I Rely On Poverty To Sweep Through Survival Games

Chapter 101: DEATH Game Studio


The screen went out after the voice of speaking disappeared, and there were no other NPCs around, except that the computer with a black screen at the front desk automatically turned on.

The meaning is self-evident, that is, let the players go there to do the input operation by themselves.

There is a closed space all around. Players have no choice but to act according to the instructions on the screen, unless they want to sit still and wait until the boss takes the initiative to harvest them, and then they are happy to live in different quilts but die in the same cave. ending.

Players walked to the front desk one after another and began to enter personal information according to the instructions.

This step is not difficult. The instructions on the computer are very clear. Even if you are a computer idiot, you can complete it smoothly as long as you know the words. It seems that the game does not intend to embarrass the players in this link.

Soon, one by one work card was produced, and a card sleeve was also equipped next to it. Players only need to install the work card by themselves. It is a caring and automated process.

But after getting the work permit, the players discovered something was wrong.

Because there is indeed nothing wrong with their photos on the work card, but everyone’s face is distorted, as if they have been post-processed, but the entire work card production process is done by themselves, and the players obviously don’t There will be an interest in treating yourself like this.

"It's a vulgar taste." Cheng Wen looked at his handsome face distorted into a weird look, and showed a slightly mocking smile. The smile was fleeting, and soon he returned to his arrogant and reserved look. , Reached out and scratched Shirley's chin in his arms.

As for the ugly and vulgar work permit, he just glanced at it and put it in his pocket to avoid irritating eyes.

Oh, he has never been in such a low position before.

Xiao Lan looked at her face that was distorted like the whirlpool when the toilet was flushing, shrugged and put the work permit into her pocket. It was ugly and ugly. Anyway, everyone is the same. Don't dislike anyone.

Hu Zhai originally wanted to express his shock, but it became embarrassing to see that Xiao Lan and Cheng Wenyi, who had obtained work permits in front of him, were so calm.

He put away his work permit and looked at the others around him by the way.

Then found that most people are the same, only Luo's is different.

The photo of Luo's work permit is completely dark.

It looked like a black hole, and there seemed to be unknowable danger hidden in it, which made people feel uncomfortable at a glance. At this time, Hu Zhai felt that the big face plate that he was about to twist into a big fan looked extremely pleasing to the eye.

Anyhow, doesn't he still have a face

"Feiluo, why does yours look different? It's so oozing." Hu Zhai still couldn't help asking.

Luo looked at the work permit in his hand and smiled with a standard politeness: "Probably the boss is jealous that I am handsome, right?"

Hu Zhai: "..."

He glanced at Luo, then looked at himself from the reflection of a nearby vase, who could only tuck half of his face.

So handsome!

I heard the written one of their dialogue: "..."

Why doesn't the boss come to target me? I feel offended.

He dignifiedly moved his eyes to Luo's body: he was tall, with long legs, and he looked very well proportioned; even through his clothes, he could see that he had a good body and well-proportioned muscles; his face was also well-grown. ; The clothes are good; there is also a very distinctive personal temperament.

Cheng Wenyi suddenly felt that he had encountered the most powerful opponent ever.

After listening to Luo's speech, Xiao Lan always felt that Luo this guy had learned badly. Who did he learn from this cheeky appearance

Isn't it him

The positions on the work cards of the players are not the same.

Xiao Lan was assigned the position of art, and Luo was the same as him.

Seeing Luo was assigned to art, Xiao Lan always felt like she was about to finish.

There are procedures and planning positions on the work permits of the others, and there are no other arrangements. There is no such thing as testing, administration, finance, and business departments in the position. It seems that this small studio has no other functions besides R&D.

Other players have also noticed this.

"Small workshop." Cheng Wenyi commented.

"Miu~" Shirley seemed to be responding to its owner, her voice soft, humming, and meowing.

Xiao Lan was itchy looking at the fluffy and soft look. He moved his hands, but it was a pity that Shirley seemed to be afraid of approaching her, so she could only give up regretfully.

Luo on the side paid attention to this small detail and glanced at Shirley gently.

White, hairy, and clear blue eyes, very good.

