I Run a Gas Station in the Northwest

Chapter 1: wild camel


No matter starting from Ningxi or from Lanjing, the road network entering Jiangqi and Mengge has become more and more perfect in recent years. It was never mentioned again.

On the side of one of the northernmost roads connecting the two main lines, there is a small gas station, right in front of the green belt next to the road.

This road is a branch road, and usually there are not many vehicles passing by. In the off-season of tourism, sometimes it is difficult to see a car for a long time, but it is indispensable when the main road encounters wind and sand. To the role of dredging.

At this time, there was no customer in the gas station.

The flag directly above the gas station with the words "snacks and water" looked particularly deserted under the strong wind.

Although the door of the business room was tightly closed, Chen Mu still felt cold. While doing the inventory, he couldn't help but tugged on his collar to protect his neck tightly.

Aizi Maiti, an old Uyghur man, meticulously packed up the things in the business office, and slowly dragged his old lame leg to leave.

"Xiao Mu, I'm going back."

"Go, go, be careful on the way... Well, say hello to Aunt Gu Li for me."

Chen Mu waved to the old man, watched him walk out of the business room, and then led out the little donkey with sparse hair, then rode on the donkey with difficulty, and headed home. On the list in hand.

"The profit is two hundred and eighty... let's make do."

Chen Mu couldn't help but recalculate the list in his hand, feeling that the business was a bit boring. Instead of making do with it every day, it's better to find an opportunity to get rid of this mess as soon as possible.

The gas station is the inheritance left by Chen Mu's parents. The couple were demobilized soldiers who came out of the army. After returning to their hometown, they worked diligently for half their lives. Those who are not enough at the top are more than those with more than the bottom.

Ten years ago, due to changes in the economic environment, the couple's original business became less and less profitable. It happened to catch up with the development of the western region in full swing, so they made a decision that surprised everyone. He took out all the money in the house, pooled around five million yuan, and went to the northwest to buy such a gas station and start operating it.

At that time, in order to attract investment, the policy given by the government was very good. The right to operate the gas station was exclusive in this area, and the entire gas station and the surrounding ten acres of land were set aside for their use. If such a thing were put into today, there would be no door at all.

Over the past ten years, the couple has been rooted in the Northwest, and no matter how well the gas station is operating, it can only be said that the land and the management rights have appreciated a lot, which is a very good investment.

The couple planned to sell the gas station and return to their hometown for retirement when their son graduated, but they didn't expect that before the New Year's Eve this year, they rushed back to their hometown to celebrate the New Year with their son, but they were in a serious car accident when they were almost at the door of their house, and eventually passed away. died.

Then, Chen Mu, who was just in his sophomore year, took care of his parents' funeral affairs, simply applied for a suspension of school, and came to the Northwest by himself, inheriting their gas station.

It took Chen Mu less than two months to go from freshness to numbness, from numbness to boredom now.

Sometimes looking at the wind and sand outside, he really wanted to leave this ghostly place where he couldn't see many people all day.

Of course, it was less than half a year since his parents passed away, and Chen Mu was unwilling to put aside their hard-working careers for many years, so he made up his mind to persevere, at least for a year.

Putting away the list in his hand, Chen Mu closed the iron gate of the business room with unfamiliar hands, then turned around and walked to the business room, ready to get something to fill his stomach.

The design concept of the gas station is "store in the front and live in the back", so the front is the business area, and the back is the living area.

In addition to the large warehouse, the living area also has a large living room with three bedrooms and two living rooms, complete with kitchen, bathroom, and toilet. A garage and cellar are built next to it, closely connected to the business office.

Walking into the kitchen, Chen Mu quickly made a bowl of wonton noodles, patted a cucumber, opened a bottle of Coca-Cola, and ate it with gusto.

The nearest town is nearly three hours' drive away. Under normal circumstances, Chen Mu only goes out once a week to buy supplies. The supplies are not rich, so a bowl of wonton noodles and cucumbers is already pretty good.

The wonton noodles were steaming hot, and there was some famous chili sauce from Sichuan Province inside.

