I Rely on Beauty to Stabilize the Country

Chapter 87


Gu Yuanbai looked at the bloodstains. After a while, he got out of bed and walked to the window. The sunlight poured in, so blinding that he couldn't even understand the scenery outside.

Under the bright sun, it is the perfect weather to set off.

Gu Yuanbai suddenly raised his hand to cover his eyes, blocking the dazzling scorching sun, and laughed a few times.

Good method, Xue Jiuyao.

The person beside him cautiously said, "Your Highness?"

Gu Yuanbai laughed for a while, then he turned around, "Someone."


Xue Yuan came like a gust of wind and walked like a gust of wind.

After the night passed, no one knew that there was another Xue Jiuyao who came yesterday. When Gu Yuanbai and others were warming the tea in the pavilion, he was still thinking about what skills he still had, and when he heard others calling several times, he recovered and looked up.

Kong Yilin smiled, "Holy God soaked in the spring yesterday, did you feel a little warmer?"

"Indeed," Gu Yuanbai, "it was just a wild bird that ran over halfway and dropped a few feathers in my pond."

Kong Yilin sighed: "In this season, I didn't expect to see birds and birds here with the Prince."

All the young talents accompany them, all wanting to express themselves in front of the Holy Master, and they are boring to sit there. After asking for permission, they regarded it as a small literary meeting. Taking the flowers and branches as an introduction for the time being, whoever refers to it will write a poem.

This is a common appetizer in the Wenhui. San Yuyan smiled slightly, with his hands behind his back, very confident. Gu Yuanbai intends to build a reputation for San Yuyan, and his reputation is incomparable. Among these people, many people regard him as a formidable enemy.

Tang Mian was young and had not yet established his crown. He took the initiative to run out of the pavilion to fold a hibiscus flower that was about to bloom. When he was about to run back with a smile on his face, when he turned around, he met Prince He's face.

Tang Mian's face was instantly pale with fright, and he said tremblingly, "Wang, wangye..."

Prince He glanced at him coldly, and warned implicitly, "You dare to appear in front of the Holy One."

Tang Mian was very flustered. Li Yan, the accomplice who secretly concealed the paintings of the saint with him, was not there now. He was the only one who faced the prince and was at a loss for a while, "My lord, please listen to the little minister's explanation!"

He and the prince turned around and walked quickly towards the pavilion.

His robes were flying, but Tang Mian was so frightened that he followed in a hurry, for fear that the prince and the prince would tell the sage what he had done.

In the pavilion, the people who had been waiting for Tang Mian for a long time were joking and talking. The sage was surrounded by the crowd, and all the talented young officials gathered on both sides of him. These officials were all proud of the heavens. These people are not pedantic.

With so many talented people here, Gu Yuanbai was the one who saw the prince first.

His breath settled down, and he stepped forward to salute neatly: "My minister pays homage to the sage."

"I'm here with the prince," Gu Yuanbai patted his side with a smile, "Sit down."

The officials saluted the Prince He and stepped back. He walked up to the prince and sat down, Gu Yuanbai looked at him sideways, "Yesterday I was a little tired and went to bed earlier. I heard from Tian Fusheng this morning that Prince He came to find me specifically last night, and it seems that something happened. Want to talk to me?"

Tang Mian followed closely, and when he heard this sentence, he felt dizzy and dizzy.

Prince He didn't say anything about him, but looked down at the python pattern on his clothes, calmly like a dead pool: "Sir, I just want to tell you a happy event. The doctor went to the outpatient clinic a few days ago, and the princess is happy."

Gu Yuanbai looked at him suddenly.

Prince He was still looking at the hands on his knees, his face was indifferent, his fingers spasmed unnaturally, he didn't look like a husband who knew that his wife had a child, but like a cold executioner, "Madam should not face the saint now. , She was a little frightened a few days ago, and the doctor said that it is better to have a good abortion in the mansion at all times."

The blood of these two emperors finally has a next generation.

Tian Fusheng murmured: "It's a big happy event, a big happy event."

When the late emperor was there, he and the prince had been fighting in the army all the time. After returning to the capital, I haven't heard any news about the heir for such a long time. In addition, the late emperor is also a weak heir. Many people have speculated whether the royal bloodline is so difficult to extend.

Everyone cupped their hands in congratulations, with smiles on their faces, and they only felt beaming for a while. After a few polite words with the prince, Gu Yuanbai asked, "How old is the fetus?"

"It's been almost two months," and the prince twitched his lips. "Moyo was born after the Holy Last Longevity. I'm really lucky."

Gu Yuanbai smiled and said loudly: "Tian Fusheng, reward!"

Tian Fusheng also responded loudly: "Yes!"

He said to the prince, "I thank the sage for the princess."

Gu Yuanbai shook his head with a smile, took the Prince He's arm and stood up, and walked down the pavilion with him, intending to say some private words between brothers.

Prince He, who fell behind him, looked down at his hand, only to feel how it was so slender and thin, it was as white as transparent on his dark uniform.

The princess's hands are also white, but there is no man's meridians and veins. Even if they are pampered, they are the hands of a man, the only one in the world.

In those days in the middle of the night, I was lying on top of the princess with the prince, grabbing her arm and clasping it on the top of her head. Sometimes I was sweating, and when I was absent, I would clasp the princess' chin and shout, "Gu Lian."

The princess knew what he was thinking.

But it was very easy with the prince. He seemed to have finally found someone who could listen to him tell these secrets, and told the princess all the words in his heart that were enough to anger the ancestors and punished by heaven.

