I Rely On Poverty To Sweep Through Survival Games

Chapter 120: Cliff College


The darkness receded.

The first thing that caught your eye was the azure blue sky, the clear pure blue, plus the snow-white clouds dotted on it, enough to make everyone who saw it feel refreshed and happy.

It's a pity that this is in the game copy, as long as you think of this, it is not so pleasant.

Xiao Lan found herself in a car. The decoration inside the car looked a bit retro. She didn't know if it was a vintage car deliberately prepared, or the time of this copy was set in the past.

But Luo was not by his side, and didn't know where he went.

This is the first time the two have separated in the game.

There were only two people in the car besides the driver. Sitting next to Xiao Lan was a dark-skinned man. He was closing his eyes and had not yet woken up. He was born tall and strong, and his woolen curly long hair made him look very good. Rock fan.

As usual, the driver turned a blind eye to the player's actions, as if he was just an unsentimental driver.

Xiao Lan planned to take a look at the environment outside the car, but as soon as he sat up, he realized something was wrong.

The height of his sight is wrong!

Xiao Lan's height is 184, and he has long been accustomed to the position where he usually looks out of the window, but now his sight is suddenly shorter, as if his height has shrunk.

He looked at himself carefully, and then he found a different place.

Because Xiao Lan often worked part-time in the past and always trained in battle afterwards, although his fingers were slender, there was a thin cocoon in his palm and some small scars.

But now his palms are delicate and soft, and there are no traces except for the thin calluses on the middle finger left by holding the pen.

Turning his gaze to the glass beside him, a boy was reflected in the glass.

The boy's body is thin, his hair is slightly curly, his skin is fair, his appearance is extremely similar to Xiao Lan, but he is much more immature, he looks only fifteen or six years old.

Xiao Lan's eyes met the young man in the reflection.

The boy's eyes are clear, but he has the firmness of experience hardening. This is the only place in this boy who has a sense of disharmony.

Xiao Lan blinked, and the young man in the reflective glass blinked simultaneously with him. He tilted his head, and the young man also tilted his head. The boy's clothes are exactly the same as he wore when he entered the game, only reduced in size.

Obviously, the boy in the reflection is himself.

This is... when he was fifteen years old

Xiao Lan squeezed her fists, and obviously felt her strength weakened: "It's not good..."

An unfamiliar body will definitely not adapt to it when fighting, coupled with the decline in physical fitness, causing his combat effectiveness to be greatly weakened.

This dungeon gave the player a good start at the very beginning.


Xiao Lan turned her gaze to the person beside her. Why does this one seem to be unaffected

At this time, the person Xiao Lan was watching also woke up. He looked at everything around him, and then looked at himself in the reflection of the car window, with a surprised look on his face.

"I... I became fifteen years old!" His gaze turned to Xiao Lan, "Are you too?"

Xiao Lan nodded: "Yes..."

Seeing Xiao Lan's unbelievable expression, he spread his hands: "I'm like this when I'm fifteen."

"My name is Dai Bu Mao, and I have been..." He introduced himself while opening the car window.

But I didn't want to. At this moment, the wind outside the window was much bigger than expected. The violent wind poured in from the open window and directly swept away the thick and curly woolen hair on the hairless head, revealing—

Shining forehead.

Dai Bumao: "...Grows tall."

Are you bald at the age of fifteen? Isn’t the mark that years left on Dai’s body a bit cruel

Looking at the hair she was going away, Dai Barao's eyes were filled with reluctance: "Oh... my treasure."

Xiao Lan comforted him: "Sorrow."

The car drove slowly towards the top of the mountain.

Slowly, a Gothic-style building appeared in front of the two of them.

It just stands at the end of the cliff on the top of the mountain. Surrounded by dense forests, the surrounding trees grow very high, shielding the original bright sunlight, making the atmosphere a bit depressing out of thin air.

Even the temperature dropped a bit in an instant.

When they reached the door of this building, the car stopped. Obviously this was their destination.

The two got out of the car, the iron gate of the building was closed, but no one was seen around.

The system prompt sounds:

"Ding Dong—"

"My favorite Adeline..."

It was a voice that was so hoarse that it didn't look like a human being, speaking in a weird tone with a bit of madness. Just hearing the voice made people feel a chill from behind.

"Adeline." Xiao Lan remembered the name, sounding like a female.

Before long, the iron door slowly opened, and two figures appeared behind the door.

One is a lady in a black dress, a top hat, and gloves on her hands. Although the shade of the tree blocks the sun, she still wears the parasol that the lady comes with. She looks beautiful and gentle, facing the doorway. The two smiled.

The other is a handsome gentleman with long linen hair tied behind his head, sitting in a wheelchair.

The lady in black spoke, her voice turned softly: "Hello, Cliff College welcomes you. You two are the last students in this period of time."

"Here are some special kids just like you. Don't be nervous, you will get a new life in the college."

It seems that this is an academy set up for special children, and the identity of the player is the newly enrolled student in it. I don’t know what these specials mean. After all, there is no barrier to whether Xiao Lan or wearing hairless from a physical point of view. .

The principal mentioned the last batch of students. Could it be that the players entered in batches this time

"I am the principal here, you can call me Mrs. Weld." Mrs. Weld introduced the man in the wheelchair again: "This is my husband."

Mr. Weld doesn't look well, and he coughs in a low voice from time to time.

But the relationship between the two seemed very good. Hearing him coughing, Mrs. Weld would bend down and caress his chest. When the two looked at each other, Mr. Weld gave his wife a gentle smile. , The eyes are full of lingering love.

The two clasped their hands together and exchanged a kiss gently in front of the player.

Xiao Lan and Dai Bumao, who were forced to eat dog food for the principal and his wife: "..."

Is this copy so uneasy for people to survive

Principal, we are still minors according to the script.

