I Rely On Poverty To Sweep Through Survival Games

Chapter 122: Cliff College (3)


Taking advantage of the slight chaos in the classroom, Xiao Lan pretended to be watching the excitement, but actually took the opportunity to observe the students present.

The principal, Mrs. Weld, said that Crieff College was established for special children, but most of the students in this classroom looked normal except for a few who seemed to be physically disabled or mentally handicapped.

Even as far as the current situation is concerned, they all have the liveliness and enthusiasm of young people, and they get along with their classmates naturally, and Xiao Lan originally speculated that they might have psychological problems and they would not be right.

It is not yet clear what is special about these students.

The sound of overturning glasses one after another, all kinds of messy situations emerged one after another, Luo Mai quickly moved between the students' seats with his long legs, like a busy lifeguard.

With a smile on his face, he quickly and appropriately dealt with the situation that the students made up, but in his heart he developed a new understanding of the bewildering behavior of human beings—

Humans are really hard to understand creatures.

The students' enthusiasm for the situation became higher and higher, and then Mrs. Weld had to announce that too many mistakes in class would result in deductions, which prevented several students from trying to study the explosion in the beaker.

When get out of class was over, Xiao Lan followed the students to tidy up their desks and leave.

And Luo walked with the principal.

It seems that the two have no chance to act together for the time being, but it is also good to look for clues from two angles, after all, there are many obstacles to the identity of students on campus.

Back to the bedroom.

The dormitories of Cliff College are all single rooms, and there is no problem of students interfering with each other at night. The dormitory is very quiet and seems to be able to sleep well.

After washing, Xiao Lan was lying on the bed and suddenly felt that the room was a little too quiet.

When he was in the game, he always acted with Luo, even when they were sleeping, most of them were together. In reality or the player's residence, the two are just separated by a wall.

It seems to be a rare experience to be completely separated like this.

Xiao Lan actually felt that she was a little uncomfortable.

Habit is really a terrible thing.

Lying on the bed, Xiao Lan took out the envelope from the time she met Luo for the first time from the storage space. The envelope was still the same as it was at that time, with a European style and not very particular about paper. It was written in familiar handwriting. With "Luo".

It’s just that the description of the props has been changed from "This is Zhang Dong’s recognition of you, because you are poorer than him, but this envelope looks like a casual super market, slow market, etc. "Goods" has become "Your life will always be accompanied by me until the end of everything."

Xiao Lan rubbed the surface of the envelope with her fingertips, recalling that when the two had just met, he was just a newcomer with a bewildered face, and Luo was just a dark shadow.

It seems to be a long time ago, but in fact it is only a few months.

Xiao Lan was staring at the envelope in a daze, but the writing on the envelope suddenly changed:

[Is there anything, sir? 】

Xiao Lan was taken aback. He didn't expect to face this problem suddenly. There was still a loss of reason in his heart, as if he had been caught for doing bad things, but he didn't know exactly what he was imagining.

Seeing that Xiao Lan did not respond, the handwriting changed again:

[There is part of my body in the envelope, if you have anything, you can write on the envelope to communicate with me, I can feel it all]

[However, the voice cannot be conveyed]

There is part of Luo's body in the envelope. Luo told him before that Xiao Lan didn't think about it.

Now that he was reminded, he realized that if there is part of Luo’s body in the envelope, then didn’t he just touch...

Not only that, Xiao Lan had written on the envelope before, and if Luo's face and body were brought in, the scene would be a little too exciting.

Stop it... Can't think about it...

Xiao Lan patted her face and stopped her thinking running in a strange direction.

He quickly found a corner on the envelope and wrote:

[It’s okay, I accidentally took out the envelope.]

【Good night】

After finishing writing, he regretted it again. Good night shit, Luo didn't need to sleep. When there was no good night in his life, if it was a good night, Luo would almost have an accident.

After a while, Luo's handwriting appeared unhurriedly, and did not care about the question of good night:

[Good night, sir, I wish you a good dream]

"Huh..." Xiao Lan breathed a sigh of relief.

He retracted the envelope into the storage space, and lay back on the bed peacefully and closed his eyes: "It's better to go to bed honestly."

Xiao Lan's sleep quality has always been very good, even if there is an extra episode before going to bed, he will fall into a deep sleep quickly.

