I Rely On Poverty To Sweep Through Survival Games

Chapter 72: Grandma's bedtime story (3)


Seeing all the players entering the room, the "grandma" walked over and shut them down one by one, and gently instructed them to go to bed early and get up early and not stay up late, just like a loving grandmother.

But this strange cell-like environment made her look more like a breeder.

"Grandma" locked all the doors, and before finally closing the iron door in the corridor, she added: "You go to bed obediently, and grandma will come over to tell you a story later. You must lie down obediently when you tell the story. On the bed, do you know?"

"Unbehaved child, grandma will punish him."

With the sound of the heavy iron door closing, silence fell in the corridor.

I want to know that this so-called story will definitely not be a good thing, and something will definitely happen tonight.

But the one who should be here is always coming. Before the time to tell the story, the three of Xiao Lan started to check the room separately.

Xiao Lan glanced at the bedside, as if to welcome grandchildren from afar, with gift boxes on the bedside table. But this room is obviously a double room, and the bedside table is also one on each side of the two beds, but there are two gifts on one of the bedside tables. The meaning of one for each person is obvious.

Today, the choice of room was chosen by the players themselves. Xiao Lan and the three of them lived together were also a temporary decision, but the arrangement of this gift looked like it had been foreseen that three people would move in.

He reached out and picked up the gift box beside the bed and observed it carefully. There was no gap in the box, and he weighed it again. It didn't seem to be empty in terms of weight, but it was lightly shaken without any sound coming out, which looked strange. .

"Do you know what this is?" Xiao Lan asked the other two with the gift box, hoping they might know one or two.

It's a pity that after looking at the box over and over again, Wang Teddy said that he didn't know what it was.

Luo also shook his head.

Although it didn't seem to be abnormal, Xiao Lan put all three gift boxes in the corners of the room just to be on the safe side, so that if something unexpected happened, she could have a little time to react.

Wang Teddy picked up the floral pattern pajamas on the bed, and after shaking it away, he looked disgusted: "It really is grandma's taste, this pajama is exactly the same as my brother's childhood..."

Xiao Lan was shocked by the news she heard: "Your brother... wear this?"

Wang Teddy nodded: "Yes, it was given by my neighbor's grandmother. My brother was forced to wear it and took a lot of photos when I was young. When I was a child, my mother wanted to fool me into wearing it, but I was witty and refused."

Even if Wang Ke is not there, Wang Teddy's elder brother Laodi has become an instinct, which is not restricted by objective factors, and is activated spontaneously at this moment.

Xiao Lan: "..."

He looked at the pajamas covered with small pink flowers, and filled his mind with the expressionless young Wang Keji wearing it, and he wanted to be photographed reluctantly. He always felt that one day he might be silenced by the other party because he knew too many secrets about Wang Ke.

There were only two beds in the room. In the sleep state that Wang Teddy even disliked his brother, he slept in one bed alone, and Xiao Lan and Luo slept in the other.

Although Luo doesn't need to sleep, when the two enter the game, Luo stays aside. However, in the eyes of the players, Luo's identity at the moment is a player named Ferro. It is a little weird to be a mascot without sleeping in the night. In order not to scare Wang Teddy, Luo still needs to lie on the bed and disguise it.

Fortunately, the bed in the room is relatively large, even if Xiao Lan and Luo are both tall, they can barely sleep on.

Xiao Lan leaned against Luo. The bed was still a bit small with two big men. The two were close together. He could feel that Luo was not as cold as before. Perhaps it was the effect after absorbing the new part

It was the first time that he and Luo were lying side by side like this. In 404, although Xiao Lan used someone as a pillow, it was just that Luo was sitting on the bed and he was sticking behind Luo's back.

Staring at Luo's close face, Xiao Lan felt a lot of pressure. He secretly rejoiced that he still needs to wait for the "grandma" to tell the story without going to bed, otherwise he might experience what it's like to have insomnia after a long absence.

As if he was aware of Xiao Lan's uncomfortableness, Luo approached him and said, "Sir, you can lean on me to sleep, just treat me as a pillow."

After speaking, he turned his head away, not looking at Xiao Lan.

There is no need to face Luo, Xiao Lan quietly breathed a sigh of relief, and didn't know what was going on. Mingming Luo's face he was watching every day, why would he feel uncomfortable when it was placed close up

After thinking about it for a while, Xiao Lan attributed the problem to the fact that she still had too little knowledge, and if she had the opportunity in the future, she must find more good-looking people to exercise.

Luo doesn't know what material his body is made of. It's not too hard to lean against. It's really comfortable to be a pillow.

Xiao Lan waited in the dark night.

The old lady's procrastinating footsteps came from a distance in the silent corridor, followed by the friction of the heavy door being slowly opened, and then the sound of footsteps that seemed to be hovering in front of their room.

"Good boys, it's time for grandma's bedtime story."

"Come on, my little ones, help me see if my dearest children are sleeping in bed?"

Accompanied by the voice of "grandma", it seemed that there were many small animals running briskly in the corridor, and the tiny footsteps echoed in the corridor.

Soon, even Xiao Lan's room heard "Pata" and "Pata" sounds. The sound was like something lingering in the room, but nothing could be seen with the naked eye.

Xiao Lan met the eyes of Wang Teddy on the opposite bed. He put a finger in front of his lips and made a silent gesture to Wang Teddy. Wang Teddy nodded, obediently retracting into the quilt, revealing only a small curly hair and round eyes. .

After a while, the footsteps disappeared, and the "grandma" voice sounded again: "Very well, you are very obedient, grandma will tell you a story."

