I Returned to the Immortal’s Youth

Chapter 121: Xiaoyu Palace (VII)


Although Bai Xiaoxiao felt proud of herself from Yan Qing, she was not very happy.

He gained all his memories and tried every means to get close to Xie Shiyi, but Xie Shiyi was a supreme being in Xiaoyu Palace and did not give him any chance to meet him.

Bai Xiaoxiao bit her lip, feeling sad and aggrieved. She turned around and was slightly stunned when she saw the endless snow in the mountains.

Suddenly, he felt like this place seemed familiar.

But no? It shouldn’t.

He? Clearly recovered all his memories. He? Remembered their first encounter in the forest at dusk, remembered the glance back of the peach blossoms in the spring water, remembered how he ended up in the Huichun Sect, and also remembered the night when Xie Shiyi massacred the city and shed blood.

But he didn't remember that he had been to Xiaoyu Palace. If Xie Shiyi hadn't needed the Nine Sects' treasures and invited people from all over the world, he would never have set foot here.

His brain was a little unclear again.

At night, when he was dreaming, he seemed to dream about the Nandou Temple.

The sea water flows backwards, and the sky is darkening.

"Xiaoxiao, run!"

Someone pulled his arm and tried to cover his eyes with his hands, but his heart was about to burst. He turned back tremblingly, looking at the end of the sea with tears in his eyes.

The man's white clothes were stained with blood, and he walked towards the end of destruction with one step at a time.

Then came his intermittent crying and a low, bewitching voice.

"Don't cry, I can promise you whatever you want."

He held back his sobs and whispered, "Really? I want the world to be peaceful. I want people to not be so prejudiced against demons."

"Of course it's true. You are such a kind-hearted child. I can promise you, but there is one condition. I may need to borrow your body for a while."

Bai Xiaoxiao shrank back and said, "It doesn't matter. You can do whatever you want to me..."

"Good boy. Promise me that you will stay in Zijinzhou for the next month and not go anywhere else. Got it?"


But he did not listen to Him and stay in Zijin Island for a month.

Yin Wuwang was shocked and angry when he learned that the head of the Qin family was going to take over Xiaoyu Palace. One late night, he grabbed his hand and told him with deep eyes about Qin Changxi's hypocrisy, that Zijinzhou was a place of outright evil, and that the Qin family had evil ambitions and were not good people.

"Xiaoxiao, you can't let the Qin family's conspiracy succeed."

"Let's go, Xiaoxiao, let's go to Nanzezhou together."

"We must go to Xiaoyu Palace and stop the hypocritical Qin family!"

He trembled when he heard the three words "Xiao Yudian". His face turned pale and he tried to stop Yin Wuwang in a soft voice: "No, Wuwang, I won't leave. I want to stay in Zijinzhou."

But immediately, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his brain.

A mysterious voice told him to go.

Like the evening drum and the morning bell.


Bai Xiaoxiao felt like he was possessed by a demon. He was really being controlled by this voice and followed Yin Wuwang to Xiaoyu Palace.

Amid the shattered snowflakes and the blinding aurora, his brain ached and went blank. He only remembered the sound of the bone-chilling wind brushing past his ears.

Finally, he saw blood, blood that covered the ground and almost dyed the Xiaoyu Palace red.

Yan Qing also didn't expect why there would be such a place full of mirage in such a snowy cave.

He has been alone here for too long, coexisting with the devil. Just counting from one to one thousand and nine is not enough to keep him calm, so he now likes to do some boring and simple things.

For example, bend down and study the shape of a lotus.

The lotus growing in the Xiaoyu Palace is cold even at the edges of its leaves.

As soon as Yan Qing's fingers touched it, he felt the frost penetrating his skin and freezing his blood.

The demon god was concentrating on observing the surrounding environment, frowning and saying, "Strange, this place always gives me a very special feeling."

Yan Qing ignored his mumbling and just put his fingers under the petals, trying to figure out how it grew.

But he came up empty-handed.

Because there is a vast fog under the lotus and it has no roots.

The demon's expression suddenly changed, and his voice was cold: "Yan Qing, leave here quickly!"

Yan Qing took back his hand: "Why?"

"There is the power of heaven here, let's go!"

Yan Qing raised an eyebrow: "The power of heaven?"