Xiao Lan rarely dreams, this time it is an exception.

In the darkness, his vision gradually became clear, and what caught his eye was the familiar Gothic-style building corridor.

Why is this copy in the dream? Xiao Lan was a little puzzled.

Xiao Lan looked at herself and found that he was still wearing the uniform of the Cliff Academy. He could not see his face for the time being, but from the hand, he was still fifteen years old.

The only difference is that there is a piece of cloth wrapped around his wrist at this moment. The bandaging technique is very poor, and it is messy and airtight, which may cause the wound to ulcerate. At first glance, it is the work of a non-professional person.

That is…

Xiao Lan recalled that when he was fifteen years old, because his father was missing and his mother suddenly became ill, his life became a mess, and he had to try cooking by himself.

However, he may not be born with a talent for lighting up cooking skills. He hurt himself when he was cooking for the first time. The burns on his wrist were especially serious. After the injury, he left deep scars. exist.

Why did he dream of when he was fifteen years old

Is it because you think every day and dream at night

Before he could think about it clearly, Xiao Lan in the dream had already started to move. Looking at the surrounding environment, he should be going to the direction of the dormitory.

However, just as he was advancing, several teenagers who were also wearing school uniforms appeared not far away.

They looked at Xiao Lan's eyes with mockery and joking, as if watching a good show.

"Look, a hapless newcomer."

"This kid is really underage, he has actually entered the game field of this difficulty, haha."

"Sympathize with him? How about you tell him the rules?"

"I won't. The newcomer will die sooner or later anyway."

"Would you like to guess how he would die?"

"I guess he will die from any death trap."

"I think he will die in the hands of the NPC."

"Maybe they will die in the hands of those lunatics..."

"Tsk, it's better to commit suicide if it falls into the hands of those lunatics."

These people did not lower their voices when discussing him, and the maliciousness and nonchalantness in their tone were unabashedly exposed.

Xiao Lan could feel the doubt and fear in her heart in her dream.

He doesn't seem to understand why he appeared here, and why he was arranged to enter this strange school. What are the few people who just said that

What newcomer, what game field, what rules...

And what do they mean by lunatic

Xiao Lan in the dream walked towards the few people who were talking, trying to get answers from them. But seeing the other party all rush away, the speed of those few people was incredible, and he couldn't catch up with him, who always ran first in the usual sports games, and could only stand alone.

"They... Why do they run so fast?" Xiao Lan in her dream was puzzled.

However, no one came out to explain his doubts. He could only go to the dormitory to rest first as the principal said before.

At this moment, Xiao Lan is in a strange state. He can use his own perspective in the dream and feel his inner activities, but he can't control his actions at all.

He seemed to be both a middleman and an outsider.

Observing, thinking, but can't participate in it.

The situation he encountered in the dream reminded him of the previous arrival in the world mentioned by Cheng Wenyi.

According to Wenyi's statement, at that time, there was no level distinction between players and dungeons, there was no rookie field, and it was very common for players to kill each other.

It is very similar to the current situation.

In the dream, the young Xiao Lan continued to walk forward.

Suddenly, a sound of running fast came from behind him.

The teenager looked back subconsciously.

Suddenly he felt that his neck was strangled by the cold, hard, rusty chains. Strangled his neck with great strength, making him feel the threat of death in an instant.

"Hahahahahaha, I can't survive anyway... Newcomer... Newcomer can't survive either..."

"Why don't I come to see you on the road!"

The man's hoarse voice sounded behind Xiao Lan's head, and the madness and coldness in his tone made people feel chills in his back.

The chain around her neck became tighter and tighter, and the feeling of suffocation made Xiao Lan's face flushed, and her mind seemed to explode. Every time her blood pulse throbbed like a loud noise.

The teenager tried to struggle.

He is very good at sports, and he is also quite good at fighting among his peers. But how can an ordinary underage person be the opponent of a player who has been enhanced by the game.

Even if he is facing only a poor person who is hopeless to pass the level, the same is true of the poor creature driven crazy by the pressure of death.

"Struggle! Go on! Come again! Come again! Hahahaha, I love watching you little bugs struggle!"

