I Rely On Poverty To Sweep Through Survival Games

Chapter 87: Metro Station No. 13 (4)


After three flashes, the red indicator light at the gate went out.

Everything returned to silence, leaving only the long-lasting strong smell of blood in the air still declaring that the cruel killing just now was not an illusion.

After the person who didn't know whether it was a player or an NPC demonstrated that he could not evade fares with his own life, Xiao Lan naturally wouldn't be so ironclad that he wanted to try her protagonist's aura.

Xiao Lan walked forward cautiously, stepped on a spot of blood and minced meat, and approached the gate that was quietly staying there.

After approaching, Xiao Lan faintly heard the sound of rain coming from far away. It seemed that it was raining outside the subway station at this moment. The patter of rain seemed to be a temptation, telling that there is this road between the player and the hope of life. A small gate.

The light from the flashlight directed towards the blood-stained turnstile.

Just now, that person kept chanting "tickets", and coupled with the standard swipe card exit mode of this subway, it seems that this game must find a ticket to leave.

Xiao Lan thought: "I don't know what the ticket is."

There are many types of subway tickets, including ancient paper, coin-shaped and the most common IC cards, and even electronic versions on mobile phones, and if it is a game world, it is not surprising what it looks like.

After carefully observing the turnstile, Xiao Lan frowned.

The subway in the 1990s should still be the era of manual ticket sales, right? However, the gates in front of them are all-metal automatic ticket gates, and the pure white color seems a little abrupt in this environment.

He looked around the gate again, and found no area similar to a conductor's station.

"Could it be that this game introduces high-tech products in order to save manpower?" Xiao Lan wondered, "Are they so short of people?"

Luo's voice came faintly: "Perhaps they especially want someone to join them."

Xiao Lan: "..."

You have a good point.

He suddenly became a little alert because he thought of Zhang Dong and Gu Mo. This kind of lack of people will not have a lot of death traps, just to allow players to join their warm family.

Thinking of seeing the crowds of players behind Gu Mo at the time, Xiao Lan felt a bit chilly behind him.

The light of the flashlight moved to the side, and Xiao Lan began to check the nearby area.

The neighbourhood still looked dilapidated and messy, only the trash can that was full of it attracted his attention.

Xiao Lan approached: "This is..."

It was two trash cans side by side, and they were all burnt to black. It was no longer what they looked like. He fiddled with half a steel pipe nearby, and found that the lower part of the trash can was still exactly the same thing.

Luo inspected and said: "It's some debris, most of which have been carbonized, and there are some scorched plastic materials."

Perhaps this is the source of the mushy smell I smelled before, and I don't know when it was burnt.

However, there were no traces of burning around.

However, this pile of things obviously has nothing to do with the ticket, and the two changed their directions and headed to another place.

A subway route map appeared in front, occupying a large area of the wall, but I don’t know why, the other parts were all blacked out, leaving only this lonely No. 13 subway station, like a vast ocean. The lonely island in here is average.

In addition, no more clues were found at the exit.

The two left the exit and returned to the platform area below.

This time I didn't encounter the footsteps on the stairs. I don't know if it has left, or if it chose to shut down after seeing these two people.

The platform was still silent, and the faint musty smell in the air was still the same as before. As the two moved forward, it seemed that only each other's footsteps were left between the world and the earth.

A crooked poster appeared on the front pillar.

The poster is also very old. It has faded a bit. It is vaguely visible that there is a woman with black hair and red lips, painted with makeup that was popular in the 1980s and 1990s, and she has a charming smile to the camera. It is a retro temperament. Beauty.

It looks like the kind of beauty pictorial that was once popular.

The edge of the poster has been tilted, and it is swaying slightly with the wind, as if it is tempting people to spy.

Xiao Lan stretched out her hand and opened it slightly, but she touched the black ashes of her hand.

He twisted his fingertips, because the dampness of the air made the black ash a little moist. The color of the ash was too dark, not like dust, but more like it was left after being smoked by the black smoke after burning.

Luo reached out and lifted the poster on the pillar. The pillar behind the poster looked complete. Although it was not clean and tidy, there were no burn marks. Black and gray seemed to appear only behind the poster.

Xiao Lan's brows were slightly frowned, and there was another trace that seemed to have been burnt. Adding to the pile that I saw in the trash can upstairs, this was already the second place. However, the entire station showed no similar signs, and the two sides appeared to be contradictory.

