I Run a Gas Station in the Northwest

Chapter 18: sand sea


Looking at the figure on the roof wearing a vest and shorts, Chen Mu felt his heart beating for no reason.

"It's been a long time since I've seen a beautiful woman in this poor place, I can't stand the temptation!"

Tour guide Chen felt that he was too unprofessional, but he didn't know how to look away, and continued to wander around him.

After taking photos for a while, Li Yihan suddenly turned her head and looked at Chen Mu below.

The two men's eyes met, and they were startled.

Tour guide Chen felt embarrassed about being caught and raped in bed, and Li Yihan also seemed a little helpless.

Tour guide Chen has a thick skin, coughed lightly, and asked nonchalantly, "You got up so early to take pictures."

Li Yihan blushed slightly, and explained: "I didn't take any photos, I just took photos of the rising sun."

So that's what happened!

Tour guide Chen understood what the girl said, and immediately lost the previous embarrassment, and instead became more confident.

Yesterday he declared with three tourists that it is not allowed to take pictures in the village without permission.

They lived in the home of the old Uighurs and Aunt Guli, and they were allowed to take photos in the yard.

But there are other families in the village, and they didn't get permission from those people outside, and shaking their cameras around would easily arouse the resentment of the villagers, so Tour Guide Chen repeated orders to prohibit them from doing so.

Li Yihan probably couldn't help it when he encountered a good material, so he sneaked out early in the morning to shoot, but unexpectedly bumped into the muzzle of Tour Guide Chen.

The plots of several Dongying emotional action movies flashed through the mind of Tour Guide Chen, such as a girl who was caught and humiliated in a high-priced supermarket, so exciting, so excited.

Of course, Tour Guide Chen is a cowardly person with a heart and no guts. It's okay to imagine it, but if it's realistic... He coughed lightly again, and said old-fashionedly: "Pay attention to the impact, let's forget it this time, don't make an exception."

Li Yihan was taken aback when she heard Tour Guide Chen's words, and then couldn't help but burst out laughing: "Understood, class tour guide, I will never take pictures again."

After finishing speaking, she walked down from the roof, as if she wanted to take care of the stern-faced Tour Guide Chen, and said, "Anyway, I've already finished taking pictures."

"Student Li, it seems that you still haven't fully realized your mistakes and made a deep introspection. Well, no, you can give me the camera quickly, and I will destroy the film immediately."

"No, what can you do?"

"I stole it."


"I'm really robbing."

"You grab it!"

"I… "

The two pretended to exchange a few words, and finally smiled at each other, no longer entangled in this matter.

After this, the relationship between the two of them seemed to have become a lot closer at once. They didn't understand how much closer they were, but they became more casual when chatting.

After a while, sister-in-law Reyihan also got up, and when she saw the two of them, she just nodded and smiled, and went straight into the kitchen to get busy.

Aunt Guli is getting older, and most of the family work has been handed over to her daughter-in-law. At the same time, she also handed over the power of housekeeper, so although Reyihan doesn't talk much, she is actually the one who talks about things in the family.

After chatting with Li Yihan for a while, Chen Mu found a spare moment and walked into the kitchen, and said to Reyhan who was preparing breakfast, "Sister-in-law, I have something to tell you."

Reyihan said while he was busy, "Xiaomu, if you have something to say, just say it."

Chen Mu took out two thousand from his pocket and handed it to Reyhan: "Sister-in-law, this is the money for their accommodation and meals here, you keep it."

Reyihan looked at the stack of banknotes in Chen Mu's hand, startled for a moment, then shook his head: "How can you collect money? Mom treats you like her own child. If you bring friends over, they will be our guests." , can’t collect money.”

Chen Mu shook his head and said: "Sister-in-law, you can accept it. I will try to recruit more people to travel here to see if I can open up the market. If this can be done, more and more people will come here in the future. You should accept this money."

After speaking, he directly put the money into Reyhan's hand, turned around and left.

Reyihan was stunned, then quickly counted the banknotes in his hand, and found that it was two thousand, he was shocked: "Why are there so many, Xiaomu, you..."

But Chen Mu had gone far away and couldn't hear her greeting.

Reyihan thought for a while, two thousand yuan is not a small number, usually the family and their two children can't spend a thousand a month, Chen Mu suddenly put two thousand in her hands, she really A little afraid to accept it.

So she decided to keep the money first, and hand it over to her mother-in-law later, and let her mother-in-law decide how to deal with it.

It was nine o'clock soon, and Cheng Zijun and Li Yiqian were still awake.

Chen Mu couldn't bear it anymore, and rushed into the room to wake people up.

These two people are people who "do not show up at three o'clock". If they are allowed to sleep, they will not get up and show up until three o'clock in the afternoon, so the wake-up operation must be enforced.

Then an hour later, they finally got on the camel again and started today's trip.

Their destination was to go to the north to see the sea of sand. After seeing the sea, they stayed in a small local village and returned on the third day. This was all the arrangements for Tour Guide Chen.

While walking, Chen Mu walked up to the Uighur old man and quietly slipped him more than a thousand dollars.

The more than 1,000 is the cost of renting camels, as well as the cost of accommodation and food at night after watching the sand sea.

"It's too much, Xiao Mu. It's enough to rent a camel for 50 miles. When you arrive at Baza Village, you can pay 200 yuan per person for board and lodging. I'll ask them to cook roast sheep for you. You pay too much. "

The Uighur old man wrung his fingers to settle accounts for Chen Mu, and Chen Mu nodded after hearing this: "Uncle Aizmaiti, you can keep the extra for yourself, you are welcome."

Last night Cheng Zijun gave more than 5,000 miles, Chen Mu kept 2,000 for himself to plant trees, and he took out the rest.

In his view, only by letting the Uighur elders know the benefits of this business can they pay attention to it in the future and achieve sustainable development.

A group of people walked for more than four hours from morning to afternoon, and finally arrived at the edge of the sandy sea.

After four hours of wandering on the camel's back, the three tourists were a little tired, and they became listless.

At the beginning, they felt that everything was fresh, but the scenery on the desert was almost the same, and they became numb after watching it, and they were completely aesthetically fatigued.

Finally seeing the tall sand dunes from a distance, Cheng Zijun couldn't help but let out a strange cry of excitement, and asked Jian Suoer to let go of the rope leading the camel, and drove the camel to trot over by himself.

Although Li Yiqian carried the camel a bit more than Cheng Zijun, he also laughed at the situation, and also drove the camel, and followed Cheng Zijun to the sand dunes.

Li Yihan was more reserved, and she didn't forget to pick up the camera and click it a few times. It seemed that she hadn't forgotten that she was the recorder at all times.

Although Chen Mu has been here for two months, this is the first time he gets close to the sea of sand. He was very excited when he saw the yellow patch from afar. He drove the camels to follow him, but he sounded like someone who came here. He shouted: "Be careful, don't rush in, and always remember safety first."