I Run a Gas Station in the Northwest

Chapter 17: Good night


"You are welcome to visit us."

Aunt Guli looked at the three tourists and welcomed them with a smile: "Since you are Xiaomu's friends, you are the most honored guests in our family, please come in."

The three of Cheng Zijun saluted imitatively, said "Salamu", and followed Aunt Guli into the yard.

Chen Mu and the old Uighurs walked last.

The old Uighurs wanted to arrange for Jiansuoer to unload the tourists’ modest salutes and take them into the yard, then let Jiansuoer pull the camels away and come back tomorrow morning.

Chen Mu took out the candies and chocolates he had prepared long ago, and teased the grandchildren of the old Uighurs.

The Uighur old man and Aunt Guli originally had two sons. It is said that one died of illness, and the remaining one married a wife and had children, and then went to work in a coastal city, leaving his wife and children at home.

Although Chen Mu had met these two little guys before, they were still a little timid when they saw Chen Mu. Under Chen Mu's incomparably powerful candy offensive, they were finally subdued after a while, and they were very affectionate with each other.

After entering the yard, the three tourists wandered around, looking at this and that, curious everywhere.

Aunt Gu Li stood in front of the house and watched with a smile, and asked Chen Mu when no one was paying attention: "Xiao Mu, our family's conditions are not very good, they don't think they don't like it?"

Chen Mu signaled the fat aunt to rest assured: "It's okay, they like this kind of environment."


The fat aunt didn't understand why the three young Xia people liked such an environment, so even after listening to Chen Mu's comfort, she still felt a little uneasy, but the smile on her face never faded.

Chen Mu was very calm, just teasing the child and letting the three of them toss.

The ground in the yard is paved with adobe bricks, the walls are made of yellow mud, and even the roof is made of hay and mud, or adobe bricks. Just a foot of mud.

Of course, it doesn't rain much here, so the yard is fairly tidy.

The conditions are such that the locals may feel that the conditions are ordinary or even poor, but the key is that Cheng Zijun and the others like the earthy smell in the yard, commonly known as the original ecology.

Look at the tall mulberry tree in the yard, look at the fresh green vines on the grape trellis, and look at the way the old hen leads the chicks in the yard swinging here and there... The sum of all these things is called the interest of life. Well, it has a strong atmosphere of life of the Uighur people. For these tourists who always talk about experiencing life, it is simply wonderful.

Cheng Zijun and Li Yi touched and looked around, and felt that everything was very interesting. Even the pattern on the wall of the house with some Uighur customs, they could look at it for a long time.

Li Yihan kept taking pictures with her camera, and even squatted down to take a few pictures of the old hen and the chicks. She didn't stop until the film in the camera ran out.

Tour guide Chen teased the children for a while, checked that the time was about the same, got up and greeted: "Everyone, it's almost time, Aunt Guli has prepared sanzi, various dried fruits, and hot milk tea for you, everyone can come and sit down Taste slowly."

The three of Cheng Zijun came over upon hearing this and sat down at the small table under the grape arbor.

Uyghurs have three urgencies when entertaining guests, which are "urgent to open the door, urgent to serve tea and urgent to fruit".

Aunt Guli and daughter-in-law Reyihan brought up food on plates one after another: "If you come here in summer, I will treat you with all kinds of fruits. Now there are only dried fruits. Try it."

The color of the sanzi is yellow and bright, and they are displayed in layers, which looks very appetizing.

The assortment of four kinds of dried raisins, dried apricots, dried dates and dried walnuts is also very ornamental.

Chen Mu was impolite, and took the initiative to tear up the sanzi, saying: "I am also considered a half-master, come on, I will do it first, and you are welcome too. These sanzi are very delicious. They are crispy and delicious when eaten dry, and they can be eaten with some milk tea." Instantly dissolve, you can eat whatever you want, but don’t eat too much, we will have dinner later, Aunt Guli and Sister-in-law Reyhan have prepared the most delicious pilaf, which must not be missed.”

The three of them, Cheng Zijun and the others, were in the mood of trying something new, and started to eat like a model.

Sanzi and dried fruits are very good, but these are only some special snacks, so that tourists can’t stop talking. You must know that they are all people who have eaten good food, so just taste it and experience it.

However, sitting under the grape trellis, drinking milk tea and chatting is very suitable for tourists. The three of them are very relaxed, and Lianzan Yakash Village is a good place.

Chen Mu chuckled, and didn't comment on what these guys said. This was obviously a kind of mentality that a full man doesn't know a hungry man is hungry, so he only thought about finding a suitable time to talk about money.

Of course, this matter cannot be discussed today. This is only the first day. The tourists haven’t played well yet, so we can wait until tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. It shouldn’t be a problem.

In the evening, it was finally time for dinner.

The host took out the most beautiful and clean tablecloth in the house and spread it neatly on the table.

This is the custom of the Uighurs. When the guests come, they should spread the table with the best tablecloth and entertain the guests with the best food.

Uyghur people's pilaf is not the kind made in ordinary shops. They start to boil mutton soup in the morning, and then use the boiled mutton soup with other fruit and vegetable ingredients to cook and stir the rice, which takes a lot of effort.

Anyway, for the Uighurs, eating pilaf is the best delicacy, so the guests should be entertained in the most solemn way, including serving the plate with one hand and holding the pot with the other, letting the guests wash their hands one by one, and handing over clean white towels Wipe your hands, this is the official pilaf.

The three of Cheng Zijun and the others had never eaten such a delicious hand-picked rice, so they couldn't stop eating it. Everyone ate a big plate full of it, which was very enjoyable.

The old Uighurs also specially prepared home-brewed fruit wine for everyone to drink, which can help digestion and relieve greasy.

In the end, Cheng Zijun and Li Yi were too drunk to walk, and Li Yihan was a little better.

When Chen Mu sent Cheng Zijun to the guest room, he took out a handful of banknotes, put them directly into Chen Mu's pocket, and then said with his thumb: "Dude, your introduction is really good... Uh, this trip... come By the way, the money, you take it... if it’s not enough, we’ll talk about it later.”

Back in the room, Tour Guide Chen counted the banknotes. There were more than 5,000. Now he was relieved that this trip would not be a loss no matter what.

The next day, Chen Mu woke up early because he couldn't sleep well because he was thinking about the itinerary.

After washing up, he walked into the yard, but unexpectedly found that Li Yihan had also woken up.

The girl was holding the camera, climbed to the roof of the second floor, and adjusted the focus in the direction of the rising sun.

The rays of the rising sun fell on her body, as if she had been covered with a layer of golden gauze, which was extremely beautiful.