"A long, long time ago, a spider bride lived in the forest. She has satin-like black hair, jewel-like eyes, snow-white skin and delicate red lips. Every day she waits to meet a lover of her own. , It’s a pity that there is only one spider living in the forest, so she had to go to the area where humans frequent."

"But I don't know why, the travellers to and from the forest don't seem to be able to speak. They always keep their heads down and go on the road in silence, and wrap themselves in cloaks, which makes the Spider Bride feel very boring."

"Finally one day a bard passing by came up on the path of the forest. He wore gorgeous clothes and wandered through the forest while singing wonderful songs. His voice was very beautiful, which made the birds intoxicated and deep. Deeply attracted the spider bride."

"This must be my love, Spider Bride thought. So she mustered up the courage to walk to the bard and say goodbye to him. The poet accepted her love, and they lived happily together."

"She loves her bridegroom so much, loves his moving voice, loves his handsome face, loves him... soft and tender body."

"It's a pity that he can't sing anymore," Spider Bride thought regretfully, touching her belly.

"Maybe it's time to find a new groom."

After the story was finished, there was quiet in the corridor. No one applauded the story, but "grandma" didn't care. She smiled and said, "Good night, my dear children, I wish you a good dream."

Then came the sound of the iron door closing.

As the iron door fell, something seemed to be different in the room, and there were faintly crisp "Da" and "Da" sounds coming from an unknown corner of the room, both as far and near as possible.

The sound sounds like an insect with a hard exoskeleton is moving.

It's like—the spider bride in the story.

Xiao Lan quickly recalled the story she had just heard, and extracted the key part from it, "...The travelers who traveled to and from the forest didn't seem to be able to speak. They always hung their heads silently, and wrapped themselves in cloaks. , It makes Spider Bride feel very boring."

Comparing with the bard who was eaten at the back, silence, cloak wrapped, don't let the spider bride hear your voice and see you, this is the way to escape in her hands.

Xiao Lan met Wang Taidi's eyes and gestured to him to keep quiet. Then Xiao Lan pointed to the quilt and motioned for him to cover himself in it. Wang Taidi nodded and immediately followed suit.

Xiao Lan and Luo also hid in the quilt immediately, lying motionless without saying a word.

The shape of the three makes this room look like a morgue at first glance.


"Da da."

The voice became clearer and clearer, hovering above their heads.

There was also a soft singing voice: "The love I am looking for, are you also missing... Missing me alone..."

The singing is soft and gentle, full of tenderness and longing, seems to tell infinite tenderness, people can't help but want to heal her sadness, and stay with her for a lifetime.

However, after knowing what it was like to fall in love with her, no one really dared to reach this point, to have a love of food delivery that transcended race and life and death.

She seemed to be a little anxious, she kept wandering on the ceiling and wall of the room. The sound of "Da Da" speeded up, and almost became a piece, which made people anxious to hear.

The three of Xiao Lan still lay as solid as dead bodies, and they didn't mean to come out.

After a while, the voice in the room disappeared, and the Spider Bride seemed to have never appeared before.

In another room.

Xin Xin is a rookie who has just experienced a game.

He was lucky that the novice game matched a reliable old player and took them all the way through the level. Except for the two disobedient guys who had died, everyone else passed the level safely.

He just followed all the way, passing the level dazedly, without accumulating any useful experience.

But this time, it felt very bad at the beginning. Two groups of seemingly experienced players faced each other inexplicably, and no one came to greet them, novices. He didn't dare to say anything, just watched the development silently.

Now Xin Xin didn't know what to do. The "grandma" story made him feel cold. He covered the quilt on his head and hid inside shivering. He didn't dare to probe out to see what was going on.

Suddenly, he heard a "da da" sound from the top of his head, like a hard object hitting it, and he heard his scalp tingling.

Then, the woman's singing came, as if it was moaning in his ear through the thin quilt. Xin Xin squeezed her mouth tightly, not daring to make a sound, but her body was shaking more and more severely.

I don't know how long it took, the singing seemed to be a little farther away, and the sound of "Da Da" was about to go away.

Xin Xin breathed a sigh of relief, it was almost over...

"First blood—"

Xin Xin's cell phone on the bedside rang suddenly. He suddenly remembered that he had set an alarm clock before to remind him to get up in the middle of the night to play the qualifying session, so as to avoid elementary school students and scams.

A few days after entering the game, he was so muddled that he had forgotten about it!

He hurriedly reached out and tried to turn off the alarm clock, but the busier he got, the more mistakes he made. In the panic, his shaking hands not only failed to turn off the alarm clock, but also got the phone to the ground.

Xin Xin quickly reached out to pick it up, and his head came out of the quilt.

He finally grabbed the phone and turned off the alarm clock smoothly. Xin Xin exhaled and was about to retract, but he found that some white silk was stuck to the phone. He stretched out his hand to twist these silk threads. They were very light and sticky. They seemed to be... spider silk.

At this time, the pitch-black hair fell in front of his eyes, blocking his sight.

Xin Xin felt cold in his heart. He raised his head stiffly and met a face with long black hair, white skin, red eyes like gems, and delicate red lips.

There are only six eyes and sharp fangs in his red lips.

Spider Bride looked at Xin Xin with a smile: "I like you so much, can you be my lover?"

Before Xin Xin could resist, the white spider silk suddenly rushed towards him and sealed his mouth.

In his horrified gaze, the spider bride's delicate and full red lips approached his neck, and the sharp fangs pierced his skin, injecting toxins.

"My love, will always belong to me..."

Singing a sweet love song, the Spider Bride found her groom tonight.

The author has something to say:

Xiao Lan attributed this problem to the fact that she still had too little knowledge, and if she had the opportunity in the future, she must find more good-looking people to exercise.

Luo: Sir, how about I exercise with you ♂

Xiao Lan:...