I Run a Gas Station in the Northwest

Chapter 106: Experience life


Guan Zhongyun is a big name in Xia Guo's showbiz circle. He has won the best actor of the three major international film festivals, namely "Kora Film Festival", "Bo You Film Festival" and "Feed You Film Festival". A slam cast.

Although Guan Zhongyun has gradually faded out of the film industry in recent years and seldom takes part in films, everyone in the circle knows that his name is a golden lacquer signboard, and he has a box office appeal that is difficult for others to match in Xia Guo.

As long as he can be invited to participate in a movie, it will definitely cause a sensation and attract countless fans of his movies.

Now that Wei Zian suddenly led Guan Zhongyun to appear in the conference room, it was self-evident what this meant.

"Even being able to invite Guan Zhongyun here, it's really a big face!"

Zhang Momoo looked at Guan Zhongyun, who had a cropped head, and was secretly speechless.

After Wei Zian led Guan Zhongyun into the meeting room, he arranged Guan Zhongyun in the position next to him, then clapped his hands to everyone in the meeting room, and signaled for the start of the meeting: "Today is the first meeting of our "Sand Curtain" project, I specially invited Mr. Guan Zhongyun to join our crew to play the role of Xu Pan, everyone applauds and welcomes Mr. Guan."

Although the role of Xu Pan is only the second leading actor in the script of "Sand Curtain", if Guan Zhongyun is invited to play the role, the order of the first leading actor that has already been booked in the film may be different. Backed away.

Then, Wei Zian introduced the people in the meeting room to Guan Zhongyun one by one, and Zhang Momoo was no exception.

"Hello, Mr. Guan, I grew up watching your movies. I hope you can sign me after the meeting."

Zhang Momoo held Guan Zhongyun's hand, and poured out his admiration for the first time, and he didn't feel ashamed at all to sign his autograph.

Guan Zhongyun said with a smile: "No, you will grow up if you don't watch my movies."

It seems that just like the rumors, Guan Zhongyun's self-cultivation and temper are very good, and he has the air of a master in those martial arts novels.

After the introduction, everyone sat down together, and the leaders of each group began to talk about their preparations, so that they could have an overall understanding of each other.

It was Zhang Momoo's turn. As the chief art engineer, he turned on the big screen in the conference room and began to display the pixels of the photos he had taken when he went out to collect scenery for everyone.

"This is a gas station in the northwest desert, and its owner is a young man..."

"Yakashi Village is a very traditional desert village. They have lived in the desert for generations, relying on water sources..."

"The Bazaar village is in the desert, a small oasis in the sea of sand..."

Compared with the previous narrations of those in charge, Zhang Momoo's photos and videos are undoubtedly more attractive.

The people in the conference room were fascinated by the beautiful photos and videos.

The chic and rough gas station, the old and beautiful village, the Bazaar village where the sand sea and oasis coexist...all of these are ideal shooting locations for filmmakers.

In particular, the main plot of the story is that the male protagonist as a policeman breaks into the desert in order to track down the fugitive, and finally completes the mission through all kinds of hardships. Most of this needs the desert in the northwest as the background. The imagination of the story even exceeded their expectations.

"Not bad, really good!"

After Zhang Momoo's introduction, Wei Zi'an immediately affirmed it.

Guan Zhongyun asked: "You should have spent a lot of time and effort preparing these materials, right?"

Zhang Momoo thought for a while, and replied: "Teacher Guan, I spent about half a year wandering around the Northwest, and finally it was a chance that made me go here... Well, there are actually several places I think It’s not bad, but it feels like it’s the best place here, so after leaving the gas station on the Qianjiang Highway, I rushed back to the capital directly.”

"Half a year!"

Guan Zhongyun nodded, then turned to Wei Zian and said, "Director Wei, seeing the work your team has done in the preliminary preparations, I am more confident in this cooperation. Thank you for your invitation, allowing me to join Such a great team."

"Teacher Guan, you are polite."

Wei Zian was a little flattered, and after being polite to Guan Zhongyun, he gave Zhang Momoo a look of approval, indicating that he did a good job.

After the meeting, Guan Zhongyun approached Zhang Momoo specifically: "Mr. Zhang, after reading the materials you have gathered, I am very interested in that gas station on the Qianjiang Highway. I wonder if you can help me get in touch. I want to go there in person." Let's go and see."

Zhang Momoo was a little surprised. He didn't expect Guan Zhongyun to go to the gas station in person. When he was thinking about how to reply, Wei Zi'an next to him said: "Moo, Teacher Guan has always had a habit of going to the gas station in the movie. Before shooting, go to the shooting site and feel it, and you should contact Teacher Guan as soon as possible."

Now that the director has spoken, Zhang Moo naturally has no room to refuse, and quickly agreed: "Okay, Mr. Guan, I will contact you as soon as possible, and I will notify you when I am done."


Guan Zhongyun thanked him, exchanged contact information with Zhang Momoo, and then Shi Shiran left.

Wei Zi'an hurriedly sent Guan Zhongyun off, and before leaving, he joked to Zhang Momoo in a low voice: "Not bad, you already have Teacher Guan's phone number, and it took me a lot of effort to get it back then. .”

Zhang Momoo glanced at the newly entered phone number on the phone, carefully saved it, and created a new contact "Mr. Guan Zhongyun", before putting the phone in his pocket.

In five or six days, half of the cuttings in the forest farm were completed.

According to the good news from Li Ming, they received a total of five million yuan in orders at the exhibition.

Among them, Chen Mu has orders for more than 3 million Haloxylon seedlings.

In order to complete these orders, all able-bodied villagers from Yakash Village came.

In addition to the first two days, Chen Mu still had to watch on the spot. In the next few days, the villagers had fully mastered the work, and the work was done quickly and well, so there was no need for Chen Mu to worry about it.

"Brother Xiao Mu, after the school is built, will we stop using it to help you with work?"

During the break in the afternoon, Chen Mu opened a bottle of Coke for everyone, and the child Wang Hazi sat beside him, sipping Coke and asking questions.

"After the school is built, you will go to school. That's for sure. Your main task now is to study. You can't delay your study just because you came to help me."

When Chen Mu said this, he felt a little emboldened when he was a child. It is really not his style to tell children such great truths.

Hazi asked timidly, "What about after school? Can we still come over and help you with work?"

Chen Mu thought for a while: "Okay, as long as you don't delay your schooling, you can come and help me plant trees!"

"Yeah, that's great!"

Hazi couldn't help but cheered loudly, and even the other children who were listening with their ears pricked up also shouted.