I Rely On Poverty To Sweep Through Survival Games

Chapter 90: Metro Station No. 13 (7)


The two walked toward the train's position in the direction they had walked before.

The track was quiet at this moment, and it seemed that the train would not arrive until some time ago. Although the clock in the station has stopped and the time cannot be seen, according to the previous timetable, the interval time of a train will not exceed half an hour.

In short, just wait.

Neither person spoke, only the sound of water droplets and their footsteps echoing in the open space in the silent platform.

Suddenly, a burst of fresh blood came over.

Xiao Lan looked in the direction of the taste and found that the source of the taste was on the track. Under the light of the flashlight, there was a pool of blood mixed with limbs at the moment. The limbs were still carrying fragments of clothes, and blood and minced meat were splashing around. When he opened it, the surrounding area was stained with blood.

It looks like a scene of suicide by lying on the rails.

That is obviously a trace of a living person. In this game, the living person seems to be only the player. Under normal circumstances, the player would naturally not want to go to the rails by himself, so this person is... has been recruited

When checking the surrounding environment, Xiao Lan found that the environment in this section was very familiar: "This seems to be the place where we saw the newspaper and the old man in a suit before."

Luo nodded: "Well, the place where you see the newspaper is 2 meters ahead."

Turning the flashlight light, I saw the seat where I met the old man before.

The newspaper and bus ticket that had been on the seat were no longer there, and the meticulously dressed old man was gone.

And the place where the blood stains appeared was right in front of the place where the old man was sitting before. Xiao Lan walked closer, and finally found the traces of the ticket among the pieces of meat. The ticket was almost stained red with blood, and she lay quietly on the ground.

It turned out that this was the end of taking the old man's ticket. Seeing the terrible situation in this place, Xiao Lan felt a little pain all over her body.

"You... don't get in the car..." a voice came from a distance.

It was another warning player not to get in the car.

Xiao Lan looked up and found that it was a girl in a little red skirt. The girl's voice was soft. She was hiding behind a pillar and looking at them timidly. Seeing her pale complexion, it was obvious that this was not a living child either.

Xiao Lan talked to her, trying to get some news from her: "My kid, can you tell me why?"

"Because..." The little girl opened her mouth and said a few words.

After a while, the train stopped and the doors slowly opened. The light from the train shone on the dark platform, making the platform brighter in an instant.

"Ho—" The little girl's expression became panicked for an instant, she stared at the direction of the train and retreated, and kept saying: "Excuse me, excuse me... I'm sorry..."

Then, before Xiao Lan asked again, the little girl disappeared before his eyes.

Xiao Lan turned her head suspiciously and looked at the train.

This time the train was different from before, and there was a man in black standing at the position closest to their door. The man was very tall, and the black shirt on his body was a style that Xiao Lan had never seen before. He looked like a certain uniform. His face was pale and his whole body was not alive. He just stood there without saying a word to make people feel. I felt a great sense of oppression.

The little girl just now should have seen this person before she left in a panic.

The man's eyes swept across Xiao Lan's body, and there was no wave in his eyes with a heavy death breath, as if he was looking at two dead creatures. He just looked at this quietly for a while, then turned his eyes away, and walked towards the front of the train.

A few steps later, the figure of this man disappeared into the air out of thin air.

Seeing the man's figure disappear, Xiao Lan lightly breathed a sigh of relief. The moment he stared at this man, he felt a kind of vertical pressure, and his instinct in battle told him that the opponent was very dangerous, and that it was a stronger sense of danger than facing any previous boss.

"Sir, do you still want to get in the car?" Luo asked in a low voice.

Xiao Lan looked at the silently opened car door, still gritted her teeth and said, "Go on, if you don't go, you will definitely miss something."

After all, this man hadn't seen it when they explored the train before. Does his appearance announce that there have been some different changes inside the train at this time

The two returned to the train, and with the beeping sound, the door closed again and the train left the station.

This time, there were still no people on the train, and it seemed empty at first glance to be no different from before.

Xiao Lan and Luo continued to move forward while paying attention to the movements around them.

Suddenly Xiao Lan stopped and looked at the right.

As the train progressed, the rings without hanging anything were supposed to oscillate regularly, but now some of the rings on the right side of these rings oscillate irregularly as if someone is pulling them.

However, neither the naked eye nor the reflection of the glass can see any signs of people here.

Xiao Lan carefully avoided where the row of rings was, and walked on the other side of the aisle to move on.

