I Returned to the Immortal’s Youth

Chapter 125: Extra (three) 寲


Wei Shengzhuang likes sparkling things, but Lan Xize hates light deep down.

The people of southern Xinjiang, who live in the deep forests, were born as slaves, poor and destitute. The only thing they could use for lighting at night was candles. The candles made of reeds and beeswax were crudely made, and the cotton thread in the middle had to be cut again and again when burning to maintain brightness. In addition, there were many insects, snakes, ants and beasts in the dense forests of southern Xinjiang. Some animals avoided light, while others were attracted to light. There was a kind of extremely poisonous moth in the dense forests that liked to run towards the light at night, so they rarely lit lamps at night.

Lan Xize had long been accustomed to darkness. The first time he saw a brightly lit room was when he was seven years old, when the Criminal Department carved a slave mark on his face. The guards of Canghai Realm were domineering, and his relatives all knelt tremblingly, not daring to look up.

The knife and the fire tongs branded the bloody word "slave" on his face. Lan Xize gritted his teeth and curled up on the ground in pain.

The lights filled the room, illuminating the contemptuous looks of the executioners, and also illuminating his embarrassment and despair. Lan Xize was skinny and rolled on the ground, making a humming sound.

He felt that he was about to die, but no one saved him.

My face was burning with pain, but what hurt even more was the light coming from all directions.

The light emanating from the silver cups, pearls and jewels was like tempered blades, densely packed together, cutting every inch of his skin into thousands of pieces.

It hurts so much.

This memory was so tragic that he felt depressed when he stood in a gorgeous house. He felt pain the first time he saw those bright and shining things.

When he was dying and was carried back by his mother, he said softly: "Mom, don't light the candle, don't light..."

If possible, he would rather stay dormant in the darkness for his whole life. He never yearned for light, nor did he think that warmth and brightness were things that needed to be pursued.

The Nanjiang tribe is beautiful and good at bewitching people. Most of the good-looking boys and girls in the tribe are playthings of the powerful people in Zijinzhou. But Lan Xize escaped because he had a pair of ominous vertical pupils. Blood-colored snake pupils, at first glance, are the signs of natural disasters.

He made a living by raising insects with his ancestors in the dense forest. Although he was often bullied and looked down upon when he went to the town to sell things, he always retaliated in his own way.

So the days were calm and peaceful without any disturbances.

Until one March, a man in gorgeous white robes came and said that he wanted to build a temple in the dense forest.

They paid me a generous reward, and everyone invested in the construction of this temple. No one thought that this was the tomb they created for themselves.

Lan Xize was extremely disgusted with everyone in Zijinzhou because he had met many so-called nobles.

That group of people tried their best to show their tolerance and magnanimity, but they could not hide the complacency in their every move.

Folk stories always use the most exaggerated words to describe the mystery and nobility of the Weisheng family. Noble men and women are all reserved and dignified, cold and unparalleled, without exception. But even in the Canghai Realm Weisheng main clan, not everyone has outstanding spiritual roots. There are always some mortals with inferior talents, and there is no way to find any superiority over others.

For example, the young lady from the Weisheng family whom he saw by chance in the crowd.

So in order to maintain their sense of superiority, this group of people would learn a lot of useless things from a young age, establish their own fields, and continue to distinguish themselves from the common people. She learned Ningxiang, learned etiquette, and learned the unique accent of the nobility. She looked lonely and cold, and was high and mighty.

Lan Xize just felt it was ironic.

Are these useful in the world of cultivation? No. They are only for her to tell you that she has a realm that you can never reach in this lifetime when chatting with you, so that you will feel ashamed and humble to the core and dare not look her in the eye.

This is a noble subject. She didn't necessarily like it or gain anything from it when she learned it, but the older generation of nobles knew that possessing these things would help them better rule the slaves. In the Purple Gold Continent ruled by blood, countless people were obsessed with this "field", and even tried their best to imitate it, and were proud to join it.

Lan Xize called it "a trick of the nobility" and sneered at it. But at that time, he was born in the forest and was a son of southern Xinjiang, so he was far from being cynical.

The real hatred he felt was when he saw his parents being dragged into the Temple of Rebirth with his own eyes.

The immortal in white gathered clouds from the Vast Sea above the forest. The sea of fog was vast and from then on, it rained endlessly.