Luo suddenly felt that he had encountered the strongest opponent ever.

Shirley only felt a chill swept across her body, and disappeared in an instant. She turned her head alertly, but found no danger. Shirley's ears folded down and looked a little uneasy. She whimpered a few times and then drilled into Wenyi's arms.

Cheng Wenyi was a little surprised by Shirley's stickiness today, but he also hugged it tightly and reached out to stroke its fluffy and soft white long hair.

Oh, there is only one butt left in the furry, Xiao Lan can only withdraw his eyes with regret.

Luo Ze showed a secret smile.

When the players got their work permits, the system prompt sounded:

"Ding Dong—"

"Those who come from nowhere will go back."

The voice was so cold that the back was chilling, and the content of the words was also very strange. What is the meaning of "from nowhere"? What does "go home" mean

From this vague hint, players can probably hear the meaning of sending someone or something away. As for other clues, I am afraid they will have to look for them in the game later.

With the appearance of the prompt, the whole game officially announced the start.

"Bee—" The light on the access control system next to the closed glass door on the side of the hall lights up, indicating that players can now enter the work area through there.

Players swipe their cards one by one to enter.

Behind the door is a closed door, which is closer to the home’s room in layout. It seems that the area of each room is not too large and should not be able to accommodate so many people to enter together. Obviously the employees here are not here. They work collectively in a large office.

Xiao Lan found the room marked "Art Office" and opened the door to enter it.

Other players have also found their place of work.

Those who chose to enter the art office were Xiao Lan, Luo, Mu Yang, and Hua Bei. It seems that the four of them were assigned to art positions.

There are exactly four workstations in the office, and a folding bed is attached to each position, which is self-evident.

Dear employees, the company is your home. How about 996 for the family you love? Why not come to 7*24, dedicating your youth to the company is the right way in the world.

A piece of company rules and regulations was also posted on the wall.

The general content is that working overtime is good, the more overtime, the higher the performance, the company covers board and lodging, all going home and asking for leave are not worthy of promotion.

"This, this, this boss is too, too scary..." Huabei felt lingering over the intensity of the game dog's work.

Xiao Lan looked at this place: "Do you think that the employees of this company died late all night? Then the grievances of overtime dogs transformed this place into a ghost, dedicated to let everyone who comes in experience their pain."

Mu Yang looked up from the game: "..."

What terrible human suffering is this

But how did he feel a familiar smell? The more you work overtime, the higher your performance. It also feels like the company’s life is oil-free. Why is it so like your own reincarnation...

A punk boy who realized a certain truth suddenly had the illusion that he was under the pressure of life that he shouldn't have at a young age.

Luo smiled and said, "Did they still have their hair when they died?"

The other three looked at him: "..."

Sir, are you the devil

Overtime dogs are already very pitiful, so don't wake them up from the pain of losing their hair, okay

According to the identification on the work permit, the four people found their workstations, only to find that there were not only ordinary keyboards, mice, and digital tablets, but also a mobile phone for each of them.

Xiao Lan picked up the phone.

On the screen is his distorted work permit. After unlocking, the program inside is also very simple. It is basically software related to the art preview screen. In addition, the company's internal contact check-in APP, the network is only a local area network, and it is impossible to connect to the outside world.

Mu Yang picked up the mobile phone: "This is... Because most of the players don't bring their mobile phones into the game, did they match it to us?"

Xiao Lan also looked at the mobile phone that he hadn't touched for a long time: "The Landing World actually has such a caring service."

It really makes people feel... Don't worry about it.

Mu Yang fiddled with it, and said regretfully: "It's a pity that you can't download the game. It's rare to have such a big screen."

Xiao Lan clicked on the company's internal contact app on her mobile phone and saw an unread message. The news is from the boss, and it says that they will go to the meeting room upstairs for a project meeting in 20 minutes.

He glanced at Luo with a questioning look, and Luo showed his mobile phone screen to him, with exactly the same message on it.

It seems that the boss is really covered in rain and dew, and he is not too tired, just chatting privately one by one.

Ten minutes later.

The players all came out of their offices and walked towards the meeting room upstairs.

There is a large office on the second floor, and a closed room on the other side. The texture of the door looks like a boss’s room.

