I Rely On Poverty To Sweep Through Survival Games

Chapter 80: Finally there is meat to eat


Xiao Lan was holding a brick, and was speechless with Wang Teddy, who was holding a stone beside him with a constipation expression. This is really a stingy copy, not only allows them to eat vegetables but also to clean up, but the final clearance reward is so shabby, it's better to not have it!

They didn't stay longer, and left the darkness directly from the exit.

Back in the room, there was a gloomy sky outside the window, plus heavy rain that seemed to never stop. Large drops of rain fell on the glass, making irregular white noises, and on the contrary, it seemed quiet inside and outside.

"Why is this rain still falling?" Xiao Lan looked at the gray sky, listening to the ticking rain, feeling a little strange.

He still remembered that Luo said before that it rained in the world because it cleared the anomaly.

Does the constant rain mean that it is clearing the anomaly one after another? Thinking that the abnormal appearance might be related to her father, Xiao Chengyan, Xiao Lan looked at the dense rain curtain, vaguely disturbed.

These exceptions are cleared, does it mean that something has changed

Unfortunately, the current Xiao Lan couldn't know the truth behind it, he was too far from Xiao Chengyan's level.

Wang Teddy also looked at the rain: "It’s been raining for more than half a month. It’s okay on your side. A large area where I live is already flooded. Every time I go out, I’ll be wading. You can only get out by boating."

Xiao Lan was a little surprised: "Such a big person came to the world, and the drainage system is so garbage?"

Wang Teddy looked desperate: "I suspect that there are not a few drainage facilities here at all. The accumulated water is piled there and disappears slowly by itself. Fortunately, there are no mosquitoes and flies here, otherwise it will be crazy."

Afterwards, Wang Teddy contacted Wang Ke, and a few people made an appointment with a coffee shop opened by the player, and delivered the reward for the task by the way.

On the way to the coffee shop.

Xiao Lan was holding an umbrella on the ground full of stagnant water, because there were not many people on the street when it was raining.

A figure suddenly rushed out from the corner ahead. He was too close to Xiao Lan, and Xiao Lan quickly took a step back to avoid him. The man ran crookedly, his clothes were dirty and messy, and his gray hair was tangled together. Because he ran too fast, he rolled around on the ground and was stained with a lot of sewage.

He rushed to the empty street like this, raising his head and looking nervously at everything on the street with cloudy eyes.

Xiao Lan only noticed that his face was full of gully, and he should be quite young. Coming to the world really means that no matter what the old, the weak, the sick, and the disabled, there is no feeling of caring for the disadvantaged.

"God... It's torn apart..." The man shrank his shoulders, bit his nails, and kept muttering in his mouth.

Xiao Lan raised the umbrella and looked at the sky shrouded in dark clouds. There was no suspicion of tearing it apart.

Is this person... crazy

"Isn't this Cao Yunjiu?" Wang Taidi recognized the person, but his expression was confused.

Xiao Lan: "You know?"

Wang Teddy nodded: "Well... I don't know him, I just know that there is such a person. He should be the oldest player among the surviving players. It is said that he has stayed in the Descending World for almost 20 years."

If he can live in the world for twenty years, even if he is not the strongest, he must be a person who is good at finding a way to survive.

"Twenty years...Did he have something recently?" Xiao Lan looked at him in a crazy state, and felt that if he could pass the level in this way, he would be a god in the world.

"Indeed." Wang Teddy was a little surprised by Xiao Lan's keenness. "He used to be a high-level player, not the top group, but he is also very powerful for most people."

"Do you remember the previous game loopholes? A few months ago, he was just about to be promoted to a contract player. The promotion to the contract was originally very dangerous. As a result, there was a problem with the game he entered, and people went crazy when they came out."

"I heard that there is an organization to support him now, and someone is sent to take him through the game, hoping to find out something related to the loopholes in the game, but many methods have not been used to restore him. Now his value has increased. The less you come, maybe one day you will be abandoned, and then... will probably die."

Xiao Lan looked at the dirty man talking to himself in the rain. This strong man who had scorned many players ended up in this state in the end.

It seems that it makes people feel like it hurts. Even if you become a high-level player, you still have this kind of end after losing value.

Cao Yunjiu was completely unaware of the gaze of the three people beside him. He just watched nervously and repeated in his mouth: "Heaven... ripped apart... ripped apart..."

