I Run a Gas Station in the Northwest

Chapter 113: fall in love with you


After entering the hospital, Aunt Gu Li was quickly sent to the operating room.

The female doctor originally proposed to send the fat lady to her family's hospital, but the old Uighurs naturally insisted that "the public hospital is safer" in their minds, so they finally went to the X City People's Hospital.

Not long after the operation started, the doctor suddenly came out of the operating room, saying that the patient's heartbeat was abnormal, and he seemed to have symptoms of myocardial ischemia.

Previously, Chen Xiwen taught Uyghur elders and Chen Mu popular science along the way. Appendectomy is the simplest minor operation, so they were optimistic about the condition of the fat aunt. Now when the doctor said that, they felt a little bit At a loss, they couldn't help turning their heads to look at the female doctor.

The female doctor was also stunned for a while, and quickly asked the doctor a few words. Anyway, what they said were all the slang words used between their doctors, and Chen Mu and the Uighur old man couldn't understand them. Finally, the female doctor turned her head and said to the Uyghur old man : "Uncle Aizmat, although this operation has certain risks, it is still within the controllable range. I think this operation should be completed."

The Uighur old man didn't know about medical treatment, but he trusted Chen Xiwen. Hearing what Chen Xiwen said, he immediately agreed and followed the nurse to sign another surgery consent form.

When the old Uyghur man walked away, Chen Mu asked Chen Xiwen in a low voice, "Tell me honestly, how is Aunt Guli's operation? What is the success rate?"

Chen Xiwen thought for a while and said, "Aunt Gu Li's symptoms of myocardial ischemia are not serious at present, and the operation should be fine. I'm afraid that something unexpected will happen during the operation, and it will be difficult to control."

After a slight pause, she added: "The situation can be big or small, but this is a tertiary hospital, I think we should trust their judgment."

Then... there will still be life-threatening.

Chen Mu frowned, and wanted to ask a few more questions, but seeing the Uighur old man walking back with a lame leg, he could only swallow the question.

The three went to the chairs in the waiting room and sat down. Chen Mu went over to get a glass of water and handed it to the old Uighur: "Uncle Aizmaiti, don't worry, drink some water first, auntie should be out soon .”

The old Uyghur man took the water without saying thanks, probably because he was too nervous to care.

His complexion was very bad, he looked up at the door of the operating room, and whispered a series of Uyghur words in his mouth, including a few words similar to "blessing", which could be understood by people.

Chen Mu and Chen Xiwen didn't know how to comfort them, so they could only sit quietly by their side, hoping for good news from the operating room.

After a while, the old Uighur suddenly said in Chinese: "Azigul and I are not from the same village. I remember that when I first met her, the militia team from our village went to her village for training... "

"At that time, Azigul was the most beautiful girl in their village. She could sing, and her voice was as beautiful as that of a lark when she sang. She could dance, and her body was like a lark when she danced. She is as beautiful as a peacock... I fell in love with her the first time I saw her... "

"I tried every means to pursue her and make her like me, because I know she is the most beautiful and best girl in the world..."

"Later my legs became lame and I dared not see her, and her parents were unwilling to marry Azigul to me, because I might become a useless person from now on..."

"Just when I was most desperate, Azigul came to me, and she told me that what she liked was my person, what she fell in love with was my heart, even though my legs were lame, she still liked me , willing to marry me..."

"I'm not a good man, and I haven't been able to make Azigul live a good life in my life... But in my heart, she is still the most beautiful girl back then..."

The old Uyghur man was chattering, as if confiding to others, but also talking to himself, probably eager to find a way to relieve the tension in his heart.

Chen Mu and Chen Xiwen listened quietly, their hearts were sore.

When the old man finished speaking, Chen Xiwen held back his tears and patted the old man's hand to comfort him: "It's okay, Aunt Gu Li is definitely fine, you don't have to worry."

Chen Mu tightly held the other hand of the old man, and said nothing.

The time waiting for the operation to be completed is always the most difficult.

An hour later, the operation was finally completed.

The fat aunt was pushed out, and the doctor announced that the operation was successful.

The old Uyghur man immediately wept with joy, and hurriedly followed the fat aunt to the ward.

Chen Mu and Chen Xiwen let out a long sigh of relief, and looked at each other, feeling very lucky to survive the catastrophe.

Chen Mu sat back on the chair and sighed, "Once you have experienced this kind of thing once, you don't want to experience it again. It's so frighteningly worrying."

Chen Xiwen also sat down, and said softly, "Although I know in my heart that the chance of problems in the operation is very low, I still feel nervous. Maybe this is the reason why concern leads to chaos."

The two were silent for a while, breathing slowly.

After a while, Chen Xiwen suddenly said again: "Chen Mu, after hearing the story of Uncle Aizmat and Aunt Guli just now, I suddenly feel that there is one thing that I must tell you clearly."

Chen Mu suddenly had a bad premonition, frowned and asked, "What's the matter?"

Chen Xiwen paused for a moment, and suddenly said in a very soft voice: "I seem to like you a little bit."

Chen Mu was taken aback for a moment, then turned to look at Chen Xiwen in astonishment.

Chen Xiwen also turned his head and bravely met him with his eyes.



"How much is a bit?"


Chen Mu coughed lightly: "How much is it? Thirty percent? Forty percent? Or fifty percent?"


Chen Xiwen imagined many possibilities, some accepted, some rejected, some turned around and ran away... But she never thought that this person had such a clear mind and asked such a weird question, which made her a little at a loss. Don't know how to respond.

Chen Mu stood up and walked unhurriedly towards the inpatient area.

While walking, he lazily said: "Liking me and liking me are two different things. For a normal man, the response is different. You have to think it through before you talk."

Chen Xiwen was taken aback for another moment, his small brain slowly thinking about the difference between "like me" and "like me", and when he finally came to the realization, he couldn't help but secretly cursed "this bastard" , and "the bastard" has gone far, far.

She frowned, and quickly got up and chased after him.

to her—

Today, no matter what, you must ask clearly.