The demon god gritted his teeth and said, "Yes, this is the original power of Xiaoyu Palace. Staying here for too long will do no good to you or me! Go!"

Yan Qing didn't say anything after hearing this, and he put his fingers back on the frost-covered lotus. In the mist, his blood-green eyes stared at the lotus heart quietly. The petals were cold and hard, like a sculpture.

Yan Qing traced the edges and veins, and suddenly said, "Demon God, let's talk."

The demon god laughed in anger: "You want to talk to me here?"


That Luolin flower was like the first and last warning. Now, Yan Qing didn't want to beat around the bush with the devil: "Are you so sure that Xie Shiyi likes Bai Xiaoxiao just because of a bowl of porridge?"

As soon as the words fell, the demon was stunned.

Yan Qing ignored his stiffness and narrated calmly: "For four years, Xie Shiyi was trapped in the Bai family, and Bai Xiaoxiao fed him a bowl of bloody porridge. You bewitched me and threatened me, and the basis of all your words and deeds was that bowl of porridge and that drop of blood, right?"

The cold wind swept through the silent palace, and the demon fell into silence for a long time.

Yan Qing could empathize with His emotions, and besides being shocked, he also felt a deep resentment.

How can I not hate it

Even the last chip of wanting to see him laugh was said by him calmly.

They lived together as one. Yan Qing concealed these negative emotions and said calmly: "I know all this because of a book. What about you? Is it your foresight as a god?"

The demon god keenly caught the key point in Yan Qing's words: "A book?"

Yan Qing said: "Yes. Tell me what you foresaw first."

The demon god sneered and said, "What I predicted was very simple. I predicted that Xie Shiyi would die in the Cangwang Sea for Bai Xiaoxiao, and I predicted that I would be reborn in Bai Xiaoxiao's body. But you were not included in my prediction."

The demon god said bitterly: "Yan Qing, you should have died long ago."

Yan Qing nodded, then looked up at the mirage that filled the room: "Yeah, I should have died a long time ago."

He took out the Nan Dou token from his sleeve. The token was made of black stone and was simple and pure, with the bloodstains on it still as bright as before.

All the farces of the Spring School are caused by it.

At that time, Yan Qing was involved in that bloody and chaotic plot, and she only felt upset and noisy. He, Bai Xiaoxiao, Yin Wuwang, Yan Jianshui, Tianshu, Chengying, one after another.

Caves, dungeons, halls.

He was slapped in the face again and again, and roared again and again, like a vulgar comedy performed by a makeshift troupe, full of ugliness.

The story started with Luo Linhua, but everyone was assimilated into the farce at that time?, it was vivid and full of strong emotions.

… No one can see the cold and bloody curse on the token, and the cause and effect that goes deep into the wheel of fate.

Yan Qing reached out to touch the mirage: "I used to think that I lost my memory of the modern world after traveling through time. But now I feel that I traveled through time from the car accident when I was five years old... and traveled to here."

"After Shifangcheng died, I returned to the modern era, woke up from the hospital bed, and lived for more than ten years."

"When I grew up and saw that book, it was the opportunity for me to come back. What do you think? Could it be that it was God who made me come back..."

"As for the precognition you mentioned, I think it is something that really happened here in the last reincarnation."

The demon was stunned, and then his pupils narrowed: "What are you talking about?"

"This is the second reincarnation." Yan Qing said, "Let's make a bet, Demon God. I bet that even if Xie Shiyi drinks Bai Xiaoxiao's blood, he will not be controlled by the nightmare."

The demon god seemed to stop laughing and said, "Yan Qing, do you trust him so much?! You should know that Wei Shengzhuang loved Lan Xize because of love nightmare."

Yan Qing lowered his eyes and spoke softly.

"Yes, I trust him so much. You are right about one thing. I really don't have any attachment to anything in the modern world." Yan Qing looked pale and raised his head and said, "Because after I woke up from the hospital bed and attended my parents' funeral, every year, every month, every day, every second, I have never felt the truth."

It turns out that the feeling of loneliness and desolation is not just because of the death of my father and mother...

In the Qingyu Cemetery, the irises were silent. He always looked back subconsciously... What was he looking for


Suddenly, Yan Qing felt a sharp pain in his head. His face turned pale and he half-knelt down, supporting himself on the ground with one hand.

The demon screamed, "I told you to hurry up? Get out of here! Go!"