The princess was trembling with fear, but there was no need to be afraid. The Prince He would not do anything to her. On the contrary, the Prince He would give her a child, a child who could bear her future wealth and glory.

Sheng Shangtong and the prince walked away slowly. Both of them were tall and slender. The people in the pavilion watched them go further and further, and their faces were more or less disappointed.

Kong Yilin took the initiative and said, "Everyone, should I continue?"

Chu Wei retracted his gaze, lowered his eyes and said lightly, "It's all said and done, let's continue."

Tang Mian presented the hibiscus flower, Kong Yilin looked at his face, his eyes flashed, "Mr. Tang, why is your face so bad?"

Tang barely survived, "It should be a little cold."


Among the green leaves and safflower, on the gravel path.

The saint walked slowly, the footsteps were low, accompanied by the sound of gurgling water. Gu Yuanbai put his hands in his sleeves, his sleeve robes fell, and he said earnestly: "Brother, you have worked hard with the princess, you have to take good care of her. This Zhuangzi thinks it's not bad, you can take the princess out with you when you have nothing to do on weekdays. As soon as you leave, don't stay in the mansion without moving."

"The sage also likes this Zhuangzi?" The prince and the prince seemed to be nodding, "The minister will naturally take good care of the princess, and the sage need not worry. Having said that, this Zhuangzi has no name until now. Why don't the sage give this Zhuangzi a name?"

Gu Yuanbai was well aware of his ability to name names, "No. If you want my inscription, just tell me after you name it, and I will send it to your house after I write it."

He Prince softened his expression, "Okay."

The sage sighed, "Our brothers have not had any descendants until now, and it is very disturbing to say it. I am not in good health, and I am often worried about this. Now that I hear this news, I finally feel like the clouds are opening to the moon. "

The fierce eyes of the two wolves stared at the prince and the prince, and a terrifying whimper sounded between their throats. Each of them needed two or three guards to pull hard at the same time to prevent them from rushing up and biting the prince.

Prince He glanced at the two wolves and didn't like to cross them, "The same is true for this minister."

The two chatted for a few words. Seeing that they were about to reach the end of the road, the prince and the prince suddenly stopped and frowned: "Your Majesty, this minister came to you last night not just to report the princess's happiness. A month ago, the envoy of Xixia came to you. Zeng condemned people to send gifts to my mansion, saying it was an apology, but I couldn't tell what the gift was, and I didn't accept it. These days they gave me another gift, and the gift was not too thin. It looked like something was wrong. beg."

Gu Yuanbai couldn't help laughing, "Did you accept it?"

He sneered at the prince, "A little Xixia has already offered bribes in front of me. How dare I accept it."

Gu Yuanbai felt a pity, and just wanted to express his regret, but when he saw Prince He's naturally disdainful face, he instantly admired Prince He's righteousness that was not captured by money.

As expected of the Prince He, he was different from a layman like Gu Yuanbai who was watching the fun all the time and was not thinking about how to trick the envoys of Xixia again.

After Gu Yuanbai finished admiring, he asked curiously, "What gift did they give you?"

After talking to the prince to pick out a few things that he could still remember, Gu Yuanbai's eyes narrowed slightly. After a while, he smiled, and his eyes flashed with desire: "It's a coincidence, why are these things so appealing to me."

It's time for him to talk to Xixia about the field.


Xue Yuan ran out of the capital when the sky was dazed, but when he passed the first post on his way, he was stopped by someone who greeted him in front of the post.

These men took his horse and prepared hot water and hot dishes. A good room, a soft bed, excellent medicinal materials, and a respectful doctor and attentive servants waiting to heal Xue Yuan.

After Xue Yuan had a good night's rest, his horse was taken out early the next morning. The horse was smooth, wearing beautiful and delicate harnesses, the sound of the horse's nose was loud, and a sufficient amount of water and water was prepared on the horse's back. Jerky, full of energy like the owner.

Xue Yuan rode on his horse in confusion and ran to the northern border again. But every time he went to a post station, he would be treated in such a general manner. Sometimes he didn't arrive at the post station, and the people in the post station would even bring the stove and spices to the barren mountains and ridges to find him and cook him a fragrant meal in the wild. dishes.

After several times, Xue Yuan understood that this was the emperor's reward.

Xue Yuan laughed, his chest trembling.

This is his emperor's majesty telling him that even though Gu Yuanbai's body is weak, his hands and feet are cold, and he is a master who will fall ill if he is not careful, his majesty the emperor still firmly occupies the position of the superior, and he can use his monstrous power, To give Xue Yuan comfort all the way.

With such a reward, he abruptly regarded Xue Yuan as a concubine in the emperor's harem.

Sure enough, it is the minister who falls into the arms of the emperor, not the emperor who falls into the arms of the minister.

Xue Yuan accepted it calmly.

When the emperor's favor really fell, that kind of treatment was unimaginable for ordinary people. The horses were changed every day, the rations were no less than in Beijing, the fruits were fresh and fragrant, and the clothes were smoked every day. Long fragrance.

If it weren't for Xue Yuan's lack of time, he even believed that these people would send him to the northern border like carrying a statue.

Such behavior would undoubtedly prolong Xue Yuan's journey, but Xue Yuan still accepted the emperor's arrangements one by one.

No matter how tired the heart is, it has been turned into water.

Xue Yuan was not willing to refuse these things that took a lot of thought.