I Returned to the Immortal’s Youth

Chapter 99: Four Hundred and Eighty Temples (V)


When Yan Qing took Jin Ming to find his sister, Jin Yuer had been tortured beyond recognition. She was unconscious, with bruises all over her body, curled up in a corner, unable to utter a complete sentence.

Jin Ming rushed over with red eyes: "Sister, it's me, Jin Ming. Sister, sister, wake up!" He called sister again and again, his eyes were bloodshot. After seeing the truth, he realized how ridiculous the justice he had been pursuing for so many years was.

Jin Ming's body was shaking, tears were streaming down his face, and he sobbed, "Beasts, beasts, they are all beasts!"

He was too sad to notice that Jin Yuer had an unpredictable expression on her face, was trembling all over, and looked weird.

Jin Ming half-hugged Jin Yuer, and the next second he felt a sharp pain in his neck.

With a hiss, Jin Yuer's sharp teeth pierced through his throat. In an instant, the smell of wet blood rushed into his nose.

Jin Ming stiffened his body and looked up in disbelief.

Jin Yuer opened her teeth, licked the blood and smiled at him foolishly. She was mentally ill, with a faint green light in her eyes, looking at him greedily and unfamiliarly - greed because she coveted his flesh and blood, unfamiliar because she didn't know him at all.

Jin Ming's face suddenly turned pale and bloodless.

Yan Qing came forward and reminded calmly: "Stay away from her, she is not your sister now, she is a monster whose body is possessed by nightmare."

But Jin Ming didn't believe it. Even though a hole had been bitten on his neck, he still burst into tears when he looked at Jin Yuer's familiar face, unwilling to accept this fact.

Jin Ming murmured, "No, she is not a monster. My sister has been doing good deeds all her life, how could she be a monster?" He held Jin Yuer tightly with both hands, thinking of the years when his sister protected him, and now he was protecting her too. With red eyes, he said stubbornly, "My sister is not a monster! Not a demon! She must have been harmed by someone to be like this now!"

Yan Qing had no expression on his face.

Jin Yuer stared at Jin Ming, thinking that she could bite off his head this time, just as she smiled eerily and bared her fangs.

Yan Qing stepped in and stopped her with a red string.

Jin Yuer screamed, and stared at Yan Qing with fear in her emerald eyes. She hid behind Jin Ming, trembling all over.

Jin Ming immediately became furious: "Yan Qing! What are you doing? Let my sister go."

Yan Qing said calmly: "If I let her go, you will be dead in the next second."

Jin Ming's neck turned red and he gasped, saying, "No, how could my sister hurt me..." Yan Qing sneered and didn't want to listen to what he said anymore? What "won't" and "impossible"

He used the soul thread in his hand and tied up Jin Ming in an instant.

Yan Qing looked at the two people with cold eyes: "I brought you in not to reunite you with your sister. I just want to get some information out of your sister."

Jin Ming met his expression, and instantly his blood boiled, and he laughed hoarsely: "Yes, you never thought of helping me. In fact, you are no different from the people of Xianrentai - you also look down on us and don't treat us as human beings."

Yan Qing played with the red thread in her hand and looked at him without saying a word.

Jin Ming was like a trapped beast, and he questioned Yan Qing harshly: "You seem to be righteous, but in fact, you don't want to help Zhancheng, you just want to take revenge on your enemy in Shangzhongtian."

"I know I look like a fool in your eyes. She wanted to eat me, but I still protected her." A big tear fell from Jin Ming's eyes, but he murmured, "But how can you understand?"

"You are from the upper heaven, you are all precious and noble, and the demons we fear are no threat to you. You are like spectators from high above, watching us struggle and behave in all kinds of ugly ways." Jin Ming said: "Because we are mortals and our lives are worthless, everything we do is ridiculous in your eyes."

Yan Qing wrapped the red string in his hand around his fingertips and pulled the corner of his mouth. It was ridiculous, why did he ask such a soul-searching question instead of asking the truly indifferent Xie Shiyi, and asking him, the young city lord who rarely did good deeds

Yan Qing half-knelt down, stretched out his hand, and gently touched Jin Yuer's sea of consciousness, allowing the woman to calm down for a moment, and then said: "When did I say that I am from the Upper Heaven? Besides, what you are doing now is not uncommon in the Upper Heaven."