The relatives were taken into the car like animals.

The blood and tears of my parents trailed a long way in front of the Temple of Rebirth.

Lan Xize was only at the Qi Refining stage. He hid in the dark, his face pale as he covered his mouth to prevent himself from screaming. His fingers touched the deep red slave mark on his face. He clenched his teeth, his eyes bloodshot.

Before he met Wei Shengzhuang, he had always been very conceited. Even though he was branded as a slave, Lan Xize did not feel inferior at all.

In his perception, the slave mark on his face was just like the empty "territory" of the nobles. If you don't give it meaning, it has no meaning at all.

He lived a very self-centered life. It could be said that if he continued to grow up, maybe Lan Xize could become a "thinker". It was not until the incident at Wangsheng Temple that this conceited young man realized that he was not completely immune to worldly matters.

He is in the world.

He has the ability to control the forest, he is extremely talented, and he doesn't need to live like a "spiritual winner" at all.

For the first time, the boy developed desire out of hatred.

While Lingxin Palace and Weisheng Nianyan were pretending to be nice, Lan Xize truly stood at the pinnacle of power in Zijinzhou, and witnessed with his own eyes the deep decay and decadence of the aristocratic families. Perhaps the favorite trick of a noble lady was to wear the most luxurious clothes and use the most condescending attitude to save slaves from danger.

Weisheng Nianyan really likes this kind of plot. Half of the male favorites in her harem were rescued by her from auctions or underground dark markets.

For saving her life, he should be grateful and pledge his love to her. It was his great fortune to be favored by her.

Weisheng Nianyan could easily remove the slave mark from him, but she never did. It was as if she wanted to use this mark to remind him of the gap between them forever, to let him know how humble he was and how noble she was.

He should be devoted to her and willing to go through fire and water for her.

But if she knew what Lan Xize thought when he was a child, she would know how ridiculous all this was to him. Moreover, she was not the one who saved him, but she was the one who destroyed his family.

When Weisheng and Nianyan were imprisoned and cut into pieces.

Lan Xize listened to her screams and casually lowered his head to blow away the leaves.

At that time, he no longer had any hatred towards the nobles of Zijinzhou.

He felt that the world needed the existence of domains... otherwise how could he get what he wanted.

Lingxin Palace was full of decay and distortion, and ambiguous words were heard all the time in Shangli Palace. In the dark interweaving of power and desire, only Wei Shengzhuang was quiet and desolate.

Wei Shengzhuang is an alien in Canghai Realm and also an alien in Zijinzhou.

Wei Shengzhuang is very beautiful, with curly eyelashes, fair skin, and sparkling amber eyes. When she looks at people seriously, it seems as if there are stars in her eyes.

Because she often went up the mountains and into the sea, the red gauze skirt she wore was simple in style. Her long black hair was tied into two braids, and the ends of her hair were tied with soft red bean branches. There were gold leaves around her waist and wrists.

Wei Shengzhuang also told us about the origin of red bean branches, she said lightly.

"My mother made it for me. Because in the Qingshuang clan, red beans are a sacred object. Wearing this object, first, wants me to miss home more when I see it, and second, hopes that I will be safe and sound. Didn't you notice that there is one on my head as well?"

She raised her hand, the golden leaves on her wrist rustled, her slender white fingers touched the red bean flowers on her hair, and she said, "Here, here."

He leaned in closer to take a closer look, and could only smell the cool fragrance of the girl's hair.

The bright red, round beads sparkled in the dark, and the light made him feel as if his pupils were burned by something.

Red beans grow in the south, and they sprout in spring. I hope you can pick more of them, as they are the most aphrodisiac.

Perhaps it is because they share life and death that people can relax their guard against each other. On the way to the Temple of Rebirth, they actually talked about a lot of things. At that time, Lan Xize knew only a little about the Temple of Rebirth, and Wei Shengzhuang was also inexperienced.

Lan Xize does not have the grand ambition to destroy the world, he is just a slave boy with hatred in his heart.

Although Wei Shengzhuang was born into a noble family, he left the family when he was young. Apart from treasures, all he cared about was eating, drinking and having fun.

When they chat, although many of their opinions can make the other party angry to death, many of their opinions are also surprisingly consistent.

After listening to Lan Xi Ze talking about some past events lightly, Wei Shengzhuang sighed: "No wonder you want to destroy Canghai Realm. It's me. I hate them too."

