I Run a Gas Station in the Northwest

Chapter 1201: Nosedive


No matter how the Korean language is fooled outside, how many people will be tricked in the end, these have nothing to do with Chen Mu.

Chen Mu also gossips daily and secretly watches the development of the situation on the screen of his mobile phone, that's all.

After eating melons like this for several days in a row, I even saw the news that Professor Monet Garcia arrived in Xiaguo. Not only did he introduce the detailed process of the great god visiting the base with pictures and texts, but also the video flowed out, which made the matter again. Hype to a new height.

I have to say that in these pictures and videos, the base Han Wen arrived at is really decent.

Tens of thousands of acres of land have been transformed with the technical support of sand binders, and will soon become fertile fields.

There is also a comparison chart between the past and the present. In the past, the desert was full of undulating sand dunes, and now the flat land is about to become fertile land.

Professor Monet Garcia looked at the governed land and repeatedly exclaimed, saying that the technology of the sand binder is really a miracle, and that the Xia people are really smart.

This overwhelming publicity is very exciting, making people feel that the complete transformation of the desert is just around the corner.

Looking at these news, Chen Mu felt somewhat rejoiced.

If my mother-in-law had also accepted the invitation to go to the base where Han Wen arrived, she would probably have become like this and become the protagonist of the hype.

Han Wen will use every opportunity to promote and make things bigger.

After that, he can use this to tell stories in the capital circle, and then fool around with money.

After that, no matter how you operate the Korean language, the one who suffers is my own mother-in-law, who ruined her reputation for some money.

This is different from Professor Monet Garcia, who can pat his butt and return to the United States afterwards, and continue to be his university student, regardless of whether you leave a piece of feathers on Xia Guo.

After a few more days, Chen Mu, who was eating melons, suddenly became a little unhappy, because there was a voice on the Internet that he didn't want to see.

Apparently because someone was intentionally manipulating it, many people on the Internet began to discuss the hardships in the process of developing the sand binder project from Hangeul.

For example, how much time has been spent, how many setbacks have been experienced, how many times of fund shortages, personnel losses... All in all, it is the Korean language that is not afraid of difficulties and obstacles, and finally made the sand binder.

After achieving results, it is not easy to remain the same.

In order to promote his own research results, Han Wen went to domestic experts and scholars everywhere, hoping that they would provide opinions and suggestions, but was ruthlessly rejected.

Anyway, Han Wen has been cast as a lone hero, while domestic experts and scholars have been placed in the position of villains intentionally or unintentionally.

As insiders broke the news, the names of several experts and scholars were revealed.

Among them, the name of the Uighur girl is impressively in the list given by the whistleblower.

Although the spread of this so-called breaking news list on the Internet is very low, it is clear that the wind has begun to blow.

Chen Mu is now following news related to this matter every day, so he discovered this very keenly.

"You have to help me keep an eye on this matter. If it really becomes a big problem, your public relations company can't be idle."

Chen Mu immediately called Li Chen from Tuofang Public Relations Company to draw his attention.

The reputation of the Uighur girl is directly related to the external image of Muya Forestry and Muya Pharmaceuticals. It is impossible for Chen Mu to watch her be discredited.

In fact, Li Chen didn't pay attention to the news in this area. Hearing what Chen Mu said, he immediately understood the whole story, and then said: "I will pay attention, and I will try to communicate with the other side, so that they pay attention not to hype. .”

After several contacts before, Chen Mu quite trusted Li Chen's ability, and he was at ease when the matter was handed over to Li Chen, so he had no objection.

But a few days later, another thing happened that caught him off guard.

Han Wen went to the official website of the base over there, and actually posted an announcement, saying that the failure to contact Academician Anar was purely due to differences in academic opinions between the two parties, and there was no so-called suppression on the Internet. Now the Muya Research Institute has contacted them and negotiated, hoping that they will calm down the incident, so they specially issued an announcement, please don't spread rumors.

This announcement seems to want to solve the problem, but any discerning person can see that it is not the case.

This is equivalent to pouring oil into the fire, saying that you want to put out the fire, but in fact it is to let the fire burn completely.

Li Chen called at the first time: "Mr. Chen, I'm sorry, I didn't expect them to be like this... We just communicated with them normally. I thought the communication with them was pretty good, but I didn't expect them to send a message. Such an announcement…”

Chen Mu also understood that Li Chen communicated with the other party and wanted to solve the problem, but in the end he was put on the same footing.

He could tell that Li Chen seemed to be really angry, he gave a blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah forestry.

"It's okay, I knew it would be like this, but I didn't expect Korean to be so small-minded."

Although Chen Mu was upset, he didn't go for Li Chen. Li Chen was there to help solve the problem. As for what Han Wen wanted to do there, no one could control it.

The name of my own mother-in-law appeared on that list before, and it can be seen that Hanwen wants to take revenge on the hype he created.

I originally wanted to solve it properly, but it seems that people are not willing.

"Mr. Chen, don't worry, Billiton takes this matter very seriously and will definitely use all the resources at hand to solve it."

Li Chen repeatedly assured Chen Mu on the phone, just like signing a military order.

A few days later, the matter of the announcement continued to ferment.

Some people have started to scold on the Internet, scolding the so-called experts and scholars, mainly Uyghur girls, for being jealous of their talents and suppressing their peers.

Among them, there are also some conspiracy theorists who vowed to make speeches, analyzing why Uighur girls want to suppress Han Wendao.

It is said that the sand binder project arrived in Korean can perfectly transform the desert, while other scholars and experts, especially Uighur girls, their research fields are related to desertification control. Once the sand binder arrived in Korean is popularized , there is nothing wrong with them, so in order to ensure their academic status and vested interests, they are naturally hostile to the Korean language and the sand glue of the Korean language.

Afterwards, some people speciously talked about a lot of state investment and subsidies for desertification control. After all, they wanted to explain how much money the Uighur girls and those experts and scholars who suppressed Korean language can get from the state every year. If there is no With this money, how much loss will they have.

Anyway, from the point of view of conspiracy theory, we analyzed the real reason why Hangeul was suppressed in a roundabout way.