocious. He has a very low sense of morality and only has desire and power in his eyes. He is a good hand in leading soldiers, but such a courtier is like a sharp blade without a hilt. If others want to use him, they have to be prepared to have one of their hands cut off.

Chu Wei and Gu Yuanbai dared to fool around, but Xue Yuan couldn't.

Gu Yuanbai looked at the broken wine bottle on the ground, "What's going on?"

Xue Yuan grinned, the smell of alcohol on his body was rushing, and he followed the debris on the ground, pretending to be in a trance, "Why is my wine here?"

Tian Fusheng covered his nose, squeezed his throat and said, "Master, Young Master Xue should be drunk."

Gu Yuanbai smiled suddenly, he walked to the tile and stood still, the person holding Xue Yuan also walked over with Xue Yuan, Xue Yuan relaxed and walked slowly with his legs, looking at it like this, those guards didn't look like Pressing people, but like serving people.

The snowflakes fell to the nose, and it happened that an itch came up. Gu Yuanbai coughed a few times and said in a hoarse voice, "Kneel down."

The guards who pressed Xue Yuan's arms firmly pressed Xue Yuan's knees against the sharp pieces of porcelain that had fallen to the ground.

A large piece of broken porcelain pierced into the flesh, and the blood instantly flowed over the pants to the ground. Snowflakes floated on the blood, which was quickly melted into water, allowing the blood to spread faster on the ground.

The perfunctory expression on Xue Yuan's face was put away, and he looked up at Gu Yuanbai gloomily.

Gu Yuanbai smiled softly at him, and suddenly reached out and grabbed his hair, he lowered his head and whispered in Xue Yuan's ear: "I'm in a bad mood today, Young Master Xue, don't let me make you Mother's heartbroken opportunity, do you understand?"

Xue Yuan was forced to lift his chin, his jaw tightened into an arc that would burst at any time, his scalp was numb, and when the word "mother" came into his ears, he sneered gloomily: "Yuan Got it."

Gu Yuanbai: "Very good."

He let go of his hand, Xue Yuan tilted his head slightly, watching the little emperor with a pale lips and a smile back away from his ear, the pain in his knees gradually subsided, but Xue Yuan's whole body was already hot.

He looked down at the wound on his knee and grinned gloomily. After Sheng Shang's group was gone, Xue Yuan stood up on the ground and limped towards Xue's house.


The first thing Gu Yuanbai did after entering the palace was to tell the people from the Supervision Office to take advantage of the opportunity of recruiting people in the Xue residence to send people inside.

Sure enough, as he expected, after Xue Yuan returned to the mansion, he carried out a major cleaning of the people in the mansion, selling all the servants who might be the emperor's eyeliner, and then buying some clean people into the mansion.

The two protagonists Xue Yuan and Chu Wei are naturally the places that attract Gu Yuanbai's attention. There are twelve people lurking in Xue's mansion. Seven people have been cleaned up this time, and five people are left behind. Maybe we can take advantage of this. Opportunity to take root and grow into a towering tree.

Gu Yuanbai was quite satisfied with the result.

Walking back to the palace in the snow all the way, when he returned to the palace, his shoes were already wet, Tian Fusheng couldn't help but mutter when he took off his shoes and socks for Gu Yuanbai: "Sir, take care of your dragon body."

Gu Yuanbai glanced down at his boots and smiled, "It's wet."

Tian Fusheng was busy with the eunuchs and palace maids, and he breathed a sigh of relief when he finally got the sage clean and free from coldness.

The saint sat on the edge of the bed, and the eunuch took away the wormwood water that soaked his feet. The sky outside the window was already dark, and the lights in the bedroom were bright as day.

"Concubine Wan is not in good health," Gu Yuanbai sighed softly, "The imperial doctor told me that I'm afraid I won't be able to survive the summer."

Tian Fusheng pressed the sage on his shoulder, "Sacred sect, Concubine Wan does not want you to be sad."

"I know," Gu Yuanbai, "she is afraid that I will be worried."

"It is this principle, Your Majesty, when Concubine Wan sees that you can cheer up, the old man will be happy."

Gu Yuanbai stopped talking. After relaxing his shoulders, he asked Tian Fusheng to lead him back. He wanted to be alone and be quiet.

He has only just started, and he has just taken control of the court in the palm of his hand.

There are still many things that have not been done in the world, and there are still many things that need to be verified in three to five years or even decades.

Concubine Wan was worried about him, because he was worried that he would blame her body.

But in fact, Gu Yuanbai was grateful for this extra life, not to mention that this life brought him to experience the scenery he had never seen before.

Before going to bed, Gu Yuanbai thought of Xue Yuan and Chu Wei.

He has no ideas for these two protagonists. Without Xue Yuan, there will also be Wang Yuan and Li Yuan... The only reason that can cause the turmoil itself is that the emperor himself is not good enough.

His life has been limited, but whether it is Xue Yuan or Chu Wei, as the protagonists in the text, they will definitely be able to develop Daheng very well. Maybe he can inherit his legacy and continue to do what he wants to do.

But Xue Yuan was too rude, Gu Yuanbai still had to think of a way to tame this mad dog.

How can I get him to listen

Afraid to beat him, let him know it hurts

The author has something to say: [The attacking and throwing of the wine bottle is a deliberate trial. The specific reasons will be discussed later, and the reasons for the madness of the attack will also be discussed later. Don't worry, the reason is too blunt to explain in one breath]

Let him be afraid because of the poor health of the little emperor, and let him be in pain because of the little emperor.

Gu Yuanbai: Very good, you have successfully aroused my desire to conquer :)