I Rely On Poverty To Sweep Through Survival Games

Chapter 54: washing machine


At this time, the bracelet on Wu Ting's wrist that had originally appeared to be an ornament suddenly moved.

A silver-white head protruded from the ring-shaped bracelet. It looked small, probably only the thickness of a little finger. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a thin snake, and it was not clear what species it was.

The little snake raised his head, stretched hard in Xiao Lan's direction, and drew circles in the air, as if he was very interested in Xiao Lan.

Wu Ting stretched out his other hand and touched Xiao Snake's head: "It seems Xiao Qing likes you very much."

Xiao Lan looked at the silver-white snake: "Why don't you call him Xiaobai?"

Wu Ting was helpless: "Because it only reacts to the name Xiaoqing."

It's a very unique snake.

Wu Ting touched Xiao Qing's head, his red lips evoked a Yeyan smile: "You can make Xiao Qing like it, it shows that your talent is very good, maybe we will have the opportunity to cooperate in the future."

Xiao Lan: "What do you mean?"

But Wu Ting just showed a mysterious smile and did not answer at all. She waved at the two of them and left gracefully.

If He Rui came to do such a thing, Xiao Lan might give him a kick and let him have something to say.

But Wuting with such an appearance, it is very reasonable to do things mysteriously, which shows that the tolerance of human beings is like a spring.

Perhaps this is the reason for Wu Ting's exquisite dress


Xiao Lan still used Luo as an ice pad to sleep, and the cramped and sultry environment did not affect his sleep quality.

But I don't know when more and more voices rang outside the door.


At first it was only a slight footstep, and the voice seemed very careful, as if an unknown neighbor woke up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night.


Then I added the clear and rhythmic sound of high heels hitting the ground. The footsteps became a little rushing, as if it was a woman rushing to make an appointment.

Then there are more and more footsteps, varying in severity and speed, as if they come from many people of different ages, genders, and heights. It makes people wonder if they are standing in a crowded place such as a subway station.

When Xiao Lan opened her eyes, she almost thought she had been thrown onto the main road because she couldn't pay the rent.

The next second he saw the worn-out bed board on his head and the black figure sitting beside him looking at him, he just remembered that now he doesn't need to pay the rent anymore, this is in the game.

He didn't say a word, just gave Luo who was watching the night aside a questioning look.

Luo made a "shh" gesture and stretched out his finger to the position of the door.

Xiao Lan followed his gesture and looked over.

Although the landlord was very stingy to modify the circuit of each room, he still left the light in the living room. At this moment, I don't know which guy forgot to turn off the light, and the dim light came out from the crack in the door.

Although it sounds like a lot of people outside, the light from the cracks in the door shows no signs of being blocked.

It seemed that the living room was simply empty.

In this way, no matter what it is outside the door, it won't be a person anyway.

Xiao Lan was thinking.

At this moment, things outside seemed to have noticed that someone was awake here, and the sound of footsteps changed the chaos and disorder before, and came towards Xiao Lan's door.




The footsteps of various colors were getting closer and closer to Xiao Lan's door.

Then, he stopped very close to the door, and the whole door fell silent for an instant.

It's like a group of people are standing close to the door at this moment, they are staring at the door panel, but they don't say a word.

Xiao Lan scanned the gap under her eyes, and there was still nothing.

The sudden silence at the moment seemed to attract people to open the door and take a look.

However, curiosity killed the cat.

Xiao Lan was not going to open the door at all, anyway, unknown things outside the door seemed to be unable to enter the room at all.

I really want to see something tomorrow morning.

Isn't it just being stared at sleep by an unknown being? Didn't he live such a life every day, he was used to it, and it was not in vain at all.

What's more, these guys are still separated by the door panel.

Xiao Lan lay back on the bed again, and skillfully rubbed Luo to a cool place behind Luo. Luo also let him, as if I was a pillow of no emotion.

The unknown existence outside:...

Damn, fucking gay!

On the morning of the third day, the heavy rain that had been brewing for two days finally fell.

The dense raindrops almost intertwined a heavy rain curtain. The airtight rain curtain covered the whole apartment tightly, making the people trapped in it almost suffocated.

After getting up and going out, Xiao Lan found a lot of footprints outside her room door. These footprints were piled on top of each other, all squeezed in a short section of the door. It is hard to imagine how they stacked up.

The players gathered at breakfast, but the pregnant woman who did not show up last night is still missing today, the couple are still rubbing together in the room, and the cultists are still praying in the room.

While the NPCs did not show up, Duan Xueyin said softly: "Do you think the pregnant woman will..."

She didn't say it clearly, but the players present almost all understood what she was referring to. They could get into the mid-level court, and they all had the ability to inquire about the mother and daughter.

Wu Ting frowned slightly: "The possibility is not low, maybe every time we die, our danger will be a little bit bigger."

And Meng Ze hesitated and said, "Did you hear any strange noises last night?"

Xiao Lan asked back: "For example?"

Meng Ze pointed to the next door to his own room: "I heard a lot of people knocking on the wall last night, but I got up and went out to see. There was no one next door, it's weird..."

Wu Ting looked weird: "Are you out?"

Meng Ze was a little puzzled: "Yes..."

He Rui hurriedly interrupted: "It's fine if nothing happens. Next time you have to be more cautious."

Meng Ze nodded ignorantly.