It seemed that he was pleased by the teenager's struggle, and the chain that was holding his neck loosened slightly, and when he gasped for a little breath, he tightened it again.

"Hmm—" The young man let out a painful muffled grunt, and he felt that his neck was about to be severed.

He understood that the lunatic that those people said before probably refers to the guy who is strangling his neck now.

"Hahahahahaha..." Faced with the youth's pain, the attacker became more and more happy.

It seems that only the dying struggle of the prey can make him feel his strength and overcome the fear of death in his heart.

Young people on the front line of life and death also noticed this.

In the pain of suffocation, he pretended that he was going to die, trying to cheat for a moment of breathing opportunity.

Sure enough, seeing that his prey was about to die, the man who had not yet enjoyed himself loosened the chain in his hand again.

Seizing this opportunity, the young man put his head on the opponent's chin fiercely.

The violent impact caused the attacker's head to be dizzy briefly, and the movement of his hands couldn't help but relax again.

The boy seized the opportunity and fled directly from under the chain of the opponent.

He didn't have time to check his injuries, he just glanced back hurriedly, remembering the tall and sturdy figure of the other party, and then exhausted all his strength to find a direction to escape.

When the attacker recovered from the vertigo, his prey had already fled out of his sight.

"Bah—" The tall assailant spit out a bloody saliva. This was just the impact that broke his mouth. He looked around gloomily, "You can't run away, boy."

The boy ran away in a panic.

On the way, he saw one of the people who had pointed at him before, and he reached out to the other person, trying to ask for help—

But met a pair of mocking eyes.

The boy's movements stopped. With such eyes, it was obvious that this person would not help him.

The man really didn't mean to help. He copied his hands and leaned against the wall, his tone was joking: "Good luck, little guy, I don't know if there will be such luck in a while, those lunatics are not that easy. Give up."

The young man looked back at the empty path, the anxiety and fear in his heart clamored.

He gritted his teeth. The escape just now made his body exhausted, but he dared not stop. The boy glanced at the indifferent passerby, changed a path that he couldn't see, and continued to run.

I don't know how long it took to run, but the sky was already dark.

The young man was surprised to find that he could not leave the college at all.

Whether it was over the wall or the gate, it was like an invisible barrier that blocked him within the academy.

The exhausted boy found a vacant room and hid in it temporarily.

"Cough cough cough..." He clutched his neck and couldn't help but cough. Now his whole neck is burning and painful, and the feeling of being almost strangled to death is not wonderful at all.

The young man who was finally relieved felt cold and hungry now. He searched in this room, trying to find something that could feed his stomach or keep him warm.

However, this room was not known for how long it was empty, and there was nothing but dust and debris.

The young man opened the last cabinet in frustration, only to harvest the dust that fell from the cabinet door.

"Ahem..." The young man choked by dust tried to close the cabinet, but noticed that there was a card in the corner that was not stained with dust. In this environment, a dust-free thing looked a little conspicuous.

He reached out and picked up the card. When he touched the card, writing appeared on the card:

[Name: Poverty cannot limit my imagination (bound)]

[Ability: 1. Imagine an ability, give yourself within five minutes, the poorer the stronger the ability (inactive, activation requires a poverty value of 20 million) 2. Enhance the player's physical fitness according to the degree of poverty (passive, inactive)]

【Cooling time: 24h】

[Note: Although I am poor, I can dream! This is the last stubbornness of the poor ghost]

The moment he saw the card clearly, the card disappeared.

At the same time, he felt that he had an extra skill in his mind, the weird thing he had just seen.

"Skills...Is this playing a game?" The boy frowned slightly, he still had a little knowledge of his current situation, "I still need to activate, what is the poverty value?"

He tried to imagine an ability according to the skills, but unfortunately there was no response at all.

"It seems that it must be activated before it can be used." The gray-headed young man sighed, and sat on the spot somewhat depressed.

Xiao Lan, who was watching, felt very surprised—his skills! Why is it here!

Although I said that my dream would fill in the things I knew, there was no problem, but this dream was too coherent, it seemed like it had actually happened.

He began to wonder, is this really just a dream

The time in the dream continues.

The moon had come out, but was half-hidden and half-hidden by the thick clouds, showing only a little light.

The cold and hungry boy looked out the window.

This can't go on anymore, he needs to find a little food.