To protect a demon for the sake of so-called family affection, love, and friendship - such a thing as raising a tiger to bring harm to oneself would be absurd and ridiculous for anyone to do. It has nothing to do with identity or cultivation. After all, the deep affection of the authorities is only a disaster for the outsiders whose lives are threatened.

Yan Qing said: "Your sister won't live much longer."

Jin Ming looked up in disbelief: "What?"

Yan Qing said: "She was drugged."

The price of using drugs and evil skills to feed the nightmare is life.

Yan Qing came into contact with many people after arriving in Zhancheng.

He had never enjoyed any kindness here in the Barrier City when he was young, so Yan Qing seemed to be indifferent and out of touch along the way.

He hated what the Qin family did, hated their exploitation of women and babies, and hated their disregard for life.

But who is completely innocent in this sinful city of Zhancheng? Even Jin Ming knew that the missing foreign men and women in Zhancheng were still alive or dead, so how could the natives of Zhancheng not know? They chose to ignore, indulge, and even help the evil. The demons who practiced the evil art of love are like being addicted to sex, with endless desires. All the missing men and women were imprisoned in the temple and became tools for the demons to vent their desires.

Yan Qing looked down at Jin Yuer again and said nothing more.

There is no solution. There is no solution for people who are parasitized by nightmares. Since they are infected with the virus, they are no longer human. The mistakes made by the Nine Heavens Gods and Buddhas have continued for 10,000 years and have not yet been resolved.

Jin Ming was silent for a long time before he seemed to wake up and murmured to Yan Qing, "I'm sorry."

Yan Qing is too lazy to pay attention to him.

With the help of the soul thread, Jin Yuer temporarily regained consciousness.

But her lucidity was sporadic, and she only recognized Jin Ming.

During Jin Ming's rhetoric, Yan Qing learned what he wanted to know from Jin Yuer.

The Four Hundred and Eighty Temple is a place where evil skills are used to remove the living nightmares from the bodies of mortals. From Jin Yuer's incoherent words, Yan Qing also began to understand that the room was originally built by the Qin family to hide the eyes and ears of the Immortal Platform. And with the defection of the Fuhua Sect and the Liuguang Sect, many Immortal Platforms are now controlled by the Qin family.

After Jin Yuer pointed out the direction of the Holy Water Lake, Yan Qing ignored the brother and sister and turned away.

The suppressed crying of the brother and sister came from behind.

Yan Qing was in a trance for a while after hearing the crying. The conversation with Jin Ming made him think a lot. He suddenly said, "Yaoyao, you are following me to betray the sect. Isn't it ridiculous in the eyes of many people in the upper heaven? The leader of the Immortal Alliance, you are risking everything for love and protecting a demon species like this."

Xie Shiyi didn't care and said calmly: "Maybe."

Yan Qing was silent for a long time, then held his hand and said, "Yaoyao, I promise that I will not hide anything from you in the future, but you also have to promise me one thing, okay?"

Xie Shiyi: “Hmm?”

Yan Qing said word by word: "Xie Shiyi, promise me that you will not sacrifice your life or give up everything for anyone in the future. Even for me."

The ending of Xie Shiyi's death in the "Cangwang Sea" in "Love Nightmare" has always been a thorn in Yan Qing's heart.

Xie Shiyi asked calmly: "Why?"

Yan Qing looked at him in the darkness, and after a moment of trance, he smiled and said, "Xie Shiyi, actually my greatest wish is that you can live a glorious life."

Those feelings that were hidden in the long night were spoken out personally.

"For a hundred years in the Demon Realm, every time the demon god tempted me to kill someone, I would wonder how you were doing in the upper heaven."

"I think that since you are so talented and smart, you must be admired by everyone and shine brightly."

"You are so outstanding. You will have a master who dotes on you and friends who accompany you. You will be praised by everyone in the world and do everything you want to do. Every time I think of this, I will restrain myself from turning into a madman. Because I am afraid that one day when I see you again, I will be crazy and insane, while you will be pure and spotless."

"I don't want to be too embarrassed in front of you and feel so ashamed that I can't speak."