Lan Xize: "Oh, you are really a good daughter of the Weisheng family."

Wei Shengzhuang ignored him.

In fact? In the concept of micro-makeup.

Zijinzhou’s “born to be a slave” system is unreasonable in itself.

She once asked her father why he stamped slaves on the people on the edge of Zijinzhou, but her father said it was not something she should ask. But later, as the truth about Wangsheng Temple came to light bit by bit, she also got a glimpse of the cruelty and ignorance of that cold system.

The further outward from Zijin Island, the closer it is to the Cangwang Sea, and under the influence of the fog, the more likely people who have lived there for generations will become demons? However, no one knew back then that it was the influence of the sea fog.

Thousands of years ago, after several demons from the borders wreaked havoc on the world, the authorities simply demoted all the people in the border area to slaves. With a slave mark, a person's abilities were basically wasted. Their cultivation was restricted, their strength was also restricted, and becoming a demon would not cause any major harm.


Who could have imagined that such a group of slaves would later be driven into the temple by the Weisheng clan to breed demons.

If you dig deeper into these three great families that loom over Zijin Continent, the truth you get will make you want to vomit.

Once one has been to Nanzezhou, one will know the absurdity and irrationality of Zijinzhou.

This is one of the places with the richest spiritual energy in the upper heaven. In the world of cultivation, strength should be the most important, but Zijinzhou is more feudal than the human dynasties.

Nan Ze Prefecture holds the Qingyun Conference to select talented people from all over the world. Even the Liuguang Sect, which is dominated by royal family members, recruits talents widely, but only recognizes them as ancestors and turns them into members of the Yin Family.

Only in Zijinzhou, the three families are firmly in control and have no change in their words.

There is no possibility for mortals to succeed at all.


Because here, mortals don't even have the qualifications to possess spiritual roots.

Before the nobles of Zijinzhou tried to devour nightmares to make themselves stronger, what they were most accustomed to was devouring "spiritual roots".

Wei Shengzhuang was well protected by his father and brother and grew up carefree.

But when she was very young, she didn't like staying in Canghai Realm.

She was chosen by the spirit of Wangchuan and had her own mission. The spirit of Wangchuan wanted to solve the chaos that had lasted for thousands of years in the world, while in Zijinzhou, the most pressing issue was the corruption of the aristocratic families that had lasted for thousands of years.

"Maybe we're going to have a big fight tonight."

Wei Shengzhuang held the night-shining pearl in her hand and spoke softly as she and Lan Xize stumbled along the cave where bats were hanging upside down.

When the storytellers in the restaurant talked about the dense forests of southern Xinjiang in the past, they always emphasized the magnificent and stunning gossip.

Even from Wei Shengzhuang's memory, perhaps all he saw was her and Lan Xize quarreling all the way. Only by jumping out of everything can he find that the fire in the Wangsheng Temple burned the roots of the rotten tree shrouding the sky.

Why do you like Lanxize

Appearance, ability, identity and status are actually not very important.

The most important thing is... he was the one who accompanied her in the "big fight" on that road.

Marry him. Besides being moved, I also want to lend my identity to him, help him, and let him finish the fire that I didn't finish.

She really didn't want to see those bloody spiritual roots and black nightmares presented on jade plates and golden cups again.

"Chu Chu, will you regret it?"

"I won't regret it. Just think of it as me changing from a treasure-hunting adventurer to a treasure-guarding person."

Lanxi Lake was a treasure she found in the dense forest of southern Xinjiang. Protecting the treasure was a very happy thing. Although she felt sorry that her wings were broken and she could not understand it all with her own hands. But looking at the faces of her parents and brothers, she felt that it was nothing. In the past, they protected her, and now she protects them.

Dabai fell into a deep sleep after her spiritual roots were taken away, but Weishengzhuang didn't feel lonely because she and Lan Xize had many happy times.

Every time he went out, he would bring her a lot of treasures, and he would also use his spirit beads to record some scenery that he thought she would like. During the Lantern Festival, she would buy a string of sugar-coated haws that were so sour that they made her teeth ache, and trick him into eating them. After being fooled, Lan Xize would get so angry that he would pinch her face.

She first met Lanxi Ze in the dense forest, so she knew that the mess in this boy's mind was actually no less than hers.