He was in adolescence when he was prone to hunger, and he felt uncomfortable even if he didn't eat a meal.

Now he was chased and killed again, and he ran all the way, his physical strength had already been overdrawn, and his entire stomach was empty, with loud abdominal noises from time to time.

The boy even suspected that if this goes on, the sound from his stomach alone will be enough to attract the guy who attacked him.

The young man poked his head cautiously, and after carefully observing the surroundings, he walked towards the direction of the restaurant that the principal had said before.

He tried hard to hide his traces, and walked forward with the help of the shelter of the building.

Finally, the location of the restaurant was near, and a ray of hope appeared in the boy's eyes—

"caught you-"

At the corner in front, there appeared the tall figure that the young man had only seen. He seemed to have been waiting here long ago, holding a thick iron chain in his hand, and showing a hideous smile at the young man.

The boy gasped.

He didn't talk nonsense with the other party, just turned around and ran away.

"This time, you can't escape." A murderous voice came from behind him, accompanied by the sound of fast running footsteps.

The young man dared not turn his head, but ran with all his strength.

He knows very well that if he slows down a bit, he probably won't have a second chance to escape.

The two chased again in the moonlight. The campus was very quiet late at night, and there was not even a single figure in sight.

But the young man was really tired, and his remaining physical strength didn't last long, and he obviously felt his body become heavy.

But the attacker behind him has been resting for a long time, and even ate leisurely. He has plenty of physical strength. In addition, he is already physically strong and chasing a teenager who is almost overdrawn does not take much effort at all.

It's not so much chasing, it's better to say that he is just experiencing the fun of the prey desperately escaping.

Finally, in a corridor, the chasing attacker waved the chain and knocked down the fleeing teenager in front of him.

"Hmm—" The young man fell heavily to the ground with a "bang" sound, which sounded very painful.

"Hey, it's almost enough, you can go to death obediently." The attacker slowly approached the boy.

The boy crawled on the ground, but still tried to prop up his body away from him.

"Blame it, you can blame it for coming to the world—" The attacker once again waved the chain to the boy.

The boy who had been slapped once knew how painful it was, and he rolled to the side with all his strength, barely avoiding the blow.

The boy dodged reluctantly as he kept attacking and rushing towards him.

Unfortunately, the scope of the corridor is limited. The boy has been forced to the end of the corridor, and there is no other way out except for a closed wooden door behind him.

"Hahaha—" the attacker laughed and waved the iron chain with his greatest strength.

"Boom—" The heavy chain smashed the wooden door.

The boy shrank at the last moment and curled up in the corner of the door to avoid the blow. However, because the door was broken, the boy's body also fell toward the door.

The light in the room shines on the boy, and also illuminates the death crisis behind him.

The cold chains strangled his neck once again, and the pain of suffocation struck again.

In a daze, the boy felt as if he could smell the scent of black tea.

"You disturbed me." A deep, magnetic male voice said calmly in a tone that was so graceful that he was having an afternoon tea party.

"Get out! Don't trouble Lao Tzu!" the attacker yelled roughly at the opponent, "Little white face, wait for Lao Tzu to kill you."

"Oh, it seems I have to defend myself." said the elegant male voice.

"Bah! I warn you—"

In the next instant, the boy felt that the force on his neck that was almost impossible for him to resist disappeared.

The young man lowered his head and saw only the hands holding the chains next to him, disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

He turned around and found the guy who had been chasing him, disappearing quickly in front of his eyes as if by magic.

The young man who had escaped from the dead was gasping for breath, breathing in the long-lost air, he barely supported on the ground, feeling that he had almost no energy.

The footsteps of the leather shoes on the ground sounded, approaching the boy step by step.

Finally stopped not far from him.

"What an unfortunate child, do you want to come in for a cup of tea?"

The boy raised his head in accordance with the sound, and saw the black leather shoes, the straight and slender legs, and the teacher's uniform that resembled a formal dress—

Then there was a handsome face with light golden eyes, an elegant smile on his lips, a straight nose, and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses with eyeglass chains on it.

The man stretched out his hand to him.

Xiao Lan, who was watching her dreams, felt a bang in her mind, and he couldn't be more familiar with this face.

This person is-Luo.