At this moment, on the poster placed on the ground, the woman suddenly blinked.

Her movements were fleeting, but they did not escape the sight of the two.

Under the gazes of the two people, the woman's red lips lightly opened as if she wanted to say something.

Suddenly, an unknown fire rose from the edge of the poster, and the expression on the woman's face turned into panic, and the words she was about to talk to turned into a screaming mouth.

The fire spread at an incredible speed, swallowing the entire poster in a flash, and there was no time for the two to put out the fire.

In less than a second, there was only a piece of fragile ashes left on the ground, which was mixed with a few unquenched sparks, and these ashes were quickly blown away by the wind in the subway station.

Xiao Lan stared at the ashes blown into the distance, and she had a bad feeling in her heart: "This is... extinguishing the mouth?"

What did this woman just want to say? Is it related to the poster she is on with the different traces of fire around it

Unfortunately, she couldn't say it anymore.

The sudden change made Xiao Lan's mood sink a bit.

This station doesn't have the kind of monsters with teeth and claws. Its threats are invisible and intangible, but on the contrary, they are even more dangerous. Even if the player's force value is strong, it is easy to get caught in these dangers.

And besides being vigilant and careful, they can't do much.

The two continued to advance along the direction of the track.

A black trace appeared on a section of the railroad track in front of it, like some age-old stain, which has been merged with the track, and there are still something that looks like a thin white line, but it is a little far apart and look at it. Not clear.

Several bench seats are placed on the right side of this area, which should be used for passengers to rest while waiting for the bus.

A neat stack of newspapers was placed on one of the chairs. This newspaper seemed to have been stored here specially, which was obviously different from the trash that had been left on the ground before.

There is also a white coin-shaped object pressed on it. There is only an embossed "13" on the surface. There is nothing else. This reminds Xiao Lan of the ticket. Although the area used is not too much, the coin-type ticket does not count. Rare.

Xiao Lan stepped forward and picked up the newspaper. When she first started, she found that the paper was thick and delicate, and the handwriting was clearly printed. It looked extraordinarily delicate. Although the paper turned yellow and brittle after a lot of time, it was still Fairly tough.

When I opened the newspaper, it read in the most eye-catching position:

"According to our news agency, at 23:44, 199x, x, x, 199x, a subway train collision occurred in this city. Two trains on Metro Line 1 collided seriously at subway station 13...

… 103 people were killed on the spot in the accident and 39 people were injured to varying degrees.

After the accident, the police, fire brigade, and medical staff have rushed to the scene for rescue. The injured have been sent to a nearby hospital for treatment. The subway lines in the area near the accident have temporarily stopped operating.

Currently, the police are working with the traffic management department to conduct further investigations into the cause of the accident. "

The news is also accompanied by pictures of the train that was hit beyond recognition. Although the black and white photos are still in the picture, blood stains and faintly visible human limbs can be seen on the screen. The tragic extent of the accident can be seen.

And from the wreckage, the train could be vaguely recognized. It was the one Xiao Lan was riding in before!

So, what they rode before was a veritable undead train

"Hello, young man." A gentle and polite voice suddenly sounded from the side.

Xiao Lan turned to look, and saw an old man in an old-fashioned wide suit sitting next to him, with a cane in both hands, head down, and a hat covering his face. There were no wrinkles in the suit and the tie was also Playing well, like a gentleman.

But when Xiao Lan walked here just now, all the seats were obviously empty. Where did this old man come from

His movements looked stiff, there was no breathing movement in the whole person when he was speaking, and the hands that he stretched out looked a bit blue and gray, not like the skin of a living person.

I'm afraid this one is also one of the ghosts on the platform.

The old man still didn't look up, but continued to say: "Get out of here, the danger is coming."

Xiao Lan was a little puzzled: "What do you mean?"

The old man's tone became serious: "Quickly leave and leave here. Take my ticket and you can leave here!"

Xiao Lan and Luo looked at each other, and they both saw a little puzzled in each other's eyes. What did he mean

At this moment, a system prompt appeared:

[Trigger Hidden Task: Last Wish]

[Task description: take away the old man’s ticket and fulfill his last wish]

【Task Reward: Unknown】

[Reminder: This task is not mandatory, you can give up at any time, there is no penalty for giving up]

Xiao Lan frowned insignificantly.

