I Rely On Poverty To Sweep Through Survival Games

Chapter 61: Reunion


Xiao Lan didn't know how long she had been walking on the stairs. It looked the same as on the outside. The stairs were just monotonous and repeating cycles, making people wonder if it wanted to trap people here.

In the exhausting monotonous movement upstairs, Xiao Lan suddenly felt the faint wind blow across his cheeks. Obviously it was a breeze, but it seemed to have a sharp edge, which made his skin feel a slight tingling.

The keen crisis warning had worked, and Xiao Lan subconsciously dodged aside.

Immediately, he saw a trace that seemed to have been cut by a sharp blade left where he was originally standing. The trace was left deep on the ground, and it seemed that there was nothing in front of him.

What is attacking Xiao Lan

The next moment, a black wind passed by Xiao Lan.

Luo, who had been standing quietly beside Xiao Lan, suddenly jumped out. Luo Ji rarely acted without Xiao Lan's order. His fingertips flashed with pitch-black claws, and he attacked the seemingly empty location.

Immediately afterwards, a sharp scream sounded in the air.

Can't tell what the sound is like, this is not the sound that Xiao Lan is familiar with can make.

Luo's figure fluttered in the air, and with every attack he fell, some black fog could be torn out in the air, as if in front of him was an invisible monster.

After several confrontations, Luo put away his claws to stop the attack, and returned to Xiao Lan's side with graceful steps.

Xiao Lan was puzzled: "What happened?"

Luo tidied his sleeves slowly: "I felt a certain part of my breath just now. He should be attacking everything approaching by instinct, so he would attack you."

Xiao Lan looked forward. In his field of vision, there were still ordinary stairs, and there was no abnormality. However, something did attack him from there just now.

Luo explained: "Now he should be hidden, his aura has become very weak, unless it is the same origin as me, otherwise it is difficult to find."

Xiao Lan was a little curious: "No other part of you seems to have the same sane as you."

Luo smiled slightly: "Just like there is only one human brain, of course I have only one thinking ability."

Although it was almost lost in the long dark suffering.

Xiao Lan: "Can you find his trace now?"

"I can't feel it after a little distance. This is affecting my perception." Luo shook his head, "Go ahead, sir. Since he has already sensed my existence, he will definitely come to me."

He showed a murderous smile and looked forward: "After all... we are all eager to swallow each other."

Xiao Lan is a little worried: "Every time you find a part of you and need to swallow it, will it have any effect on you."

Luo's good-looking eyes turned to Xiao Lan, and a layer of gold appeared on the dark eyes, as if to read something on his face: "The more I swallow, the closer I am to the original me. These parts seem to be the same. Very aggressive. If the original me was a crazy monster, would you feel scared or disgusted, sir?"

Xiao Lan thought about this hypothesis: "I think with your pride, you will not allow yourself to become an irrational monster."

Although the time of acquaintance is not long, Xiao Lan can feel the pride that seems to be carved into the bones of Luo, which has not changed since he was just a black shadow in the envelope.


Luo laughed in a low voice, matched with his low voice, which made people feel tingling in his ears.

He looked at Xiao Lan seriously, and then leaned slightly: "Sir, I am grateful for your trust. I will try my best to keep myself sensible."

Even if he doesn't have confidence in himself, someone can trust him like this. This feeling... It's so good. It seems that he has to work harder and don't let his master down.

After temporarily resolving the attack, the two moved on.

I don't know how long I walked, and the stairs that could not see the end gradually came to the end. There was a cold white light in front, like an old fluorescent lamp, and it was vaguely visible that there seemed to be a room behind.

However, a few figures stood quietly at the end of the stairs, blocking their way.

The mother and daughter, standing hand in hand with their heads down, are next to a little ball that keeps beating in place.

The pregnant woman who was soaked and dripping with water had a pool of water that seemed to live under her feet.

The cultist who held his head in Meng Ze's body was looking at Xiao Lan with a malicious smile.

Couples crawling on all fours soaked in a pool of blood, the blood under them is slowly winding down the stairs.

The neighbors who had been gone not long after seeing each other again.

They waited in silence, as if welcoming the two of them. This time it seemed to be ready to join forces, and then give the two guys in front of them a fancy beating of social people.

The blood under the couple's body flowed in front of Xiao Lan little by little. He stepped on it unceremoniously, and then took out [This is a poisonous dagger] from the storage space with his backhand.

Although the dagger is mostly useless to the few former neighbors who are obviously not human, at most they cut the clothes, hair and corpses that were manipulated by them.

But the most important thing in a fight is momentum!

Xiao Lan, who has accumulated a wealth of experience in punching hooligans and kicking gangsters for many years, said so.

As long as you take out the momentum of "I'm No. 1 in the world" to stand on the field, you will win half of this fight first.

The dagger in Xiao Lan's hand held a beautiful knife in the air.

He lowered his face and looked at the few people in front of him harshly: "Who will come first?"

At this moment, Luo beside him was also very cooperative, showing the sharp claws of his fingertips, and a dangerous smile came up on his lips. Together, the two people looked like the wildest cub on the street.

Two couples who bear the brunt: "..."

It seems that some bad memories have emerged, even after life and death, they are still unforgettable. Sure enough, there are some things that can't be forgotten no matter what.

Seeing Xiao Lan and the two getting closer, the man in the couple had an idea. He said to his girlfriend, "Xiaoya, let's break up. I don't think we are suitable. I really can't stand you."

The female ghost in the pool of blood suddenly became furious: "Damn, my mother's name is Xiaoli!!!"

Talking about the bloody slap, he slapped the male ghost. The male ghost didn't flinch. He waved his arms and began to resist. The two ghosts immediately fought into a tuft. The blood splattered on their bodies, and the stairs they flung were everywhere, looking quite spectacular.