A long time ago, in Wangsheng Temple, Weisheng Zhuang respectfully called him "a cynical thinker?".

Of course he is a thinker. At such a young age, he has completely ignored the family, the royal power, the nobility and the inferiority. She admired this point of him very much.

However, Lan Xize thought she was being sarcastic and sneered with gritted teeth.

When they were newlyweds, she found that the "thinker" was a little childish. Although he was jealous, he didn't say it, thinking that jealousy made him look inferior.

But he can't help but feel angry, so he tries every way to hint to you that he is angry.

At first she called him "Lan Xize" instead of "husband". Once she suddenly had the urge to call him "husband", Lan Xize, who had come back from a long journey and was covered in blood, felt his waist stiffen. But he endured it, pretending to be relaxed and unbuttoning his cloak, and said "hmm" calmly and indifferently. Wei Shengzhuang laughed so hard, "Husband, did you know that you hung your clothes upside down?"

After Lan Xize came to power, the first thing he did in Canghai Realm was to destroy the "Spiritual Root Meal".

He did save a lot of people.

But in the dark, four hundred and eighty temples were being built on this continent like bamboo shoots after a spring rain.

At the end of the story, a showdown takes place in the forbidden land, and all illusions of warmth are torn apart.

She finally understood it later and said softly.

"Lan Xize, your Nanjiang clan is indeed very good at bewitching people."

"You can bewitch someone's mind and make her fall in love with you. But once the bewitchment stops, the love will be gone. The witchcraft in southern Xinjiang has always been a crooked way. How can you use it on your lover? Xi Ze, you have to know that in this world, sincerity is always exchanged for sincerity."

"Elder, I don't think what you said is right."

Lan Xize always wore a black robe that was easy to walk in when he was outside, with a silver belt tightly around his waist and long boots that outlined the smooth and sharp lines of his legs. His black hair hung down to his waist, and his pair of blood-red snake-like eyes were smiling, but he spoke in a nonchalant manner, smiling.

"Pretending to be affectionate for a lifetime is also considered growing old together. Elder, can you tell me that this is not true love?"

He could pretend to be affectionate for his whole life. But Wei Shengzhuang was not from southern Xinjiang, so she didn't have the ability to do so. So he planted a love nightmare in her.

Lan Xize was doing what he wanted at that time, and he didn't notice the contradiction in this action at all. It turned out that he wanted to spend his whole life with Wei Shengzhuang.

He never thought that he would fall in love with Wei Shengzhuang, because he didn't think Wei Shengzhuang was innocent. How could there be innocent people? These magnificent palaces, these delicacies from the mountains and the sea, the nobles coming and going inside were all from aristocratic families? Beneficiaries under the system! Why should he, whose family was destroyed, forgive anyone

However, Wei Shengzhuang never thought of changing his opinion. Back in the cave, Wei Shengzhuang sighed and said, "Oh. Then you should do your best."

Lan Xi Ze: “…”

All the words that came to his lips were swallowed back. He smiled, his red lips were bloodthirsty, and his snake eyes were cold.

He lied to Wei Shengzhuang that he no longer had such strong hatred towards the Wei Sheng clan, and Wei Shengzhuang believed him. Wei Shengzhuang chose to join him in overthrowing the old rulers of Zijinzhou and putting an end to all the absurd and bloody acts.

Wei Shengzhuang said, "In fact, the so-called three great families were also established ten thousand years ago when the demon nightmare disaster just started. Because of their meritorious service in killing demons and their great military exploits, they were elected by the people of Zijinzhou to be the families that manage this place."

Just like the nine major sects in Nan Zezhou.

I just don’t know which step went wrong, leading to today’s situation.

Her eyes were clear as she looked at the oppressive sea in the icy and snowy world, and said softly, "Ten thousand years later, who could have thought that the descendants of the heroes who killed the demons back then would start to create demons."

Lan Xize said nothing, brushing the snow off her thin shoulders. He had already started to study nightmares at that time. He knew much more about nightmares than Wei Shengzhuang. When Wei Shengzhuang was still thinking about the people of Zijinzhou who were bullied by the aristocratic families, Lan Xize's desire had already spread to the supreme realm behind the nightmare, which belonged to God.

