I Run a Gas Station in the Northwest

Chapter 104: Muya Forestry


Chen Mu is actually looking for something to talk about, so we can't just sit at the same table and stare at each other.

The little girl he was talking about was Ayimu, and he thought Ayimu was pretty good at dancing, which should be considered a talent, so he asked casually.

Hearing what Ga Enen said to be sent to a formal dance school, he shook his head: "The child has no money at home, how can I send him to a dance school?"

If you don't have money, tell me...

Ga'enen is tall and tall, but delicate, and he doesn't speak anymore.

Chen Mu sighed softly: "The little girl's home is in the countryside near the desert in Bahe Town, and the economic conditions are not very good. Where did she get the money to go to a dance school?"

"Oh, I see!"

Ga Enen nodded and continued eating.

Chen Mu also said: "We are building a school there, and we plan to invite three to four teachers. Well, I think music teachers are very important to our children. If you have any friends who are willing to go to the countryside to support education, you can send us WeChat Contact me, as long as people are willing to come, we will help with other education support procedures."

Their school is self-funded and self-built, and the town strongly supports it. The town can help with the procedures for supporting education, and Chen Mu can promise in advance.

"Okay, I'll help you ask."

Ga Enen picked up a piece of shredded chicken and agreed.

Chen Mu just said that casually, casting a net everywhere, and didn't expect to get any results at all, so when he saw Li Ming returning to the wine table, he turned his head and chatted with Li Ming again.

The next day, Chen Mu went back to the gas station early.

After he returned to the gas station, he didn't stop, and immediately led the old man to Yakashi Village to recruit people to raise seedlings.

Even after the work of raising seedlings is over, the recruited people can continue to help him plant trees. This is a long-term job. As long as he has money, Chen Mu has no intention of letting things stop.

That night, another village meeting was held in Yakashi Village, and the meeting place was the same big courtyard that Chen Mu had been to last time.

"On the first day of the exhibition, I received an order for one million seedlings, so I rushed back before the exhibition was over..."

"According to the forecast of Brother Li of the forestry company, we may receive orders for more than three million seedlings at this exhibition..."

"I need manpower to help raise seedlings. This is paid for. It is based on the usual recruitment standards in the town, and on this basis, it can be raised appropriately..."

"Children should study more. After the school is built, I hope that everyone can let their children go to school, so there is no delay..."

As the general manager of the forestry company of Heyakashi Village Cooperative, Manager Chen delivered an important speech at the meeting.

In this speech, Manager Chen stated the development direction of the forestry company, pointed out the basic policy of raising seedlings and planting trees in the future, and laid the foundation for the future development of Yakashi Village, which was unanimously supported by the villagers.

"Have you heard, you can earn eighty yuan a day, which is not much worse than working in the town."

"Yes, they also said that they can pack a lunch. Even if they only eat a naan and drink saliva, they can save the cost of a meal."

"I don't care how much money is given, I just want to help him. I heard that Xiaomu paid for the school building alone. This young man really has nothing to say to our village."

After the meeting, Chen Mu continued to discuss with the Uighur elders and Kurbanjiang.

"Xiaomu, you give the number of people, how many people do you want to recruit?"

Kurbanjiang was very excited tonight. The village and Chen Mu opened such a Muya forestry company. It made him feel really lucky.

Chen Mu wants to hire people from the village to raise seedlings and plant trees for him, which is tantamount to providing the villagers with an opportunity to increase their income. In the past, this was definitely a good thing that would never have been imagined. With the income here, Yakashi Village is probably going to become the leading village on the ground in Bahe Town.

After thinking for a while, Chen Mu said, "Nongjiale can't be left behind. There must be enough manpower, otherwise we will just pick up sesame seeds and lose watermelon."

After a slight pause, he went on to say: "Brother Kurbanjiang, do the math and figure out how many people you can draw without affecting the farmhouse. I think we may need more people in these two days. When the matter of raising seedlings is over, we don’t need so many people... Well, the older ones are not afraid. We may not need many people now, but the sales of seedlings will get better and better in the future. Everyone who works uses it."

After returning from Yakash Village, Chen Mu took advantage of the night to take out the large-fruited seabuckthorn he had bought with two steel coins, planted it deep in the forest, and then directly used his vitality points to point it.


Just like the saplings that were hit by the vitality value before, the big-fruited seabuckthorn immediately germinated crazily.

The seabuckthorn tree eventually grew to a height of nearly five or six meters, and produced countless fruits, which fell around and all fell on the oiled paper cloth that Chen Mu had laid in advance.

Chen Mu carefully put away these fruits, filling a dozen or so baskets, and then he started pruning the branches, leaving only the trunk.

After working all night, all the cut branches were cut, and the remaining ten boxes of fruits were moved directly into the garage. This is the end of the job.

Misty Grass, this is really too tiring!

Chen Mu was panting while sitting on the chair. The sun rose a little early in the desert, so sitting quietly on the chair and watching... was still tiring.

While there was still some time, Chen Mu slipped into the room to take a shower, then fell on the bed to catch up on sleep.

At around nine o'clock in the morning, the old Uighurs led the villagers over.

Chen Mu had to get up from the bed, and began to instruct the villagers to cut the Haloxylon saplings. This was another mess, and Chen Mu felt that his mental state was starting to be a little swaying.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, as long as the villagers have mastered the skills of cutting branches, they will get started soon, and there will be no need for him to point out anything in the future.

When it comes to doing farm work, ten of them are no match for the villagers.

As for the children, Chen Mu asked them to dig holes in the ground where the seabuckthorn branches were cut last night, with a row of six meters and a hole of five meters apart. The holes don’t need to be too deep, about three meters is enough. .

Chen Mu is going to wait until night, and then take out the sea buckthorn fruit he received last night by himself, and try to plant it in these pits to see if it can grow.

Tired all day, I was going to sleep before dinner, but I didn't expect to receive a call from Zhang Momoo as soon as I lay down on the bed. As soon as the guy came, he asked, "Are you surprised or not? Miss me Is it gone?"

"I am pleasantly surprised by your uncle!"

Chen Mu drooped his eyes angrily: "Tell me if you have something to say, and let the fart go!"