After eating the noodles, he was sipping the remaining coke when he suddenly heard a muffled "bang" from the business room, as if something had slammed into the window or the door.

"What... what's going on?"

Chen Mu put down the Coke immediately, and rushed to the business room at a trot, wanting to see what happened.

Go to the front of the monitor and take a quick glance, and sweep the split screens of several cameras.

The camera on the front of the gas station didn't see anything, but the camera facing the east window captured something weird.

On that split screen, a camel actually appeared.

What the hell

Chen Mu blinked, a little confused about the situation, and didn't understand why a camel ran out of the gas station.

There was only one hump on the camel's back. It was skinny and didn't look tall.

Moreover, the hair on its body was stuck together in pieces, dirty and ugly, not like a lost domestic camel, but more like a wild species.


On the screen, the camel went crazy for some reason, shook its head and hit the iron gate on the window again, making a muffled sound.

Chen Mu frowned, turned around and took a small self-defense knife, then took a flashlight and a long stick and ran out from the side door of the business office.

Although I don't know why the wild camel went crazy, but let it hit like this, the window will be smashed in a few minutes, so it must be stopped.

After Chen Mu went out the door, he quickly walked around to the window, and didn't go any closer. He just stood at a distance and hit the ground with a long stick, yelling loudly.

He had heard the old Uighurs talk about the situation here before. There are often wild animals such as lynxes and foxes near the gas station. If you want to drive them away, you just need to yell loudly. The sound will leave by itself and will not actively attack people.

Although the old Uyghur man had never mentioned that there would be wild camels nearby, and he didn't know if yelling would work, Chen Mu felt that he should give it a try.


The camel stopped immediately when it heard the yelling, as if frightened.

It turned its head to look at Chen Mu naively, blinking its eyes, its appearance was extremely vivid.

Hey, it seems to be useful... Then, that, if you know how powerful it is, then hurry up!

Chen Mu hit the iron while it was hot, and quickly hit the ground with a long stick a few more times, and continued to shout.

The camel took a step back, its nostrils twitched, showing a frightened expression.

Just when Chen Mu thought it was going to leave, he didn't expect it to take a step forward and hit the iron gate on the window with its head again.


It was a thump, louder than before.

Fog grass, useless!

Chen Mu was taken aback.

It is not good to scare people away, and it is not good for him to really drive it. It doesn't matter whether it hurts the camel or himself. Now he has nothing to do.

Just when he didn't know what to do, he saw the camel suddenly stick out its tongue and lick the iron gate twice.


Chen Mu looked at the guy's actions stupidly, and quickly scanned the place where the iron gate was licked, and found that there was a large advertising sticker, covering almost the entire iron gate.

The advertising sticker is a glass of pouring milk, the milk splashes everywhere, and the white flowers are particularly dynamic.


Watching the camel bump its head against the iron gate again, Chen Mu's mind seemed to be knocked open by a "bang".

He quickly turned around and ran back. After a while, he came back with a carton of milk and a big bowl. He quickly opened the milk and poured it into the bowl. After pouring, he backed away and yelled at the camel: "Hey, come here." Look, do you want to drink... want to drink this? Come here, here, here... "

The camel stopped when he heard the sound, turned his head to look at Chen Mu, and then looked at the big bowl containing the milk. He remained motionless, as if he was thinking.

"Drink as much as you want, brother, please, you are welcome!"

When Chen Mu saw the play, he quickly lowered his voice, making it extra soft.

The camel paused for a long time, and finally couldn't bear the temptation of milk, walked forward cautiously, looked at Chen Mu vigilantly for a long time, then tentatively moved its head to the bowl, and licked it.

Chen Mu knew that the critical moment had come, so he couldn't help but stay still, even breathing very lightly.

After the camel licked the milk, seeing that Chen Mu didn't respond, he quickly licked it a second time, three times, and four times... Then he licked faster and faster, and simply put his head into the bowl.


Now Chen Mu couldn't help heaving a long sigh of relief, thinking to himself: "If you want to drink milk, you should have told me earlier, I almost demolished my brother's gas station."

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