Even if the four hundred and eighty temples cannot gather all the nightmares to allow him to gain divine power, once he learns the art of controlling nightmares and is able to control the gods and demons, it will be enough to surpass everyone in the world.

By feeding blood, transferring Weisheng Nianyan's nightmare into Weisheng Zhuang's body was an experiment and also a selfish act. He wanted to give Weisheng Zhuang back everything that fate owed her.

But he never expected that there was the spirit of Wangchuan in Wei Shengzhuang's body.

He never thought about it.

The treasure she had been searching for for so long turned out to be the Hongmeng sacred object, the Wangchuan Ding.

She was not a simple and kind noble lady, she should have been the savior chosen by the Spirit of the Forgotten River.

When he first found out what Wei Shengzhuang meant by "Dabai", Lan Xize let out a long, low laugh.

Weisheng Yu, you must not know whose life you have ruined, so you and your Weisheng clan have brought this upon yourselves.

After that, for a long time, he fell into a state of anxiety and contradiction. He kept telling himself that Wei Shengzhuang was the legitimate daughter of the Wei Sheng family and he couldn't fall in love with her. But many times, he couldn't help but be attracted by her.

Watching her sitting alone in front of the window, staring blankly for the whole day.

There was a voice in his heart telling him to kill her and see if he could forcibly seize the spirit of Wangchuan. But every time he was about to kill, he would meet her quiet and clear eyes and his evil thoughts would collapse.

He only calmed down a little after he left Zijinzhou. He had spies everywhere in Lingxin Palace, so he knew when Wei Shengzhuang was imprisoned in the dungeon.

He watched her cry in the endless night while he sat in front of the 9,900 steps of the Forget Love Sect, facing the bright moon for the whole night. Wei Sheng Nian Yan didn't dare to attack Wei Sheng Zhuang, and Lan Xize was not worried about her safety. But when he saw her tears, he still felt so painful that his heart was bleeding.

Don’t cry, Weishengzhuang.

Don’t cry, Weishengzhuang.

No one knows these panicked and helpless thoughts of a young man.

Lan Xize raised his head, his pupils were like snakes on his cold face, and he smiled sarcastically. He ignored the pain in his heart and turned to leave this righteous place in the world.

The patriarch said, we should exchange sincerity for sincerity.

But even if he took out his dirty true heart, Wei Shengzhuang probably wouldn't even look at it.

He was actually also curious, why would there be people in the world who long for the love of evil people

A mean person loves meanly, and a crazy person loves crazy. Being disliked by him may be a tragedy, but being loved by him is equally unfortunate.

He had always thought that he was the one who had played Wei Shengzhuang in the palm of his hand, but only now did he realize who was the one deceiving himself among them.

How can it be possible to be deeply affectionate? He has to act out his whole life. Three hundred and sixty-five days a year, twelve hours a day, spring, summer, autumn and winter, morning and evening, there is always a moment of slacking off. I am afraid that when he is acting out, one moment becomes real, and he himself does not even know it.

It was a misfortune for Wei Shengzhuang to meet him in the dense forest of southern Xinjiang, but it was the same for him.

His original plan was to overthrow this corrupt dynasty and avenge his parents and relatives.

It would be nice without all this messy entanglement.

He destroyed Zijinzhou happily, and Wei Shengzhuang didn't care whether she killed him or hated him. They didn't interfere with each other, and loved and hated each other.

It's not like now. He acted like he was deeply in love with her before, but now he starts to act like he doesn't care about her at all.

Wei Shengzhuang still escaped.

The spirit of Wangchuan is ineffective, and Liuli Heart appears unexpectedly.

Lingxin Palace was burned down in a fire. Lan Xize staggered out of the sea of fire and walked towards Nanzezhou.

It starts with killing the devil and ends with nurturing the devil.

Relying on his research on nightmares and his cultivation at the time, he easily became the leader of the Immortal Alliance and entered the Xiaoyu Palace.

During the hundred years in Xiaoyu Palace, the only time Lan Xize went out was to the barrier city. He met his child with Wei Shengzhuang, whose name in the human world was "Xie Shiyi". Shiyi, Shiyi, surprisingly, it was quite catchy.

After Lan Xize self-immolated, the 480 temples left in Zijinzhou were secretly taken over by the Qin family. Qin Ziang ambitiously tried to become the master of the world.

Lan Xize became the leader of the Immortal Alliance, neither stopping nor supporting it.