In the meeting room is a long table with seats on both sides. There is a screen in front of it, which is used to play PPT during a meeting. There are speakers on both sides of the screen.

After the players entered the meeting room, they found a place to sit down.

But no other figures appeared in the meeting room.

Until the time notified by the boss came, the projector in the meeting room suddenly turned on, and a ghostly word "hidden" was projected on the screen.

On the black background, only this pale character exists, and the screen of the projector is a bit unstable, making this character crawl on the screen like a life, which makes people uncomfortable to see.

"Everyone came on time, very good." The cold voice that the players had heard before came from the speaker.

It seems that this voice is the boss.

Although his mouth was very good, his tone was a bit regretful. Obviously, he hoped that a few guys who didn't have long eyes were not so obedient, so that he could give a little punishment naturally.

It's a pity that no iron-headed baby appeared this time.

"First of all, welcome all new colleagues to join. The main purpose of this meeting is to introduce you to the project you are about to participate in. Let me briefly introduce it. As we all know, our DEATH game studio is famous for developing independent horror games... "

What follows is a grand summary of the studio's achievements, which lasts tens of thousands of words, and it seems that there will never be an end.

It seems that no matter which world you are in, a few brief words of leaders have never been brief.

When the eyes of the players began to empty and their expressions became trance, the boss finally turned the topic back to the topic of this meeting:

"And this time, the project we developed is called "Hidden"."

"The game mainly tells about a ghost hidden beside people. It will swallow people quietly, and every person who is swallowed up will be forgotten by everyone. He is like he has never existed before."

"Okay, the work content has been sent to your computer."

"I hope everyone can work hard, and the meeting is now adjourned."

Then the screen of the projector disappears.


As the boss announced the end of the meeting, a crisp ringtone came from the speaker.

The players got up and walked downstairs.

At this time, the number of people who came out was—

Eight people.

After the players returned to the office, Xiao Lan heard Hu Zhai's voice from the corridor outside.

"Um... I seem to have found something wrong."

Attracted by his voice, the players came out one after another and walked in the direction of the planning office.

The planning office is no different from the others, the only difference is that there are two seats here, and the only player who becomes the planning is Hu Zhai.

The rest of the office seats seem to be specially arranged according to the number of people. Why did one extra office come out here

"Look at this." Hu Zhai pointed to the desk opposite to him, with a work card on it that was familiar to other players.

Xiao Lan stepped forward and picked up the work permit to check it carefully. The card sleeve and the contents inside were very similar to his, but the identity information and photos of this one were blank.

The player named Modan said, "Who took more?"

Cheng Wenyi said lazily: "All of us remember how we entered the information at the front desk, and then watched the work permit appear in front of our eyes? We put on the card holder, so many people stared at it and didn’t see it. Who will get one more."

"Then... Could it be that some administrative staff misplaced it before?" Another player said.

Mu Yang gave him a silly look while waiting for a mortal: "Have you seen an administration here?"

Players who tried to have a fluke were speechless.

A vague speculation emerged in the hearts of the players. He remembered the information about "Hidden" that the boss said before, and those who were swallowed up by Hiding would disappear in everyone's memory.

They looked at each other's faces. These faces came out of the meeting room with them.

In other words, just before, in the meeting room where everyone was gathered, a player just disappeared out of thin air.

In this way, Boss made a person disappear under the full view of everyone! And what this disappearance represents is often death.

Not only are they unaware, this boss even has the ability to change their memory!

The players fell silent, and a tense atmosphere filled the air.

At this time, a line of pitch-black writing appeared in front of Xiao Lan's eyes, with elegant handwriting and distinct muscles and bones. This was Luo's handwriting.

[The missing player is called He Kaisui]

Luo actually remembered!

Facing Xiao Lan's slightly surprised eyes, Luo continued to write:

[Yes, my memory has not been tampered with]

The author has something to say:

Written Article 1: I pushed away tens of millions of business to catch up with the announcement, and I was dressed so handsome, but the readers said they didn’t remember me, so angrily...

Mu Yang: Who called the boss, you have too few scenes, you can't even mix with a male No. 5.

Written One:... Add another article to the composition.