At this moment, a few people came out from the corner where Cao Yunjiu rushed out. These people approached with unkind expressions and pulled him backwards in a very rough manner.

"Why did this guy run out again? It's really troublesome."

"Heaven... Heaven..." Cao Yunjiu struggled, trying to get rid of the people behind.

After all, he used to be a senior player, his physical fitness is naturally good, and his strength is amazing. The few people behind saw this, and several people shot at the same time, using all their strength to suppress him, and then walked back.

"Hurry and hold him, it's really hard to toss, why is it our turn to take care of him!"

"Um... God... No pardon... Tear..." Cao Yunjiu's voice was faint, almost inaudible in the sound of rain.

However, Xiao Lan keenly noticed the word "Wu Shao", turning his head to look at Luo and silently made a "Wu Shao" lipstick. Luo nodded, indicating that what he heard was also "No Amnesty", Xiao Lan didn't make a mistake.

Thinking of the news about Wu She and Xiao Chengyan that Wu Ting had said, I thought it was a bit exaggerated, but I didn't expect them to actually make such a big move!

What does "tear open the sky" mean

Was it Cao Yunjiu's reference, or did he really see the unscrupulous man tearing apart the sky in the playground? It's a pity that he was crazy, unable to tell what he saw.

If it's the latter, how strong is the unpardonable guy

While Xiao Lan was sad for the player's end, she couldn't help but arouse a little yearning for strength, to what extent was the ability to toss out the loopholes in the world that descended.

In the coffee shop.

In accordance with the previous agreement, Wang Ke handed over the [Introduction to the Basic Principles of Crexism Philosophy] to Xiao Lan, and thanked them for taking care of Wang Teddy.

Wang Taidi drank the fat house happy water with his eyes open, and his heart was all about eating meat.

During the chat, Xiao Lan asked Wang Ke: "Do you know any news about Xiao Chengyan and Wu She? I can find props to exchange."

Wang Ke put down the black coffee in his hand: “No, I don’t know much about them. Wuxue’s interior is very tight, and even who is not public. I have never met Xiao Chengyan. I have only met once. Two members of the Unamnesty arrived at the same game randomly."

Xiao Lan raised her interest and listened carefully.

Wang Ke: "Members of Wuxue wear uniform gray trench coats, which are very strong."

Xiao Lan was still looking forward to the follow-up, but Wang Ke had already closed his mouth blankly. The expression showed that he had finished speaking, and his words were concise, and he really had Wang Ke's style.

Xiao Lan: "... That's it?"

Wang Ke nodded and reluctantly explained: "We have nothing to do with each other. We have only met a few times, but the aura of those two guys is impressive."

Xiao Lan: "What level do you think they are among the advanced players?"

Wang Ke said without hesitation: "Top-notch, comparable to a contract."

To get such a high evaluation from Wang Ke, it seems that the full-member elites who are not amnesty are by no means a waste of fame.

Saying goodbye to the Wang brothers, Xiao Lan and Luo chose to return to the real world.

Xiao Lan was extremely thankful that he came back early when he returned to the player's residence from the real world last time, so he still had one night's stay left, and Luo said that he would take him to a restaurant with a good reputation for a big meal. !

In the next moment, the two appeared on the sofa at home.

Seeing Xiao Lan's implicitly expectant eyes, Luo's eyes were filled with a smile, and his tone was somewhat indulgent: "I will prepare for you now, sir."

Then Luo stood up and made a call, and then he drove the car and led Xiao Lan towards the city.

Xiao Lan was sitting in the car with anticipation in her heart. All the things that bothered him were not as important as a good meal.

Perhaps he hadn't noticed it himself. Before he knew it, he was already in a very relaxed state. He seemed to have not experienced the simple happiness brought by a single meal for a long, long time.

And it was Luo who brought these changes, he could always feel relieved by Luo's side, could fall asleep unsuspectingly, and was able to hand over his back to the other party.

In this encounter, the lives of the two people have added the color of each other.

In order to appease his owner's heart that was deeply hurt by the vegetables, Luo did not choose those restaurants that looked exquisite and elegant, and had to eat for several hours after a set of procedures.

He drove directly and took Xiao Lan to an American barbecue restaurant.

American barbecue does not have so many exquisite tricks, it is an American style that is rough, bold, and full of weight.