No one knew his former identity. After all, no one could have imagined that the most insane venomous snake back then would now be the one in charge of order.

The Qin family wants to create four hundred and eighty temples and the Falling Rain Barrier City in the human world, trying to raise fathers and mothers as high-quality as those who have lived on the border of Zijin Continent for generations.

Xie Shiyi lived in this situation. He watched coldly as the child walked alone in the world, suffering from torture.

He knew that Xie Shiyi was not an ordinary person, so he planned to destroy him with his own hands. In the fifteen years of Jinghong, when he was at the peak of his glory, Lan Xize made him fall from the sky, like a rat crossing the street, kneeling on the soul-killing platform.

The young man was covered in wounds and blood, but in the end, he just lowered his brows and stuffed a painkiller into his mouth.

He tortured Xie Shiyi so much. If Wei Shengzhuang were here, he would definitely cry when he saw this scene.

"… So why did you die? So early?"

He did not stay in the human world for too long, and he did not feel anything about what happened later when Le Zhan saved Xie Shiyi.

Tianming Liuli Heart, is it so easy to die

He has been searching for the Wangchuan Ding in the Xiaoyu Palace.

The treasure that has been spent on your entire life.

After a hundred years, he finally saw a glimpse of light. He opened the mountain and walked inside, but the first thing he saw was endless mirage.

He felt a chill and tried to move forward, but soon an avalanche occurred... Then he was suppressed by a force and could not move, watching himself being shattered in the wind and snow.

But there is only one way to make a Spirit Transformation Stage cultivator die, and that is to have his soul shattered.

He didn't die? He rebuilt his body and came back to life.

The glimpse of the power of heaven from the mirage finally made him understand the horror of this place. He finally understood why the previous leader looked at him deeply but said nothing when he passed the throne to him.

What Xiaoyu Palace fears least is evil people.

He can't stay here any longer, he needs to pass the throne to another person.

When Xie Shiyi stood in front of him, Lan Xize looked at him through the curtain and wanted to laugh for a moment.

His son has a deeply suppressed obsession.

The deeper the obsession, the faster you will die in Xiaoyu Palace.

Feeling playful, he did something that shocked all nine sects and passed the throne to Xie Shiyi, who was only over a hundred years old.

The young leader of the Fuhua Sect was filled with resentment and ran over to ask him why. Lan Xize said, "You will be glad that it is not you who sits in this position today."

Unable to find the Wangchuan Ding in the Xiaoyu Palace, and unable to obtain a method to instantly gather the nightmare, he turned his attention to the Four Hundred and Eighty Temples again.

He left Nanzezhou and came into contact with the Qin family again in a new identity. Qin Ziang would never have thought that this was the third time he had met him. And he had just handed over the position of Xiaoyu Palace Master that Qin Ziang had always dreamed of to someone else.

In the first year of Chunhe, Xie Shiyi entered the Demonic Realm.

He followed closely behind

At this point, he truly entered the realm of God.

He met the devil in the ruins of Shifang City.

The woman whose face was half rotten and half white bones smiled at him from above the white bones. Her green eyes were bright and shining. No one could have imagined that she was the beginning of this thousand-year disaster.

Help the demon repair his body and eyes, help the demon gather strength, and help the demon find a body to parasitize.

Cooperation and calculation, half and half. He has been very busy for the past hundred years, too busy to think about Wei Shengzhuang.

It was not until Yan Qing brought the Breath Avoidance Pearl to him and awakened Dabai who was living in Bai Xiaoxiao's body. When the spirit of Wangchuan looked over with tears in his eyes, he finally remembered the empty heart he had felt all these years.

Yan Qing crushed him to ashes, making him experience all the humiliation that Xie Shiyi had experienced. Lan Xize once again experienced the pain of being crushed to pieces, but he did not feel uncomfortable.

When Dabai cried and strangled him, he was distracted for a moment and thought, Weishengzhuang, if you want revenge, why don’t you come in person

You can have his bones, his cultivation, or his life. Just come in person...

Later, he saw Yan Qing use the Forgotten River Cauldron to gather nightmares from all over the world. He was willing to use his body as a prison to control the demon god forever.

The laurel on the altar was like pear blossoms. Yan Qing covered his eyes, half-knelt on the ground, and red lines oozed from between his fingers.