"No..." The Nan Dou token fell to the ground. The mirage in the hall was like smoke and fog, circling around the token. The red lotus was in full bloom, and the words on the token were also glowing red.

Yan Qing gritted his teeth and tried hard to take it, but as soon as his fingers touched the edge, his pupils contracted and he froze in place.

The strange and brutal power inside is unprecedented, devastating, and seems to be able to distort time and space and change destiny.

Then, Yan Qing spat out a mouthful of blood, and the blood overlapped with the handwriting above.

"I wish to become a Taoist partner with the Immortal Duwei."

These ten words fully describe longing, expectation, greed, vanity, and also describe Yan Qing's fate.

The next second, a cold and twisted memory surged towards Yan Qing like a tide. The mirage became thicker and thicker, and for a moment, Yan Qing felt as if there was a force pulling him down, determined to take him to hell.

He had a splitting headache, his fingers tightly clenched on the token, and fainted in front of Honglian.

At the same time, Xi Chaoyun handed the Thorny Hairpin Sacred Tree to him in his sleeve and rolled out.

The first time Xi Chaoyun saw the child was outside the Wangqing Sect.

The mountains and valleys were quiet, and red plum blossoms were flying in the sky under the cold moonlight, covering the mottled bloodstains on the nine thousand nine hundred steps. She always remembered the look in the eyes of the young man who looked at her silently while holding the sword.

Numb, confused, and a little dazed.

The cold wind lifted up his wide sleeves, revealing his pale arms.

He held the sword tightly as if it were the last straw, squeezing it so hard that every knuckle turned white and trembled.

He was sad, but he didn't know it. Or maybe he knew it, but the feeling was too strange and he didn't know how to deal with it, so he could only choose to close his five senses and escape.

She wanted to comfort the child, but Le Zhan grabbed her sleeve and stopped her.

One hundred years later, this child became the best in the world of cultivation. His white clothes were whiter than snow, and he was extremely talented. When she traveled in Nanzezhou, she heard many people discussing him, some of which were true, and some were false. After hearing too many rumors from the outside world, she felt a deep sense of disconnection when she thought back to the pale and thin boy.

Xie Shiyi always carries a bottle of painkillers with him.

At first she thought he was afraid of pain, but later she saw with her own eyes that he remained calm when struck by the thunder from heaven and earth.

Gradually, Xi Chaoyun discovered that this medicine would only be taken by Xie Shiyi when he was seriously injured and was about to fall into a coma.

In fact, it is quite contradictory. If you are really in so much pain that you are about to pass out, then just pass out. Maybe you will suffer less. After all, for a monk, painkillers are the most useless thing.

But when Qinling Heiyu was injured the most, he was so weak that he seemed to be broken at the touch, but Xie Shiyi still managed to take out a medicine bottle from his sleeve and stuffed a pill into his mouth. His movements were too skillful, and he lowered his eyes and looked cold when he bit the pill, as if it was the most normal thing.

So many details, bit by bit, tell them an obsession that no one else knows.

No one knows that the tables and chairs, decorative bows and umbrellas in the Yuqing Peak room were actually made by the palace owner.

The cold and arrogant chief disciple of Wangqing Sect in the eyes of outsiders is actually just a teenager who would stare at the bell alone all day.

The name of Xie Shiyi's sword is No Regret.

She once asked why he chose this name, and the young man answered her softly in the long steps covered with snow and the hall full of lights, "To warn myself not to regret anything."

Don't regret anything, just do it later.

I will never regret entering the Demon Realm.

There is no regret in breaking the ruthless way.

I will never regret spending a hundred years in seclusion.

I have no regrets marrying Yan Qing as my Taoist partner.

I have no regrets about being exiled to the ends of the earth for a demon.

I will never regret shedding blood to save the city.

I will not regret dying in the vast ocean.

When the news of Xie Shiyi's death came, Xi Chaoyun was combing her hair.

Jingchai accidentally cut her finger, and the blood dyed her gray hair red. She squinted her eyes and stared at the boundary between red and white in her hair for a long time in the scattered sunlight. The light was so bright that the world seemed unreal at that moment.

The soul lamp in Tianxiang Palace went out. She stayed in Wangqing Sect and watched countless lights go on and off, but she never thought that she would watch this child die.

After Xie Shiyi became the leader of the Immortal Alliance, he rarely appeared in Nanze Province.

