I Run a Gas Station in the Northwest

Chapter 115: I'm going to go over there and say it face to face


Of course, Chen Mu knows where the so-called genetic advantages of these seedlings come from, and why they can be brought into full play is all due to the effect of vitality.

But he can't talk about it, he can only listen to Anarguri.

The Uighur girl looked at Chen Mu curiously: "Why are the seedlings you raised better than those grown in the laboratory?"

Chen Mu smiled: "It's because you taught me well."

"No hippies are allowed."

The Uighur girl said seriously: "We use tissue culture to cultivate seedlings in the laboratory. The requirements for soil, water quality and climate environment are very high, so we can make the best use of the genetic advantages of the seedlings. But you ...isn't it amazing?"

Chen Mu didn't know what to say, so he could only respond in silence.

The Uyghur girl has a lot of strength in doing research. Seeing that Chen Mu didn't speak, she first scooped up a little soil on the ground with a small shovel, put it into a small plastic bag, sealed it carefully, stuffed it into the bag, and then He took out a small glass bottle to fill the water in the puddle: "I want to collect soil and water samples here to study and find out the reason. Is it okay?"

Chen Mu thought for a while and said, "Of course it's no problem, but you must tell me as soon as you have the result. I want to hear it too... Well, and keep it as secret as possible. I don't want others to know about it."


The Uighur girl readily agreed.

Chen Mu asked curiously: "How did you know that I got an order for three million seedlings?"

The Uighur girl replied: "My dad heard about it. He also said that many people in the industry know about it. You will definitely order more and more in the future."

"I will accept your auspicious words!"

Chen Mu suddenly came over, and suddenly felt that he had to go ahead and prepare more seedlings, otherwise he would be too busy when the order came.

"Well, let's go, get me something to eat. I rushed over early in the morning and didn't even have breakfast."

After talking about the business, the Uighur girl dragged Chen Mu to the business room: "What is Yili doing? The braised pork she made last time was very delicious. Can you ask her to make it for me again?"

Chen Mu asked, "Don't you have to go to work today?"

"Yes, but I sneaked out."

"Your unit is run by your family, why are you so casual?"

"I said I went out to take samples, but the leader didn't care about me. Well, our leader has a good relationship with my dad. He doesn't care about me. Even if I overdo it, I will deduct some salary at most. It doesn't matter."


Chen Mu could see that this guy was a related household in their unit, and going to work was purely for her interest, and she didn't care about salary or anything.

After entering the business room, Anarguli rushed into the kitchen to look for Ma Yili. Chen Mu took a bottle of water and followed her in.

At the cashier, Yuanyuan just finished answering a phone call and asked, "That Uighur girl just now is so beautiful, where did she come from?"

Where else could it have come from...

Chen Mu joked: "A local girl who grew out of the field."

Yuanyuan held a lollipop in her mouth, sipping it back and forth: "I can't tell, you don't look very good, but the girl I know is the most beautiful."

Is this making me look ugly? Or are you complimenting the girls I know for being pretty

Chen Mu thought about it seriously, and felt that this was a compliment to himself. After all, compared to the characters in the "Diary of a Beautiful Man in Love" at the hand of the little fat girl, he must not look very good, and this is not detrimental.

"Where's Teacher Guan?"

Chen Mu asked.

The little chubby girl said: "I planted trees, and I said I wanted to observe the behavior patterns of the local people up close."


After getting acquainted with Guan Zhongyun, Chen Mu finally knew why he was a grand slam best actor. With such efforts... there is no one else.

Without talking to Yuanyuan, Chen Mu stepped into the living area.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw the back of the Uighur girl, and was about to greet her and hand over the water in her hand, but unexpectedly, he heard Anarguli say: "Doctor Chen, what is your relationship with Chen Mu? Will you stay here forever?" Is it here?"

Chen Mu didn't see Chen Xiwen, he was probably in the kitchen, so he couldn't help but slow down.

Then, I heard Chen Xiwen's voice: "Chen Mu and I are friends now, well, I will stay here until the free clinic is over."

"Oh, that's right. If you go back to City X in the future, you can come and play with me. My unit is not far from your home."


"Yes, Dr. Chen, after I added WeChat with you last time, I found that several friends in the circle of friends knew you, so I asked them about it and learned a lot about you. They all said that you You have a fiancé, right?"

"Fiance? No, it's all nonsense. I'm single like you now."

"How do you know I'm single?"

"I also saw a few acquaintances in the circle of friends and asked about it."

"That's great, the world is so small."

"Yes, the world is really small."

Chen Mu felt that the two girls chatted so well, and it was not good for him to go there rashly, so after thinking about it, he quietly withdrew and went back to the forest farm to plant trees with the villagers.

After having lunch, Anargul drove away quickly.

During lunch, the Uighur girl and the female doctor chatted amicably and exchanged some personal information.

Yuanyuan and Ma Yili were listening quietly, Ma Yili was still doing well, and the little chubby girl kept smiling, as if something was particularly interesting to her.

Only Chen Mu and the old Uighurs were honestly eating at the table. They started working early in the morning and kept working non-stop. They were really hungry and tired.

After the Uighur girl left, Yuanyuan teased Chen Mu in a teasing way: "That's right, young man, keep working hard."

Chen Mu didn't understand what the little chubby girl meant, anyway, she had been acting a little weird, so he ignored it.

At night, Anargul suddenly called again: "Chen Mu, I want to go to your place immediately, and discuss something with you."

Chen Mu was taking a bath when he was suddenly called out of the bathroom with soap bubbles on his head: "What's the matter with you? Can't you talk on the phone?"

"No, I'm going to go and talk face to face, and then settle some things."

"What's the matter? Can you make it clearer?"

"Let's meet and talk."

"No, you..."

"Beep beep..."

Chen Mu was quite speechless, holding the phone that had been hung up, a little dazed.

He just returned to City X, and he said he was going to come here in a hurry. What is going on

Yuanyuan stood aside and looked at Chen Mu's naked upper body, and said quietly: "Oh, I didn't see it, this figure is really good!"

Chen Mu turned his head and took a look, seeing clearly the little chubby girl's eyes that were a little too bright. He couldn't help but feel a chill down his back. He flinched quickly, and then trotted all the way back to the bathroom.