In countless sleepless nights, he sat on the bones, looking at the endless wilderness, and used his thoughts of his old lover to keep his sanity and calm the killing. He thought of the lover who was mean and cold, but who gave him courage in many cases.

Yan Qing murmured, "Xie Shiyi, how can you live only for one person? You will have teachers, friends, admirers, and a path to pursue throughout your life."

He gently held Xie Shiyi's hand, and a cold red light flashed across his eyes. He didn't know whether he was talking to him or to himself.

"So I won't allow or tolerate you to degenerate for one person, even if it's me. It's enough for you to walk along Chunshui Peach Blossom Road once."

Xie Shiyi listened to every word of Yan Qing, smiled silently, and said in a low voice: "Yan Qing, sometimes I wonder who is crazier between us."

Yan Qing was stunned: "What?"

Xie Shiyi: "You said I would have teachers, friends, and a path to pursue, so what about you? What do you have?"

Yan Qing pursed his lips and withdrew his hand as if he had been electrocuted.

Xie Shiyi's gaze was calm and gentle, but Yan Qing felt that it was like a glass knife, cold and gentle, seeing through his soul.

Yan Qing's smile faded, and he felt regretful in his heart. Why did he suddenly say these things to Xie Shiyi in such a pretentious way

Xie Shiyi held his hand. The reason he asked Yan Qing to promise never to hide anything was because he noticed Yan Qing's anxiety.

If the devil is not eliminated, Yan Qing may never be free in his life.

Maybe Yan Qing himself didn't realize that he had unknowingly built a wall around himself, isolating everyone's kindness or malice. He admitted that he was dragged into the quagmire by the devil and never expected to live in the sun.

Xie Shiyi: "Yan Qing, I've said before, all the concealment you think is for my good will not turn out the way you want." His voice was clear and calm: "Do you really think that I will be happy if I live according to your ideas?"

Yan Qing's breathing trembled.

Xie Shiyi smiled gently and said, "You said you didn't want me to walk the Peach Blossom Road again, but Yan Qing, don't you know exactly what I was thinking at that time?"

Yan Qing was speechless and could not utter a word.

He said he didn't want Xie Shiyi to walk the Peach Blossom Road again, but Xie Shiyi never cared about this matter.

On that road where he was judged by thousands of people, he felt neither humiliation nor hatred. He... just wanted an umbrella.

Xie Shiyi said: "At that time, I just wanted an umbrella."

Xie Shiyi said: "And now, I just want you."

Yan Qing was silent, staring at him absentmindedly, his fingers clenched, and he sighed and smiled. Now he was sure that with Xie Shiyi's personality, no matter what he did, it was all sober madness.

Yan Qing put aside these emotions for the time being.

Walking to the Holy Water Lake, Yan Qing saw Liu Yiru. She was standing next to a young man in an apricot-yellow robe. The young man's face was similar to hers, but now his eyes were full of bitterness, and his expression became more and more helpless in the push and pull with her. The Holy Water Lake was a pool of blood, and the young man was wearing a thin spring shirt, holding a bunch of plum branches in his hand. Hearing Liu Yiru's words that she wanted to take him away, he felt a deep fatigue welling up from his bones.

"Sister, we can't go out." Liu Jing'an's lips turned pale. He looked at her sadly and held her hand. "We were born in the Barrier City. People who grew up in the rain can only live in the rain all their lives."

Liu Yirui gritted her teeth and said, "No, Jing'an, we are different from the others in the city! We have the protection of that immortal, and our ancestors have been drinking water from that well. We are not affected by the rain, so you leave with me, and we will leave this man-eating barrier city together."

"I can't leave, sister." Liu Jing'an smiled tiredly and took out a bottle from his sleeve: "There is holy water in it. You can use it to bribe some people and see if you can get the order to leave the city."

Liu Yirui's eyes were red: "Liu Jing'an, have you gone crazy along with this city? Why don't you leave?!"

Liu Jing'an stood on a bridge of bones, holding a red plum in his hand, with blood surging below. He lowered his head and answered the question irrelevantly: "Sister, the water in this pool is all from dead fetuses."

Liu Yiru was stunned, frightened, and took a step back.