There are groups of snow-capped mountains around Xiaoyu Palace, and the endless wind and snow become the most gloomy barrier.

She lit the lamp and returned to Yuqing Palace.

The hanging bridge is bluestone, and the plum forest is covered with snow. Since Yan Qing moved in, she seldom came here, because she didn't like the Taoist partner that Du Wei married very much.

The spiritual awareness of the cultivators in the Transformation Stage is everywhere in the world, and Yuqing Peak is one of the ten inner peaks. Who can hide those dirty and chaotic things that happened in the boudoir of Yuqing Palace? But Du Wei didn't hear or see it, and she didn't care. As an elder, she couldn't say anything. The eaves of Yuqing Peak were full of green bells. She walked from beginning to end, and then she realized that she had never understood this child.

The steps finally stopped in front of the stone tablet in front of Merlin.

People used to come and go here, interpreting many vivid and passionate human romances, but none of them had anything to do with the owner of the mountain.

Here Yan Qing turned around happily, here Yin Wuwang hesitated with every step, here Bai Xiaoxiao looked around nervously and guiltily.

Clearly, at the beginning, there was only a young man holding a sword, watching the snow in silence all night.

"Uncle Master, what exactly is nightmare?" Du Wei asked her this question a long time ago.

Xi Chaoyun was already a powerful person in the God Transformation Stage, and she could feel the same as the heaven and earth, and she more or less understood some of the truth. She pondered for a while, and said to him with a smile: "Nightmare, it is a disaster left by the gods."

As a teenager, Xie Shiyi just repeated: "... God?"


It was not until the day when the Qin family took over Xiaoyu Palace that Xi Chaoyun realized that Du Wei's obsession was about God.

A hundred years ago, Xie Shiyi entered the Xiaoyu Palace, the red moon was stained with blood, and he killed three elders with a sword to pave the way.

This scene is about to happen again to Qin Ziang.

When Bai Xiaoxiao broke in, everyone was shocked because of her pair of bright green eyes, which were not the brightness that an ordinary demon could possess.

Fortunately, Bai Xiaoxiao was inexperienced, but the combined strength of the Immortal Alliance and the Nine Sects still managed to capture him.

Just when Qin Ziang was about to push Bai Xiaoxiao into the dungeon, Qin Changxi stood up and together with Yin Wuwang, protected him with their lives.

Yin Wuwang spoke righteously, dragging out the truth about the Four Hundred and Eighty Temples, and scolding Qin Ziang for his evil intentions and being the real villain who colluded with the Demon Realm. Yin Lie, the leader of Liuguang Sect, supported his son and joined the team to fight against Qin Ziang.

The nine sect leaders, each with their own thoughts, instantly fell apart.

Just when the stalemate occurred in Xiaoyu Palace, something unexpected happened.

Bai Xiaoxiao pierced Yin Wuwang's heart with a sword. The young man threw away the blood-stained sword, raised the corners of his green eyes, and gave everyone a bloodthirsty smile.

In an instant, the whole world changed color, and the snow and wind rustled, as if it was a sign of the coming of the end of the world.

"Bai Xiaoxiao!"

The first person to speak was Jing Ruchen. The young leader of the Fuhua Sect stood up and stared at him intently, his eyes seemed to see something extremely terrifying through him.

Bai Xiaoxiao raised her eyes and smiled at her. Her androgynous voice was sweet and gentle as she said softly, "Sister, long time no see."

While Jing Ruchen's face turned pale, everyone in the hall was completely stunned.

This is not Bai Xiaoxiao, and this is not the dead Jing Ruyu either.

This is... the Devil!

The devil ignored this group of people. To him, the fear and disgust of the world were not worth mentioning at all.

He looked ahead, a trace of hostility flashed across his eyes, and he said hatefully: "I have already said that I will not come to Nanzezhou or Xiaoyu Palace. You are such a disobedient fool!"

The black fog corroded Bai Xiaoxiao's body. His hair quickly grew longer and black, his facial features became demonic and evil, and his green eyes were shocking.

Under the pressure of the ancient gods, all living beings surrendered.

But there are no plants or birds here, so the only thing that can echo the devil is the heavy snow.

The demon god put his pale fingers on his eyes, raised his eyebrows, and said in a hoarse voice of a teenager: "Yan Qing, you never thought that I would be alive again."