A small piece of mist suddenly appeared on a piece of glass in front, as if someone was breathing on the glass. Then there appeared handwritten handwriting in the empty place, one horizontal, one pinch and then more, and finally formed the four characters [Don't leave the station].

The handwriting was so beautiful that it seemed to be from a woman's hand.

This is interesting. The ghosts on the platform constantly remind players not to get in the car, and the ghosts on the car are tit-for-tat to them, reminding players not to leave the station.

Is this the meaning of "come here..." in the prompt? Let the player choose between the platform and the subway.

As for the cost of choosing the wrong one, of course it is the failure of customs clearance.

And thinking about the current options, a death train that has had a major accident, and a strange and dangerous platform, it seems that both sides are not safe.

After walking to a new section of the carriage, the things on the row of seats in the carriage attracted Xiao Lan's attention.

It was a large handful of white chrysanthemums, wrapped in white wrapping paper.

Generally, the white chrysanthemum is only used when paying homage to the deceased to express condolences to the deceased. Next to it, there is a thing that is rolled into a roll and tied up with a ribbon, which looks like the material of newspaper.

Xiao Lan picked up the newspaper and found that it was a newspaper clipping after unfolding it:

"At 23:44 on the day of x, a subway platform explosion occurred in this city. There were three explosions in a row within 15 minutes. The accident also triggered a fire. As of press time, 344 people were killed, including 35 others. 67 people, including the seriously injured, were treated in the hospital.

After the accident, both the fire and hospital have participated in the rescue. Currently, the police have launched an investigation into the cause of the accident. "

This report also has a picture attached. The middle is a subway station that has been burnt to the ground, and it is difficult to recognize the original appearance.

There was also an accident on the platform! And the death toll is far more than the train accident reported in the previous news.

Xiao Lan looked at the newspaper in her hand and felt a little weird.

Although there is no vintage in this newspaper clipping, the quality and feel of the paper are relatively new, unlike the yellow and brittle newspapers that have been seen on the platform before.

This should be a newspaper that is not too long away from now. Why does it suddenly appear in such an environment of eighty or ninety years

Now the clues found on the station and on the train all pointed out that the other side had an accident and caused a lot of casualties.

The platform said, don’t mess with them, the train is full of dead people!

The train side said, don’t listen to them farting, in fact, there are all dead people on the platform!

The only difference lies in the time of the accident on both sides. Could it be that these two groups of ghosts from different time and space, they had an accident at the same station at 23:44 in different years, and then they were put together by the world

Xiao Lan speculated wildly.

So, when there are dead people on both sides, which side is the right direction

Choosing a wave of chaos among the two groups of ghosts is simply a choice of death...

"Sir, look at this." Luo's voice interrupted Xiao Lan's thoughts.

Xiao Lan looked in Luo's direction, and saw that he was holding a wrapped book in his hand, the cover was lifted, and it felt a little shaky.

Xiao Lan took it smoothly and tore off the torn cover. As a result, he directly confronted the huge words "Brother, Gui no Secret" on the cover. The font was very eye-catching, and the colors were filled with enthusiasm, mixed with a bit of a whisper, and they were all muscular. Han's picture looks a little bit spicy.

Oh, this is still a not-so-harmonious male-to-male adult magazine.

Xiao Lan plucked up the courage to open it and take a look.

"Hey..." Three seconds later, he closed the magazine and felt his eyes were offended. Although he doesn't care about sexuality, the content is too... What kind of talent will bring this kind of magazine to the subway! !

Can't you hide at home!

At this moment, in the closed subway car, two men stared at an adult magazine and fell silent.

Only the roar of the subway remained the same.

After a while.

Facing Xiao Lan's inexplicably embarrassing gaze, Luo broke the silence: "This is... found in a gap in the seat. Nothing like this has ever appeared before."

Luo's tone was also a little embarrassing, and he didn't expect that under the serious cover was such a stimulating content.

I have to say that human culture is really diverse.

Humans can still play.

Xiao Lan used two fingers to hold the magazine in her hand, and took it a little further away from her, but this thing was a clue at all, and it was impossible to throw it away.

He looked at the cover reluctantly, and finally found the problem in his disgust.

The publication date of this magazine is in recent years. Whether it is the hairstyles of the characters, the few clothes they have, and the environment in the photos, it seems that they are not in the style of the 90s.

Such a magazine is a bit incompatible with the entire old train environment.

"Give it to me." Luo reached out and took the magazine. Although he was a bit disgusted, it was better to hold this thing in his hand than to hold it in Xiao Lan's hand.

Xiao Lan did not object, and the two continued to move forward, tacitly as if they had forgotten what had just happened.