Liu Jing'an leaned over and gently stirred the water with a red plum branch, saying softly, "At first, the people in the City Lord's Mansion planned to use me as a sex slave, but soon they found out that I had the ability to exorcise evil spirits, so they asked me to work at the Holy Water Lake. My daily task is to use the plum branch to dispel resentment and then put the holy water into the bottle."

"The purifying bottle of the clan's residence needs to be refined once in the city lord's residence. A portion of the black substance will be retained during the refining process, and the remaining blood will flow here."

"Men and women in the barrier city have been pregnant and giving birth. They want to give birth to live babies and obtain holy water. However, they don't know that the holy water is actually made from the dead babies they abandoned. What they drink is their own flesh and blood."

Liu Jing'an held the plum branch and looked numbly at the pool of amniotic fluid filled with hatred and resentment.

Liu Yirui sniffed and said in a trembling voice: "Liu Jingan, I don't want to tell you this now? I just want to ask you - are you going or not?"

Liu Jingan shook his head and said, "Sister, I can't leave. I swallowed the fairy pearl."

Liu Yirui was stunned: "What?"

Liu Jing'an's eyes were misty, and he said, "Before my parents died, they took the pearl out of the well and handed it to me. In order to avoid being discovered, I swallowed it."

He touched his chest, a look of confusion emerged in his eyes as he said, "It seems to be alive in my body. I was not affected by the rain of the barrier city, but now I am controlled by the bead. Only by the holy lake can I suppress it. Before, I relied on it to fight against the rain of the barrier city, and now I rely on the resentment of the dead fetuses in this pool to fight against it."

Liu Yirui couldn't hold it back any longer and cried with her face covered. When Liu Jing'an saw his sister's tears, he felt bitter on his lips.

Just then, he heard a cold and indifferent question in his ear.

"Did you swallow the Breath-Resistance Bead?"

Liu Jing'an looked up and saw two masked men looking at him from afar across the white bone bridge. Liu Jing'an was stunned, especially when he saw the immortal in snow-white clothes and black hair, his breath seemed to be tightly held.

Yan Qing cast his gaze on Liu Yiru and smiled softly.

Liu Yiru put down her fingers, looked at him with red eyes and nose, and raised her fragile neck.

Yan Qing only believed 70% of what Liu Yiru said. Sure enough, she had been lying since the first moment they met. She vaguely covered up all the evil deeds of the Liu family out of greed, as if she was an "innocent person" who was completely oppressed by power. Yan Qing did not force her, but went with the flow and used her to find Liu Jingan.

"Liu Yirui, when Wei Shengzhuang died, he left behind a bead, right?"

The Breath-Resisting Pearl, which is regarded as a treasure by the Weisheng family in Shangchongtian, has been hidden in the well in the backyard of this mortal family.

Liu Yiru pursed her lips and said nothing.

Yan Qing said: "A man is innocent but guilty of possessing a treasure. Are you afraid that I will know about this and take action against your Liu family?"

Liu Yirui gritted her teeth and pulled Liu Jing'an behind her: "Jing'an is innocent."

Yan Qing was amused by her appearance, but although he was smiling, there was no smile in his eyes: "Liu Yirui, do I think you are a bad person, or have you always been guilty?"

He never had any hatred or resentment towards the Liu family from the beginning to the end. The three words Wei Sheng Zhuang were more like a stranger to him. Xie Shiyi grew up in the barrier city without a father or a mother. Chun Shui Tao Hua abandoned all distractions in the world. Before he became ruthless, how could he talk about blood ties

At this moment, Xie Shiyi suddenly stepped forward. Without saying a word to the Liu siblings, he gathered his fingertips and immediately poured a cold internal force into Liu Jing'an's chest. Amid Liu Yirui's screams, Liu Jing'an took a step back, bent down, pinched her neck tightly, and then, with all his strength, spit out an ice-blue bead from his mouth.

Xie Shiyi stretched out his finger, and in an instant the Bixizhu seemed to have been washed, clean and flawless, and fell obediently into his palm.

"Jing'an!" Liu Yirui cried anxiously and went to support Liu Jing'an: "Jing'an, Jing'an, Jing'an, are you okay?"

Amid Liu Yirui's anxious cries, Liu Jing'an woke up with a pale face. He covered his chest with a look of confusion in his eyes. He said, "Sister, I'm fine. The bead has been taken out."