He turned around in front of the Xiaoyu Palace.

Thousands of veils conceal the glittering palace lanterns, just like the gaze of the gods and Buddhas of the ten directions and nine heavens in the universe.

Only this time, there was no one to judge Him.

"I've told you a thousand times, I'm immortal. There will always be a bunch of idiots who will go to great lengths to revive me."

He paused again after he finished speaking, his tone unpredictable: "Although this time, it was a little faster than I expected."

Starting from the Rejuvenation Sect, Bai Xiaoxiao's "devouring" path seemed to soar to the sky, incredibly quickly.

Qingyun Conference, Hehuan Sect, Canghai Realm, Fuhua Sect, the Demon God inherited Bai Xiaoxiao's memory, so he can clearly recall this journey that was like a divine help. Whether it was killing Jing Ruyu or getting to know Wei Sheng Xing Lan. These were all things that were completely beyond Bai Xiaoxiao's status and ability at the time, but he did it easily.

The demon suddenly felt a little uneasy.

These uneasy feelings became even stronger after he discovered that Bai Xiaoxiao had sneaked into Xiaoyu Palace alone.

No? It shouldn’t. It shouldn’t.

Bai Xiaoxiao is cowardly and stupid. Without someone to guide him, he would never disobey His orders.

Who asked him to come

A trace of violence flashed across the demon's eyes, and at this moment, a piece of falling snow suddenly brushed his cheek from above.

The touch was so cold, as if someone had lightly scratched his soul. This scratch shattered the light of heaven, shattered his body, and shattered his bones.




Three clear sounds came from the top of the Xiaoyu Palace. The demon god's expression changed, and everyone else's expression also changed.

Looking outside the palace.

Thousands of mountains and snow send one person back home.

The Wangchuan Ding seals all nightmares in the world, and now what Shang Chongtian has to do is to seal the Wangchuan Ding.

Hundreds of lotus lanterns swayed beneath the jade steps. Xie Shiyi sat on a high seat, lowering his eyes and drawing a formation on a piece of white paper with a red pen.

He has always been serious and cautious in doing things, but now he makes mistakes frequently.

After the red pen went haywire, Xie Shiyi stopped. He was very worried about Yan Qing, but at this moment, he couldn't show any sign of fatigue.

Xie Shiyi lowered his head and looked at the swaying lotus lanterns of His Highness again.

Thousands of lamps.

Countless pairs of gods' eyes.

Xie Shiyi suddenly said, "Senior, did I really use the Nandou Token in my previous life?"

Emperor Nan Dou is now just a remnant of his past that exists in the Sword of No Regret. Perhaps his greatest wish now is to see peace in the world, so he forces himself not to disappear and stays here.

When Emperor Nan Dou heard this question, he was slightly stunned: "You went through so much trouble to plant the heaven-defying life-changing technique in the Nan Dou token to revive Yan Qing, how could you not use it?"

Xie Shiyi didn't say anything. He raised his head and stared at the layers of gauze above the palace that blocked his view. His cold and sharp eyes became a little dim at this moment. Like thick smoke in the long night, floating up and down, it was hard to see clearly.

Xie Shiyi's tone became very calm: "I still sensed an extremely terrifying aura on that token."

Emperor Nan Dou was stunned.

Xie Shiyi retracted his gaze and whispered again, "The Nandou token can be used to exchange lives. Does that mean that we have to exchange the lives of both of us?"

Emperor Nandou nodded and said, "The evil magic performed by using the demon god as a sacrifice is comparable to the way of heaven. This exchange of lives is the exchange of all causes and consequences. Whether one party is reduced to ashes or dies early, it will not affect it. From the moment the fate is transferred, the cause and effect of one person will be borne by the other person."

Xie Shiyi didn't say anything else.

After a long silence, Xie Shiyi's calm tone echoed in the deep palace.

"But... in what capacity did I revive him?"

If you say that you died, then you will die in Shifang City.

Given their relationship at the time, what qualifications did he have to do all this

He is not resurrecting a like-minded lover.

He is resurrecting an "old friend" who he doesn't know whether he is an enemy or a friend, and who will kill him or resent him when he wakes up.

This matter was not known to anyone, not even understood by Yan Qing.

I planned carefully and deliberately for a reunion that I knew I shouldn't look forward to.