Traditionally, large pieces of meat are grilled after being fully marinated. Full of the taste of meat, with a mellow fragrance, the meat is tender and juicy, every bite is the purest enjoyment.

As soon as you step into the store, a unique aroma of meat that will only be exuded after being grilled fills your appetite in an instant.

The two were guided down to their seats by the waiter.

After inquiring about Xiao Lan's preferences and getting the expected "indifferent" answer, Luo expertly ordered the most popular dish in the store.

While waiting for the dishes to be served, sitting in front of the two of them was a stylishly dressed young man.

There was a table full of meat in front of him, and he was talking to the phone by himself: "Hi~ everyone, I am your Ayu, dear babes, now we are at the most famous American barbecue restaurant in the city. ."

"Today I want to let my boss know what is called the No. 1 appetite in the world! Baby, let me see your gifts..."

It turned out to be a food broadcast that took the route of the big stomach king.

Have swiped on the screen:

"Ah ah ah Ayu is super awesome!!!"


"Ayu has the aura of ten people alone!"

"Brother rear: dumbfounded. jpg reservation"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha"

Ayu's volume is not low, and many of the guests sitting there are looking at him, and he doesn't care.

After all, the more dumbfounded the audience reacted as they arrived, it was also one of the highlights of his live broadcast room. Although he was often said to be unqualified by his peers, he still went his own way.

It's just that the two people at the table behind them seem to be a little too good-looking. He has already seen in the comments that someone asked him to take more pictures of the little brother behind. This made Ayu a little uncomfortable. He adjusted his sitting posture and quietly blocked half of Xiao Lan's face. As for the other one, although the back view was also very attractive, it was just a back view and was not very threatening.

After Ayu adjusted her posture, she posed a handsome pose to the camera: "Now, let's start, babies!"

A wave of gifts followed his words frantically.

Ayu was eating his own noodle barbecue while enjoying the fan's crazy rewards and comments. He is a real big appetizer, completely different from the kind that relies on vomiting or post-editing, and his appearance is also very good, and his fans are all for his beauty and strength to love him.

But as time passed bit by bit, he began to feel something was wrong. Why are the surrounding guests so quiet? He hasn't eaten much, not enough to make everyone stunned.

And how come there are fewer and fewer things related to him in the comments

What do you mean by "looking forward to my c-bit debut"

What do you mean by "Ayu", you walk away a little bit to block me from seeing my little brother"

What is "Ayu overturned today hahahaha"

After reading the comments for a long time, Ayu realized that they were talking about the table behind him. It can be seen from the live broadcast that a pile of empty plates has been piled up in front of the good-looking guy behind, and there is still a lot of meat next to it.

He looked at the plates in front of him that barely filled the table, and then at the plates that the other party had to stack to fill. He finally understood that this is also a big stomach king, not only better-looking than him, but also better than him!

This is the little pheasant anchor of which company, who actually took advantage of his live broadcast to rub his popularity!

Obviously he is going to step on his posture!

As a big stomach king, he couldn't be more clear, even if it is a big stomach king, the human body has its limits. The number of pendulums at the back table is not normal at all, and the world record is not that weight

This is simply cheating, I am afraid that the person with his back is doing his hands and feet.

For the sake of red, even use this kind of trick!

"Hey, you guys—" He turned his head a little dissatisfied, then... stuck.

Luo only had a barbecue set in front of him, and he ate slowly.

Xiao Lan was holding up the almost boneless Kansas pork chop that was grilled in front of him. This is the tenderest back chop on the whole pig. It is covered with the unique sauce in the store and after a long period of roasting with fruit trees, it is exuding a rich flavor. Seductive aroma.

After ten seconds, a whole pork chop was empty, and the speed was so fast that onlookers could hardly see his movements.

While Xiao Lan was drinking soda, Luo skillfully moved the plate in front of him and replaced it with a steaming Angus beef rib. Under the crispy grilled skin, the unique mellow aroma of beef was Waved to him.

Ten seconds later, beef ribs and pawns.

Next, beef brisket, five seconds...

Roast pork cartilage, four seconds...

Beef Burger, three seconds...

The surrounding customers all watched this scene as quiet as a chicken.

Ayu: "..."

This is a damn animal! ! !

Ayu thinks that maybe his career can only end here...