Lan Xize was no stranger to Yan Qing. Perhaps this young man in red with heterochromatic eyes didn't even know that he had always been indifferent to the world. He took this step just for Xie Shiyi.

Liulixin's mission is to activate the demon-slaying formation.

He chose to take on everything for his lover.

The altar collapsed, and the sound of the tide of Cangwang Sea roared and surged. This was the border of Zijinzhou, very close to the southern border. Before he died, he saw the appearance of Wangchuan Ding for Wei Shengzhuang. The treasure she had been looking for all her life would not shine or sparkle. It was very dark and ugly.

Thousands of fireflies were circling behind him, and Lan Xize once again felt the bone-piercing cold and pain.

He has always been afraid of light.

Wei Shengzhuang was afraid of the dark, and he was afraid of light. Their meeting was a mistake.

He didn't like fireflies, lights, gold and silver jewelry, or anything that glowed. He felt uncomfortable and disgusted when he saw anything brilliant. He wished he could live in a dark and damp place all his life.

But I like Wei Sheng makeup.

So after her death, every place he passed by was sparkling and full of beautiful flowers.

He couldn't sleep because the light was falling on his skin.

He would feel pain and want to vomit, which was almost a physiological reaction. But in this pain he could find comfort like crazy.

Because this means that Weishengzhuang will like this place.

She never appeared in his dreams, so Lan Xize would cast some magic on himself to see her.

When Wei Shengzhuang first married him, she was very nervous because the women in the clan had to worry about too many things after getting married. There were so many social situations, gifts, and trivial matters, and she felt that she could not handle it all.

Wei Shengzhuang scratched her hair, put down the banknotes depressedly, buried her head in her arms, and whispered: "Lan Xize, before I met you, I never thought about getting married."

Lan Xize was stunned. He didn't know what was going on at that time, he only knew that the moment he walked out of the room, his heart suddenly beat as if it would burst out of his chest. He clenched his fists, trying to maintain his usual indifferent look, but he couldn't suppress the curve at the corners of his lips. Even at night, he still tossed and turned and couldn't sleep. Thinking about Wei Shengzhuang's words, he was struggling in his mind like a young boy who was just beginning to fall in love, and he talked to himself for a long time. Sometimes he pretended to be calm, "Oh, so what do you want to say." Sometimes he muttered a little fiercely, "If you hadn't met me, you couldn't marry anyone."

So stupid.

He put his arms across his eyes, tilted his head and laughed.

On the wedding night, something embarrassing happened between them. When Lan Xize lifted the veil with the wedding scale, the tassel of the veil accidentally got tangled in the pearl hairpin on Wei Shengzhuang's temples. "Oh, it hurts." Wei Shengzhuang was very beautiful that day, wearing a phoenix crown and a beautiful bridal robe, with beautiful eyebrows and eyes. She raised her head and looked at him, her eyes were like spring water.

"Lan Xize, how can you be so stupid that you can't even lift the veil properly?"

Although Lan Xize appears to be a cold-faced devil who never shows his emotions to others, he can easily become angry and embarrassed in front of Wei Shengzhuang.

He leaned over, touched the red bean-beaded hairpin with his fingers and said, "Can you blame me for this? Who could have thought that a bride from your Qingshuang lineage would wear something like this?"

Wei Shengzhuang took a breath and said, "Pull it gently."

Such a mistake completely dispelled the initial uneasiness in the hearts of the two.

Lan Xize sat down beside the wedding bed, and although he looked disgusted, he still patiently untied her tangled hair. The cluster of red beans was bright and vivid under the candlelight.

He brushed his fingers over Wei Shengzhuang's temples, and when his eyes fell down to her rosy earlobe, he was stunned and felt speechless.

Wei Shengzhuang said: "Why are you frozen?"

Lan Xize said: "…Nothing."

If there were no Wangsheng Temple, no Lingxin Palace, and no barrier of hatred between them, maybe he and Wei Shengzhuang could really follow the story in the book.

The couple live in harmony and grow old together.

He would be a good father. After all, in the beginning, he was full of expectations and tenderness for the life in his belly.

He would teach him well. Teach him to read and write, teach him to fly with a sword, and give him the best of everything. That child was born to be a favored child of heaven and envied by all.

…and when those eyes as clear as glass look at him, perhaps there will be a hint of admiration and respect

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