Under the leadership of the principal and his wife, the two entered the academy.

The college is very quiet, the greenery is also very good, it looks lush, there are not many people walking in the college at the moment, and a few gardeners can be vaguely seen in the garden next to them, and they have also kept quiet.

Xiao Lan's gaze was about to move away from the garden, but Yu Guang saw a short figure passing by, like a four or five-year-old child.

Is there such a small child in the college? Xiao Lan was a little puzzled.

When he turned his head and tried to take a closer look, the garden was still the same as before, and no children were seen.

"What's the matter? Are you interested in the garden, kid?" the principal Mrs. Weld asked softly, turning her head.

"I'm just a little curious, are the students here the same age as me?" Xiao Lan also showed a gentle and harmless smile to the principal, with a youthful smile.

The principal looked at Xiao Lan with love and compassion: "There are many children here. They come from all places and all ages. Don't worry, they are all good children. You will get along well."

Xiao Lan nodded and continued to follow the principal and his wife.

He looked back at the garden again, and the little figure did not appear again.

Followed the principal to the office.

After registering the student information, they formally become students of Crieff College.

The principal patiently introduced them to the layout of the college and some related regulations, and then gave them the class schedule.

When he got the class schedule, Xiao Lan knew that Cliff College had a classless teaching system, that is, students would not be fixed in the classroom waiting for teachers to come to class. Instead, like a university, they would go to the corresponding school by themselves during class time. classroom.

This arrangement has a higher degree of freedom and also facilitates player activities.

However, Xiao Lan glanced at Wearing Bare's class schedule, and only part of the curriculum content of the two overlapped.

It seems that the players in this game are almost dispersed. Fortunately, the intermediate players no longer like to survive in groups, whether it is entry time or course content. This arrangement has little effect on them.

"Good boy, come here." The headmaster's voice came from not far away, and she waved to Xiao Lan and Dai Bumao to beckon them to approach her.

The two stood in front of her, and the principal took out a tape measure to measure their body shape. Her movements are very gentle, and her measuring movements are also very skillful, and the data is recorded very quickly.

"You can go back to your dormitory to rest now, and wait until the bell rings for dinner and go to the restaurant for dinner." Mrs. Weld said gently to them, and patted Xiao Lan on the shoulder.

Perhaps facing her formal students, after measuring her body shape, she seemed to treat the players better.

Follow the instructions to the bedroom.

The dormitory can be said to be very luxurious. Each student is an independent room. The room is fully equipped with the same Gothic style as the exterior. Although it looks exquisite, it is cold.

However, there are obviously cars in the era of this game, but there are no electric lights in the entire academy, and kerosene lamps are used to illuminate the room. He couldn't even see a few things related to electricity along the way, as if this was a corner incompatible with the world.

The school uniform had been put into Xiao Lan's room in advance, and several sets were prepared for him according to different occasions.

Xiao Lan put on her school uniform and stood in front of the mirror to sort her clothes.

The school uniform of the Cliff Academy is black, the style of a lapel suit, with the school badge on it, a white shirt on the inside, sturdy trousers underneath, and an exclusive tie. Every detail is exquisite. feel.

In the mirror, the boy's figure is still a bit thin, but his legs in school uniform are slender and straight, his body is tall and straight, coupled with his natural white skin and handsome features, he looks like a pampered young master.

Xiao Lan looked at the young man in the mirror in a daze.

This look gave him a sense of familiarity, as if he used to stand in front of a mirror like this.

However, the uniforms he used in middle school were not of this style. After searching through the memory, he did not find a fragment of himself wearing such clothes.

Not only that, he has always had a vague sense of familiarity since he entered Cliff College, the dark corridors, the sharp and high roofs... everything seems familiar.

But in the same way, he has never entered such a building, and his understanding of Gothic architecture is only limited to pictures or videos.

Where does this sense of familiarity come from

It's time for dinner.

The students gathered in the restaurant, which may be the most popular time for the whole college.

Sure enough, as the principal said, the students here come from various places, their races and skin colors look different, and the age difference is also very large, from about ten years old to almost adult, but it seems that no particularly young children have been seen.

Xiao Lan noticed that several people in the crowd were looking around with their eyes, including Dai Bu Mao, who had been seen before. At the moment when his eyes were facing each other, he could confirm that these should be players.

And like him, none of these players are real teenagers. After all, the eyes of adults are very different from real children.

Several players exchanged glances, then tacitly averted their gazes.

The tableware was already placed on the table, and Xiao Lan found a place that was convenient for observation and sat down.

Soon after, several adults filed in. The headmaster Mrs. Weld was the leader.

Several people walked to another area different from the players, and it seemed that there should be a dining area exclusively for faculty and staff.

Mrs. Weld was not in a hurry to sit down. She raised her volume and said to the students: "Today, we have welcomed two new teachers at Crieff College. They will guide everyone in their studies in the future. ."

"Let's welcome the two new teachers." After speaking, the principal took the lead and applauded, and the students applauded.

In applause, the two people walked out from behind the other door of the restaurant.

Both of them are black hair, and they are not obtrusive in this racially mixed academy. One of them, Xiao Lan, doesn't know him, and it is likely to be a random player who is a teacher.

But the other is Luo.

Luo wears the teacher's uniform, which is more gorgeous than the student's suit, and the style is closer to the dress. He wears a badge symbolizing the teacher on his chest, and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses with a spectacle chain is placed on his tall nose.

It looks more bookish than usual elegance.

Luo Zheng introduced himself to the students in his low voice. His elegant manner and outstanding appearance attracted many students' eyes to light up, and they couldn't help but look forward to the teacher's class.

But Xiao Lan didn't hear a word.

That sense of familiarity came again.

He looked at Luo now, as if an old friend had reunited.