I Run a Gas Station in the Northwest

Chapter 109: Guan Zhongyun is here


The reason why Guan Zhongyun took the role of "Sand Curtain" was mainly because he felt that the role of Xu Pan was very challenging.

Although Xu Pan is a disheveled and frustrated policeman in the eyes of others, even his companions look down on him, and his wife took her son and ran away with other men early without giving him any news, but he is a proud man in his bones. People who are so proud and stubborn.

For Xu Pan, he felt that his luck had always been bad. This time he encountered such a big case, he felt that his good luck had come, so even if his boss disagreed, he insisted on following his own judgment and proceeding along the way. Follow the fugitive's trail, in order to prove his ability in the future.

"He's a real tough guy, but his pride has become a barrier to him, and he's hitting walls everywhere in his life."

Guan Zhongyun sat on the train, while reading the script, while writing his own biography of the characters, and from time to time added some of his thoughts on the characters with pens of different colors.

He has always had the habit of studying the script for a long time after taking over the filming, trying to figure out the characters, and finally combining some of his own feelings to shape the character image in the movie.

This is the reason why he was able to win the Best Actor. He has said countless times in talk shows that perhaps many people know this method, but in the increasingly impetuous showbiz, an actor like him who can calm down and do this, Fewer and fewer.

"Old Guan, have some porridge. It's just launched in the restaurant. It looks good."

A person came in from outside the box, it was Guan Zhongyun's little assistant Yuanyuan, this little chubby girl had been sitting beside Guan Zhongyun for more than ten years, and they were very familiar with each other.

Guan Zhongyun glanced at the bowl of porridge, thought for a while and said, "You can drink this porridge, and I'll have a mutton bun, and hot and sour soup."


Yuanyuan looked at Guan Zhongyun a little puzzled. Usually, her boss's taste is light and healthy, but now she suddenly wants to eat mutton buns and hot and sour soup, especially hot and sour soup. It's really weird.

Guan Zhongyun seemed to see the little assistant's doubts, pointed to the script with a smile, and said: "Xu Pan is not a person with a light taste. It fits his character setting."

It's for the role again...

Yuanyuan understood, and quickly turned around and walked to the restaurant, where she bought a mutton bun and a hot and sour soup.

Guan Zhongyun took a mouthful of the mutton bun, and then another mouthful of soup.

The change in taste is not something he can adapt to in a short time. He let himself feel it slowly, imagining what Xu Pan should look like when eating, and ate the mutton bun and hot and sour soup bit by bit. .

Yuanyuan was drinking porridge, looked at Guan Zhongyun, saw that Guan Zhongyun had finished eating the mutton bun and hot and sour soup, and quickly handed over the thermos considerately: "Come on, old Guan, drink some hot water to clear up."

Guan Zhongyun shook his head: "No, it's fine like this."

After finishing speaking, he smiled slightly and said to Yuanyuan: "Just take advantage of these two days in the car, give me time to adjust, so that I can try to enter the role, and when I get to the desert, I will really be Xu Pan .”

Yuanyuan was speechless and could only take back the thermos.

She has been Guan Zhongyun's assistant since she entered this industry, so she doesn't know what other good actors are like.

She only knows that her artist is really a drama idiot. When she catches a good role, she will try her best to figure out what to get into the role, how to become a role, etc., and even some small details and habits in life. You have to get closer to the role... Every time you take on a play, it's like a different person.

I've heard that many good actors either went crazy or committed suicide because they couldn't get out of their roles after acting.

This made Yuanyuan always feel a sense of crisis, worried that her artist would encounter such a situation, and kept on guard in her heart.

But in the past ten years, although Guan Zhongyun tossed himself hard, nothing unexpected happened, and Yuanyuan gradually got used to it, so he could only let him go.

Anyway, pay more attention at ordinary times, even if something goes wrong, try to stop it as much as possible.

Guan Zhongyun picked up the napkin and wiped his mouth, but he seemed to think of something when he wiped his mouth. After a slight pause in his hand, he threw the napkin aside, and muttered to himself in a daze: "Xu Pan is not a talker." Hygienic people, you can't do things like wiping your mouth..."

After speaking, he raised his hand and wiped his mouth with his sleeve, wiping all the grease from his mouth onto his sleeve.

Yuanyuan watched from the side, hesitating to speak.

The artist in her family is wearing more than 10,000 woolen sweaters, and she feels distressed when she sees it, it's too greasy.

Guan Zhongyun himself didn't take it seriously, and after thinking about it, he said: "He is slovenly and sloppy in life... But such a proud person must have cleanliness somewhere... Well, if I can find such a At this point, he can show his pride... "

Guan Zhongyun was lost in thought, muttering in his mouth: "Cleanliness, cleanliness, cleanliness..."

Yuanyuan felt that her artist had started to torment her again, and she couldn't stand it any longer, so she could only lie down on her bed, pull up the quilt, and start to sleep.

I don't know how long this sleep has passed—

"Yes, wipe the gun, wipe the gun, yes, he is a policeman, just wipe the gun..."

Yuanyuan was suddenly awakened by the sound of cheers. She opened her eyes sleepily and looked, and found that her artist was laughing and shouting foolishly, as if she was excited about something.

Yuanyuan pouted, slowly turned around helplessly, and fell asleep again.

When she fell asleep again in a daze, she was still thinking secretly in her mind: "This actor has worked really hard, and sooner or later he will ruin himself."

Guan Zhongyun didn't know what the little assistant was thinking. He was immersed in his own world, plumping up the outline of the character bit by bit, making the character's image three-dimensional and full.

After he was excited, he quickly took a pen and wrote down the details of "wiping the gun" that he thought of in his small notebook, thinking about how to do this detail so that it can be perfect and in line with Xu Pan's character and habits.

When he thought about it, it would be nice to have a gun at this time, and he could immediately try to take it apart and wipe it.

It’s not that he has never filmed gun cleaning scenes before, so he has learned some gun dismantling and cleaning skills, but he hopes to fully integrate this action into Xu Pan’s character, and the whole details must be different from the previous ones.

In the process of pondering the role, he is genuinely excited and happy, and this is his pleasure.

Three days later, Guan Zhongyun came to Bahe Town, and Chen Mu's little golden cup was already waiting there.