Liu Yiru was stunned, then buried her head in his neck and cried out of relief.

Later, Liu Yiru kowtowed solemnly several times in front of Yan Qing.

Yan Qing looked at her expressionlessly, without any emotion. Liu Yiru lied to him, but in fact, he never believed her. He just wanted to use her to find the Breath Avoidance Pearl and find out what happened back then.

The crimes of the Liu family did not need him to punish them. But Yan Qing would not save them, the rain in the barrier city had not stopped yet...

Liu Yiru thanked him several times, half crying and half laughing, before she completed the details about Wei Sheng's makeup.

She muttered absentmindedly, "My great grandmother found the Breath-Repelling Pearl in the clothes of the immortal after she died. In fact, the immortal had told me before she died that the Breath-Repelling Pearl must be buried with her, but my great grandmother didn't believe it."

"Then what I mentioned before happened. After we gave her a grand funeral, the immortal's grave was dug up."

"Within ten miles, not a blade of grass grew. It was all scorched earth, as if someone had started a huge fire here. When my great-grandmother found out about this, she regretted it immensely. She felt that she owed the immortal, so she moved the immortal's body back to the backyard and buried it."

The main function of the Breath Avoidance Pearl is to conceal one's aura. Wei Shengzhuang must have run down from Zijinzhou to avoid people. Without the Breath Avoidance Pearl, it is normal to be discovered. However, the person who could chase him from the upper heaven to the outskirts of the barrier city must have a blood feud with Wei Shengzhuang.

—But he was so angry that he dug up her grave, but why didn't he touch her body? Not even a little bit.

Liu Yiru was silent for a long time, her fingers clenched tightly, and she decided to tell the whole story, no longer hiding or being afraid: "Actually, my great-grandfather... has seen someone digging graves."

Yan Qing's eyes were as sharp as lightning, and he stared at her intently: "Have you seen her?"

Liu Yiru said, "Yes, because he stayed in front of the immortal's tomb for a long time. When my great grandfather found him, he was still there. He had dug up the tomb, destroyed the coffin, and was covered in blood, but he sat on the tombstone like nothing had happened, playing a tune with a leaf. My great grandfather didn't dare to go forward, but just took a sneak peek. That man—"

At this moment, Xie Shiyi suddenly smiled in an ambiguous way and said in a voice: "Does that person only have four fingers on his left hand, missing the ring finger?"

Liu Yirui suddenly looked up and said blankly, "Yes."

Yan Qing also turned his head in surprise and looked at Xie Shiyi.

The smile on Xie Shiyi's lips was fleeting like a cloud of smoke. He looked down at the Breath-avoiding Pearl in his hand and lowered his eyes nonchalantly.

He had never paid attention to anything in the Barrier City, but now he said in a cold and subtle tone: "It is indeed him."

Xie Shiyi didn't finish his words, but Yan Qing guessed who that person was.

The previous master of Xiaoyu Palace was Xu Ruqing.

It turns out that Wei Shengzhuang escaped here from Zijinzhou, using the Breath-avoiding Pearl, and the person he was hiding from was... Xu Ruqing.

When the Seventh Eunuch came back, Yan Qing had already changed her clothes. It was absolutely impossible for Xie Shiyi to dress up as Jin Yuer.

He was considerate of Xie Shiyi's low mood after hearing the news, so he stopped being pretentious and changed into Jin Yuer's clothes very easily.

People who go up to the heaven are always sent in pairs of men and women, and no one knows what the final procedure for removing the nightmare is at the Four Hundred and Eighty Temples, but it must be done by a man and a woman together.

Yan Qing had played a bride in her previous life, but she didn't expect to play a woman again in this life. However, all demons are crazy, so there is no need to be too serious about letting your hair down.

When the Seventh Eunuch saw him like this, he almost fainted from holding his breath, thinking it was a disgrace! But Bai Ziqian was watching from the side, so he had to hold his breath and pretended to order them to go up to the upper heaven.

As the lord of Zhancheng City, Bai Ziqian could not possibly remember the appearance of every demon species, so naturally he was successfully fooled by them.