The old man spoke earnestly and had been trying to persuade them to leave, looking like a good old man who was eager to help others.

But he didn't explain what the danger was, and after Xiao Lan saw the train accident in the newspaper, he immediately appeared to persuade him to leave the station, and even the ticket for the station was ready.

All this is not necessarily a coincidence, as if it was specially prepared.

Moreover, he just said "Bring my ticket and you can leave here", but in the description of the task only "Pick up the old man's ticket and fulfill his last wish for him", and did not mention anything related to getting out of the station. matter.

Although it is easy to think that his wish is to leave the station, he has not personally said it.

What is hidden under the surface of concern seems to have another purpose.

Xiao Lan stepped back cautiously, and did not choose to accept the task, and at the same time put the ticket and newspaper in her hand back to its original position.

"Don't you want to leave?" The old man's tone became a little cold.

"We still want to take a walk again so that we won't disturb your old man." Xiao Lan said as she walked away from him with Luo.

When he was about to leave this area, Xiao Lan suddenly felt a sharp glance. He looked in the direction he felt, and met the old man's gaze. He lifted his head slightly, his eyes were malicious and cold, and he seemed to be annoyed by the leaving of the prey.

The two accelerated their pace and walked directly out of his sight.

After the two left, the figure of the old man disappeared, and the ticket and newspaper returned to their original positions, waiting for the upcoming prey like a hunting trap.

Soon after, a male player came here.

There are blood stains on his body, apparently he was attacked before.

He sat on the seat a bit relievedly, panting heavily. He didn't expect that the danger of this game was playing in the dark. It was only dangerous to get out a few times, and he would be cold if he came again a few times. .

"Damn, where the hell is the ticket!"

He kicked the chair next to him a little irritably, just kicking off the newspaper that was originally on the chair, and the coin-shaped ticket that was originally in the newspaper rolled in front of him grunting.

"What is it?" The male player looked at this weird thing and obviously didn't recognize it as a ticket.

He casually put the ticket aside, picked up the newspaper on the ground and started to read it, and said with lingering fear: "Hi... Death train, fortunately I got off."

At this time, the old man appeared again, reminding him of the imminent danger with concern and anxiousness, with an enthusiastic and gentle appearance.

As the old man's voice fell, the sound of a train came from afar, which sounded like the song of death, which surprised the male player who had just read the newspaper.

The old man took the opportunity to point to the white coin beside him: "Young man, take my ticket and leave the station,"

The task also appeared at the same time.

The male player was overjoyed and took the task decisively.

Very good! His current state is very bad, and the undead train facing more than one hundred ghosts is definitely not good. Unexpectedly, he encountered a hidden mission, and he can now go out early. After going out, he must turn on the light and sleep well. This copy is too damn tiring.

He picked up the ticket and turned and left—

But at the next moment, he found that his body was out of control.

He is like a string puppet, controlled by the invisible force and turned his body, step by step stiffly towards the direction of the track.

"Stop... Stop..." He desperately tried to regain control of his body, but it was a pity that every muscle didn't belong to him at all, making his resistance completely useless.

He could only watch as he walked onto the rails and lay down.

In front of me was the old dilapidated ceiling, and behind it was the cold and hard railroad tracks. What I could smell in my nose was the smell of metal on the rails, surrounded by a black stain. I don't know how many years have passed since these stains have already deeply infested the ground.

There were some silver threads interspersed among the black stains, which seemed a bit familiar. He took a closer look—isn’t this hair! It's exactly the same as that old guy's hair.

"Damn... Old fellow... You yin at me!"

His heart was already cold, and he didn't expect him to be fooled by this old guy in a hurry! ! Think about it carefully that this old guy appeared too coincidental, and what he said was ambiguous, but the other party's timing was too good, just in time for him to set a trap when he was tired and anxious.

In the angry eyes of the male player, the old man stood up, revealing his cold eyes. He looked at the male player lying on the railroad tracks, and raised his mouth stiffly and gave him a satisfied smile.

Then, he took off his hat and threw it towards the male player with the roar of the subway getting closer.

"Hidden task [Last Wish] has been completed, get reward [hat]"

Turns out... His wish was... to find a replacement for the dead...

This is the last thought of the male player.

The train whizzed past, bringing his world into darkness.