Xiao Lan's heart is also a little weird. This Meng Ze seems to be very cautious, like a novice player, how did he rise to the midfield

He looked at He Rui again. It was obvious that there were three people in a team, but the interaction between the two of them was obviously more familiar than Duan Xueyin’s. Could it be that Meng Ze knew He Rui for a long time, and maybe he was brought in by He Rui. of.

What is the purpose of He Rui doing this

Li Haokuan, wearing a black vest, also asked the players in a low voice at this time: "Have you met the mother and daughter? I mean after death."

The players sitting there nodded, and Li Haokuan continued, “I didn’t know what happened yesterday. I just avoided the little girl in the hallway. She came again within a few minutes. She looked quite angry and didn’t Knowing what she has gone through, that fierceness, I almost got cold."

Insider Xiao Lan: "..."

Sorry, brother, maybe I was irritated by me.

At this time, the remaining residents also chirped out.

Seeing that the pregnant woman did not show up on the table, they seemed very cold. The couple took the breakfast that belonged to the pregnant woman, but saw that Xiao Lan and Luo were also there, but they didn't dare to feed each other.

"Hehehe..." The cultist laughed to himself, he pointed to the pregnant woman's room maliciously. "

While stroking the idol, he scanned the players with neurotic eyes: "You are all guilty, and the gods will come to punish you... hehehe..."

Not too lazy to listen to his pressure, Xiao Lan reached out and knocked off the table lightly.

The complexion of the cultist suddenly changed.

He hurriedly put the beloved idol into his pocket, patted it again to make sure it was intact, and then quickly reached out his hand to grab his breakfast and hid in the room to eat. He didn't dare to look at Xiao Lan again on the way. Same as grandson.

Xiao Lan once again gained the admiration of the players' eyes.

He's a cruel man, buddy.

After breakfast, Xiao Lan strolled and digested on the fourth floor.

He understands that this copy may not need to find clues to leave like the previous ones.

With the death of residents, the risks encountered by players will increase, and then peak on the fourth day. I am afraid that the way of life will only appear at that time, and they will not be able to find it in advance before this.

And no matter what they stayed there or what they did, death threats would come by themselves.

Now it is time to walk around as familiar with the terrain.

When passing by the laundry room, Xiao Lan heard a strange sound, like the overwhelming sound when the washing machine was forced to run after being packed with heavy objects, as if the washing machine was about to break down in the next instant.

At the same time, there was also the smell of washing powder that Xiao Lan had smelled when she saw water stains at the door of her room.

Xiao Lan entered the laundry room.

Only half of Duan Xueyin's body was pulled into the washing machine, one hand was inside the washing machine, and the other hand was trying hard to support the washing machine housing, she tried to break free with a look of horror.

And a hand that seemed to be swollen after being soaked in the washing machine stretched out, and that hand was grasping her shoulder.

There are also a few wet sleeves that wrap around her hair and arms like monster tentacles. There is even a sleeve covering her mouth and nose, which not only prevents her from calling for help, but even has difficulty breathing. Duan Xueyin is visible to the naked eye. His face began to turn red and purple.

The water in the washing machine was foamy, and when it wetted the ground, it began to slip, making Duan Xueyin almost unsteady.

She saw Xiao Lan's figure appear at the door, and her eyes were suddenly full of the desire to survive.


She furiously asked for help from Xiao Lan.

Xiao Lan directly took out [a poisonous dagger at this time] from the storage space, and the sharp dagger struck towards the sleeves covering Duan Xueyin's nose and arms. The sleeves were suddenly slippery and difficult to tear apart. It broke into two sections directly, and the force that pulled her was suddenly light.

Duan Xueyin took the opportunity to breathe.

The girl was also unambiguous. Taking advantage of the moment when the things in the washing machine became loose, a piece of talisman paper appeared in the only movable hand. She muttered a few spells in a low voice, and put a handful of talisman paper on the arm holding her shoulder.

The swollen arm suddenly felt like a soldering iron, emitting a burning smell, there seemed to be some screams from the washing machine, and the arms and clothes were suddenly retracted.

In an instant, the laundry room returned to its original state.

It was as if nothing had appeared here, except for the water stains on the ground and Duan Xueyin who looked soggy. Fortunately, the clothes she was wearing were impervious to water.

Duan Xueyin panted and sat on the ground, regardless of whether the ground was dirty or not: "Thank you... If you weren't there, I'm afraid I will be more ill-fortuned this time."

Xiao Lan said casually: "It's nothing, it's just easy. Do you mind telling me why you were attacked?"

Duan Xueyin pointed at the one opposite the washing machine that just happened: "I found the pregnant woman's body inside. At that time, she was stuffed in like clothes. I was about to go out and call for you, but something attacked behind her. I am."

Xiao Lan followed her movements and looked at the washing machine she said had the dead body, only to find that there was nothing inside now.

Seeing Xiao Lan's expression, Duan Xueyin probably guessed: "Nothing?"

Xiao Lan nodded, and he said to Duan Xueyin, "Let's go, it's not safe to leave here just now."

After speaking, he took Luo with him, and the two left the laundry room in tandem.

Duan Xueyin sitting on the ground: "..."

Shouldn't it come to pull me according to the normal behavioral logic

Xiao Lan's voice came from outside the door: "Duan Xueyin, what's wrong?"

"Oh, it's okay, come right away!"

Duan Xueyin got up quickly, and instantly understood what normal behavior logic was entangled with the dead gay...