I Run a Gas Station in the Northwest

Chapter 16: familiar here


Yakashi Village is a small village with not many people, only about 200 people.

The harsh environment in the desert has led to poverty here. More than half of the young people in the village have to go out to work, leaving only a few old, young, women and children left behind to look after their homes. day.

Therefore, the village appears old and dilapidated, like an ancient relic that is about to be submerged in the dust of the desert.

The center of the village is where the big well is located. Everyone washes, cooks, and drinks water around this place. Its position is extremely important.

The original underground waterway has been intermittent, and it won't take long for it to be completely disconnected. Fortunately, Chen Mu used his black technology map to connect it, so that it can continue to be used. Otherwise, it won't be long before the people in the village will be helpless due to lack of water. Migration, this small village will really be submerged in dust.

They walked through the village, saw the well, and saw the surrounding houses and layout.

It has to be said that the Uighurs in Yakash Village still retain many traditions and customs of their ancestors, and the architectural style has a unique and exotic beauty, which feasts the eyes of the three tourists.

Chen Mu had already been to Yakashi Village as a guest, and he had already seen everything he needed to see, so he didn't think much of it. At this time, he just tried his best to use his brains, spread out the little things he knew about the village, and introduced them one by one.

"The well you see is said to have been dug in the Qing Dynasty. It is of great archaeological value. The stones around the well's mouth are engraved with the word 'Karez', but it is in Uyghur."

"The materials used to build the houses here are all local yellow clay and mud. They have to be dug in the Gobi Desert one mile away, transported back with camels or donkeys, and then processed."

"Every household in the village will basically plant auspicious trees, that is, mulberry trees. When the weather is good, sitting under the mulberry trees and looking up at the sky is really indescribably relaxing and comfortable."

"Uighurs have a custom that when a boy reaches a certain age, the elders in the family will push him hard. If he can stand upright, it means he can get married..."

Tour guide Chen is dedicated to his duty, and a dilapidated small village also allows him to blow out some cultural heritage. This is the rhetoric he thought up last night. Anyway, if the hardware is insufficient, he relies on the software. What about history, feelings, and personal insights? You can say anything like that, as long as it makes sense.

Of course, Tour Guide Chen also thought about it last night. The most important thing is not to blow it too bluntly, but to use local materials. Otherwise, the three of them are masters who like to run outdoors. They are rich and knowledgeable. It's easy to feel disgusted when you hear too embarrassing nonsense, which is not beautiful.

Fortunately, Tour Guide Chen's introduction seemed disappointing. The three tourists listened with gusto along the way and asked some small questions from time to time, forming a very good question-and-answer interactive teaching mode.

After a while, the group arrived at the home of the old Uighur and Aunt Guli.

"Honey, we're coming back."

The Uighur old man jumped off his donkey and hurried home, trying to remind his wife that the guest was coming, and as the host, he should hurry out to greet him.

Tour guide Chen understood the meaning of the old Uighurs, so he was not in a hurry to enter the door. After getting off the camel, he continued to show off to the three tourists: "It is said that when Uyghur men reach the age of marriage, the elders of the family will ride horses. Go to the homes of those who have school-age girls. What do they look at? Look at the gates of these people. Look here, this is called a door bell, and it can be made of iron or copper. The horseman The elders also hold their own horse whips in their hands. If the family is rich, they use copper horse whips, and if the family is not rich, they use wooden horse whips. In this way, they will knock on the door to ask about marriage only when they see the same level of family status. Don't knock on the door to make fun of yourself, this is a bit of what our Xia people say is right."

"Well, take a look, what is the door bell of our Uncle Aizmaiti's house made of?"

Tour guide Chen bought it deliberately, and boldly raised the sheepskin water bag and took a sip for himself.

Listening to Tour Guide Chen's words, the three tourists raised their heads and observed the door bell on the gate. Li Yihan couldn't help but raised the camera, and quickly "clicked" twice.

"The door bell of Uncle's house is made of iron."

Tour guide Chen finished the test very comfortably, and continued: "Actually, what I just said is a legend, and I don't know if it is true or not, and I don't know whether every family still chooses their in-laws like this, but you can look at it from this angle. Mendang, look at the mulberry tree in the yard again, do you think it is very beautiful and comfortable to look at? Right, this is it, it is still very beautiful to look at this way, so no matter how poor life becomes, you must live It has a sense of beauty, and I believe this is the taste of life of the Uighurs."

Tour guide Chen is pure nonsense. The "blind date" is similar to the fact that there must be a piece of blue cloud stone in other tourist attractions.

Regardless of whether it is true or false, it must be related to a historical celebrity anyway, and then the tour guide is full of tongue, fooling around and making up stories.

After a while, the old Uighurs led Aunt Guli out, along with their daughter-in-law and grandchildren.

"Xiao Mu, you finally came to see Auntie again, Auntie misses you so much."

Aunt Gu Li's chubby figure was very amiable, and she greeted Chen Mu as soon as she came, just like seeing her own child.

Chen Mu also likes this foreign mother who has been taking special care of herself. She folded her hands flat on her chest in Uyghur etiquette, nodded and bowed, and then said "Salamu" before walking forward and pulling fat The aunt's hand said: "Aunt Guli, thank you for asking Uncle Aizmaiti to bring me the naan and jam. It's really delicious. No, I also shared them with my friends. After eating them, it's not enough. , so I can only come to find you."

While speaking, he greeted the daughter-in-law of the old Uighur man next to him, calling him "sister-in-law".

"Just come, don't worry, Reyhan and I have already prepared, you can eat as much as you like today, and you can eat enough with pilaf and naan."

Aunt Gu Li held Chen Mu's hand tightly, and said happily, then she seemed to think of Chen Mu's dead parents again, hugged Chen Mu a little distressed, and said in a low voice: "Poor child .”

Chen Mu also hugged the foreign mother, and then introduced to the topic: "Aunt Guli, these three are my friends, and I'm here as your guest today."

After Cheng Zijun and his three got off the camel, they kept silently watching the communication between Chen Mu and the old Uighur family.

Although they knew that Chen Mu was familiar with this area, they never expected him to have such a close relationship with the Uighur families here.

Seeing the attitude of the old Uyghur family towards Chen Mu, they suddenly had a very deep impression in their hearts, that is, there may be no other Xia people here who are more familiar with everything here than this kid.