As the Seventh Eunuch boarded the cloud boat and left, Yan Qing took a last look at the misty barrier city.

The matter of the barrier city? It’s not over yet.

On the cloud boat, Xie Shiyi was studying the Breath-avoiding Pearl, and Yan Qing was chatting with the Seventh Eunuch.

Yan Qing sat cross-legged, stroking his chin: "Seventh Master, you have been in Zijinzhou for so long, do you know anything about Weisheng's family?"

When the Seventh Eunuch saw the Young City Lord painting his face with blue and white spots, his heart was bleeding and he couldn't bear to look at it. He just wanted him to change it back.

The Seventh Eunuch advised earnestly: "Young City Lord, can't you let the Young Madam dress up as a woman? Why should you do it?"

Yan Qing said: "He is in a bad mood now. I spoil him."

Seventh Grandpa: “…”

Yan Qing ignored the loyal servant's anger and just said, "Have you ever heard of the name Wei Sheng Zhuang?"

The Seventh Eunuch shook his head: "I have never heard of it."

Yan Qing: "What about Weisheng's family? Is there anything that has spread all over Zijinzhou?"

The Seventh Eunuch thought to himself, why would he care about these things? He just faced Yan Qing's question and quietly went around to collect them.

Before arriving at Zijin Island, Yan Qing actually knew a romantic story about the "Weisheng Family", which was as bloody as "Love Nightmare".

The first protagonist is the former head of the Weisheng family, Weisheng Nianyan. Weisheng Nianyan was born into a noble family, but she was arrogant and extravagant, and she kept countless male favorites in her backyard. The second protagonist is Weisheng Nianyan's apprentice, Lan Xize, a slave boy who was rescued by Weisheng Nianyan from the people.

Wei Sheng Nian Yan was a playboy, unaware that her only disciple had already secretly fallen in love with her. Every time she flirted with her male lover, Lan Xize's evilness deepened.

So Lan Xize set up a very long game. He pretended to marry a legitimate daughter of the Weisheng family and successfully became a member of the Weisheng family.

What happened afterwards was talked about with great relish in Zijinzhou, but it was a huge shame for the Weisheng family - because the Weisheng family was usurped by an outsider.

Lan Xize helped his wife become the clan leader, but his wife was only in name only, and all the power was in his hands. The first thing Lan Xize did after taking power was to be an ungrateful person and imprison his master, the previous clan leader Weisheng Nianyan, and began all kinds of love, hatred and vengeance.

Yan Qing: “…”

This is, Master, this is the most dangerous profession in the world of cultivation.

Wei Sheng Nian Yan would rather die than surrender, and after she destroyed her soul in the dungeon, Lan Xize went crazy. Not only did he kill all the male favorites in her harem, he also began to frantically collect all the people who looked like Wei Sheng Nian Yan as substitutes, and had fun every night.

Yan Qing: “…”

The Seventh Eunuch carefully looked at Yan Qing's face, and then said: "The Weisheng clan has been dissatisfied with Lan Xize for a long time, but before they decided to take action, Lan Xize suddenly committed suicide. After that, the new head of the family took the throne, and this matter became a thing of the past."

The Seventh Eunuch said, "In fact, the one that the Weisheng family is most ashamed of is Lan Xize's nominal wife. She is a member of the Weisheng family, but after Lan Xize used her to seize power and forcibly took another woman, she had no regrets. I also heard that Lan Xize chose to marry her, a lady from a side branch, because she looked a bit like Weisheng Nianyan."

After saying this, Seventh Eunuch winked at Yan Qing.

Yan Qing: "...Okay, stop talking."

The Seventh Eunuch also breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time he cursed in his heart, saying that the people in Shang Chongtian were indeed hypocritical and not normal at all, what a bunch of crap this was.

Yan Qing touched his chin and began to think about what kind of existence Wei Sheng Zhuang held in the Wei Sheng family, why he was exiled to the Human Barrier City, and why he was involved with Xu Ruqing and was being hunted down by him.

But the next sentence from Seventh Eunuch made him stunned.

"I heard that when Weisheng Nianyan accepted Lan Xize as his apprentice, he tattooed a mark on his ring finger. After Weisheng Nianyan died, the madman Lan Xize cut off his own ring finger as well."