I Rely On Poverty To Sweep Through Survival Games

Chapter 30: Lady Bella's estate


Seeing Luo again, Xiao Lan finally let go of the worry about the other party's safety, after all, Luo's current state looks much better than the thin shadow of the dark shadow he first met. It seems that after passing through the levels twice, I absorbed other parts of myself, which helped Luo's strength recovery a lot.

Xiao Lan asked: "Have you been searching for materials smoothly these days?"

Luo recalled the experience of the past few days: "A little trouble, but it's all solved."

Xiao Lan: "How is your memory?"

Luo showed a regretful expression: "There seems to be no progress in this regard. I am very sorry that I cannot provide you with more help."

Xiao Lan comforted: "There may be opportunities in the future. In short, it's great that you are fine. You have helped me a lot these few times, but I can't help you much."

In these two games, whether it was assisting Xiao Lan in finding clues or helping Xiao Lan out of danger, Luo did really help Xiao Lan a lot, and Xiao Lan felt that what she had done was just taking him.

Luo shook his head and looked at Xiao Lan solemnly: "Please don't say that. Only you can help me in this world."

Xiao Lan was puzzled: "Huh?"

Luo: "My envelope has been sealed in the supermarket for a long time. Numerous players passed by me and even flipped the envelope, but no one could see the words I left on the cover. I have tried many things. I hope someone will notice me, but all have failed. As time goes by, I am getting weaker and weaker."

"Only you saw my handwriting as soon as I got the envelope."

Luo could hardly describe the joy at that moment. It was a kind of joy that was stronger than that of a traveler in the desert encountering water, like a joy that felt the fetters of the world again after a hundred years of loneliness. If he has the heart, maybe the heart is about to jump out of his chest.

As he said that, he smiled slightly: "You are the first person in this world to see my being. Without you, I might lose consciousness soon and become an irrational monster."

That one can only shrink in a corner, lose the ability to think, cannot condense the entity, and only attack everyone close to him by instinct... a sad monster.

Xiao Lan thought to herself, it turns out that I am so powerful, and I am simply the chosen person in the second secondary works, and in the end I must shoulder the responsibility of saving the world.

What is Na Luo? The little fairy who chooses the chosen one

Xiao Lan looked at Luo with a gentle and polite smile, thought about the way he was waving the fairy staff, and deleted this terrible brain hole from his mind.

Xiao Lan shook her head, threw the water out, and stretched out her hand to Luo: "The first time we meet as a humanoid, hello."

Luo also stretched out his hand and shook hands with Xiao Lan: "Hello, sir."

The moment when he touched that hand, Xiao Lan was slightly surprised, because this hand was cold, did not transmit any body temperature, and had a weird touch. Although it was soft, it did not feel like human skin.

Luo looked at his hand, and he also felt the difference between himself and Xiao Lan. If he accidentally makes skin contact with the player in the game, he may be easily discovered by the opponent as a non-human identity and cause trouble.

This is not good.

A black shadow sprang out from Luo's fingertips, and gradually wrapped his hands, turning into a pair of black gloves under Xiao Lan's gaze. The gloves were just right to wrap Luo's slender and well-knotted fingers.

At this point, the only part of his body where the skin was exposed was his face, and he looked like the most old-school gentleman. But the slight smile on his lips seemed to indicate that this was not the case.

Luo raised his hand and brushed his eyes lightly, disguising the overly conspicuous light golden eyes into black.

"In this way, do I look closer to humans? Sir."

Xiao Lan looked at Luo, and now he looked like a human who was too good-looking. Apart from his temperament and appearance, he was not much different from a normal person.

The two of them then continued to walk forward. The corridor is very long. The corridor alone consumes such a large amount of money to decorate, and they don't know what kind of big family home they are.

Finally, another closed door appeared in front of him. This time, there was no invisible force to stop him, and Xiao Lan stretched out his hand and pushed the door open.

Behind the door is a magnificent hall. The carpets on the floor are more delicate than the corridors, making it hard to bear to settle down. The snow-white walls are decorated with golden patterns and lines, as well as countless reliefs of characters. The dome is very high, and the frescoes on it are extremely exquisite, making people feel like they have entered a palace of artistic treasures in a trance.

There are no electric lights here, but countless gorgeous candlesticks and huge crystal lamps hanging in the center bring sufficient lighting to reflect the interior very brightly.

In the hall, there were already several people waiting at this time, and when they heard the door opening, they turned their heads and looked over.

Among them, Xiao Lan saw the familiar little brown curly hair—it was Wang Teddy.

Wang Teddy also spotted Xiao Lan and blinked at him, saying hello: "Xiao Lan, we are so destined."

Xiao Lan also nodded slightly at him.

Seeing Luo next to Xiao Lan, Wang Teddy asked curiously: "Who is this? Are you a friend?"

"This is..." Xiao Lan didn't know how to introduce Luo, the little friend who paid for the phone bill

Luo's gaze flicked across the painting signed by Fernando on the wall, and smiled politely at Wang Teddy: "Hello, my name is Fei Luo, I am Xiao Lan's teammate in this game."