In the fight between you and me, they gradually moved away from the core position of the battle circle, and there is a tendency to fight farther and farther.

A good one is advancing as retreating. I really underestimated the wisdom of these two people before.

The remaining neighbors: "..."

The dog teammate just sold us, what should we do

The pregnant woman gave the single mother a look: Hit it

Single mother: You can do it, you can do it.

Pregnant woman: I can't deal with these two animals!

Single mother: Could it be possible for me to do it!

Pregnant woman: Your daughter gave the smelly canned food in their hands!

Single mother:...

Little girl: Baba...

The cultist on the side had already covered his face with his hands and technically went offline.

This scene perfectly revealed that the wild team of the temporary group is so unreliable.

While they were still indulging in eye contact, Xiao Lan gave Luo a look, and Luo second understood.

In the next second, Xiao Lan used [You Can't See Me] to eliminate the presence of several ghost consciousnesses in front of her. At the same time, Luo also turned into a black shadow and disappeared in place.

It's a pity that Luo's tricks to help hide his breath can only be used when Xiao Lan is still in a static state. If he needs to move, it will be exposed.

When the good neighbors of the new era recovered from their eye contact, the fierce spirit in front of them had disappeared.

Although they no longer need to breathe, they still breathed a sigh of relief quietly.

Leaving the stairs, Xiao Lan headed towards the concealed position on the fifth floor.

This so-called fifth floor looks weird.

It's like a maze of countless rooms. The rooms are connected to each other. In each room, there are at least two or three doors, and as many as four or five doors. If you want to enter the next one, you must pass through the front one.

Xiao Lan pushed open several unmanned silent rooms in succession, and Luo grasped her wrist when she was about to open the next door.

Luo curled his lips: "Sorry sir, can this door be opened by me?"

Xiao Lan instantly understood that this must be the rest of Luo hiding in it. He took a step back in a kind-hearted manner and watched Luo reach out and push towards the unknown door.

This time Xiao Lan finally saw the dark shadow in front of her.

This dark shadow is completely different from Liudao Hot Springs. He is staggered and entangled on the roof like a spider web. Without a specific shape, it is difficult to distinguish between the head and the tail.

Seeing Luo pushing the door in, he looked very violent, and the tentacled black shadow danced frantically, attacking Luo directly.

Luo quickly met Sombra’s attack. Before leaving, he took the time to say to Xiao Lan: "Sir, please wait a moment."

Xiao Lan also understood that this was Luo's battlefield, and he would not help him presumptuously.

The slender figure fought with the pitch-black tentacles waving all over the sky. Every attack on both sides spared no effort. They tore each other hard, and scattered black fragments continued to appear in the air.

Luo's sharp claws cut off countless tentacles that had hit him, causing the shadow to let out a harsh scream.

In the next instant, more tentacles came, some were cut off, some were avoided, and some pierced his arms and body, leaving black as ink blood from the wound.

The bright color of this blood suggested the identity of this bystander, Luo Fei.

Luo stretched out his hand to wipe off the blood sticking to his cheeks, his face was a hunter's excitement, even with his movements, more and more blood fell from his wounds, leaving black marks on the ground. .

Luo looked at the pitch-black tentacles in front of him, grinned, his teeth looked white, "Want to swallow me?"

As if responding, the tentacles danced more frantically.

"Ha ha ha..." Luo curled up his lips, eyes full of pride, "It's impossible to rely on you."

Hearing that, the tentacles seemed to be irritated, and they suddenly attacked Luo overwhelmingly. The posture seemed to be able to crush everything in the next second.

But right in front of him, Luo's figure disappeared.

In the next instant, countless sharp lights flashed, cutting off the sky full of black tentacles and turning them into black smoke.

The black shadow uttered a very high-pitched and harsh scream, but could not stop Luo reaching out into his core. Accompanied by an unwilling and angry roar, the black shadow was swallowed bit by bit.

Luo tidyed up his clothes, and after devouring the shadow, the original injury on his body began to recover quickly, and it might not take long for it to disappear completely.

He was walking towards Xiao Lan who was waiting aside with a smile.

Suddenly, a sharp pain struck, the pain seemed to be abruptly torn apart the soul, violently and sharply torturing every trace of Luo's consciousness.

That is, the most painful memory from the depths of the soul is retrieved again at this moment.

A scene that was torn apart at the time appeared in his mind, and the pain of that moment swept back.

"Well—" Luo bit his lip tightly, and barely suppressed the painful cry that was about to exit, but he could no longer maintain a standing posture. He knelt on the ground with one knee, but still straightened his back and refused to fall.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Xiao Lan rushed over and held Luo's shaky body: "Luo! What's wrong with you?!"

Luo raised his head, and Xiao Lan realized that the situation was worse than he expected. Luo Yuan's handsome face was full of cracks, and the broken place revealed the dark inside, like a finely shattered porcelain.

The black blood was flowing along the cracks on his body, and it looked very bad.

Leaning against Xiao Lan's arms, Luo Qiang held his mouth, his voice hoarse and broken: "Sorry... I may... temporarily... there is no way to maintain the human form... Please, sir."

Xiao Lan nodded to him: "I will take you through the customs."

Luo grinned reluctantly: "Thank you... you."

After speaking, he seemed to lose consciousness.

Xiao Lan quickly added her question: "Wait! What will you become?"

Luo Wei's unchecked voice came from his arms: "No... I know..."

Xiao Lan hugged Luo who was unconscious, a little sad, what if you became a black puddle? Do I have to find a bottle to pack you up? I don’t know if it’s silly if it’s divided into two bottles...