He behaves like a real player.

Xiao Lan also nodded: "We have formed a temporary team in this game."

Wang Teddy smiled and said: "Fei Luo, hello, hello, I'm here with my brother, and we are also teaming up."

Standing next to Wang Taidi, Wang Ke, with a usual grim expression, only nodded to Xiao Lan and Luo, and leaned against the wall without speaking. It seems that he had made a special trip to accompany his younger brother to download the dungeon. Even if the ability of advanced players to enter the low-level game field will be suppressed, he will continue to protect his stupid brother.

But... Is it an illusion? How does Wang Ke look a little shorter than before

Not far from the Wang brothers.

By the tall window, a person looked particularly conspicuous. He is tall and thin, wearing a long black trench coat and a wide-brimmed top hat. Under the hat is a medieval doctor's beak mask, covering his entire face tightly, and his exposed hair is white as snow.

This man looked like an epidemic doctor who had traveled through the Middle Ages.

He is now leaning on the window in a leisurely posture, with a black leather suitcase at his feet. He looked at the landscape in the courtyard, and seemed not interested in the people around him or the newly-appearing Xiao Lan. Such a dress is matched with a gorgeous and retro scene, which makes people a little confused whether he is a player or an NPC.

At this time, Wang Teddy came over quietly, and whispered to Xiao Lan, "That person is called Qi Ning, and he is a very famous guy in the circle of high-level players."

Xiao Lan was surprised: "Senior player?"

What is he doing here? This is a junior field. Is there anyone who needs protection like Wang Ke

"He is... how to put it, he is both dangerous and not dangerous." Wang Taidi organized the language, "He was originally a doctor in reality, but he was a private... For criminals who have not been caught, executing criminals is his hobby."

"After entering the game, he also particularly likes to find the wanted criminals, even if you enter the dungeon, he will use props to find them. But for ordinary players, he is still quite safe, as long as you don't provoke him, He won't play black hands against other players either."

"No one knows what he looks like, some say that he is an old man, and some people guess that he is actually very young because of albinism. I think the latter is more likely."

Wang Taidi glanced at Qi Ning lightly: "He came in this time, I guess it might be that another wanted man was noticed by him."

Then he looked at Xiao Lan: "You didn't commit any crimes before you came in, right?"

Xiao Lan shook her head, the debt shouldn't be counted...

Wang Teddy breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good, don't provoke him. His skills are related to the plague, and my brother said he is difficult to entangle."

Mentioned his brother, Wang Teddy's gossip soul flared up again: "Do you think my brother looks a little shorter than before?"

Xiao Lan nodded hesitantly, he had a bad feeling.

Wang Teddy: "Actually, my brother's height is changed according to the shoes, and his net height is only—"

"—Ehhhhhhhhh, what are you doing with my neck? It hurts, it hurts..."

In Wang Teddy's screams, Wang Ke carried him with a frosty look on his face and walked fast, almost all of his footsteps showed afterimages, probably to prevent his stupid brother from shaking him out of the color of his underwear.

Life is not easy, Wang Ke sighed.

After the two brothers went to the other end of the hall, several doors opened one after another, and a total of four men and one woman came in.

One of them was a tall man with a fierce look in his eyes.

Xiao Lan noticed that after he came in, Qi Ning, who originally seemed to have focused his attention outside the window, turned his head once, and then turned away as if he didn't care, and the tall man didn't notice the whole process.

This person might be Qi Ning's goal.


She is the only woman in this game. She is squatting weakly on the ground and crying. Three men next to her are comforting her, but it seems to be completely useless. She is still crying so hard that the three men are helpless.

To be honest, this dungeon does not look like the rookie field. After all, the rookie field can only enter one old player at most, and there are two here, and they are still advanced. Most of the people who can survive a few games are still a little bearable, otherwise they will be cold early, even if Cai Ruwang Teddy will not have such a performance.

This kind of crying so miserably at the beginning, unless born with a Koi fate and can pass it while lying down, it won't survive at all.

Anyway, the game hadn't started yet, Xiao Lan watched her performance quietly.

The woman cried for a while, seeing that the men surrounding her hadn't increased, so she raised her head and looked forward.

Opposite her was the mysterious-looking figure of Qi Ning, who looked uninterested in everything. Farther away are a small curly head with a drooping head and a young man with a dark face looking terribly.

She turned to the other side again, Xiao Lan and Luo stood together, one with a handsome, white and refreshing appearance, the other with a handsome and elegant appearance with a touch of abstinence, like two high-end dishes with different styles.

Comparing the three bowls of instant noodles next to her, tears filled her eyes again. This time she changed a crying method that I saw with pity. She looked at the two of them from time to time, with hooks in her eyes. Look straight into people's hearts.

It's a pity that these two clubs were unmoved.

She gritted her teeth secretly, got up and walked over to where the two of them were: "Um... Can I be with you? I'm so scared..."

When she was two steps away from Xiao Lan, she slipped and seemed to fall, and she inadvertently raised one hand, just in a position that could be held by Xiao Lan.

Unfortunately, no one held her, she just fell to the ground.

Xiao Lan looked down at her: "What can you do?"

The woman was taken aback: "Huh?"

"I, can fight." Xiao Lan pointed at herself, then pointed at Luo, "He, can analyze."

Then sincerely asked the woman in front of you: "How about you?"

The woman whispered, trying to maintain her simple and weak image of a white flower: "But... but I'm really scared..."

Xiao Lan nodded: "I'm afraid too, so you can find someone who is not afraid to form a team."

woman:"… "

She looked at Luo with a gentle smile next to her expectantly, with red eyes and tears at the corners of her eyes, looking very pitiful.

As soon as the smile on Luo's face disappeared, he said blankly: "I'm so scared, I like to hide behind others when I'm in danger."

The weak expression on the woman's face was on the verge of collapse: "..."

She got up angrily and stepped on the ground, but unfortunately she didn't leave a mark on such a high-end carpet. The woman returned to her original position and continued her weeping career. Three men surrounded her and began a new round of comfort, like fish in a pond surrounded by specially-sprinkled bait.

The woman finally glanced over there unwillingly, hoping for a turnaround. It's a pity that the two heads got together, and they seemed to say something in a low voice, without giving her any attention at all.

Damn, two fucking gays! !

At this moment, a closed door inside the hall opened.

A woman in a housekeeper's uniform walked out from the inside. The woman seemed to be quite old, with the lines on her face drooping deeply, her face was serious, her hair was combed, and she was turned into a bun on top of her head.

She saluted everyone present, lifted her chin, and said in an arrogant tone: "Welcome to Mrs. Bella's manor. You are all guests who have received the invitation letter. Mrs. will be there for you. Choose their future husband among them."

She glanced at the crowd: "What a lucky group of guests."

Suddenly she caught a glimpse of the crying woman before, and an unkind smile came up at the corner of her mouth. She looked at the woman with a malicious look, but didn't say anything.

"Please come with me." The housekeeper turned and took the lead towards the front.

The players reacted immediately, this is the beginning of the game.

So everyone followed in her footsteps.

Only the woman who had paid special attention to her showed some worry on her face. What did her look mean? And Mrs. Bella chooses her husband, why are there female players being drawn into this game, is she...

The players failed to see Mrs. Bella in the first time.

The housekeeper led them into a huge cloakroom, which even contained several small rooms. The gorgeousness of each room would not be lost to that of the lobby. There was also a maid in uniform at the door waiting to serve the guests. .

But the looks of the maids... Isn’t it a bit too casual

Xiao Lan looked at the tall and super tall, short and very short, fat maid who was about to block the door, and the thin and thin maid who would be invisible when the wind blew, fell into deep thought, and the general service industry workers don’t ask you to pour the country. Allure, but at least they are all types with good facial features, but they... look like people in a painting.

It's still Luo's painting.

What kind of strange woman is this Mrs. Bella

The butler spoke again, still in an arrogant tone: "Please change your dresses here, and the maids will serve you. After you put on the dresses, I will lead you to the dinner room."

After that, the butler didn't wait for the players' replies, and went out of the cloakroom. His attitude was nothing like receiving guests who are important to the host.

As the butler's voice fell, and before the player could react, the maids had already rushed towards them with green eyes.

There were a lot of good-looking players gathered around them. Wang Teddy jumped up and down in their chase; Wang Ke also waved away the entangled maids with a cold face; Qi Ning was surrounded by a very ominous purple The mist separated him from the group of maids.

Several maids even fought for the position next to Xiao Lan and Luo.

The others were deserted and lonely. They looked at the besieged people, wondering whether they should sympathize with them or sympathize with themselves.

In the end, the one who won the battle for Xiao Lan was a maid with a door as high as about the width of a door, with bright red lipstick on her mouth, and her hair became messy in the fight.

She walked towards Xiao Lan with a big smile, showing her messy teeth: "Guest, come on~"

Xiao Lan: "..."

Fuck, this expansion is not right!

The tall and sturdy maid stepped forward and cordially extended a hand to him: "Don't be shy, let me serve you. Don't pity me. It is the glory of our maid to provide service to the guests."

What kind of words are these tigers and wolves!

If I'm shy, don't you count it! !

I don't want to pity you at all! ! !

Xiao Lan took a step back, flashed her huge claws, and pressed her back against the door of the locker room in a panic. He began to seriously consider the feasibility of attacking the NPC at the beginning of the dungeon.

The maid had to come up again, and stretched out a black gloved hand from the side to pinch her wrist. The hand looked slender and gentle, but it made the maid unable to break free for a while.

She turned her head to look and saw Luo elegant and gentle smile: "Just leave it to me, my husband is not used to being served close by others."

The author has something to say:

Teddy Wang: Wow~ I’m so happy that my brother and I can finally make their official debut! We should think of a combination name!

Xiaolan: For example

Wang Teddy: Wang Ergou! … Uh, please calm down and put the knife down QAQ